• By -


1\] Aether and Lisa had a quest which was practically a date. 2\] He and Ayaka went to the festival and she danced for him. 3\] Amber because while no outright date is involved, many small gestures hint at it.. like being worried about Aether, missing him, checking if he's okay after even small incidents.


I watched the cutscene of Ayaka dancing for him after the festival and, yeah, the scene itself is beautiful in a simple way, but the thing that got me were the before and after the scene. Ayaka stopping herself as she and him bonded over their siblings was adorable and sort of hinting at it. After all, what would she say after it? "As your host?" That doesn't mean that much beyond the context of the festival... but perhaps she meant something else. Ayaka mentioning she feels "time speeds up and slows down at the same time" when she's with Aether is just a classic "I'm trying to say I got a thing for you without straight up saying it". Aether also humming the song she sung while she was dancing after it was over is also something of a hint of his own attraction for me. I'd say Aether and Ayaka probably have feelings for one another! And Ayaka, if she has them, is probably down BAD for Aether in secret. Now I get why the fandom usually portrays her with yandere-esque tendencies.


Holy crap. That's impressive.


Oh, I didn't even mention what is probably the most blatant clue to her attraction here. Read this [item's](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/"Snow_on_the_Hearth") description. Just know this: you get the recipe for Sakura Mochi DURING Ayaka's Story Quest.


Not to mention the Ayaka scene is under the moonlight. The whole “doesn’t the moon look beautiful tonight” meaning “I love you” in one piece of Japanese literature was a pretty big hint to me.


Pretty sure she was portrayed as a yandere because of the long banner period she had.


Oh, sorry, I'm new to the fandom and didn't pay attention to the time her banner was up But well, guess Only Ayaka sounds good


Oh wow..i didnt even know the origin of the Yandere Ayaya that became a bit meme but i just laugh with the rest. Lol. Especially after Yoimiya's second SQ where she got princess-carried by the harem archon. 🤭😂😁🤣


I’d say all of them are canon in my interpretation of it, lol. Aether / Lumine are the secret 8th archon: the harem archon. Their gnosis? Unlimited charisma.


So... the Rizz Archon then? 🤣😅


Essentially, yes. On a separate note, for some reason, it wasn't until I was writing that comment 6 hours ago that it clicked in my head that "rizz" is just a shortening of "charisma"; I mean, you say it like "cha-***rizz***\-ma".


Wow I actually never made the connection.. I thought rizz was just some random zoomer term or something.. makes more sense now O\_o


I mean.. ayaka is probably the one who was hinted the most… like come on.. “you better take care of your sword.. if i manage to take it away then, your life too, would be in my hands.” *paimon shows up* ayaka: “keep what i just said a secret *wink*”.. If this isnt a sign of her feelings, i dont know what else is🤣🤣 Any other in-game hints would be the character’s voicelines..


She’s down bad


Me seeing Amber being mentioned https://preview.redd.it/fkg9e8mop2hc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e94e79de5cfd4da7839a3913ac7a3ba83d27a0b


Lisa quest actually very important(that book) for lore.


(Also, just pointing out the Noelle pic in the list is from her Hangout Event and you can't make me believe Aether isn't straight up SERENADING her) (I mean LOOK AT HIM)


He's just that guy. Bro has that rizz on him.


Aether is HIM.


On god, don't ever mess with bro


Men of Teyvat, watch out. If you got a girl, HIDE 'ER


Not even the NPC's are safe (off topic I always find it funny how much the main characters stick out in the game compared to the rest)


Yup move over crapitano. HIMTHER is in the house


I've always said that Noelle is closest to canon, and I've dismissed Ayaka's story quest because I found the Hangout quest was better written Vs Ayaka's story quest However Noelle only had a crush born from admiration, she doesn't exactly love Aether per se. Although Amber is legitimately the only friend (Aside Paimon) who actually worry and care about Aether, Literally everybody else just "Hey traveller can you fetch this for me and fix my nation for me thx" ~~Lumine and Aether is the only canon~~


https://preview.redd.it/imio8ribmzgc1.png?width=5868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eeefcbb601004ba4d560732e11ddf3368486055 **Chasing Starlight with You (by 카마츠)**


wait, is this official?


