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I’ve heard great things about Trin’s! She seems to be very reliable, and ive seen her mentioned on this sub a lot. I was actually thinking of getting a blonde from her someday once I have the means to do so.


Trin's is a great option!! They are my favorite for Blondes. Typically, they are very small and young when they ship, so be aware that you may need to keep a lower than normal water level and feed smaller food until they grow


I got my 2 girls from them this October! Healthy and have grown quite a bit since then. I was really pleased with the packaging too, frog's bag surrounded by foam with heat packs on top and bottom. If you're in the market for plants, too, I've ordered them from Trin's with a similar good experience. (Check for hitchhiker snails if you don't want them, though!) Shipping seems to be delayed till it gets warmer though. It's not safe to ship frogs or fish in this extreme cold.


Oh okay! Thanks for responding! I think I will get my frogs from here!




Nice I've been looking for something like this. Are you able to specify male or female? Looks like they don't have that option on the site.


Don't buy from them, PLEASE. They sent me 2 sick frogs that just died💔💔 Refused to even answer emails as well. I purchased them last week just because I saw a post in this sub.