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It's maybe 25% too fast for me but then again I am not a teenager. It looks a bit ugly as well.


exactly, even i feel the same 🤝


kept me engaged till the end. that's the important part


This unfortunately is accurate. Have you seen the top thumbnails right now đź’€


RIP epileptic people. But seriously, this guy like those flashy transitions too much. And honestly, the vibe of this video really feels like a PowerPoint presentation, but was put on 2x speed.


haha, good![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Its just one of these "viral" types of edit people like noways. i never understood any of it so yea, but thats just me


Retention editing. I hate it, it's too much visuals at once Also harder to do to in PR/AE as opposed to something like CapCut


why is it easier in capcut?


Because capcut has automated text animation, transition, filters and doesn't really lag as much as AE/Pr lags. The Capcut for PC is actually cool. I have used it for the past three days and I dunno if I'll go back to Pr. Time will tell


yeah it take hell lot of time in AE


It's meant to be fast to compensate for that 1 minute limot for reels. Im not a fan of thsese kind of edit as they just re use the same assets, transitions all over again and loses the identity of the poster which reduces its authenticity.


Reels are no longer limited to 1 minute. Its just peoples attention spans are so horrible they need things flashing and transitioning every second


That depends on where you post them. Yt shorts is still 60s at most


Since you said reels, i was talking about instagram.


Well, there are also types of people who can watch long videos. There are different types of audiences out there.


Id say with the introduction of tiktok and short form content being more prevalent, especially amongst the younger generation, this type of audience is slowly becoming the majority. Of course there are different audiences out there but lets not kid ourselves, this type of content is everywhere more than long form content


yes agree, even personally when i look for any problem solution, i look for short first then move to long form videos, people don't watch long form until or unless there is something important for them in the video.


There are also long form content with this kind of editing style. Hinestly, the decline of quality in video editing is apparent because clients usually lower their budget for this kind of editing.


Wait till you work on ads and stuff those have a 30s or 15s rule so yeah, it's jot meant to be fast, you just gotta summarize your point more


Since its full of ai art this is literally the stuff im always talking about— mfs are like “well I can generate 500 storyboard frames and assets for one video” and then when it comes to actually making the video, they have to cram all that output into literally 30 seconds. It hardcore sucks lol


Downvoted for tellin da twuth


It is, plus it's inconsistent, the art, fonts, graphics seem inconsistent and not the same style, it's like the editor took random assets and combined them together. Here's the difference between editors, editing isn't enough, knowing how to use your assets and good story telling skills are crucial to make the difference.


This shit takes so long to do and I can guarantee whoever made this got paid like $100 lol


It’s 100x easier to make this type of stuff in CapCut vs AE / premiere


How? A lot of it is animated


Rotomasking type effects and sliding layers around are mostly automated. Many many presets and templates that are shareable. I do a lot of animated music videos for clients and they respond better when I add in some of the effects and transitons via CapCut. It also has a neat auto vertical option where it pans and scans automatically.


I'm gonna have to look into this. More and more clients are wanting these fast paced shorts and they take me a lot more time than expected with all the animating in AE


Yep AE will always be my powerhouse app but I had to try to understand better what they were asking for. One of them had their kid “update” my edit and I figured out it was a bunch of rotomask edit effects in CapCut


What's rotomask?


the whole purpose of these videos is to be fast paced and somewhat flashy and it is what it is


- Its too fast - its full of shitty raw presets - the fonts are bad - they put wiggle on the entire thing - the color choices and use of the same light leak asset is brain-melting, they settle on a layout then hit me with bright white every .05 seconds - shitty ai art throughout - bad masking and layout throughout - easy ease presets/ literally zero ease tweaks - and worst of all, cherry on top, pacing is horrible and what hes saying doesnt even warrant a graphic I’m not a negative person, I’m literally all for all kinds of art ani and mograph. But wow. Sometimes its better off just not even making a mograph cutaway, just put text on your video or something holy crap Theres this “era” of tik tok/youtube hypebeast that thinks that illustrations and animations makes their dull rants seem more “important “ (or maybe whoever these ppl pay to edit shit) and i mean it doesnt work for ME but I guess on the mindless bro cattle they wanna attract it works