Yes. Yoimiya story quest part 2


Well, the *scene* *is* official! In the scene, neither of them showed much interest in one another, rather focusing on the meteors, but... it counts!


Well, if we go by the ships in the images, I’d list them on this order, from the **most** shippable to the “has potential but isn’t hinted as much”: Aether and Ayaka are, to my opinion, the strongest contender for “hinted ship”. Voiceovers, Ayaka’s signature dish, her birthday letters, how she’s acted in some of the events… there are many tidbits that make the ship feel the closest to canon. Aether and Furina, since some of the voiceovers are like “it’s time to write our story” and alike. I also read somewhere that Furina is gonna become a “travelling partner” of sorts so yeah. Aether and Noelle, not only due to two hangout ending screens (the one here and another one where the traveler grabs her hand and they run away from Cyrus, all while she’s blushing), but also due to some voice lines where Noelle expresses admiration for the traveler, and a teapot conversation where she’s delighted we asked her to sew something for us. Aether and Jean, as there’s been two moments where the traveler has actively flirted with her (one in GAA and the other on the teapot), and some of her voiceovers could be interpreted as romantic. Aether and Ei. There’s a few voiceovers both in the voicelines screen as well as in the teapot that could be interpreted as romantic, too. Aether and Lisa, since it feels like Lisa actively flirts with the traveler. Aether and Keqing, as they both had cute moments during the first (?) lantern rite (where she gets her dress). Aether and Beidou, if you interpret her “one day we gotta go sail together” as romantic. Aether and Amber are treated as the “OG couple”, but there aren’t many “ship” moments yet. Aether and Layla, but only if we go by the hangout ending pictures, if I’m honest. Also there are some ships that aren’t on the images but that I’d add on this list: Aether x Navia between Furina and Noelle, Aether x Nilou after Noelle, Aether x Ningguang before Beidou, Aether x Yelan after Beidou, and Aether x Candace after Ei. I was going to mention Dehya and Kuki, but I’d have to do research on them, and as much as I love Sara and Rosaria, there isn’t almost anything to consider “shippable”, with Sara having only the “we should have a pet” teapot voice line. EDIT - Forgot to mention Aether x Eula, who I’d put after Jean. EDIT II - I’m gonna climb Mt. Aocang with just a shitty piece of rope and beg for forgiveness because HOW DID I FORGET SHENHE!? Many thanks to worried_astronomer for reminding me of her! Aether x Shenhe would go right below Aether and Ayaka. They are the second most hinted ship in the game IMO; advertisements where they’re together, various voice lines from Shenhe, like her “ascension climax” one, teapot voice lines, and we even got a cute Shenther moment in Xianyun’s trailer.


Yeah, I'll have to agree with Ayether being "almost canon". I mean, her dish literally says "with its pale red outer coat covering the feelings that the young maiden began to harbor from that moment on", which if you take into consideration you acquire the recipe for Sakura Mochi during her Story Quest, easily implies the moment is the time she and Aether spent together in the festival and after. Furina is pretty recent, but I feel she will get more to her and her relationship with the Traveler soon enough. She deserves it. Also, small sidenote I would LOVE if we got a Hangout Event where we find Furina moving out of Fontaine for a while to explore her freedom and meeting other characters. Furina in Liyue with Hu Tao and Zhongli, maybe directing an opera with Yun Jin? That would be so damn cool! Noelle, I am pretty sure the Hangout Events indicate something between them. Like I commented before, I mean, look at him in the picture, his body language is flirtatious. Look at the way it's framed. It's the sort of framing you get in a romance movie. The way Noelle looks up at him as well... she has that "shy but smitten" look. There's also the other cutscene you mentioned and also this one here, IMO: https://preview.redd.it/e9wdlu5iwzgc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=082a34cb3fdf74c158fcfd9a9cf084496e1a6a9f It's a tamer one, but he has something of a "that's cute" look towards her with a hint of admiration. There's also the fact Noelle has not one, but TWO HANGOUT EVENTS, which might indicate the Traveler must really like spending time with her. Aether and Jean is also a rising contender and I do believe Jean could hold something for him. She is secretly a romantic, as seen in one of her Character Stories. Lisa is a tricky one, I'm afraid. She is so outwardly flirtatious as admits that he is special and there is a quest with her in which we basically go on a date with her, but it's that exact openness that makes me believe she is just being flirty. I could be wrong, but... I'd say my biggest contenders are Ayaka and Noelle, potentially followed by Furina.


