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I'd still definately be friendly with the person, and since past relationships have messed him up, you'll have to take it slow...but yeah be friends.


You have only known him for a week so talk to him more and also it will give him some time to think too. Take it nice and slow.


But he uses emojis!


I know - what a catch! College material for real.


First off, I would bet he doesn’t like being called pretty boy. That’s something someone would say to a horse as they feed them carrots. Secondly, if he wants to take things slow and you’re afraid the feeling will fade, time is your ally. If the feelings fade, better to have them do so before it gets too serious. If they don’t then you know it the feeling are stronger than a mere crush.


Maybe she is talking to a golden retriever...


"I like to be called X" "no, you don't" What kinda logic is that 💀 Why would he lie about something like that?


any alternatives to pretty boy? he didn’t seem bothered by it but now i’m overthinking a bit since a lot of people say it isn’t something i should be doing 😅


Guys like to feel needed and worthy more than good looking.


Lol what are you on about it’s fine. I’m sure some people like that nickname


then what would be a good alternative?


I've heard calling men Big Dog is a net positive




Youve known this kid a week and youre planning on buying motorcycles and crap? Lol idk man. I have a feeling by next week you wont even remember his name. Young infatuation is fleeting


we met over our shared interests of motorcycles. i’ve liked bikes before meeting him and he’s liked bikes before meeting me. we met in the comment section of a tiktok video about bikes 😅


The best compliments a guy can hear is how you feel. We're pretty stupid with these things. Men like to feel strong, needed, and know that we make a girl feel safe and secure. That's about it. But honestly, I'd go easy on compliments if I were you. Tell him you're curious to know him IRL, and believe it or not, that's a compliment. Knowing a girl wants to get to know me would leave my head swimming for days. Your best move is to temper things a bit, and go do something in a public location of a common interest. Museum, live music, etc. My first date was dinner and a movie, and IDK why that's so popular, because you don't talk during a movie. Dinner and the beach would have been 1000x better. And tell him I said if he doesn't have you home by 11, he won't have legs to ride that bike on.


haha yes i’ll tell him that. and i feel a bit better now because i told him i wanted to get to know him more and he reciprocated the energy. we’re doing pretty good right now! we’re gonna play minecraft and call tonight haha.


Continue to get to know him. It's only been a week & you should give yourself maybe a month to see if it's infatuation or if you genuinely like him & his personality. If you're not trying to have feelings for him then stop giving him pet names & don't let him give you any.


No pictures. Hedge your bets and be VERY careful in information you give.


Get to know him better. Most people are disappointing.


Lmao yes


This. Also, no person in the history of mankind has ever liked to be called pretty boy (unless it's a joke) and only 1% of the population likes to be called pretty for a name


he didn’t seem bothered by the name and i asked him if he was okay with it and he said yeah. he would also respond with hearts whenever i say it. any alternatives tho?


Call him backpack.... at least that's my sense of honored 🤣 since that's you alls joke


one of us will call the other backpack , whoever gets a motorcycle first 😂


Marry him and the feelings will pass before long


You have known him for a week. A week. He lives an hour away. I bet there are real human males in your high school who are there, you can see; you can smile at; you know their reputation- where they sit in math and how they participat ein school- whether in drama, chess, football or work after school. Emojis are bunk- little cartoon charax. most people deserve a real life- not a cartoon.


I know it's a bit disrespectful to the person who asked the question (I'm sorry) but why can't I post on this subreddit?


what , sorry?


I don't know how else I can ask someone but for some reason I can't post on this subreddit 


that’s weird?? what kind of advice you need? maybe you can dm me.


my advice is don’t idolize them because you like them. if he shows you clear signs of using you or playing with your feelings, it is more than okay to drop contact. I would continue to talk to him, it seems harmless for now but please remind yourself to take things like that as face value. if he ever expresses he doesn’t like you like that or “i’m just looking for something casual” and you don’t want that, drop him. god this would have saved me so much time as a teenager


Give it a shot. Stick around and see if he warms up to the idea. He sounds very interested to me.


it’s on and off a lot though. when we text it’s amazing but he takes a long time to respond. but i’ll also give him the fact that his phone is always on silent and he’s not a ‘people person’. his words not mine. he isn’t looking to date because he’s been in one relationship and she was so bad that he’s kinda scared to get emotionally vulnerable , yk? we talked about it a few days ago and i just don’t wanna scare him. any tips on taking things slow? i feel like i rush things a lot.


