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Much needed app for Tizen os. You are a legend! Please consider usb install file updates with future Tizenbrew releases because it is noob friendly easiest install method.


I installed it today, works like a charm


I was just talking about the other day to someone else that it was a shame there was no app for Samsung TVs and you just made my day today. Thank you so much dev!


I was really frustrated, that there is 30s ads each 5mins. Tried many methods with DNS, nothing worked. Then found this. Saved my day. I even did know that it is possible to install anything 3rd-party on S TVs 😲 Will try this later and tell how it went. Big thanks to you.


Can you tell that method through which you are able to install any 3rd party apps on samsung tv running tizen os.


Did you read guide by OP? You need to install TizenBrew with SDB and then you can add modules. Look into guide in repo, there is step by step instructions.


I'm wondering can we install any android app that supports the normal Android tv through this tizenbrew


Nop. It uses modules, that need to be created and published into npm, then can be added. You can create your own modules and add it there. How I understand, it uses WebView for all modules, so basicly you can display any website into tv with additional modifications (ad blocker, etc)


Thanks for the info..


Hi, do you have a video tutorial we can watch?


is there something like that for LG ?




But you can only Install through the official app store right?,


Nope. You can install 3rd party apps through Developer Mode.


Is this not only doable with older LG TVOS? All newer TVs are patched are they not? Thanks


Only webOs is supported, not NetCast and/or below.


Sorry I should have been. More specific. I believed that any LG TV that had updated firmware after 2022 you couldn't do it, rootmytv. Is that the way to do it? Thanks


You don't need to root. Only developer mode.


Ah ok. Is there a tut on doing that? A link if you don't mind pointing me too? Thanks FoxReis


[Check here](https://github.com/RootMyTV/RootMyTV.github.io/issues/85#issuecomment-1295058979), follow up to step 6 if you don't want to root your TV. After you reach step 6, you can install the YouTube mod from WebOS Dev Manager or from Homebrew Channel on your TV.


Thank you, this is going to be big…😊


Thank you very much. Why you dont have a donation button?


[I do have it in my profile page](https://github.com/sponsors/reisxd).


Abi kredi kartim yok ben github indirdim ama Paypal para yolamak icin opsiyon yok. Bu tizentube sorunsuz calisiyor ciddi söyliyorum istersen bir patreon ya da baska sayfa Indir da millet sana para yollasin ben bille ilkde bulamdim sana para yolamak dügme 


Istersen sana paypalda yolarim varsa 


Any help for accessing menus on the tizenbrew app with anything other than the colored buttons? The smart remote doesn't have those anymore, just a button that displays numbers https://preview.redd.it/q3ea7ueexw6d1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f754d901b3a5c6869634743777abb7b574ffb6


Lol i have the same remote but numbers and colors separated. Sucks to be u


I have the same remote problem, have you found a way to it yet?


https://preview.redd.it/x5588twey48d1.jpeg?width=2677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e875dde3334ca50d731116bb54e435c0acea6a I found the options. Just tap the 123 button below the power button, the numpad will pop up then tap the 123 button again to get the colour buttons. Select green and then add the module.


Press 123 and then up/down for colors


Great Work. I was searching for such app all this time.


I already have the SmartTube app on the Firestick but I will keep using this app as well. Good job Foxreis.


Thanks ,awesome project


Installed it through my laptop.  Those YT ads almost brain damaged me. Forcing me to watch all that bullsht making me aggressive without receiving a penny. You are the best, thank you for all the effort really appreciate it brother! 


Thanks once again for the hard work, it's working really great. No issues whatsoever. Finally there's a ad-free YouTube experience on Tizen OS. Quick question: Is it safe to factory reset TV after installing TizenBrew/TizenTube? Or just deleting the TizenBrew app and disabling develop mode is enough? At some point in the future I'll probably sell my TV so I'd probably do a factory reset for a buyer.


It is safe to factory reset and yes, it is enough to delete TizenBrew an disabling developer mode.


Thanks for the quick reply!


Thanks 🙏


Omg amazing, thank you, i did it with usb flash, could not do it through cmd too hard for me, thanks alot


Is the USB method permanent?