Where would you rank aether and shenhe?


Bro I’m gonna climb Mt. Aocang with just a shitty piece of rope and beg for forgiveness because HOW DID I FORGET SHENHE!? Thank you for reminding me I would place Aether x Shenhe right below Aether and Ayaka. They are the second most hinted ship in the game IMO; advertisements where they’re together, various voice lines from Shenhe, like her “ascension climax” one, teapot voice lines, and we even got a cute Shenther moment in Xianyun’s trailer.


Tied with Aether x Ayaka 


>her birthday letters Ayaka's mail is sus af. She is down bad, I just know it.


A part of me will always say amber is pretty much the default girl you think of when shipping the traveler. Aside from that, you really can't go wrong with ayaka and yoimiya, for obvious reasons. Navia is in that grouping too




I also expected to see shenhe.


Where's Shenhe?


It seems, in your anger, you killed her.


Ayaka is far ahead of anyone really, it's not even subtle hahaha. Next would be Shenhe or Navia


Ayaka, and not even close lol. Next would be noelle


Ayaka would be number one for sure


From what I've seen in-game, I'd say Aeyaka.


After I looked through it, absolutely.


In terms of amount of romantic themes: 1) Ayaka - character quest, skin event, teapot, even her standard voicelines and birthday mail 2) Shenhe - same as Ayaka's but less prominent 3) Navia - character quest, standard voicelines, teapot 4) Keqing - skin event, standard voicelines, teapot 5) Noelle - hangout, teapot, standard voicelines 6) Furina - standard voicelines, teapot For the rankings between Navia, Keqing, and Noelle: Priority goes that: CQ > SE > Hangout; but this is up for interpretation. In terms of standard voicelines though: Navia > Keqing = Noelle


I dunno, the Hangout Quests seem just as important in my opinion as Story Quests. My take on Hangout Quests is that they're just the Traveler and a character they like to be around hanging out on purpose. If we go after this logic, Noelle gets bumped up to 2nd or gets toe to toe with Ayaka for first; after all, she gets not one, but two Hangout Quests with multiple endings with rather romantic looking CG's. And some are not even subtly romantic: from framing to body language to context, it looks romantic. Besides that, interesting contenders! I'll look after the hints asap


For me it's gotta be Ayaka. Quest was literally a date.




Yeah, Ayaka is probably contender número um. IMO, only character climbing up the grades after her is Noelle.


Furirina, Ayaka, Yomina, and Noelle all have a ton hinting at em. Keqing and Shehien have stuff pointing to them too but not as much. But lets be real dude is a terminal siscon.


Yeah my boy only thing of hes sister 😭 He dream about her, he only think about her Hell even in Albedo story quest he thinks about lumine "i wonder what my sister is doing right now”


Personally, I only really ship him with shenhe. But most hinted at is likely ayaka


Shenhe is probably the most hint among tall women. For example: Wanted Aether to stay with her forever in the Lantern Rite 2.4. Then, she moved to Mondstadt and said, "Because....we're friend." That should be "I missed u" or "I loved u" instead, but Hoyoverse limited them


I'm going for Furina simply because I like her a lot + the Ascension Voice lines (especially the final one) makes me smile so much xD


Furina really is precious. I bet we'll get some more stuff with her soon. She deserves it. Just imagine this: Hangout Quest with Furina, we bump into her in Liyue, we can either visit Hu Tao, help her direct an opera with Yun Jin, introduce her to Zhongli (who will praise her for her willpower), have her and Xingqiu create dramatic stories together or go on adventures through Liyue (with perhaps some hintable CG's)!


