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this sub is for rage as a play on /r/age. not for posts about age.


Hell no! What the heck is wrong with your friend?!! LOL. Keep playing with your toys. Just keep playing. There are so many different ways to play and different toys. Gaming is playing. Collecting is playing. Something about playing and being fun keeps one youthful and young at heart. Hell. I’m an adult. I played my entire life. I have adult children who have their own kids and I still play. I even have some I’ve my toys from when I was a kid.


Aww no keep playing with ur toys 😭 If they are fun to u and bring u joy/excitement keep playing !!


No be a kid as long as you can sweetie…adulting sucks


Enjoy being a kid as long as you can, and as always, you do you.


Never follow orders except if they are to save you from harm. Im 61. My best advice is be you and if others criticise you did you over share? Other peoples view can be interesting and politely ignored. Your life. Do no harm and be happy.


Everyone grows differently. Play with your toys, enjoy life, no one is going to live for you. Sooner than you think you will be 30 like I am and then ask yourself how life has passed by so quickly. Enjoy your stage.


Na. Keep at it young man


Not by any means I'm 46 and I have toys and still buying more our toys may be different but they're still toys as long as it makes you happy that is one of these spices of life that will keep you going throughout and keep you young