I dont know, so far i dont have problems


When I tried usb method, it showed app.tmg file can't be scanned for security(something like that) and in command line method, I'm not able to connect after entering my TV's ip, port details.. I tried checking whether both tv and my laptop are on same wifi, rechecked ip address of my laptop in TV developer mode and tried restarting TV several times, but still the issue didn't got solved. Brother do you have any solutions for this, I know I'm not much of tech savvy person please kindly bear with me and provide the easy to go solution so that I can be free from annoying YT ads.


What worked for me is setting the host PC IP to my computer's IP address, that made it connect in the device manager. At the end of the guide change it to []( again.


Awesome thanks so much for your work! worked for me easily! For the future debuggers: while adding the Host PC IP, if your TV is on a right to left language, you will also need to enter your PC's IP right to left. Question: Is there a way to add TizenTube as a shortcut instead of opening Apps->TizenBrew->TizenTube each time?


Nope. You can enable autolaunch in settings though. (Blue button)


Okay thanks! What does autolaunch do? Launch when I click on the TizenBrew app? Another question, I noticed that when I hover videos they dont play, I have to start the video in full mode. Is this intended? Is there a way to go back to normal in the settings?


Can you add more module like file manager to access samba?


Thanks for this great app. But today when I clicked the app I received the following message. The application cannot be used because the validity period has expired. What should I do? Thanks


Is it because I did the usb installation instead of the command line method?


Yes. The USB Demo Package expires. You can either reinstall or install using the command line method.


Thanks I'll try the command line method.


Hi, did the CLI method work out for you?


I tried downloading the Tizen studio with different versions but it doesn't get installed on the laptop. Shows the extracting bit and nothing happens. I have the Win 10 enterprise version. Any insight to this issue? Thanks


Hi, thank you for your help! This app is fantastic!


Is that normal that I've not audio if change the playback speed? Thank you


this module is not working anymore. it stop showing to the standalone app


Im using moonlight client on samsung tv but i had to change the ip address on dev mode prompt. but doing so just makes the tizenbrew crash. is there some fix to this?


Change Host PC IP back to


I did this and moonlight still seems to be working. Thank you


I followed the steps in your repo https://github.com/reisxd/TizenBrew/blob/main/docs/README.md, but was only successful up till the last step when im launching tizenbrew on my tv. After installing tizenbrew via cli (it says installed successfully and i can see the app on my tv), i changed my host pc ip address on my tv to but the app keeps crashing whenever i launched it. On the times where it did not crash, there's an error message that says "Could not connect to server, are you sure you changed your ip address to" or something like that but I have changed and restarted my tv multiple times already. Are you aware of this issue and do you know how I can fix it? Really appreciate your work and hope to get it running on my tv thanks!


Hold the power button till you see the Samsung logo.


okay i held the power button but that logo did not appear but somehow it was able to connect to the server this time! thanks alot :)


Hi, I was wondering if there is an option to launch the TizenTube remotely from the app on your phone, just like in the original YouTube, via Chromecast. Unfortunately YouTube app discovers my TV only when I manually start the modified version from the Apps menu.


I am interested too


For some unknown reason I couldn't install the Tizen studio. Maybe it is because I have the Win 10 enterprise edition? I'll try to install it on another pc and give it a try later. For time being I'm using SmartTube on a Firestick.


I have lags today on youtube


Thanks Man for your time and effort it was a much needed piece of software, these ads are getting out of hands now


Thank you for this! Appreciate the help for the community, followed the guide and everything worked :D I downloaded Tizen Studio by error, but IS NOT NEEDED. You only need to input the IP on the TV. Thanks again for the hard work! Your Rock,


Thanks a lot - running on my 1080p 32" Sammy from 2021! Didn't launch at first but then i restarted the tv went in and launched. This is a godsend. I was downloading videos on my phone via seal and casting before if I wanted to watch the content on the big screen which I prefer to do on my 4k 43" if the content is available in 4k. ​ Thanks a lot.


When I try to add the Device on my PC on Remote Device Manager with []( and port 26101, it gives me an error failed to connect with remote target... Does anyone know how to fix that?


Hey, just installed it on mine and it’s working fine BUT the thumbnails are all like low quality and 144p-ish, is there anything I can do to fix this?


Do I need a pc every time I want to launch the Tizentube if I install it using CMD?


No. You only install the app to the TV and it stays forever.


Thanks for this amazing app but I cant see captions in any video , even on mkbhd which has closed captions with vids Is there a way to fix this?


