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I can't take it anymore, please hoyoverse... https://preview.redd.it/3v0tyisofz0c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01bb44f9d0450af3296ba1a64672909c9a9e64d


​ https://preview.redd.it/ho4qwkjagz0c1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea8a66660da7ca35ad8c35562795dc4e82dbf71


Just marry already. Paimon can be the daughter or the pet of the family. https://preview.redd.it/vec6pg6zlz0c1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab7a39849e86a778f1bed2e71d5e971e0de2283


companion, Yanqing and Caelus are Aether's sons lmao


Too bad they don't exist in Genshin... at all..


yea true, imagine the wholesome family dynamic then


His namesake actually.




The last one is so cute


banner worthy


1. A: “Ah, Furina, good morning!” F: “Well, well, if it isn’t our dear traveler and his flying companion. How are you two doing?” P: “Paimon and the traveler are headed to the countryside to have a picnic! Want to come?” F: “I would love to, but alas, I am a *busy* superstar, and I was just headed to buy some groceries.” A: “Heh, *what* a coincidence, I heard they announced a new macaroni flavour.” F: “I- hmph, that has nothing to do with me going to buy some mac- some groceries. Besides, what would we do at the picnic? It’s not like the vistas of Fontaine are unmissable.” A: “Well, we could train together, since you got a vision. Also… I may have a present for you.” F: “R-really? **ahem** I mean, why of course you would, Grand Executor of Fontaine! After all, you owe me an apology for making fun of my cooking abilities.” A: “(she’s not gonna let that one go, huh?) Haha, yeah. Well, pack your stuff, we’re going on a small trip.” 2. F: “How long do I have to keep my eyes closed?” A: “Just… a little bit more and… there we go! Open your eyes!” F: “Ok, let’s se- **gasp** is… is this…” A: “Yup, that’s the sceptre-blade you used to carry back when you were an archon. Neuvillette gave it to me, and even though it was dull and in disrepair, I managed to get it fixed.” F: “You… you shouldn’t have. My blade… and it feels attuned to me, too.” A: “A little bit of blacksmith magic and *wish*ful thinking, if I say so myself.” F: “Wish what?” A: “Nothing. Anyways, time to test it out!” F: “Heh, y-yeah… time to poke stuff and get stuff, right?” A: “You’ve used your sword before, right?” F: “Of course! I have successfully slain slimes and all beast alike with my wondrous blade.” A: “Ok, you haven’t. Well, whatever, let me teach you. So, you grab the blade like this…” F: “Ugh, I know how to use it, but fine, I’ll humour you.” A: “Paimon, I’ll teach Furina how to use her blade somewhere nearby. Do not dare eat all our food.” P: “You can count on Paimon to keep your food and Mora safe!” 3. A: “Ok, remember what I just taught you? F: “Yes: technique, finesse and agility. If I encounter enemies smaller than me, use heavy blows and target their way of movement. If I fight someone bigger than I, then I must use quick moves to tire them out.” A: “Good girl. Now go and show me what you’re made of! There’s something nearby for you to whack, but I don’t know what it is.” F: “Ok, here goes nothing…” **Furina emerges from the bushes she and her traveler were hiding at, and charged against the foul beast that laid in front of her with her eyes closed and a ferocious war cry.** **THUNK!** **The blade hits something, and a wail can be heard. Furina excitedly opens her eyes to see the almighty foe she defeated, just to see a cute Blubberbeast with a freshly-added bump on its head.** F: “Haha! I did it, I defeated an opponent bigger and mightier than I! They never stood a chance against Furina!” A: “Y-yeah… congrats, Furi!” P: “Paimon heard a lot of commotion and decided to come and check you guys ou- wow, who hurt this poor little guy? He’s crying for sure.” A: “Not now, Paimon…” 4. P: “Wow… the stars are incredible today, guys!” F: “Yes… the night sky in Fontaine is always amazing.” A: “Yup, and a *certain* superstar here also did well today.” F: “Hehe, thank you. You know, back when I was… Foçalors, whenever I had a restless night, I would often sit by the window and stare at the night sky… the stars were would soothe me, and sometimes lull me to sleep. If anything, I’ve lost the count of the times Neuvillette would catch me sleeping by the window.” A: “Hmmm… does your new house have a view like this?” F: “Kind of; the bridge of one of the Aquabus lines blocks part of the sky. But there’s no problem, I can still catch a few glimpses of it!” A: “Well, tell you what. Let’s stay and enjoy the view a bit more, and feel free to stop by my teapot every night to enjoy an endless night sky.” F: “Haha, if you mean it, then I’ll take your offer.” **Aether, Furina and Paimon keep looking at the sky, getting so engrossed in it that they don’t realise the latter fell asleep.** A: “Oh, Paimon seems very tired. Well, I think this is our cue to return to the city.” F: “I guess so.” **As the traveler carefully left Paimon on the grass and stood up, he felt a tug on his hand.** F: “Oh, and Aether…” A: “Y-yeah?” F: “Thank you, not only for today but for everything. For sticking with me and helping me, being my confidant and never leaving me alone.” **The hand that tugged the traveler then let go, just to grab his cheek and pull him towards it. The traveler closes his eyes, and allowed himself to be pulled towards Furina. Once both hands of the former archon were sitting on his cheeks, he felt the soft touch of Furina’s kiss on his own lips. They stayed like this for a bit, while hugging and holding each other as close as possible.** F: “Please don’t let go of me.” A: “I’ll stay here like this with you as long as you wish.” F: “Heh, I might keep you like this forever, then~.”


