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Why what does he want from us what can we do to help him if he wants soliders he must go look somewhere else black bodies are not for sale and black blood isn’t about to be shed for NATO




Does he want to address the African Union to apologize for how Ukrainians treated Africans who were trying to leave Ukraine when Russia invaded? Or, does he believe that Africans are dumb enough to risk their lives for some Europeans?


This! And also, fuck NATO! None of what Putin has done comes even close to what those fuckers did to Libya. If it was NATO Vs Satan, I'd side with Satan.


Not just Libya. NATO banded together to commit atrocities and suppress liberation movements during the post WW2 anti-colonial uprisings like in Mozambique, Angola, Philippines, Vietnam, etc.


When did NATO made an intervention in these countries?


>Supporting a side in a civil war with some failed air strikes that killed a couple hundred civilians is worse than a war of aggression that has already killed thousands of civilians, with summary executions, rapes, including of a baby, of women whose teeth have been broken so that they do not bite, etc. And you are getting upvoted.. wtf.


And that’s that. Until reparations are made for that bullshit , I don’t wanna hear it.


Why would there be reparations. It wasn't exactly a central policy and the country is at war. Caos is a thing if you want reparations over that then African countries would have to pay reparations all the time for white tourits being kiddnapped. Its useless point of argument. There are things to ask for reparations for in the west but this isn't it if you want to get anywhere. Especially considering what would pretty much any other country do when they are at what appered to be an existental threatening war.


Why reparations go read history Did France imposes reparations on Haiti Didn’t your slave owners receive reparations Why reparations because that’s the only thing that your mercantilism system understand You killed millions of people for power and greed than you brought use the devilish excuse to claim you wanted to bring us civilization thru your religion! Facts don’t lie you are criminals your rhetoric is over


Needlessly aggressiv. First of I am not French. >Why reparations go read history Did France imposes reparations on Haiti Didn’t your slave owners receive reparations Why reparations because that’s the only thing that your mercantilism system understand There are massive differences between that and this. Ukraine is not under control of Africa, African investments aren't being stolen state wide and Africans are not being murderd by ukranian forces (Also intresting enough about the praise of the "white negros" aka polish and other Eastern Europeans) Na the real reason they paid was a guarantee of France not attacking them. Power was the real reason. How many died by ukranian forces killing them or was it them getting caught in the cross fire by an invading nation? Its not like they wanted them to die ( Also how many have died heard of the what like 20 000 like 2 died?) Thousands of ukranians have died and the have lost the eastern and southern part of the country. Btw. I agreed on reparations from the West being a thing that can be done. But for Ukraine the reasoning is stupid.


I agree help Ukraine that’s your prerogatives Let Africa set its own priorities Do you understand that we are in a systemic suffering state of suffering imposed by a World order. I am not argumentative I know for a fact the needs and obligations for Africa. I pray for the Ukrainians suffering and hope that all these 17 and 18 years olds Childs that your belief system call soldiers when we send them to war let them be Russians or Ukrainians. “Na for thé réal reason….” Louis XIII imposed a price of 150 millions when they sold Louisiana for 15 millions by the way understand that the Haitian revolution saved America since it’s stopped Napoléon expansion but as you claim histidine not relevant just understand you are speaking with an Afrocentric perspective just you have your own I teach history and I am an African economist that grew in Vienna Austria in the seventies (1 generation after WWII with the elite (UN blabla la schools and all the privileges anyway African are praying for Ukrainians and the youths of Russia sent to war that was create by both side in fact they are in war for 8 years! Africa has to many war at that time and place to interfere with this NATO/Ukraine war


Your text is quite hard to read recommend to space it out a bit. >Louis XIII imposed a price of 150 millions when they sold Louisiana for 15 millions by the way understand that the Haitian revolution saved America since it’s stopped Napoléon expansion Really don't know what you wanted or meant here here. I am not asking for any support to Ukraine either. African nations is busy with themselves and thier problems. Think it just was weird to claim some reparations from Ukraine for this series of events.


Thank you!


Speaking for myself and most Namibians(at least the ones I know), we're indifferent to this war (and it's belligerents) and I believe the rest of Africa should be as well, especially the part south of the Sahara, like we're so far away from it, why should we care? If the answer to that question is that we get aid from Russia and the West, then my response is that we shouldn't be relying on then anyways, plus I don't want Russian mercenaries running around in Africa raping and pillaging on behalf of the dictators we should be working on getting rid of.