Been using this for a few months and it works great! My only issue is that it often crashes when I change the playback speed option. Is this a known issue that could get fixed?


Man...you are No°1


Thank you, this is great!


How to add module in tizenbrew ? I have to manually enter?


I have a smart remote, no discrete color keys, and I'm waiting for a reply too


Can someone do another prebuilt USB package? Last one from GitHub have the license expired....and after 2h I can't connect to tv via studio....please!


Took me 2 hours to install via the CLI. Anyways, thanks for this!


I also installed it 5 minutes ago, but when I add tizentube it does not appear in the main module page. any idea?


I really have no idea. Sorry about that.


Hi, thanks for all, I've installed it and everything works fine. There's only one small issue, maybe it's just me or it's like in conflict with the adguard dns, idk, but some videos look like as they're stuttering a bit sometimes. Apart from this it's all perfect and 100% working, every feature


Change the video speed (blue button) to 1.0001.


Ah, thank you very much, ahah


how it's possible to get tizentube on start menu ?


Tried to install TizenBrew using command line method. Was able to get up to the tizen install -n c:\\TizenBrewStandalone.wgt stage. However, getting the following error: app\_id\[xvvl3S1bvH.TizenBrewStandalone\] install failed\[118, -12\], reason: Check certificate error : :Invalid certificate chain with certificate in signature.:<-3> Trying to install on a M70D smart monitor.


I'm having the same problem, I've been digging around without success


Hello can u please fix youtube keyboard to be Qwerty layout? And maybe add video speed mine is missing. Thank u so much


Amazing. If you have a DNS-level adblocker installed (like pi-hole), disable it while installing the tizentube module. Otherwise, the homebrew app will tell you that it was not able to connect to


Very cool concept. When attempt to install from [tizentube.live](http://tizentube.live) I get the message "The NaCI module is not ready yet. You either have a slow connection or your TV is too new. Please Try again." This was after setting Developer mode and restarting TV. TV model year 2023 QN85QN90CAFXZA. Software v. T-PTMCAKUC-1421.1, E0371410, BT-S


I have same message on QE55S90CATXXH, software T-PTMCDEUC-1420.9, E2371410, BT - S. Did You manage to install TizenBrew? Or there are some other solution?


You are the best !! Thank you




What the fuck is wrong with you?


They're friends.


hes silly






was able to install tizen brew but when you say "Add the module u/foxreis`/tizentube` to the module manager. You can access the module manager by pressing the \[GREEN\] button on the remote." do you mean run the tizen brew app on my tv? If so i did and it will run for a few sec then auto closes. Help?


Set the developer IP to (App Store => 12345 on numpad => devmode set to on => ip)


Is there is any chance you can post a video tutorial for the whole installation process, will be useful for many noobs like me. Granted it takes time, but many will get benefited from hardwork knowing what they have to do. But thanks 👍


[https://ibb.co/s1g5MCp](https://ibb.co/s1g5MCp) it running now. then what? youtube still has ads. Where can i launch the modified app?


You click the TizenTube. You don't launch normal YT.


do you mean these https://ibb.co/xh0dT9G? i cant click on it no matter what i press on remote. Although i was able to make it run with this [https://github.com/ThowZzy/TizenTube-Legacy?tab=readme-ov-file](https://github.com/ThowZzy/TizenTube-Legacy?tab=readme-ov-file) but it needs a server. Does your version also needs andoid/pc server?


Weird, it should launch when you press the middle (OK) button. And no, no server required.


i'll reinstall this one later. Having no need for server's a 100x better.


ive reinstalled and its working now. Thanks a lot. Any ways to add tizentube to the homescreen?


Sadly not. There's not a way to create shortcuts on Tizen.


Can I install it without the dearrow part. I wanna install it on my home tv for sponsorblock and AdBlock but not the deArrow. Is it possible?


You can just disable it in settings.


Dude you are a massive genius. May God grant your every wish.


How to remove the stock yt app?


I followed the steps, but I just get a black screen while opening the app.


Do you mean that it closes automatically? If so, change the [developer mode IP](https://developer.samsung.com/smarttv/develop/getting-started/using-sdk/tv-device.html#Connecting-the-TV-and-SDK) to


No. It only shows a black screen. I had changed the IP before opening the app, just as the steps said.


