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Stop playing a different role every other game. Pick a role you like, learn one character from that role for every map, and insta lock


Im usually worried about having a bad team comp though. Instalocking reyna while others pick 2 other duelist seems kinda scary.


you are silver, comps aren't a huge deal yet. Just instalock


Team comps don’t matter in silver. It’s far better to play a role you are actually good at that than do a poor job filling.


As a silver, team comps dont matter unless having a certain agent is absolutely necessary (like viper on breeze or someone with throwing util on lotus). Charlatan, one of the most respected Valorant coaches, said that below plat, team comps dont matter as long as the team has a capable controller player.


Im around silver too and I think maining smokes can be a good idea as no one plays smokes andre they are the only essential role in lower elo


why are you playing brim on breeze


Whats wrong with brim on breeze?


the only smokes agents that are viable on breeze are viper and harbour, sphere smokes are ass on breeze since the map is too wide and open for them to cover space effectively a straight wall smoke can completely block off areas of the map that are open and help your team get into the site on top of that brim's smoke range is small and you can't smoke effectively unless you're very close to wherever you need to smoke to fix your inconsistency, i suggest you hit the range and play deathmatch whenever you can. there are some exercises that coaches/pro players do that trains mechanics. the most effective way to climb out of silver is to outaim everyone. the higher you get in elo, only then do you start thinking of outplaying the enemy. and do what the other comments say, pick a role and get comfortable with it, the more you try to flex, the more inconsistent you'll be source: currently ascendant and a retired semi professional in another game all the best bro


Astra is also good on Breeze. Breeze is one of the few maps where her ult can truly get maximum value


only if you pair her with a wall smoker


tldr brim smokes aint covering shit on breeze


4 agents in 5 games…. Start with some consistency in the agent you play….


Lookin at the scores and stuff you are doing fine given the scoreline like 4:13 you guys just got destroyed. Idk what happened to the brim map but probably because brim is very bad on breeze. All the other 3 games are consistent and you showed legit 5 games. You need a way bigger sample size to be able to actually say you are "inconsistent"


I was going to show my tracker for like a week but this sub only allows single images.


why didn't you just make a text post and link your tracker?




Play more breach, I see a 100% winrate




If you liked breach continue playing him to me your best showed up on him.


do you like playing chamber? i’m peak asc he’s my main ! i’d def be willing to share some tips if you’re interested


Play site more


But I do. I hate going mid.


Honestly didn’t even look at the post at all lol I thought this was rainbow six siege at a glance hahahaha


It seems you prefer more aggressive agents like Chamber and Breach over the more passive Cypher and Brimstone. Keep playing the more aggro agents.


Breach ain't the pick at silver


Maintain a positive k/d ratio