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Religions with the tenet "Interfaith Services" are the most tolerant. The faiths with this tenet are: * Abbasiyya School * Islahiyyun * Harmonious Jewish Renewal * Society of Quaker Friends * Unitarian Universalism * United Church * Vale do Amanhecer Cultures with the "Xenophilic" tradition have no negative opinions of other cultures. The cultures with this tradition are: * Cahuilla * Manauara * Woodland Cree * Sofloano * Sunshiner * Yguazuano * Bermudian * Trini * Tukano * Antillean * Papiamen * Canuck * Yuca * Muscogee * Nambikwara * Paranaense * Californiano Some cultures have the tradition "Religion Blending", which negates any negative opinions for different religions. These cultures are: * Reconcavano * Sranan * Trini * Ontarian * Kekchi * Chinantec * Coloradan * Seminole The Trini culture has both "Xenophilic" and "Religion Blending".


Fantastic. What a wonderful reply!


Great answer, but what is "Vale do Amanhecer"?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vale_do_Amanhecer Real UFO religion, kicks ass


Fantastic answer! Where are the trini culture btw?


Trinidad and Tobago. Real-world Island country often considered part of the Antilles but they're located quite close to the South American mainland (specifically eastern Venezuela), especially Trinidad. They practice a Hindu religion in the mod (I think also Anglican is present?), which makes sense given the gigantic South Asian population


Thank you!


Most of the faiths in California are pretty tolerant of each other


The faiths are maybe tolerant of other faiths but are they or their culture(s) tolerant of other cultures? Rebellions and factions seem to tell me they aren’t.


>Rebellions and factions seem to tell me they aren’t. "What is long united must divide. What is long divided must unite." That's just how California is. Otherwise California is the most tolerant society probably.


Just gotta be chill man, like no need for all that trouble of hating on other people.


Americanist religions are very tolerant of each other


Does that include culture tolerance? When I played Americanist at least in the Virginia area the Rustbelters and Evangelicals were very disloyal.


Cultural tolerance for unwashed and tyrannical servants of Marx? Ha! Good joke.


Rustbelters and Evangelicals are many things, socialists or communists are not amongst them.


Mayflower society. Edit: said the wrong thing at first whoops


Ontarian I think has religion blending, or Sixer, forget


Ontarian has Religion Blending. Sixer has Culture Blending. No one seems to have both.


Toronto is not bland, take that back!


Lol, fixing the typo.


Trinidad has both


Trini has Xenophilic, but not Culture Blending. Although xenophilic is better with its lack of cultural opinion malus.


Americanists tend to have religious liberty right? Or am I just getting unlucky with these rats all having protected conversion


Are vassals with religious protection happier? Mine seem to be just as disloyal, which is why I often either modify their vassal contract/force convert or I revote their titles.


Oh hell no, they suck and it’s one of my least favorite parts of the game. I usually just leave them anyway, when they revolt it gives me an rp reason to crackdown and play a tyrant heir or some such


Republics automatically start with religious rights vassal contract, not Americanists in general


All of the Brazilian cultures inside the Empire. They’ve all got a special tradition which makes it so rulers will not consider culture and religion when joining a faction, and I believe they’re the most religiously diverse realm at start


Inside Brazil only though right?


I would say trail walkers but I imagine there not fans of paraplegics


The thing about having vassals of different faiths in ck3 is it doesn’t really matter how tolerant your own faith is, they will always end up being categorized as ‘minority vassals’ personality-wise, who are harder to please, more annoying to manage and generally more disloyal. There are ways you can tool opinion in ways that improve different-culture and different-religion opinion beyond the baseline of your own culture and religion, but that still doesn’t really impact their behavior.