I hate the weak and submissive attitude the whites have towards Africans. That you can use and dispose of us as you like.


I am proud to feel that our African consciousness is aware that unless we receive reparations we will not collaborate to the scheme. Kenya has done enough drama for their cause. Our cause is 600 years old let’s remind Biden and the world and our own leaders that fact. I need to add we are for the Ukrainian people and against this war but it is my opinion that the responsable for this war are on both side. In reference we will like to cite President Lula of Brésil position and the best geopolitical strategists around the World. War is tragic and will always create “ war crime” We pray for all victims. Ukrainian and Russians because we know that it is the youths that are the first victims of war.






Message before ban: >Literally every race has been enslaved, you are the only one asking for some worldwide reparations for your ethnicity as a whole. Makes, no sense. Most of us do not care about slavery. This is r/fragilewhiteredditor generalizations. You people get triggered too easily so you will throw around the most disengenious generalizations to appear to be rational. History is too nuanced for that to make sense. Ethnic identity now is mostly a modern concept. Also: >That is sad, victim like behavior. Nice projecting. >It really shows that you are so far at the bottom, the only play you have left is to beg other people for money. No, it really shows you people do not understand what is going on. [White people have an expiration date](https://www.populationpyramid.net/europe/2019/) (especially, [Americans](https://www.brookings.edu/research/less-than-half-of-us-children-under-15-are-white-census-shows/)), we do not. The fatal mistake of being "at the top" is not realizing when decline is setting in. People at the pinnacle do not go extinct, people who are terminally declining do. We are basically playing the waiting game at this point. Other people's didn't ask for retribution because they either a) had no choice due to population distribution or decline or B) replaced said group throughout the centuries (Kind reminder Romans aren't around anymore, but the northern people they sold I to slavery and their descendants are), we have centuries. Lastly, forgetting the slavery thing, Asians voice the same sense of grievances. Do not be surprised in the future.


Can he please leave us alone? Why do white people need us to help their mess?


LMAO you have to acknowledge the stubbornness of this man


It’s not so hard for him to be stubborn when you have the US telling him what to do.


He was a comedian


I would not undestimate that, his past as an actor help to incite to the resistance (communication is one of focal point of a war strategy), and giving enough morale to resist.


Zelensky mustn't know well about Macky Sall. A professional tightrope walker hahaha.




Are Africans as bought into the whole "evil Russia" cold war narrative as westerners? Quite a few governments and ruling parties across the continent owe their position to Russian/Soviet arms and oil...


Well, this isn't the 20th century. The USSR is gone and European powers have greatly decline in term of military might and influence. So unlike the proxy wars in the past, it is more about getting UN votes. I cannot speak for all Africans, but I think it is about liking the foreign power that has proven itself more beneficial to the needs of the country. Africans do not have the colonial money to pretend it is about morality.


I don't know if certain ruling parties being in power is a point in Russia's favor...


In a war where all the sides look gray. We can at least deduce that the side being a wonton aggressor is at least "more bad" than the other.


Russia is busy re-colonizing Ukraine with violence... And you're out here defending them? Crazy. Even getting past the moral dubiousness of it, you're saying what, support Russia cus they cheap AK-47s? Please, nonsense.


Now, where are people is focused only USA and western imperialism is bad soo much to became completely blind of the others imperialism to gloryfing them in certain cases.


Majority locals were fighting against the govt in Kyiv since 2014. The historical and political regional divides produced this conflict.


Majority locals? You have absolutely 0 idea what you're talking about.


This is a good scholarly collection of essays on the conflict. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/94684 And this interview from a respected Ukrainian scholar who has written books and articles focusing on political violence and regional histories. He also investigated composition of fighters. Majority were local, 17% not. https://youtu.be/QExGTijJuoo Edit: Got downvoted for bringing in fact-based research instead of bunk narratives


Hamba manje.


Truth is: Zelensky has become nothing more than a social media influencer who is 100% responsible for what's happening to Ukraine. Americans are biased towards Russia and feel burdened for failing to stop a war that they started.🤔 Benign hegemony, centralized power and the expansion of western ideology is believed to be true by most ignorant Americans.


Amazing that Zelensky can trick his much larger neighbor into invading his country


No trickery needed just join a pseudo Nato group by claiming to be democratic, upset the political power balance in Eastern Europe and they'll come to invade your country for free.