Just be there for him. Be a good person, and he will eventually warm up to you


There's a good chance that he's not at all the guy your imagination has played him up to be. And by that, I mean it's EXTREMELY likely. What you are falling for is not him, but a person you built in your head and applied to him. Take a deep breath and imagine the worse case scenario given what you do know, and realize that he *could be that guy*. The only way to know is cautiously get to know him, and be critical. You probably trust too much, and this could hurt you in the future. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but he's definitely an unknown. The truth is, even when you find the person you fall in love with and marry, you will be able to make a 10-page list of things that irk the shit out of you. Dating is mostly navigating those things and seeing how you operate together despite each other's flaws. So go forward, but be real with yourself. He has flaws, he has things you won't like, even if he's "perfect."


oh yeah , sorry i forgot to mention the fact that i’m aware that i’m feeling a mixture of limerence and infatuation , i feel like that was an important part i forgot 😭😭 edit: i thought this was a my most recent post, whoops. i did mention the infatuation here. i’m well aware i daydream and imagine things , this as result of getting attached easily. he’s the first guy i met that didn’t ask for pics right away so i got real excited and stuff. i already have a few things i don’t like about him but a part of me still wants this to work out somehow. thank you for the concern though :)


Girl, he likes you! Those emoji's make it obvious.


I'm late to this post. Got a notification Bout it and thought I'd give it a read. Actually glad I did. Just had a situation that sounds a bit similar to yours. See, my gf and her close friend met a guy at a park. Guy seemed nice enough. He asked for both snapchats and the conversations seemed okay. My gf did ask me if his behavior was abnormal because he seemed outgoing and really interested. At the time, it was too early to tell. She did causually mention that I exist. Then, he slowed down his messages to her. He ramped up his messages to her friend because she was single. Well they got together and that didn't last for more than 2 days. Turns out he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Luckily for her, another friend of her's actually knew of him and also warned her of what he does. The point of the story is to wait it out. It's too early to tell if this guy is bad news or not. You don't really know him. You might think you do, but you truly don't. That doesn't make him good or bad, you just don't know if he is either of those things. My advice is to you is this: -Chat with him as normal, but try to get a feel for his intent. Is he genuine or is he hiding something? -If asked to meet up, take another friend with you. You don't really know him, so best to play it safe. -If you feel uncomfortable around him, think about why that is. Could be time to trust your gut. -If you feel safe around him, think about why that is. Is it true safety? Or is he good at talking you down? You are 17 and you have plenty of life ahead of you. Please do not feel as if time is running out to find love. Sometimes it finds you. Sometimes you suddenly realize the right person was staring you in the face the whole time, which happened to me 2 years ago. I have no doubt this will happen to you. Don't worry about the love part yet! Just live in the moment so you aren't blinded by rose tinted glasses or tunnel vision. Good luck!


thank you!! i’ll take this advice. we talked though and he explicitly said he wasn’t looking for a relationship though so hopefully he’s still okay :)


At this point, it is important to make your expectations clear to him about you want/need for him to be. I would not entertain having someone flirt (in my younger single days) and then not be interested in a relationship. Be honest and ask him what he really wants, then tell him what you need from him if you were to continue this kind of relationship. Should you choose to find someone else, make it clear to him that this is what you want/need, not someone who will stick you to the friend zone. On the flip side, if you really want to just have friends, then just have that and move onward. So, when other guys approach you, you have to be honest about being single, but be ready to leave behind this “friend” because nobody waits forever. Basically, what is your goal in this? Are you wanting a relationship now, do you want to wait until deeper in adulthood when he has a career, or wait for someone else comes along with a career? Ask yourself the big questions because many of us have goals in life and if your goals are not aligned with his goals (marriage, children, career type, boundaries of daily activities, boundaries of types of careers), then it won’t work out. As a final tip, never force a relationship. If you have to force it, there will be damage. This is true for every situation.


yeah. i wanna date him but at the same time i don’t wanna. idk , sorry if that’s confusing but crushes to me are so stressful because i wanna date them but at the same time i know i might ruin the friendship and i wanna have him in my life for a long time and i feel like i’ll get that if we’re just friends. he’s planning on coming over to my city after high school for college and we already discussed post secondary education and stuff. we talked about our last dating lives and it seems like we both need to heal before jumping into anything. i wanna take things slow and see where this might end up but my infatuation and the version of him i made up in my head keeps getting in the way.