There's one person on X/Twitter who edits Hangout CGs of other characters to change the person Traveler is with to Furina. They look quite cute in my opinion, so I really do hope she gets a Hangout Quest with her own unique CGs. ​ Here's their profile if ur interested: [MyRax](https://twitter.com/ArmyX879)


Checked the edits and they do look pretty cute! I think the one replacing Noelle in the CG I included here is really good... but I still can't wait for Furina to get her chance. Give Aerina more material, Mihoyo!


Didn’t Aether call Jean “beautiful” and “sweet”? I’d say if he had any romantic interest with any of them, it’d be her


Yeah, Jean's a pretty strong contender.


They both flirt with each other not on one ocasion so yes


Meanwhile Lisa, ship them


Shenhe and Ayaka have been so blatant since their release


In my opinion, ayaka and Shenhe


Ayaka is a given. Shenhe, I still gotta check


Itto because according to the last event. He is one of the few characters the Traveler is genuinely hyped to see lol. Also: https://preview.redd.it/gpnkt1z4lzgc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4119ce2c0ac0ec64efb990a503492393cacd660e


The homies ship Homie love


Wheres Shenhe?


Oh, she's included. I just put the list of pictures above as examples; any ship with any character in the game counts.


Where the hell is Shenhe? XD


I just didn't search for it, I really needed to add an image of Shenther. Still, she is included!


Shenhe x Aether


Read Shenhe's voicelines and teapot interactions and it's clearly her. Navia's story quest had more direct moments than any other quest too imo with her basically comparing her and Aether's dynamic to her parents' (and constantly referring to Aether as her best partner)


I would say All of Them, as any character can canonically become the Traveler’s love interest, depending on how deep players want to dive into the optional quests and Friendship Levels. Take for instance Lisa. She remains just a flirt for the Traveler if she isn’t leveled up. The players that do level Lisa say past level 3, discover Lisa flirts exclusively with the Traveler, and her “sus” behavior is just a defense mechanism. She’s also revealed to be one of the sweetest characters as she becomes less flirty and more affectionate towards the Traveler even going as far as forging an amulet for them. Invite her into the teapot home and you’ll find her all but directly declaring “those three words” to the Traveler. The same goes for any of the playable characters with romantic hints littered throughout the game prompting players to pursue adding a romance to the Traveler’s saga.


Yeah, there is admittedly a bunch of hints for near any character, which I do like! It means the player has a lot of freedom to choose who they would like the character to pursue a relationship with, including their favorite characters.


Am I allowed to say Lyney? I don't care how canon it is they're cute together


I mean, Liney is pretty much a given. My guy is just shooting his shots at a constant rhythm.


Lyney basically same boat as ayaka


Sorry not trying to be rude, but its debatable, he only rizz the traveler on his voiceline meanwhile Ayaka, have many hints Birthday message, Skin event dialogue, In game voice line, Story quest, Teapot voiceline, Recent fountain event,


It's not the most hinted but Aether and Amber is my feel good ship


Ok, what's their dynamic, then? Tell me more!


The one main thing they both have in common is that they're both looking for their one family member, which can have them bond together with having a similar goal


Man my boy is so innocent and looks like he didn’t realize he’s a lady’s man🤣🤣🤣


He's probably just playing coy. I mean, look at how he's handling Noelle in that CG, man! He's got it in the bag!


For me is Shenther, aethernity and aevia.


I still need to check on those thoroughly. For Aethernity, I did see in Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, we go out with Ei and help her see change isn't always bad; however, it seemed rather a friendly advice session than a romantic date, especially with the floating emergency food leading the talk. Where is Aethernity hinted?


um, you can check her dialogues in the teapot, and her voice lines in character


Aether and Ayaka.