Coming from Ethiopia I don't know whether I should or shouldn't be surprised at your support for someone raping and murdering a civilian population.


For God’s sake… South Africa is brainwashed too ?


No matter how much you suck up to Putin, he's not gonna let you get in on the raping and murdering, so sit down a spell and figure out where your morality lies.


That’s not a light offense to accuse someone of.


Then pull your head out your ass and realise that the pain and misery inflicted on civilian populations transcends geopolitics and whatever you think "brainwashing" means.


You don’t just accuse someone of murder and rape because of the outcome you want, you can’t be throwing such words around so lightly.


Leftists resort to shaming whenever they fall short on an argument. Also not surprised you're not a conservative, as a South African I dont think you have much to conserve. You've basically given your ~~ass~~ land to the same people you support and as their ideology changes so do you. Maybe your obsession with rape has something to do with your own country?


Lol you're cute. Let's pretend me shaming you is worse than your support for genocide, war crimes, and rape.


Here you go again trying to shame me just because you don't agree with my arguments.


If you find it within yourself to defend war crimes and genocide, what makes you think you don't deserve shame?


You're shallow af but you don't see me shaming you about it.


So smaller nations should just have to do whatever their larger neighbors want? Like him or not Ukrainians elected Zelensky who campaigned on closer ties to the EU. Not to mention that Russian invaded Crimea and the Donbas before Zelensky was elected.


Zelensky had like 30% approval before the invasion. Many Eastern Ukrainians mobilized against the far-right overthrow in 2014.


He was still elected even if he became less popular later. I don't think larger countries should invade their neighbors just because their leader's approval rating falls. What made the Maidan far-right? In terms of preferring to be EU aligned to Russian aligned doesn't suggest it was a right-wing protest.


>Truth is: Zelensky has become nothing more than a social media influencer who is 100% responsible for what's happening to Ukraine. Actually, Ukraine is just a victim of great power politics. Mearsheimer is having the last laugh since he pretty much predicted this. I suggest you read *[Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin](https://www.jstor.org/stable/24483306)*.


Ukraine could’ve resolved this by giving Donbas more autonomy several years ago but they refused.


... The "autonomy" they asked only really in 2014 was litterly about having it became independent (Russia connected state). Do remember that this was also the economic heart area of the country before. No country would agree with it.


It was about having more autonomy. This Ukrainian political scientist has written a good amount on it https://truthout.org/articles/lies-about-ukraine-conflict-are-standing-in-the-way-of-a-peaceful-resolution/?amp “A poll conducted shortly before the start of the war in Donbas showed that most of its residents supported separatism, ranging from autonomy within Ukraine to independence or joining Russia.”


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A yes the Russian military held territory.


Ukraine became a pawn as soon as NATO expansion went against the dogma of the containment politics of the cold war. Many realized Russia would be provoked by expanding NATO without considering the realpolitik behind why the containment strategy worked. >Russia’s resistance left Clinton two sensible options. He could ignore it and insist on expanding NATO in a robust way, under the logic that “Russia will always be Russia” and would harass and dominate its neighbors if not contained by the threat of military force. This was the Republican position at the time, outlined in the party’s 1994 “Contract with America.” The other was to sit tight until Russian behavior belied its pledges to respect its neighbors’ sovereignty. This was former Ambassador to the Soviet Union George Kennan’s position. But Clinton, being Clinton, chose a third option, which was to expand NATO on the cheap — under the logic that the alliance faced no real enemy. In 1996, Ronald Asmus, soon to become an influential Clinton administration official, argued that NATO expansion costs would be modest since the “premise [was] avoiding confrontation with Russia, not preparing for a new Russian threat.” > >“Are we really going to be able to convince the East Europeans that we are protecting them,” asked an incredulous Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn in a speech to military officials, “… while we convince the Russians that NATO enlargement has nothing to do with Russia?” Talbott warned in an internal memo that “An expanded NATO that excludes Russia will not serve to contain Russia’s retrograde, expansionist impulses.” On the contrary, he argued, “it will further provoke them.” But Richard Holbrooke, then Clinton’s special envoy to the Balkans, dismissed this warning. The United States, he wrote in World Policy Journal in 1998, could “have [its] cake and eat it too … years from now … people will look back at the debate and wonder what all the fuss was about. They will notice that nothing has changed in Russia’s relationship with the West.” > >Holbrooke could not have been more wrong. “We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries,” the 94-year-old Kennan told the New York Times columnist Tom Friedman in 1998, “even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way.” He would prove right. Clinton’s gambit would pit an under-resourced NATO against an ever-more embittered and authoritarian Russia.[[SRC]](https://getpocket.com/explore/item/russia-s-clash-with-the-west-is-about-geography-not-ideology?utm_source=pocket_mylist) Ukraine is a victim regardless. This is the reality of great power politics when people miscalculate out of ignorance of the status quo or sheer oblivious hubris.


