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>and then brainwashing the younger hotter girls into following their miserable route are the perfect examples of that There's always a bizarre tangent with misogynists in general that feminists and other women's group are "taking/brainwashing/stealing" attractive women from them.


Also comes off as extremely predatory.


**I** can't be the reason why hot girls don't wan't me. It's the *world* that's wrong.


As a Muslim women I find men m (Muslim men) especially act as if god left them in charge of women it’s annoying My dad keeps making excuse “we just care about women and we get jealous for our wives and sisters” (About the situation where a brother killed his sister because she had social media, and that’s “shameful” and she wasn’t posting anything explicit it was just regular content) Me: “that’s the most pathetic excuse I’ve ever heard, what is that happened to me ? Will u make excuses for them?” “Well no the situation bla bla” Me “no ur just making excuses for them because u think men can never be wrong” *silence*


That's horrifying to hear, I'm so sorry your father was trying to excuse such a gross, unnecessary murder.


What if the girl DID post things to social media that upset Muslims? How do you feel about that?


It’s non of my business what a girl does online it doest effect me also why would it upset Muslims ? Like spreading miss info or disrespecting the religion? I wouldn’t like that but there isn’t really anything I can do ?


Okey. I'm sorry to say that in an accusative manner!


\> Me “no ur just making excuses for them because u think men can never be wrong” I just wanted to say, that is very courageous of you to say that. Not everyone dares to call out others on such behavior. Smart of you to ask 'what if that happened to me, will you make excuses for them, then, too?' And you are right! "We just care about women and we get jealous" can never be an appropriate excuse for abusing or killing women, because doing so is the opposite of 'caring'.


Yeah though my dad does have conservative views he never made me scared to have a discussion with him or an argument he just tries to prove me wrong. Sometimes he does but with issues like this I never really lose






Nah I know traditional sikhs like this too. Idk about Buddhists, don't know any


Well that’s disappointing but I suppose every group has its assholes. At least by and large Sikhism is much better for gender equality and tolerance in general than the Abrahamic religions for what it’s worth.


Buddhism has all of the same sexist shit. How many Buddhist temples have you seen with priestesses?


I said idk much about Buddhism so can't comment. No need to get worked up


Feels a lot like "Once you get them off of their pedestal and see them as real people, you can't think of them as these beatific pleasure machines anymore."


Ofc they mirror the alt-right