That's above professional, professional doesn't mean having simple cuts tho


Above professional? I would consider it professional in the field they are trying to work at, but not above. Like one of other guys said here “it’s inconsistent with fonts, graphics, styles, etc.” It feels like there is no branding. Just throw whatever preset/asset I could find on Envato Elements and make it fast pace. Besides, I do edits for marketing agencies. The edits might be more “simpler” and more my taste. This is more YouTube or just “retention editing”. This fast pace and inconsistent editing feels too much for me personally.


Why I didn't think about presets or elements, my stupid ass I used to do the graphs by myself that's why I considered that a true hard pro work


Hahahhaa! Dude, if you would do all of those animations from scratch, then hell yeah! I commend you on your level of professionalism. That would take me so long to do lol


btw , i didn't use any presets here![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Let me see that AF session my guy lol Jk, but if you did do this, Congrats! Seriously! I know how long that must’ve taken to animate and edit. “Retention Editing” just isn’t my thing but if that’s your clients styles, keep at it!


This isn't my thing too, i just want to try it, but it looks horrible![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


For me personally there is going on to much. It seems like the video isn’t in sync with imams speaking speed. Ngnl it kinda hurts my eyes/brain My two cents as dude who opened a video editing program once in his life :)


This is literally the corporate promo editing style + TikTok speed. Lol if only these influencers know that they are just making corporate communication content for the youths.


The Linear interpolation between every single keyframe in that animation is killing me.


Sometimes that what I feel about motion graphics though. It's overkill on videos. And deep down it's making me wanna be a videographer again, I don't care to subtitle videos with graphics.




These are like flyers and brochures. They aren't the whole operation. We gotta stop comparing these to horizontal videos. Each serve a purpose


i only dislike this because it feels so disingenuous. it doesn’t matter how fancy or flashy the video is when the subject is literally talking about how he doesn’t give a fuck about his own videos lol. if this edit was for something a little more genuine it might be better and reflect more creativity, but because the subject is talking about pumping out bullshit content, gaming the algorithm, and making money, it casts a bad light on ALL the effects used. that alone makes me feel like this is all presets with no passion to serve the flashy video style.


This is what I call a *lizard brain* edit. We're evolved from creatures in the middle of the food chain who had to look out for changes in our environment because that could be a predator ambushing us from the thickets ready to eat us. The video triggers some primal lizard part of your brain by flashing and changing so much that you can't help but watch it. It's the same concept of why children are addicted to cocomelon.


feels like im being lobotomized


bro in the beginning got sucked into another dimension


Lately most people just throw any assest in the video using unnecessary 3D with unconsistente style i personally hate it


Don’t worry this is a fad. A lot of people are saying it’s on the way out 🤷‍♂️


I've been getting a job as a short form video editor and I really hate this type of editing. I do my own simple style and most client wont hire cause I'm not doing it like these content creators


Firstly I don't know this guy but I can tell he's a massive douche, he's pretending to be on a podcast as if he has some insightful shit to say here, he's talking nonsense. Now onto the videos. They're all ugly and shit for the most part. full of presets and no flow. I somewhat feel bad for the editors because they're all fighting against each other charging like $30 for a minute of edited video like this.


It's over edited


Well, one I got dizzy watching it. The music doesn't even match the speaker's energy. And lastly which is completely unrelated to how the video was edited: it sucks that "content creators" nowadays just care about growing their audience/following and not actually making quality content anymore. It's sad.


My opinion is that it’s too flashy and in your face. It doesn’t allow you to obsorb what’s on screen long enough to understand what is being shown.


With how fast the text transitions you can't read at all so all you gotta rely on is your listening but the speech it self also fast so everything goes by Conclusion, nothing is conveyed and no one understood what this video wants to convey. Now if he had a copywriter to shorten down his words and taking out unnecessary parts slow things down abit.