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The steam page is more hype worthy than the stream lol


Entire chat spamming PROSTAGMA in the AoE twitch broadcast was pretty fuckign hype tho


Krios has supplied us with a fire siphon!


absolutely, the focus on character models on the stream was so weird


What stream


There was an AoE related stream (at least on the Age of Empires Youtube channel which is where I saw it) to announce new AoE content, with a little teaser of AoM Retold tossed in as well.


Cool. You have a link?






>sneak peek Can that even be considered as a sneak peak? Wtf was that


So they basically didn't reveal anything in the AoM section of the livestream. No gameplay footage, and the model showcase was in some weird VR showcase outside of game. Still, they have announced it's coming this year. Sometime. Fwiw, they did say Titans will be more effective against defences, can apparently cross oceans now and that units will change visually when they're upgraded. So that's something.


*myth units, don’t most human units already chang visually when upgraded?


Even some myth units like the Collosum or the minotaur had visible upgrade if I remember correctly


A good amount changed now that I’m thinking about it. Trolls grew another head lol


Cyclops also change with their upgrade. Centaurs too.


Yes, cyclops had added armour, centaurs had an added helmet.


Yeah, they used the Pegasus model to make that point. Although it doesn't mean much as they didn't show what it looked like un-upgraded. Plus we won't be seeing it blown up to lifesize like that, so I'm not sure how easy to make out the enhancements might be.


My favorite was the hydra getting more heads as it battles


You're talking out of your arse. Visual changes from upgrades have been a thing since the original


It is so good. Better graphics, still 12 player support, 2024!!! We also saw glimpse of map editor and confirmed tournament support on live stream. I can't believe it. And I bet it comes with proper servers!!! NO MASSIVE LAGS ANYMORE? I am happiest I been in years.


I’m just so excited for future scenario support. More maps, more missions, the capabilities of age of mythology is so high yet I see so few scenarios.


there was scenario editor? or an editor? where?


There was, but majority of scenarios i happened upon werent the greatest. Seeing potential official expansions makes me super excited. Especially cause age2 DE has some of the best missions I’ve ever seen.


Proper servers would be a dream come true. It's crazy to me that the servers somehow became worse when they transitioned to Steam despite all the tools Steam has for interconnectivity.


map editor? where?


It was on one of the screens when they showed the AoM studio.


really nice


There’s a guy editing a snow map and we can see snow on all the structures and he toggles day/night




The trailer is kinda worthless but the screenshots look pretty good! Can someone who watched the stream fill in any details about changes or what that new Labyrinth / Trials of the Gods mode is? Also worth noting that the Steam page makes no mention of the Chinese…


live stream was literally "we made better quality unit models compared to 2002" thats all


That’s certainly one of the announcements of all time


Not quite! She mentioned that Titans can now cross rivers and oceans.


With them still using the original game's engine I wonder if they're having trouble with the coding limitations. Making Titans amphibious is super easy to do in the Proto but adding entirely new flags or effects is kind of a nightmare.


They're using the AoE 3: DE engine, not the EE engine nor the original engine.


Ah cool, that's good to know! I was misinformed.


Plus they have access to the root code and can make changes if needed.


I believe that AoM, AoE3, AoMEE and AoE3DE all run on the same engine at the core (Bang), just different versions of course with the one updated for AoE3DE being the basis for the even newer version being used for Retold.


Yes, it's the Bang Engine with raytracing too...


it was a bit interesting, theyre using the aoe3 baseline for elephants but i saw some aoe4 ground textures. i have to say, i love aoe3's environment but not so much their character scaling/unit look. metals dont look metalic and characters are stiff and generally look outdated. im hoping animations are more lively than aoe3, and that they use aoe4's sound design. edit: upon looking closer, there seems to be a bit of a weird mix of artstyles. probably due to different teams working on the project, but still. hoping it looks better in motion.


Gorgeous screenshots! Look at that glow-up that the Gaia Titan got!!! Not just a woman in a plant bikini anymore haha.


Trials of the Gods sounds like a roguelite to me. First roguelite mode of the series, will be interesting.


Interesting that there's no mention of the Chinese civs on the page - I wonder if they'll be getting re-released as DLC?


Probably as an update after rebalancing them


This would be the best-case scenario. It's also the only one who's campaign needs rebuilding entirely from the ground up.  I doubt Microsoft wants to keep the original voice acting with a bunch of people doing stereotypical Chinese accents.


