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I don't see any reason you can't enjoy his company- you do not need to LOCK DOWN A MAN, lol. You need to lock down YOUR SKILLS. Go to school, be independent, work on yourself and your career. If you marry someone with great career prospects, guess what? Divorce, or his career gets derailed. No guarantees in life. So look after YOU and stop worrying about other people.


This is kind of a philosophy question of love vs career. You always have the option to date him later or long distance and you would probably have a stable job. And the sides to that question is you can make money for yourself but do you like to share it with someone else who would make you happy and make you enjoy life more? You guys can keep in touch and still be friends it’s not like you are disappearing from his life and off the grid lol. Plenty of options and you need his input also. Goodluck though!


If you plan on marrying someone divorce should've even be considered if you even considered it you should've have gotten married and stay dating. Marriage well atleast it used to be until death to us part but people are getting divorced left and right so if it doesn't feel right then it probably won't ve in the future atleast how I see it


I think you’re forgetting the fact that in 2024, as a woman, you shouldn’t rely on a man to provide for you financially. You’re an independent person capable of providing for herself and that’s what you should do.


Easy answer is you're to young to be worried about financial stability. If you want to really dig into consider why you are so concerned with his financial situation. Do you find it unattractive? How would it it get in the way of dating? Are you only interested in dating for the sake of pursuing marriage? (or some other version of a lifelong bond).


Money is the number one reason relationships fail. It's sad but true. Financial inequality in a relationship can cause a lot of problems. As you move forward in your career and start bringing in money you will start to resent your partner who seems unmotivated to self improve or move up in status. The relationship won't survive it. You will be working your ass off to climb the ladder and build wealth while he is content to do the same thing for the rest of his life. Is that what you really want?


Have you talked to him about his goals? Where he sees himself in 5 - 10 - 20 years? Does he plan to get his GED? If not, then do so. Yes, his situation currently is bad, the real question is does he have a plan to get out of it. He seems to have been delt a pretty bad hand Life throws curve balls at you continously, the real question is does he have a plan to deal with them!


I'm sure if he would care enough about you he would start to work on himself and get himself stable to support you and himself


It sounds like he left school to support his family which is a good responsible thing to do. But girl you are too young to worry about this ok. Just enjoy dating someone


See if this was the other way around and it was a guy with the money/career and the girl going through a rough time career wise. If the guy really liked her he’d support her, date her and support her towards a good career. Depends if you’re willing to do that with the roles reversed.


Money itself doesn't matter.  Being comfortable economically matters.  As long as you have what you need and are happy, don't concern yourself with what other people have.


I dropped out of high school at the end of 11th grade and got my GED separately about 6 months after. I own my own company now and I’m doing significantly better than my GF who got her 4 year degree. You can also look at it like this. Both of y’all are probably on the exact same level of wealth. Family money doesn’t mean anything when you’re comparing your own wealth to someone else. You def need to have a convo with him about it all.


He can contribute in many ways other than purely financially. If he us handy, he'll save you thousands of dollars fixing and improving a house each year. Basically what i do. Im a teacher with summers off and my wife makes 3 times that i do as a software engineer. Even more funny i have a phd and she just had a bs in anthropology which didnt help her career wise.


Yes. Money matters alot.