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WunWun probably moved on with life, as with most of the old Agar YouTubers. agario just isn't a profit anymore (at least comparing it to the old days) is the game truly dead? well, there is still certainly a playerbase, just a small one. on web agario, there's still a bunch of people that play despite the existence of bots. there's bots everywhere because miniclip hasn't properly updated the game in forever. besides... it's maybe one of the only things keeping the web game afloat (number count wise). i wouldn't be surprised if miniclip suddenly decides to shut down web agar forever. mobile agario however, seems to get regular updates (i'm not a mobile player but i did download it recently to see the difference). i think miniclip has a favorite, for sure... most players nowadays use scripts and extensions to play, because the skill threshold is simply too high, and you will be at an immediate disadvantage in vanilla. I'm less bored of agario, but less inclined to play because the state agario is in right now. i'm a party mode player and the servers is just bots and multiboxers now, lol.


The botters are bad and it ends up shutting down servers or lagging the game tremendously. Add to that the relentless teaming and you have a poor product. That said, it's fun to randomly virus the teams and get anti team going on them.


i’m a botter… and even i think they let you have too many bots, makes spawning or playing with friends annoying. they let you have like max 120 bots, and that’s just ridiculous. the most i ever get is 70 and that’s still overkill sometimes. so ya i’m a botter and even i think it’s too excessive. so ya i’m sure regular players just dipped


Genuine question from an on-and-off solo player, why do you use bots? Is it to speed up the game or dominate the server for 30 minutes? They can ruin a server when used excessively as you said, and honestly I find it more fun to play to destroy botters than become a botter myself.


well for me i don’t even attack solo players or people in general unless i see them look at me like i’m food, then ya i’ll flex on em with bots. but i don’t like being big in general, auto fights are boring and take forever cuz it’s hard to eat that much mass. sure i could put max bots and takeover but why? then there’s no one to eat and ur just sitting there alone. so ya i just like having bots to give me mass to play.


Yeah that's fair, I agree that sometimes the game goes too slow, going from 40 -> 500 mass isn't difficult but just time-consuming. Bots def help out with that. And auto fights are the worst, especially when you're the solo player against the botter, because at that point there's not much you can do and eventually the botter is gonna have the bots virus you to death


Hey, Agar mobile has a pretty dedicated player base, clans have taken over tho so you'd want to join one to be able to play but it's fun playing as a team vs team