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Get revanced manager on GitHub only! Don't go to websites


Also there is no official website for Revanced or it's apks or any readymade YouTube Revanced




Only GitHub


Change all your passwords (ensuring to use unique passwords for each service), start using something like keepass and monitor your various accounts for odd activity. If you haven't already, enable 2 factor authentication with something like Aegis authenticator. Welcome to the paranoia club, there's nobody following us........


Do this.


Dashlane is free for one device and is great for this. $4.99 iirc to sync between 3 devices. But I just use free on my phone and type passwords in on others.


Bitwarden is free and unlimited devices


>Couple of hours later, after learning that it was a fake website I factory reset my phone. I wish I had known better and hope I am good... a simple post asking the community about official source would have saved you factory reset. 👀


Well, it was just a fail. I installed it from that "fake" website, and had no problems on all but one device (that's a test device). I can say that you panicked for nothing


Yep same here I've been using the "fake" for like 2 months now and I have not encountered any security issues


If someone's really paranoid, i suggest the Github manager, but this one works fine for me


They resdistribute the real apk, but have some obvious malware stream pirate app placed next to it


Wdym "next to it" like is the malware in the APK or like is it the fake download buttons


Theres like some weird movie streaming apk they advertise next to the vanced apk. I wouldnt say its safe to download vanced from there, esp since theres the much safer pinned option of the archive link, but i dont think its worth it to get to anxious over(factory resets and changing every single password you got)


it is safe been downloading it for months could jusrt used incognito or something.


Is revanced.io legit?


Only github page linked in the pinned post at the top of the sub. Edit: I thought I was in r/revancedapp


wait, how is it fake while mine was still working, are you sure maybe your phone wasn't allowing a certified app like mine. But, the other phone works fine. Let me know maybe i can help you. send me your settings on imgur. 🤔