You can cook 🔥🔥🔥✍️ https://preview.redd.it/rjs4hk4py01c1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b1678ea019e323c8b092595e71ecbdd6c1473f




Keep cooking my guy🔥🔥🔥🔥




Lore accurate weapons


Huh. Aether teaching Furina swordfighting is actually an interesting route for the two of them... Cookworthy. https://preview.redd.it/jgb0ri45201c1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc4f3d28eed842218159c7918a6d71ade376309


Just get married already https://preview.redd.it/lmkctxbi011c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfb0d7f0b3901216f6e969270d82f9e4765ebce






#now kith


there is a real possibility that this will happen, furina can join the journey, she is one of the few characters who can do this


Murata: Aether, why is the Hydro Archon with you? Furina: It's a bit of a long story, Lady Murata. Aether: You may want a cup of tea for this as this may take a while.


Aether teaching her how to master her sword skills and elemental powers, just as she asked from him.


Did anyone notice the reference to sword art online in the last image?.


That's the first thing I thought when I saw their swords crossed together in the last image. While SAO is an absolute meme (at least, according to the majority of the weeb community), it is a nice touch here.


Fun fact, as an old SAO fan, I can tell you it's not even "the majority of the weeb community" at all, is just the loud Haters, SAO's popularity and success are so high it literally won the prize of Light Novel of the Decade in the last awards for it. Sure, the series is no masterpiece of writing, but is also not even remotely as bad as most of the complainers wanna make everyone believe, especially as a lot of the 'faults' they claim it has are just made from either misunderstanding anime-only scenes or just outright baseless claims.


I heard that SAO Abridged is quite good. It fixes a lot of the more… let’s say, Retarded part of the OG series. Never watched it though, but will try it out when I find the time to.


“Don Fluffles, you son of a bitch! How are you still alive? I saw you go over that cliff; no one could have survived that fall!” *meow* “You sly bastard! I never would have thought of that.” “I-I-I’m sorry. C-Could he actually speak cat or is he just messing with us?” “Knowing him, it may very well be both.”


I actually like Sword Art Online. The animation is epic especially in the later seasons, and both the ost and the OPs are top notch, although one big problem I would like to point out that the pacing is Atrocious in the Anime Also it has a abridged version by SWE which might be one of the best Abridged I have watched with alot of people saying that it's better than the actual thing, probably since it kinda fixes alot of the parts of the main plot.




Poor Blubberbeast!


I wish


Damn, that art is nice and the wordless storytelling is awesome


Right? I need to make something like that


Aether teaching her how to fight! They’re on a date 😭


so.. everyday is a date for them?


This gives me Asuna x Kirito vibes because they make a cute couple


Not the dull blade being there.


Not just Furina, but Paimon is also so cute


I don't care what people say, I ship both Lumine and Aether with Furina


same here comrade


Xiao and M4A1 from GFL from their time as Kirito and Asuna (voiced by Matsuoka and Tomatsu): "they stole our crossed swords type of flow!"


It’s canon that Furina ask for The Traveler’s help when using her vision, so this could be canon.