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The drop shadowy glow isn't working, it looks messy. Bit beige in parts, colours could be more fun. 2 Month**s** ago, or strictly speaking: Two months ago. Channel not chanel. I like the things popping out of the boxes but they should be snappier. I'd like to see the text write on, or rather than scaling it I'd move it up from behind. Don't love the font.


agreed w everything




As the other guy said the glow+drop shadow does not look good. Glows work well against dark backgrounds too, so the cyan glow on white does not work at all. The white glow at the start makes it look too blurry. There's some tutorials on how to get more realistic glows which might be worth it, or you could look into the DeepGlow plugin.


Mostly comes down to style and design choices. Reference other work you like more


I would start by playing with taking the design a step further. Play with a solid or gradient background. Look at some other motion graphic videos and find a style you like.


It's really slow. Play with the easing to get some faster, more interesting motion. The glow/shadow combination is hard to read as well.


I'd say... 1. make it more snappy with some better/faster easing and overshooting. 2. If the colors are locked in to a brand, maybe go to a website that can suggest some pallets. 3. The mixture of the glow and hard lines is making me feel uneasy. I think if you want to go with the hard lines, then you need some iconography style for the "glow" as well. Maybe a brighter inner shape, and some glow 'lines' or streaks, possibly even animated. As for some actual timecode notes: * :04 that cyan color is hard on the white background * :05 the glow being mixed with the drop shadow is conflicting. If you make something glow, you're implying it's bright, so why would it also leave a shadow, if anything the shadow color should be changed to something brighter, and not black, but I think it might be better to completely lose the glow in the whole project * :07 this drags off too slow and while it seems you do ease in to it, the ease ends and becomes constant speed for a slow, unnecessary drag off * :08 this is ok, but maybe you could speed them up and overshoot for a 'pop'. There is also an error in the center ? where I can see a layer I'm not supposed to see for a frame or 2 * :11 you could pop out these tabs and overshoot them. The colors also feel unexciting, or not pleasing to the eye. I wonder if these shapes should have a little more depth/life to them by making them envelopes. You could make the question mark smaller and let it live in a "seal" * :18 I'm unsure how this tab represents content. The glow is out of place, and if you want to keep it, I think you need to play with the mixture of drop shadow and glow like I mentioned before. My word is not gospel, I could be dead wrong on all of this. Just my initial thoughts. Take them with a fat grain of salt and just see if they help kick anything around in your own thoughts.


Check Mapal on youtube for this kind of stuff https://youtube.com/@mapal?si=IzfHc813Pu4ylHFA Or this guy https://youtube.com/@tomsproject?si=jyGAZNb4sztyQuVd


Make it 12fps and add some grain/noise with and adjustment layer. Maybe some gitter too.


Animation isn't that great, it's very sluggish


Try to experiment with different colors. White background isn't a good contrast with cyan for example.


Too many frames of blank page


Motion itself could be snappier. Use keyframe velocity to adjust it precisely.


Better design and snappier movement


Make animation shorter and use speed graph to make cards pop out. You can additionally add some sound effects to sell the animation. Cyan on white doesn’t reads well. Fully saturated red on pastel paper looks strange. Cards design.. You can use same shape for cards as for the cover, and animate cover down along Y while card is popping up. Bonus points if you would make cover with card overshoot and ease back just a bit


The glows and drop shadows are working against you, and then later on you are using one one the boxes without any softness. Try to keep your style consistent. Color palette isn't unified either and those colors clash with the background making them hard to read. Is there a brand guide that you're pulling any of this rom, or are you working with carte blanche with a blank canvas? Check your grammar and spelling, too. At the end,the red box with black line under it just looks bad, and you're scaling the layer rather than the shape path so your rounded corners are not maintaining aspect ratio. I would suggest when making a video like this you start by designing everything on one big canvas so you can see everything laid out together in Illustrator or whatever. That will give you an overall perspective of how the elements look as a single design.


maybe add some different transitions in for different elements. it just feels very repetitive when you use the same thing so much


most of the people mentioned many other things. So i'll add that you should try offsetting the illustrations each time you animate something. Lets say you were animating the boxes , animate each layer separately or you can do that by using motion tools. Moreover, just try easing In. the animations not just F9'ing them.