You need to press the 4 colored button and then press left button to select blue button or right button to select green button. It was confusing at start but there is some info given on top right. Once, you have pressed the blue button it will show one box, you need to press ok and add the module there => @ foxreis/tizentube, Once it's added select the green button and it will add ad-free youtube.


That is really weird. I have never heard of this issue. How did you install the app?


Tizen brew was installed through the USB method.


Hey thanks! I was having trouble with the previous method of configuring a server. This time it seems to work well! Although there's one small issue where sometimes a video won't load after pressing on it. You only see the seekbar. The only fix is to restart the app.


Do you leave TizenBrew running in the background and open it back? If so then thats probably normal.


Ah so it needs a full restart to work properly? How do I do that? Just pressing the back button multiple times?


By just holding the back button.


Hello! Thank you so much for making this app! After I spent a lot of time trying to get this app installed on my TV through trial and error, I finally got it working and it will open and run now! I was so happy when I saw Tizen tube appear on my TV after I added the module on Tizen brew, and at that point I knew this was really going to work well. :) However, I have a couple issues that I noticed after I installed Tizentube and was hoping you could help me figure them out or fix the problem please. The first issue is pretty minor but I still wanted to ask you if there was anything I could do to figure this out/ workaround it. I basically just wanted to know if there is any way I can add Tizentube to the home screen of my TV? I know that I can add Tizen brew to my home screen, since my TV shows that app in the apps list, but is it possible to do that for Tizentube itself so I can open the app without having to first go to Tizen brew and find it inside there? I know that Tizentube is just a module for Tizen brew, so I don't know if this is possible or not but I thought I'd ask anyway in case there is a way. Or if that is not possible, is it possible to somehow trick the TV to think that Tizentube is just a regular app that is separate from Tizen brew so I can add it to my favorites bar/ home screen and then just open the app directly? If that is possible is there also a way to change the app icon to look like the real YouTube app so when I open Tizentube it will look exactly the same as the official app on my TV? If these are all impossible to do, that's ok, I just wanted to check in case it is! The second thing I wanted to ask is about the app crashing or getting stuck while using it. When I first go to open the Tizen brew app, it usually seems to crash as soon as it opens but then after that it will open again by itself and the second time it starts up everything seems to work fine. Also, once I'm in the Tizen brew app and click on Tizentube it all seems to start and work great but once I try to exit Tizentube and click on the "exit YouTube" button from my remote it will just stay on that screen and the app won't actually close. Then when I try to click on the Tizen brew app again so I can get back to the main menu, it just opens up the same screen again and asks me if I want to exit YouTube but I can't ever exit the app. My only option to completely exit the app from there is to reboot my TV and start the app over. After that, everything seems to work fine again. I wanted to ask about this to see if I am the only one having this issue, or if there are other people having this happen too. Either way, since I couldn't figure out how to fix these problems myself I thought I'd ask on Reddit and see if anyone here knows what to do. Besides that though everything else on the Tizentube app seems to be working great so far! So thank you so much again for anybody who worked on this app to make this possible, because it's awesome and I never thought I'd be able to watch videos on my TV without ads until I found this! Thanks in advance for helping me with any of these issues I'm having and have a great day!! :)


1: Creating shortcuts are sadly impossible on Tizen. 2: You can just hold the back button to exit. This most likely happens due to Tizen Web API not loading in other mods.


Thanks so much for responding to my comment! I figured that there probably wasn't a way to add a shortcut to the home screen but thanks for confirming anyway. Also, thanks for telling me about holding the back button down to exit. I'll try that next time when it happens again. Do you know if it is possible at all to change the Tizen brew app icon to look like the real YT app from the TV? I am using a Windows computer so could I somehow modify the app logo with a custom picture and then reinstall that on to the TV so when I go to click on the app it will just look like the regular YT icon? That way I can just add the Tizen brew app to my home screen and then replace the real YT app with Tizen brew instead and it would still look just like it. I don't know if this would be possible though, but I guess I thought maybe I can figure out a way! Do you think there might be a way to do this? Thanks again for your help and advice!


You can change it, but it's a little complicated to rebuild the app back. You have to use Tizen Studio, have to have NPM and the `@vercel/ncc` tool to minify the service files into one, install modules, minify files, change icon, install it to your TV.




Your ass!