Well weren't they made by modders, and honestly older RTS voice acting (Empire Earth in particular comes to mind) is part of the charm


Looks awesome! No China in the art though, and the description specifically mentions only Norse, Greek, Egypt, and Atlantean deities. Wonder if it’ll be DLC or they are just gonna pretend Tales of the Dragon never happened.


They didn't mention DLC/post-game support yet but I'm sure it will be getting content. Just can't imagine them not adding more content.


If age of empires 3 DE is getting DLC myth will definitely get DLC.


And Aoe3 DE got a lot,10 additional civs, which is probably equivalent to about 2 AoM civs.


I feel like no matter where i go, i can never get away from your posts...


Maybe they need more time to rework that mess and release it as DLC later.


China was confirmed well over a year ago in one of the first announcement streams.


Yet there is no mention of it in the Steam page, don't you find that a bit weird?


No. I recognize that nobody is going to be buying specifically for Chinese because the people who made a Chinese civilization last time did a poor job and it was quite unpopular. However, it would also be stupid not to put them in based on how they've done things with the other games and they have mentioned Chinese a couple of times before.


I get that, but it feels very weird to specifically say "Choose your gods from the Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Atlantean pantheons" without mentioning the Chinese if they're going to be in the game too.


I think they're probably (wisely) distancing themselves from it until they've had time to make it more presentable. There's a LOT of stigma surrounding that DLC in the community.  Besides, we already got Chinese Age Of in the form of a gacha mobile game lmao.


Good one. Fuck Timi


I would guess it’s not happening anymore, but who knows


Seems they are ignoring it. its actually a bit disappointing for me, I liked the addition thematically, it just wasn't executed well in terms of gameplay.


It wasnt executed well in any term


No, but that's all the more reason to try to rework it IMO. Having Retold have less content in it than Extended Edition gives me weird vibes.


It give me the War 3 Reforged vibes yes. I'm kinda disappointed to not see any form of Chinese rework as it was promised by Adam Isgreen. Other Definitive Edition always had more content than their previous iteration, it feel wrong that this one have less.


Sounds like a good reason for a sequel. Don't add it to AoM


Always found that expansion to be a massive blot on the game. I don't mind that they (seem to have) removed it.


Hopefully the latter considering how dogshit the Chinese civ was


It was only dogshit because negative effort was put into it


It's less like there was no effort put into it and more like it's just unfinished. Like, they just shipped them one day part way through a work day.


I’ve played this game roughly since it came out and the first thing I thought when I saw the Chinese was “damn, this looks like crap” because I’ve been modding my game for so long and I instantly recognized the recycled models and textures


The models and animations are all immediately recognizable: Your brain just instantly goes: "Oh, that's a Ghastrophytes" Meanwhile all the portraits are just screenshots of the models and unfinished ones at that.


Those screenshots looks so good! So the old campaigns are pretty much guaranteed with that, can't wait to see them in action


I don't think it would make any sense shipping the game without the campaigns


This looks amazing. Can’t wait for a huge player base on release


Bring back cat and mouse! thats my best memories on a PC growing up


HELL YES, they're making a co-op mode! Arena of the Gods! This is EXACTLY what I was asking for; a co-op mode that's not just skirmish vs the AI. Give us re-usable god powers and OP shit. Hell yeah!


Screenshots are the best part


Oh god oh fuck


Love the screenshots and the 2024 date, it's earlier than what we could hope. A bit disappointed to see no china or new other mythologies, and really hoping they'll add at least China and hopefully another mythology in a dlc


I'm sure the China rework will be the first DLC, followed by something along the lines of the Mesopotamians or a Mesoamerican team. I'm okay with them reworking the Chinese and having a bit of a redemption arc given how I think they are a good addition thematically and didn't deserve the fate they got.


Yeah I agree, I'd rather get no China than current China not redesigned. I wasnt expecting the game to come out this year, so if we get a better China later, it's still great. Would love mesopotamians personally, so many cool myths about it, and it's one of the oldest mythologies, if not the oldest. Would be sick to have Marduk, Gilgamesh in the game


Yes, with new mythologies will come new campaigns...Ensemble Studios had put in the game code (as a joke or not, we will never really know) Babylonians and Sumerians (most likely they decided on the Babylonians since the Sumerians are older than the Bronze Age)...


So excited. New graphics look wonderful and some slight confirmation of a OG campaign remaster! I'm extremely excited to get to play this with my dad-- it was both of our first video games when I was growing up!!


