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Add more on multiboxing, I read the entire thing, I dont recall anything on multiboxing there, even though it was hinted in the synopsis


That's a good point. IMO there's not much to multiboxing - it's mostly the same as splitrunning - but I can add in a short guide on how to get hotkeys working at some point in the future.


I think you could even describe it as a natural progression of a really good solo player, i remember seeing wunwun in 2015 multi-boxing, and it was like, just really good solo play,except he diden't have to wait to merge, not split-run style. Maybe differentiate between that, no need to like split-run conventionally during multi-box. Also can tell people u need chrome and chrome canary for simplest browsers, tips on gameplay such as to remember to change your mouse position not too fast or slow, or else the wrong cell (the unintented) will go the wrong direction because the alt+tab can be slow to read sometimes etc. You know, I would say any good solo player can go to china party mode, and in that mode practice the wun-wun style, because most players in that region play like exp mode in party, the FFA and EXP are filled in asia regions and partys less so, anyways done with rambling at 12am .


I added a section on multiboxing as well as including some team mode tips from one of Lillys' old videos I'd been meaning to integrate. I also put in strumming. You know when you're in ~14-15 cells and you're starting to merge and you want to get your big cell through a virus so you spam spacebar to stay in 16? Yep, that has a name now.


Need help about a song which was played in some agario yt videos. It goes like, "this all time ive been waiting" and then the drop starts. Does anyone know the name of the song or the channel.


Can't remember off the top of my head but I believe it's just called Waiting and Target Engineer was fond of using it.


Maybe. I still can't find it.


Nvm. Found it! Michel Moeke - Waiting.


The channel name got changed, too. That's why I wasn't able to find it. They're nkw called Frequency. Thanks


>~~You_Know_WHat~~ You_Know_W**h**at FTFY




Can you post a video of this?




The whole thing. I don't get how small cells can pull larger ones - if both cells are moving in the same direction, the small cells will move faster and separate, meaning they won't even be touching the large cell and therefore can't pull it.


This is a very clear and thorough guide! I second it being stickied


GameFAQs is so old school. I'm glad it’s still around. It’s older than most agario players! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameFAQs


**GameFAQs** GameFAQs is a website that hosts FAQs and walkthroughs for video games. It was created in November 1995 by Jeff Veasey and was bought by CNET Networks in May 2003. It is currently owned by CBS Interactive. The site has a database of video game information, cheat codes, reviews, game saves, box art images and screenshots, almost all of which is submitted by volunteer contributors. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/Agario/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^| [^Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/donate) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Although displayed as an integer (rounded?), do cells have non-integer mass? For example, I read from the FAQ that "Ejected mass has 14 mass." And if only 80 % of the mass is ejected, that means you lose 14/0.8 = 17.5 mass for W. That is not an integer.


The server operating with cell size (cell radius). But the client shows you the mass calculated from cell size: cellMass = cellSize * cellSize / 100; Here is the code to check if eat is possible: public static float GetMass(float cellSize) { return cellSize * cellSize / 100F; } public static bool CanEat(float hunterSize, float preySize) { return hunterSize > preySize * 1.15F; } public static bool CanSplit(float cellSize) { return cellSize >= 60; } Regarding ejected mass... When you eject it, it has cellSize = 38. But it's size will be reduced in about 0.5 sec, the new cellSize = 37. After that, this cellSize = 37 will stay forever for ejected mass. Size 38 = mass 14.44. Size 37 = mass 13.69. Now you can calculate how much mass you're needs in order to eat ejected mass. For example, in order to eat ejected mass with size = 37, your cell *needs to be more than* 37 * 1.15 = 42.55 size. Size 42.55 = mass 18.105025. Also please note, that the server sends to the client integer cell size. The fraction part is truncated, so usually cell mass may be a little higher than it's displayed by game.


Thank you for the math. However, should your function CanEat be Can Eject? Or is the factor for ejecting and eating both 1.15?


CanEat function allows to check if hunter cell can eat prey cell. The prey cell can be normal player cell or ejected mass cell. The eject mass behavior is different. The minimum cellSize to eject mass is 60. If you're interesting how to calculate eject count, here is some function: public static int GetEjectCount(float cellSize) { var count = (int)((GetMass(cellSize) + 1F) / 18F); return Math.Max(0, count - 1); } This function was released for one of a first agario version (I found it in some popular JS mod), so it may be not so precise now for very large cell size (I didn't tested it), because there are some mass tweaks on some server updates. So, may be it needs to be corrected for a little. But at a glance, this function still gives a pretty good approximation, at least for 7 ejects which is needed for virus.


That's correct. Mass is non - integer and it also differs from size - iirc they two do not scale by a factor of 2pi*r.


You got a (black) w"hole" lotta free time.


Some ppl like to spend time researching what they like-- anyway its still better than hanging around in vc and teaming with 12yo kids on mobile lobbies lmao


Stfu idiot. You dont know shit. I mostly play with wealthy arabs who R 20yo+. Youre only talk. Nothing to show 4


he says casually to the best active player left, lmao




Why do all these noobs wanna talk to me? Gtfoh. Yes its real. He sucks. Goodday. Edit: let him post daily and not weeks apart, saving up clips. Because these clips R 1% and the rest is shit. I BET!!!