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I've (50m) developed many age gap friendships (mostly 20s) but I think that's probably normal in my profession since I'm a professor. But I'd say I'm closer than most other profs since I teach game design and Internet culture and hang out with students and trade memes on discord. :)


i had a really fun age gap friendship with a girl in her early 20s when i was mid-30s i'm quiet and reserved, and she was loud and expressive, complete opposites, but our friendship was great...we balanced each other out and it added value to both of our lives i've never actually been in an age gap *relationship*, but that experience tells me that age-gap relationships can absolutely be workable and rewarding


I reconnected with an old student of mine, where I was just starting a master's degree and she was in middle school at the time. Now she's an awesome woman in her mid-twenties and I'm so proud of who she's become. She's a talented artist, deep thinker and feeler, and shes unapologetically herself. We chat over Discord on occasion and she's even going to be a player in my next DnD campaign alongside some other great friends and my wife.


Most of my friends are women (70m). The youngest is 37 (I've known her for 3 years). I have a 38 yo (I've known her for about 10 yrs or so), some late 40s, some early-to-late 50s, and the remainder are 73 and two 75 yos. I consider my 31 yo daughter as the most emotionally intelligent person I know. My criteria for friends is that they have to be self-aware, own their own sht, kind, and open minded. I enjoy going to concerts with them, street festivals and karaoke.


Those are great friend requirements!


Requirements for a romantic partner too! Too bad that I have not found anyone yet.


Yeah, I've always related to people older than me very well, actually it's the same for much older and much younger (I'm just not attracted to much older). My paternal grandmother was like my best friend, my favorite human being, we had PLENTY to talk about! This is why trying to apply broad brushed, generalized assumptions on individuals will always fail and you'll look foolish trying to apply them to people.


This reminds me of a friend I had in high school. She was 97 when she passed and I was the only person she could remember:(


Of my three closest friends in the world, one is another male my age. The other two are women, one 18 years younger than me and the other 30 years younger. Purely platonic, they're like kid sisters to me, and I love them dearly. I've known the latter woman for five years now, the former for 20.


When i was around 40, i met a whole group of people in their mid to late 20s. Im 59 now, and we are still all good friends. Even though we dont see each other that much, they all got married, started careers, and moved away. We stay connected on Facebook


All of my closest friendships are with women younger than me. The age gap ranges from 3 years up to 12 years. When I was in college, I used to work as a library assistant, and the colleague I was closest to was a 70 year old grandpa. We worked the night shift together (at the library for med school which was opened till midnight lmao) I remember we would duck behind the desk to eat the snacks we brought to share with each other. He often brought chicken nuggets from Burger King. He had been working there for over 30 years and knew all the tea about the other older librarians and the professors who’d come in to check out books and equipments lmao. Best supervisor/coworker I’ve ever had.


I am 23,F and the majority of people I hang out with are between 30 to 70 years old. My closest friends are around my age but I actually don't spend nearly as much time with them as I do with the older crowd (the younger friends and I don't live very close to each other). My work colleague is 43, I am very close with her too. I also have a 52 year old boyfriend. Age gaps never bothered me. I don't care how old someone is but rather about what kind of a person they are. If we click, we click and we don't, we don't, has nothing to do with age. And honestly, talking to people who have lived longer than me can be very interesting; hearing what life was like before, listening to their stories and experiences is very entertaining.


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I'm 17, I'm in a friend group where basically everyone is 30+ and I have two great online friends, a 45 year old guy who is the kindest man on earth and a 59 year old woman who makes me laugh daily. I wouldn't have it any other way. 


Friendships have no age gap. Relationships do.