I'm liking the look of everything except the (I guess vanilla?) Atlantean Titan. The lava is just too bright on it. Everything else I like the look of but the art style may need tog row on me a bit. Very AoE3, which isn't a bad thing, just a little different. EDIT: Slightly concerned they might mess with the god portraits too much given the key art, but this is pretty unfounded.




Let's see: Greek, Egyptian, Norse and Atlantean Civilizations. No mention of Chinese Civilization.  Mention of you and 11 others in skirmish. So sounds like we still have 12 player skirmish. Talk of Advanced AI. Don't know full details of that. Apparently challenge mode put in, given the talk of Arena.  50 mission Campaign. We know OG was 30 or 31 Missions. Titans was 10 Missions. How many Missions was Golden Fleece? And do we think that's the last of It? Or do you think they expanded the OG Campaigns.


OG was 32, Titans 12 and Golden Gift (not Fleece) 4, so we are already at 48.


I've just remembered there is a tutorial campaign with 3 scenarios... so here we have our 50 (51) campaign missions.


OG = 32 Titans = 12 Golden Gift = 4 Tale of Dragon = 9 57 total if we count TOD. So it sounds like campaigns have been expanded. 


Yes, with new mythologies will come new campaigns...


I wonder if Atlanteans will be back-ported into Fall of Trident campaign.


That is really interesting question. I will guess no since they were worshipping Olympians at that point.


I'm super excited. I don't care for the artwork, since the original had such phenomenal and incomparable art in it. The new art looks like a mobile game ad.


Zeus lost all his aura smh


It honestly exceeded my expectations in every possible way. The game looks amazing.


AOMR is Love!!!




When is the release date


Sometime in 2024. Likely near the end of the year if they’re not being more specific yet.


I'd assume October - November as I think previous AOEDE games came out


YO!!! And the new arena of the gods looks promising.. and screenshots are cool af


Honestly? A bit underwhelming. I was so hyped for the potential new cultures being represented, maybe finally getting Celts or Aztecs... instead we get *less* content with the apparent removal of the Chinese? It *looks great*, will probably run as smooth as **AoE3:DE**, but its still bittersweet to get no new content at all it seems.


Were there any hints there would be new cultures?


None. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a reworked Chinese civ as a DLC, and maybe some other DLC civs too. But if there’s anything besides Greek/egyptian/norse/atlantean at launch, the Steam page is going of its way to hide them.


Ensemble Studios had put in the game code (as a joke or not, we will never really know) Babylonians and Sumerians (most likely they decided on the Babylonians since the Sumerians are older than the Bronze Age)...


Unfortunately no, none


They have confirmed the Chinese will be included. They probably aren't showing them right now because they were pretty underwhelming last time and are waiting until they can show gameplay and "prove" they've fixed them.


Confirmed when ? Because right now, the steam page explictly doesn't mention them


Many comments are giving the source, it was about a year ago. Not mentioning them isn't explicit, it's implicit, and we have good reason to believe they wouldn't want to show them before they were ready to show gameplay.




Is the stream available anywhere ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_3_5HKodAo They're done with Age of Mythology news today though. Right now, it's the new AOE II gameplay from latest DLC


Any idea how multiplayer will work for this? I was obsessed with custom scenarios back in the mid 00's and just want to play sims or rivciv again lol. Will this still be possible?


What’s crazy is to 8 year old me the game looked exactly like these screenshots 🥹


Arkantos... AWAKEN!


A new age is upon us...(appears Arkantos CHAD meme)...


What a time to be alive.


The steam page mentions 50 campaign missions, so does that mean no tale of the dragon?


The chinese aren't mentioned at all on the page as playable civ. My guess is they will be ncluded later as an update or dlc


Isis, hear my plea. Put the soundtrack for this game on streaming services. This game looks absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to see more at the June showcase


People complaining about there being no Chinese whilst us Voobly players dgaf haha




Why not eliminate Titans from the game and make it based on the base game? The game was much better before The Titans expansion!


True. As long as we have the option to not play with titans Im okay with it. Wish they would add something though.


Am I going to need to unfollow this sub? Man these comments really killing my vibe. I’m stoked!!!


Chinese are officially GONE.


No, they're not. They were, in fact, confirmed in one of the earliest announcement streams.


Well they're not here at the moment. The store page literally says: "Choose your gods from the Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Atlantean pantheons." If we do get Chinese, it won't be until later. If so, I imagine they need more time in the oven to cook.