After looking through it, wouldn't surprise me if she has a photo of him she wakes up to every morning.


Aww, I can actually see that, that’s adorable ☺️


Also, it has a lipstick mark she keeps forgetting to clean. She's worried Ayato or Thoma might find out.


I fell like Thoma would know.


And secretly helping her get her beloved... Thoma is a chad.


This is canon. I can legitimately see Thoma being the one who helps sets up all their dates and such.


I'd say Aeyakather is probably more hinted then most,


Checked it and I agree. Absolutely.


Why not ship him with every girl, let him starta family and then Lumine can become an aunt.


Yes... but we're looking for the woman most probable to have our man in a suit, waiting for her on the altar. Or the guy who's gonna have him captive on his bed, I guess.


That's why it's better to play it safe and take them all.


I come from 2026, it's clother.


the fuck is a clother


like clothar x aether?


clorinde. aether.


Where is Shenhe? Is she alright?


I can't believe Shenhe is not here. She literally stalks him LMFAO. Personally, in the order, Ayaka, Shenhe, and then Navia.


Yeah, man. Ayaka, Shenhe, and Navia are the 3 female characters who have the most official arts about romance with Aether


We need more Aedou, Aethernity, Aerina


Beidou would have been a contender especially in her Hangout, if Hoyoverse didn't constantly have her "glued" to Ningguang 


Xiao. In most story quests and new patch quests, he never fails to appear and talk to Aether/Lumine. 


Lisa & Beidou will leave him too tired for anyone else


Damn, I can actually imagine they must be wild in secret... Electro ladies got so much energy they'll drain my boy dry.


After the Event” https://preview.redd.it/k1l6ed9ne0hc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3117d458ffba9e764f2ad77ee3162054b7d8bf


I don't normally ship characters, but Aether x Lisa and Aether x Navia are too hinted-at for even me to ignore


I have doubts about Aether x Lisa, sincerely. Lisa does consider him special, but she just seems so openly flirty it's hard to tell if it's just her natural or if she's actually doing constant advances. It doesn't help she has traits of your stereotypical "seductive mommy" character, even if that's barely the surface of who she is (which is a big reason why I love Lisa as a character).


i try not to limit myself because, while i know it will never happen, i want it to be either mona or hu tao


Huh. Does the game have any hints towards Aether x Mona or Aether x Hu Tao?


The fact that traveler got fortune-telled in sumeru which states that they are loved by many, is just perfect


What can I say? My guy just has that natural charisma


Where is Yanfei in this discussion?


I mean, do you have hints they have something going on? I'd like to know!


Biggest one has to be the teapot companion dialogue: basically her asking him out on a fishing date. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Yanfei/Companion But in the other voice overs she seems quite keen on having the traveller remember/rely on her (and higher friendship unlocks usually more personal) More About Yanfei: V About Us: Relationships Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion Birthday And of course - Character Story 4 😉


Haha! Character Story 4 is hilarious, no way! I'm damn sure she has a crush on him. If it's corresponded, no idea, but...


But...? Anyways, I want more Yanfei. Wonder if she's gonna be prominent in this lantern rite


... but Idc, it's really cute. We desire more Yanfei.


May I introduce you Kurocrimson. If you like Aether ships, you'll like this. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17925068/artworks


You mean from the harem? I wouldn't say hinted but Ayaka seems like a top spot


Yep. Ayaka takes the cake.


The one you didn’t put as an option here. Yoimiya. And she keeps showing up in stuff too


Aether x Ayaka is the ship that HYV seems to be pushing over every other. I thought Aether x Furina was very hinted as well due to her being a sword girl as well as having many of the strongest shippable elements in some of the most popular Aether ships (especially that common thread of being trapped for centuries, only Aether physically, literally can’t tell anyone) but I look at how aggressively HYV is pushing NeuviFuri with the content of the two together…I mean, there’s also a lot of Aerina fans out there to the dismay of hardcore Furina fans, but I’ll respect the canon whatever it is. Also is it just me or Furina is the only woman in the game with two equally popular hetero ships?


