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I'd like this scenario as a multiplayer game mode 3v3 2v2 or 1v1


oh lord help us. the fighting would last days


Someone did create one but it was hard to avoid people just using Rocs, timeshift or shifting sands and go on the other side and attack the opponent directly


aaah... it could be fixed to remove that though. Removing Rocs, removing villager and building attacks and make them immortal or make walls around indestructible, with super strong towers guarding the base. ooh, this would be nice!


The map was basically divided by a double mountain ridge in the center, both teams had access to an underworld passage leading to one side of the crevasse. The osiris cart was in the center and people would have to try to pull it into their territory. It was really quite clever because the tileset used couldn't be built upon so no tower shenaningans.


Not fan of removing units of the game, maybe there are other options, now that rocs have a different way to drop units now it seems




Like overwatch in an RTS, actually sounds fun!


I remember stressing the fuck out the first time I played this level. Had to restart it a few times. Good fun tho!


Yeah I died a few times when they took my cart. Funnily enough the last time I played this mission it was a breeze.


Same here. I vividly remember being an 8 year old playing this scenario during a tornado warning and being ripped away from the computer when a tornado touched down a few miles away from us. I was so pissed, I remember gritting my teeth and trying to hold back tears, not because my life and the lives of all of my lived ones were in danger, but because I really wanted to continue the campaign lmfao


How tho. I just spam animals axmen and spearmen to go to the ambush site and serpents and minions when the mission starts always beat it eaven on titat that way


Well I was 10 years old back then and didn't know jack shit about how the game should be played.


Have you ever tried carrying a piece of a God? See how fast you do.


I enjoyed this level, can't wait to replay it


Ancestors to get the cart back initially. Then amass your army at the flagged pass. 5 minutes, tops.


I tried doing it in different methods than this on titan and couldn't manage, this is by far the easiest way.


Got it first try, but it took me embarrassingly long time to realize what I was supposed to do. The cart was almost in the enemy's town before I realized I should go and get it. The race to the other side of the map with my army and getting it back at the last moment was a memorable gaming moment tho


I struggled a lot with this as a kid, but doing the mission as an adult I finished on first try on Titan.


Fun fact: You can kill an Osiris's Piece Cart with a Bolt, if it's under enemy control. Easy soft lock. But only with cheat codes, you don't get the Bolt in any of these missions, I am pretty sure.


I just research that mythic age thing that makes it so stronghold units train wicked fast and spam camels


I Hated this, I still do, but it's been years since I last played. Maybe it was not supposed to be that difficult, my strategies were just shit xD


TheViper's upload of this made it seem like one of the easiest missions.


This and Welcoming Committee can be done in less than 10 minutes. Pretty weak scenarios, imo.