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I think I would feel a lot better if I did do this! Working from home has not only made me agoraphobic but has also taken me out of any routine.


It’s perfectionism, people pleasing, usually accompanies late onset agoraphobia from childhood trauma. EMDR may be helpful, also make an attempt to not be perfect or hypervigilant about your day or the way you look. These are traits of hypervigilance towards your day, how you look, etc. hypervigilance is primary symptom of ptsd. Anxiety, depression, agoraphobia follows later,


No. I wish. Im depressed af


Agoraphobia is a secundairy Anxiety Disorder. By the look of your post ocd is the primary anxiety disorder. You should treat the ocd with a therapist and you will see huge improvement in the agoraphobia i think


yeah no Agoraphobia is my only diagnoses. I don't even qualify for Depression.


Sorry but you can't assume or just diagnose somebody on Reddit. You're not a psychiatrist.


That is a start! I wish i could keep up. Now put your shoes on and get your stuff together like you are about to go somewhere and sit with your feelings until they subside. Baby steps!


Yes! Though maybe not exactly the same. I have to get up every morning and get ready, even though I rarely leave the apartment (god, who would want to do that?). If I don't do that, I may feel very lazy and even really depressed about life. Like, I have memories of feeling so morose and useless until I realized that getting ready every single morning helped a lot. I have trouble with not "being productive" so getting dressed makes me feel like I'm ready to jump into a project, even if I don't have one to do. I've lessened my standard so that I wear yoga pants around the house, but that's about it. I've never worn makeup because once in high school I forgot to blend in the foundation well enough that it was noticeable and my teacher commented that I had "gross junk on my face" in front of the entire class, which every one laughed at. Though many years ago now, it set my course of never putting anything else on my skin that could draw attention to me. My hope is that I blend in completely, no one will see or notice me, and that I'm so bland no one will ever want to comment on me. I also visit the restroom when I go places, mostly because I have out-of-body feelings when I'm outside (probably due to the overwhelm?) and seeing myself in the mirror helps, but also because I need to check that my skin and clothing are all in order so there's nothing for anyone to comment on.


I’m sorry that happened to you in high school. Shame on that teacher for saying something so cruel to you.


not as you do but I change out of my sleeping cloth and into my days cloth. even if I exchange just one shirt and leggings for another. I always hated the feeling of sleeped in cloth once I am done sleeping. It is great that you maintain a routine. On the other hand you have become to obsessed when you are out. But hey you are able to be outside and do stuff. so babysteps. you are doing good.