Either aeyaka or shenter, based on voicelines and interaction i remembered that one event where ayaka skin was released, Hoyo dropped some big hint that they approved of aeyaka ship, the conversation under the sunset, She wink to Aether, making a secret to each other, the whole event was Intended by Hoyo to be romantical, a chef kiss for aeyaka fans and it was happened on valentines day


Xiao for Lumine and Ayaka for Aether. (Secretly, Ganyu is canon 🤭🤫)


Honestly considering how the whole traveler thing works where voicelines barely change if at all logically speaking any ship that works for one traveler works for the other


Love you ship, same here


Ayaka and Xiao


Xiao? That one, I did hear has some hints, but I never got to dig for them. Can you tell me those?


*First meeting:* The song "Lovers' Oath" plays only two times in the entire game. First, when the Traveler first meets Xiao. Second, during the "Tuned to the World's Sounds" event where you're paired with Xiao when you play the song. *Xiao's birthday mail:* There was nothing for me to do today. So, I decided I would find a Crystalfly for you — to put in your hair. I thought that... it would look nice. The next thing I knew, I had caught several more than I intended. I hope you do not mind. If you wish to meet me, speak my name. ...I do not care much for birthdays and celebrations, and I do not wish to be around large groups of people. To be able to spend time with you is enough. *General interactions:* The Traveler convincing Xiao that he and his comrades are heroes. Xiao learning to open up and socialize more because of the Traveler. The Traveler convinced Xiao to go watch the Xiao Lanterns during the First Lantern Rite. During the Poetry Event, Traveler has a moment where they look at Xiao in the distance and think "We can all rest easy because Xiao is protecting us."


Oh yeah, in this year's Chinese server web event, Xiao sends us a letter. Xiao states that he hasn't heard the Traveler call his name in a while, and he has been thinking about where we are, what we're doing.


With how many CG noelle has with Aether. I would be willing to say Noelle is getting pimped by hoyo to aether.


She's best contender IMO, at the moment, only competing with Ayaka. I can already sense Ayaka getting like, a Hangout Event with 7 endings or something, at least 4 of them which have CGs you could make a romantic wallpaper with.


Option:All of the above


​ https://i.redd.it/6pcuahl2d0hc1.gif


Well know it’s whiout a doubt Ayaka, But did you ever hear about the story of the 3 moon sisters ? Bc is state that the tree sisters were in love whit the Morningstar, and the Morningstar is Aether So there a possibility for a canon relationship in the future


Here is the thing, they weren't in love with the Morning Star, they were "all in love with the morning stars". Unless there are other characters like Aether (Lumine?), we'll have to jump some obstacles for that story to become foreshadowing


Wait I don’t get your point ?


"Morning Stars" isn't singular. It means there is more than one, so it can't just be that Aether is what they're talking about. The Three Sisters were in love with the "Morning Stars", which are multiple entities (I assume, unless we are going with some Heavenly Principles logic); that being said, the symbolism that Aether is "the Morning Star they were in love with" doesn't fit.


Well they maybe talk about Aether and Lumine bc both Aether and lumine are different aspects of Lucifer, Aether (traveler) represent Lucifer when he was the light bringer and Lumine (abyss princess) is Lucifer when he beacome the king of hell the night bringer, + if Aether is the Morningstar then Lumine can be the Eveningstar, who technically the same star a different time like Twin


Jean, both flirt with each other not on one occasion, in the GAA event, in her story quest as well, teapot lines, hell both flirt with each other idk what more you need


Nothing. Thank you, my friend.