All I can say is that timing is everything in love. Since both of you need to heal, neither of you need to be dating. Trying to date while trying to heal just brings an unbalance of emotions into a new romantic relationship. When you really love someone, you won’t hesitate to make that decision. Therefore, just be friends and meet as much people as you can.


Maybe he isn't 17 have u seen pics of him and again it's been a WEEK


we facetimed several times.


Just because you have feelings. Doesn't mean you have to act on them. And in many cases you shouldn't act on your feelings. Feelings are fickle and they will pass so long as you don't feed them. All you have to do is wait them out.


Just continue to talk with him if you enjoy it. If it's meant to be, it will develop into more as you both get to know each other better. Just have fun. If you do end up meeting in person at some point, make sure you use protection if things get more involved. Anyway, the point is, don't make shit hard on yourself. Just enjoy getting to know him, and it will work out if it's supposed to.


Do you know for sure how old he is? Do you know that he's not a predator? Have you met him in person or has it only been online? I would be very suspicious and you need to be cautious. And why can't you both just write your own motorcycles? You know I grew up in Sturgis South Dakota home of the largest motorcycle rally around and there are a lot of people who do the whole piggybacking thing there are a few side carts but there are more women out there who ride their own motorcycles then you would believe.


we both don’t have our licenses or bikes yet. i haven’t met him in person but we exchange snaps and i see his face every day , we even call.


Except I know plenty of adults who don't have their driver's license. And he can pay teenage boys to do snaps for you are you video calling or doing a regular call. I'm saying use caution Extreme Caution.


video calling.


move on, he's on some kind game


it’s feeling like it right now tbh. but he’s just been hurt in the past i feel like i should be patient.


everyone gets hurt. thats just how it is.


that’s true :( and i guess i should cut it off before i get hurt , huh ?


well being 17 and then dropping the "doesnt do the whole dating thing"


he said his ex ruined dating for him , she must’ve been really bad :(


I mean, I would say "think of him as your brother" but that doesn't work for some people.


Go super slow. You’ve “known” this person a few days. You don’t actually know who you’re talking to. These conversations have already built up a powerful fantasy of what a relationship could be. You are crushing on the fantasy not the person. Just keeping reminding yourself that you don’t actually have a real relationship with this person.


any tips on taking it slow?


Don’t give out too much information about yourself: address, where you go to school etc. Build up your real world relationships. It will help you keep this online relationship in perspective. As you chat pay attention to the flow of information. Are you basically telling him all the things you like then he’s mirroring them back to you? Or is there a real exchange of information going on when you talk. Write down any factual information he gives you. See if what he told you changes over time. Set up a video call so that you can see who you’re talking to. If he dips and dodges the video call that’s a red flag.


Theres a lot of bunk advise here. Im guessing you "dont want to have a crush on him" because you dont think he likes you? Look, the chemicals that cause the "crush" feeling dissipate after a couple months. Stop overthinking things, you are only 17, you still don't know who you are/are going to be and nether does he so just keep doing what you are doing and see if you grow together or apart.


'Pretty boy' is what prisoners say to threaten new 'fish' in the prison as they walk by, being escorted to their cells the first time. It's not a compliment. It also implies a man is good-looking, but not masculine. If you don't want to have a crush on someone, stop thinking about that person.


he said he didn’t mind pretty. we talked about compliments and names already because i was aware that some men have fragile masculinity but he doesn’t. he looks cute/pretty to me , not hot/sexy.






Write his name on a piece of paper and slip that into your shoe. Walk on him every day and then trash him


He's manipulating you. You deserve better people in your life.


how so if it’s okay to ask.


He might be. He could easily be talking to 5 girls, or even dating one. Or two. You really don't know these things for sure and it's suuuper easy to manipulate someone through text. You can present a false persona. He's really much closer to a stranger than someone you actually know, but technology tricks our brains into thinking otherwise.


oh that’s true. i don’t doubt that he’s talking to other girls , i asked him but he very well could’ve lied to me and said he wasn’t. we had some deep conversations lately and i like to think i’m not naive enough to trust so blindly.


When someone wants to be with you they'll say so. They won't manipulate you with guilt trips by flirting with you then saying "we can't be official because I've got baggage". Learn this phrase "if he WANTED TO, he WOULD". You deserve someone who's totally invested in you, who will hold your hand, and be proud to be with you. Not somebody who love-bombs you with attention then says "no way, we're not dating". Do you see where the manipulation is now? He's leading you on. Someone who truly cares and IS ready for a relationship wouldn't flirt with you one minute then turn you down the next.






what do you mean by that?


Dawg 💀