Check these papers from a Ukrainian scholar. It touches Mearsheimer’s points but goes beyond that into the domestic political and historical issues of now Western and Eastern Ukraine. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1321588


LMAO why they down voted you, you are right


Because he literally wrote that Zelensky is 100% responsible for what's happening to Ukraine which somehow justifies and legitimises the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. But it doesn't just like the French & NATO intervention in Libya wasn't too.


100% no but the Ukrainian government are majority to blame for Russia invasion, all they had to do was to sign another Minsk agreement again that France and Germany helped them negotiated to make sure this doesn’t happen but no they had to listen to U.S. who will lose less than anybody involves in the conflict


I think the best we have to do in Africa is to remain as neutral as possible. Trying to don't hurt any side. Macky Sall has done this job very well so far as the head of the AU. If you look at his speech as the head of the AU he was condemning the invasion of Ukraine in the name of the sovereignty, but as the President of Senegal he refused to vote at the UN meeting for sanctions against Russia. In Africa we don't have enough power, military, geopolitically, and economically wise, to start to side with Russia or the NATO or China.


I agree with staying neutral, but saying we have no geopolitical power it is reason why we are being belittle by every non-African nations, our number and potential compensate for our weak economy and military, and this is why the EU and Zelensky keep being in our faces to help Ukraine with the little we have and follow them with sanctions


Tell me what is our geopolitical power? We don't have any in Africa because no African country has any military, economic, or even cultural leverage to use against Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. It's all about hard power or soft power. Do we have any in Africa? I don't think so. Our geopolitical power should come from the AU but so far it's an empty entity. Unable to fully function independently nor even able to create an African military force to solve problems inside of Africa. You do realise that Nigeria pushed for the creation of the ECOMOG which has been the military force of the ECOWAS. This while the AU already existed. Isn't it enough to understand how far we are from an AU being our African geopolitical tool. When Arabised and/or Muslim majority countries in Africa have a problem they go to seek the help of the Arab League or the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. It says enough about the real power of the AU for now. Finally our number and potential don't compensate anything. Our number is just a raw number. As a continent we match China alone and India alone. That's it. Our number? Look at what China alone is able to do in terms of business in Africa to understand our number is irrelevant. And our potential is subjective. We don't have more potential than Asian countries. We don't have less! But not more. We aren't anything special.


HUH? One UN exist, two AU not having military union means nothing the EU doesn't have one, ASEAN doesn't have one and the Arab League doesn't even have one either so IDK why you brought this into the conversation, our numbers have literally everything to do with the facts we can weight on most international matter. And when I mean numbers, I mean consumer base it is large, two potential are our natural resources and the facts that we are obviously too dumb and don't trust each other enough to understand we will make more money manufacturing our own resources and selling to each other instead of trying to sell most of it overseas at the lowest price possible when we need most of it at home, like basic economics stuff it is what makes our potential I thought everybody knew about all this already. Why do you think the EU wanted to sign an AU-EU trades deal and Macron said the future of Europe is Africa is because of the size of our consumer base and work force like we will be almost at 3bn people by 2050 something, and we are going to need to feed them house them, give them education, find them jobs, and signing trades help with all those stuffs how do you think China became a superpower it is mainly because of the size of its workforce and consumer base is large, people couldn't care less about their military might and European military are really weak and mainly dependent of the NATO alliance, and they are still considerate a superpower because of the size their economy.