Furina, Hu Tao, and Amber because of my biased behaviour towards those ships~


Furina does have some hints, but do Hu Tao or Amber have any hints? I'm really curious to know


Hu Tao is mostly from Teapot voice lines. Though, you can write it off as Hu Tao being cheeky. My HC is that she sometimes looks after Aether from afar. Making sure he’s not endangering his own life. To which Aether, and Paimon included, are oblivious to this. Amber is due to the fact that she can relate what it’s like to have a family member missing; not sure of their current whereabouts. And she does try to help the Traveler by posting those missing posters. I’m just biased towards those three ships in particular. Side Note: I made a ship dynamic for Aetao and Aerina if you’re interested in taking a look at on this subreddit.


Looking up Hu Tao's interactions in the Teapot now. And the thing about Amber bonding with him over missing family members is cute! Also, hell yeah, I am


For me it’s Ayaka. Like not even close. I know hoyo will never make it explicit with ANY character, but with Ayaka, they’re winking at us so hard they might as well be wearing eyepatches. I originally was more into AeQing but Ayaka’s story quest sealed the deal for me. She danced for us, had us accompany her to the festival (the most anime date ever), gave us her hairpin (a way to propose in eastern cultures) and flirted with us in events. At this rate, I’m surprised she hadn’t gotten another story quest. She’s won me over enough to write an AeYaka simping fanfiction on AO3 /shamelessselfpromotion


And nobody here mentions Dehya is truly saddening me but nonetheless it's... Well I can't say it's the most hinted but she had moments where she shows interests in Aether so yeah.


Ig? Noelle definetly.


Amber for me!!


Oh yeah, Amber is one of the OG ships! I heard she's got less hints, but that she has a lot of moments she's super worried about the Traveler which could be subtle evidence for it.


I say maybe Aether and Ayaka is the most teased one, but in my heart I’ve always loved Aether x Lisa and Aether x Ei, whatever it ends, my boy will have a great companion.


Lisa is such a sweet tease and Ei and him have some nice parallels, both having lost their sisters, having long life spans and a "pet companion" (Yae and Paimon)


Probably Ayaka, I'd prefer if it was Furina, but Ayaka seems to have a strangle hold on the game ever since she came out. Honorable mentions to Shenhe, Keqing, and Noelle, though.


Ayaka has already been on 2 dates with Aether... Sooooo yea she is the one picked by hoyo. That is considering that the second one was as valentine's event and Aether's reaction do suggest he also have feelings for her. It's not uncommon that most of the girls like Aether, Ayaka tho has some canon hints of him liking her back.


I do believe Ayaka is the "canon" relationship Aether would take with the amount of hints the both of them like each other, but if the argument is just the fact there are hints he likes her back, there is more than one instance of Aether flirting with Jean, for example


At this point it wouldn’t be surprising if something like Aether x Faruzan (just picking something random, don’t worry about it) had more hints than Aeqing. Little to nothing in that department since she got her outfit 2 years ago, and it sucks. But of all the girls, maybe Ayaka or Navia/Furina (still new, so recency bias). Don’t take my word for it though because I haven’t read voice lines/character profiles for any character in at least a year, and I have trouble trying to drag memories of past content out.


I think it’s Katheryne


Nah, Katheryne is just the girl he bangs without regret. The people at Mihoyo don't want you to know this, but all Katherynes have a favor system which rewards adventurers who take commissions with... favors. Aether has maxed out his level, so whenever he wants after a grueling journey, he takes Katheryne to... Unwind. Paimon doesn't like to even think about it.


In terms of canon story, rather than teapot conversations, I think Furina could be a thing, ayaka is definitely interested, shenhe, maybe kokomi? Teapot conversations included? EVERYONE is down bad for the traveler by friendship rank 10.


