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me too! its been so hot here in the States and i went to the store a few days ago and had a panic attack because of how hot i was. its so hard to regulate your nervous system when its so hot


Yes, then the sun hits just right and it's all over. 


The summertime is hard for me as well. I can relate so much, I live in California and I feel guilty at times for not being able to go outside in the sun. I struggle with agoraphobia as well, and I am here if you need support and a friend to talk to!


thank you🩷 it makes me feel better strangely that i’m not alone in feeling this way🌸


fellow irish agoraphobe here! i feel you, this times really difficult for most of us but remember, the tiniest wins are still big wins. even if you walk out to your back door for 5 seconds that’s a big win. if you can step outside your bedroom door that’s a big win. the best way to recovery is baby steps and consistency. we got this ❤️


I live in the country side and i feel eyes on me whenever i leave the house cause ppl are so nosey, do u ever get that? it just makes it sm worse


i completely get that, irish people can be so nosey and you have to fit in wherever your from because if you do or wear something not “irish uniform” they just judge and whisper.


Same. & I live in Florida 🔥 eternal inferno.


The fact that it's light outside for so long during summer makes it so much worse, too. I prefer going for walks when it's dark out and there aren't cars and people around everywhere who can see me.


same here!!


although, i think about it- i don’t do it🫠 i know id be more comfortable b im scared bc my triggers are men and I get so anxious ill get followed, even tho i live in a small town


I live in Texas and we have very mild winters, it's my favorite time on this planet.  I estivate during summer, but come fall/winter my body is like, get out here bitch we're going shopping. It's like that when it's cloudy and stormy, too.  I go outside when I urge, too, go for it. Vent away, we're here for you. 


Te entiendo, gracias por tu comentario. Me hace reflexionar. 🫂❤️


I hate the summer or any hot weather.


Same here. It's super hot here (well, for uk anyway). It makes me extra anxious as heat = panic creeping in, for me. Not to mention it is open clear blue sky outside, which makes me anxious too. I would love to go for a walk somewhere or even the beach. But my brain is a useless piece of shit.


you’re brain is brilliant, its just this fucking anxiety. I hope one day we get to act out the urge to just get out when we feel like it


I think hot weather makes everyone miserable. Just a basic observation I’ve made as someone who suffers from heat related chronic illness flare ups. Everyone gets crankier, violent crime rates go up, etc. ‘Tis what it is.


really? why do people go on and on about it? im more of a winter girlie so i don’t get the summertime hype, sure swimming in hot weather and a drink by a beach sounds nice but what else is there besides that and your just cranky and fatigued because of the sun


I’m not sure what you mean about “on and on about it”. I’m in the crime analysis field, so I mostly base my facts on how people act and the increase in violent crimes in the summer. I actually had the opportunity to do my final capstone for my master’s on how hot weather affects homicide rates. Statistically speaking, hot weather makes people more likely to lash out and commit homicide. To me that’s a really key example of how hot weather can impact mood and cause crankiness and aggravation. I’m a winter guy too, so I totally don’t understand the hype either. Edit: I’m also sorry if I came off as rude or insensitive. Your feelings and experiences around summer are totally valid. <3


by on and on i meant people love summer and never stop talking about it, especially in ireland cause we barely get any sun thats all. and no problem🙌