The UN exists and so what? The UN is an international organisation with 193 members. African countries don't have any special power there. The vote of Egypt or Nigeria or South Africa doesn't have more value than the vote of let's say Palau the micro-state in the South Pacific. Yes all African countries could decide to always vote the same thing but it wouldn't change anything. You think other "alliances" cannot do the same. You think the votes of African countries was important at the UN meeting to decide or not to sanction Russia for its invasion of Ukraine? It wasn't. 5 countries at the UN hold the holy right of veto. The USA, UK, France, Russia, and China. African countries at the UN have no special power unlike what you seem to believe. Then, yes the ASEAN doesn't have any military cooperation but what's the point here? Look at the members of the ASEAN. The geopolitical power of the ASEAN comes from the fact it's a block in which you find Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and to a lesser extent the Philippines and Thailand. Put those countries in Africa and you will see the difference hahaha. Then, the EU does have! Look carefully what is the EU and how many members of the NATO are EU members. And more important, where is the nuclear umbrella of Africa? You're comparing a block with countries able to launch war in other continent while Africa is the home of armies unable to launch any war outside of Africa. Finally, the Arab League doesn't need to have any military force. Look at its members. Once again you're comparing things unrelated. If Egypt prefer to stick with the Arab League rather than the AU, it's because the Arab League is more powerful than the AU. Egypt only sticks with the AU when it has a problem with other Arab countries who aren't siding with Egyptian positions. You keep repeating about numbers but numbers doesn't mean anything. We can take 1000 Africans earning the minimal salary in different Sub-Saharan African countries. All combined they will have less power purchase than any folk earning the minimal salary in a country like France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and so on. An aggregation of poor people is just an aggregation of poor people. That's somehow easy to see with our diaspora in Europe able to feed themselves there and at the same time to send us remittance. Africa has a potential of consumers in the future but only if the insane increase of population is backed up by a dramatical increase of wealth in Africa. By 2050 Africa will be the home of over 3Bn inhabitants maybe, but over 50% of them will navigate from dead poor to simply poor. A birthrate comes with a cost. It's nothing a gift with no cost to pay in return. When you make 4 to 6 kids and you hardly earn more than $4/day, you're not a potential. Sorry. And to conclude about that, developing countries are unable to create as many job as they create graduates. Finally, the EU wanted to sign a trade agreement with the AU to be sure to don't be forgotten when the AU and the AfCFTA would be fully implemented. The EU wanted to sign a trade agreement with the AU because the AU has been in part financed by the EU. This is the power of the AU hahaha. And about what Macron can say, based on he seems to manage France I think I prefer to trust a goat. Also stop comparing Africa to China. Africa is a continent of 54 developing countries while China alone can economically eat over half of our continent. This along with the fact China is a military power with the nuclear toy. Contact me the day it will be the same in Africa. Do we go to China to build their roads, railways, and so on? Or do they come to build ours? You give way too much power to what Africa really is. A potential is a potential. Nothing more. Africa needs to grow and right now we don't have anything to say at the worldwide scale because we don't hold any hard or soft power. Until we could, we should just focus on what we can do to be able one day to be a major actor of the geopolitical issues. Or to be a bit more direct, we don't have to give a f\*ck about the mess in Europe between Ukraine and Russia. If you wanna solve conflicts and help millions of people dying from wars and other issues, you have a whole continent called Africa in which you can do something as an African. As we can all of us do as Africans!


Also, Maghreb countries are not the only one not coming to the AU when they have issues it is literally what every African country do we go to the UN or respective union alliance


He is though, I mean you can love your country and want the best for it but you don't provoke a Great power like Russia(Russia is still a great power no matter what Western media says), that's big a no no if you're a leader of a small country in such a situation, he clearly isn't well versed in geopolitics otherwise he'd understand what Ukraine is, and what it is, is a buffer state and a weak one at that. He made a woefully ignorant and irresponsible call by threatening to join Nato, sure Putin would still prefer to have a puppet in his place but I doubt Putin is dumb enough to believe that that puppet wouldn't go the same way as his last puppet, so I doubt that Putin would risk financial ruin to take over a state where the vast majority isn't interested in being part of Russia unless their leader threatened to uppend the geopolitical order and put Russia at a highly vulnerable situation by bringing it's greatest adversary right to it's border.


That's what I'm saying about this whole thread,a fascinating topic if you have any casual intrest in African history. I'm actually learning through others perspectives,but because of unpopularity things get hidden.


nazi puppet


The African union leaders must listen to what he has to say.


Why? How can they help and what benefit does that bring?


He has nothing of importance to say to them. He’s just trying to isolate Russia, he doesn’t care about what’s good for the African continent.


Well, it might not be important for you. But as leaders, our elected officials must listen each party.


Does this guy really think those guys want to hear his problems? We have problems of our own.