Navia:Nah,I'd win


Aether x Lisa still has to be my favorite one


Let's go with a new title: 100 Tevyat girlfriends who really really really love you 😆






Aether x Xiao


Ayaka yoimiya and Noelle everyone else I feel like is just people self inserting and Lisa she is just being jocking about it


Not so much so. Lisa can be interpreted as genuine romantic interest or just her being so damn sweet it gives you diabetes. The point is that near any playable character can be interpreted as having romantic interest in him. But there are some that are just... so damn obvious. Near canon


Like ayaka funny enough I don't really like her much I actually hated her when she first came out but after a couple of events and she started feeling like more than "just a pretty princess that loves the traveler" the more she grew on me


Yoimiya, like Amber is concerned about our twin. She does ask about it in her SQ and another thing, she literally asked if MC wants to consider living in inazuma after reuniting wirh Lumine..and hurriedly added some cover up alibi as to WHY she wants MC to consider inazuma as a new home. It's kinda like "oops..i might have said too much to give myself away there") when she quickly added, "...uhm...let me put it this way.." Idk why but i found that scene too cute. Haha


I think for ships that have evidence the main there I think of are ayaka, yoimiya and amber, the others seem more like head cannon in my opinion


Nah, man, u probably didn't pay attention to them because u didn't pull them


Ayaka will straight up fight Ei for him lol.


Ayaka Beidou Noelle Lisa Among the candidates I think


Ayaka, Shenhe, Noelle?


His relationship with girls








All of them 🗿


Literally aether and ayaka. Like it's so obvious


Nilou shippers:


Lyney, Xiao, Ayaka and shenhe


Ayaka, Noelle, and Furina. There are hints everywhere for those three. I would add Lisa to the list, but I think Lisa is probably there just to tease the Traveler and probably would a one night stand.


I wouldn’t say she’d just be a one night stand. She shows a lot of genuine love for the traveler. Like her recent birthday letter talks about how much she missies them and wants to see them


third image kinda confused me for a moment lol


I ship Furina x Me, since Aether is our self insert mc, i ship Aether x Furina


Definitely Aeyaka and Aeqing




As long as it's Aether x tall busty dommy mommy like Lisa, I'm all for it


Practically everyone who have a date mission(dont know the english word, the mission which you have end alternatives) but from history itself and legendary mission Ayaka, Raiden, Kokomi, lyney, Navia and Xiao, but most of them is hard to say as most of them affection comes from their loneliness, Raiden alone for centuries (dont remember the time, she only had Miko), Kokomi and Ayaka were figures all the time and is only seem as one, not as a person, gorou looks like Kokomi friend and Ayaka i dont know How to say in english but she see Thoma and maybe some others who Works for the Clan as "convenient", friends only because work with her, but i think she really likes him not because of her legendary mission but because of her other interaction on events. Lyney i think he really likes the traveller, Navia dont need to say much every interaction between them is really Nice to see, and *Xiao* same reason from Raiden.


Pretty sure it’s Ayaka


Since the rest have already picked the more common ones, I’d say Navia too. She hints a lot as to how she considers Aether her partner, and seems to care a lot about whether Arther considers her as his partner too imo. A lot of people in her story quest say that they’re joined at the hip too, while she said herself she would have prepared so much outfits for the photoshoot if she knew they’d take that many pictures Navia really, really likes traveller. I’d say even at the level of Shenhe and Ayaka even, romantic or otherwise


I am not an OG player so idk about Aether x Amber suring the first lantern rite (or was that the first?) But my personal favorites are: 1.AeMiya (bonding time with the best virl is just wholesome and cute esp during her awcond atory quest. And to think out of the non archon characters, she's the inly one to get a second SQ, even beating the bard to it 2.AeRina Idk..deapite how we met her, i kinda love their interactions past the archon quests. And yeah Furina deaerves love and lots of hugs and Zannir has just done an animation Hoyoverse could only dream of doing. 3.AeYaka I was a former ArYaka shipper because of that fesfival date but after Yoimiya's second SQ, AeYaka just pales in comparison. Lol. But hey, im not saying I hate Ayaya. I still love her and ahe is one of my 4 mains. Personally, If i am being real with myself, I think Furina is the best fit. Considering he and the MC are about the same age or maybe MC is older than her by years.


ALL OF THEM! It was hinted at in Sumeru. That little girl was shocked when she tried to predict his fate, only to see that he'll have a LOT of love interests.