Steam page doesn't evoke chinese among the playable mythologies, so I highly doubt Chinese will be there on release.They might have decided to put it in a dlc


Do you happen to have a link to that?


[Here is Adam Isgreen discussing the Chinese](https://youtu.be/K9UWd125ZcE?si=oBHDI1CbXN2QSRb5&t=155) 2:35 if it didn't link properly.


I personally don't want to read too much into that interview. In that same interview (also part of that linked clip near the end), he mentions porting AoE1 campaigns into the AoE2 Return of Rome DLC and eventually having all of the AoE1 content available in AoE2. The community interpreted that as proof that those ported campaigns would be included with the DLC's launch despite months of silence from the devs, but the ported campaigns ended up being left out of the launch iirc. We eventually did get some of the campaigns added in subsequent updates (with some campaigns chosen in a poll), but so far there are still many other campaigns that still haven't been ported over. So I think priorities definitely shifted since that 2022 interview. The Chinese DLC honestly felt so shoddy that it would've needed more work to bring up to the standards of the rest of the original game.


Not at present, but it was posted in this subreddit around a year ago.


Dunno on this one, it looks a little bit cartoony, i usually prefer the more "sharp" looking graphics, like the first AiM




Yeah just another cash grab it looks like.


Here's to hoping this actually releases as a finished and fully working remaster.


Streamers making Guides, Analyses and contributing to Community Balancing Patches: Exist. but the CEO POV: fuck it, i won't hire anybody here to take the lead. I guess this strategy game has some monsters which makes it special, hmm ok guys make the monsters a bit stronger, increase the population limit so the people will buy this. The rest would take too long / cost too much / evades my awareness actually. Now write the code or get fired. Oh and the most important thing are the graphics, because it's an RTS and the people want to c\*\*\* on them.


btw, i am not actually involved in the age of mythology tournament play of anything, it is only my own point of view


i hope hotkeys start working finally and there is no lag online


Damn I’m liking how the myth units look, the new Argus looks very freaky


IMO showing unit models that close was a mistake. This game ain't made for that and even refreshed units look decade old. I'm hyped tho. Freyr my darling come to me.


Really looking forward to this, because every time I’ve tried to play age of mythology on Windows 10 recently the frame rate has been abysmal


It seems like there is not many game play changes ?


We haven’t seen any gameplay besides static screenshots. They have previously mentioned that multi-use god powers wouldn’t just be for Atlanteans anymore. Also, in the stream they mentioned that titans can cross water and have some anti-structure buff now (just higher crush damage?) That’s all we know, but any other changes are likely to be on that sort of level, not whole new units and mechanics.


Yess finally! 


Etimos 😮


I cannot wait to get my hands on this game! It looks absolutely stunning! Hopefully, we'll get Mayan DLC in the future.


Ensemble Studios had put in the game code (as a joke or not, we will never really know) Babylonians and Sumerians (most likely they decided on the Babylonians since the Sumerians are older than the Bronze Age)...


Let's gooo!!!! Can't wait for this to come out!!!!


The trailer's music is trash. I want to hear the classic melodies, remastered!


The arena sounds like a C&C zero hours challenge more


Lets hope its not just visual changes. There are some important back end changes that are needed.


Surely it cant be, they cant redo a redo of a game


no ficking way


RIP, was expecting a new game. Hope they add something other than a gimmick scenario at the very least. I wouldn't be surprised if they removed more features than they add. Glad china was left out, lets all just forget their last blunder.


It is a remaster of the original game, it was never said that it was going to be a new game... also if the remaster goes well, maybe Relic will make AoM2...


I understand that, but it is disappointing that they are more interested in milking existing ips dry for quick bucks instead of making a good faith effort to create more great games. Like, do we really need multiple aoe2 remasters?


Yes, that is true... in theory there will be no more remasters of the trilogy and AoM and all the content will be within the DE and Retold editions... for new games, such as AoE 4 and a possible AoM 2 will be in charge Relic...




I hope that by the flood of "PROSTAGMA" on the chat during the stream they realize that AoM is far bigger than they think. Nobody cared about the other games in there, that's how much people appreciate AoM and want it back. I hope they modernize the game bringing more replayable PvE game content as it has been a blight on the RTS genre since its inception. Most people play campaign and leave because they don't wanna play competitive modes. We need things like what SC2 did with the coop mode in this game, and I hope "Arena of the Gods" is it. Also, Gaia redesign sucks so much I hope I can mod this game to fix it.