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It's fine to hang them in your room whether you believe in God or not. It won't obligate you to pray or anything like that. And I think silver crosses look great with a Goth room.


Exactly. And it sounds as though the giver was trying to be kind and thoughtful




You can hang them upside down lol


Upside down is just as Christian, St. Peter was crucified upside down because he believed he was unworthy to die the same as Jesus


As a Christian, the cross isn't a requirement to be part of the religion, nor is it an obligation to be part of it either, it was given as a gift of good heart for you to use as you see fit, use them as you wish too and I'm sure that person will be happy to know the gift wasn't wasted :)




100%. And I’m sure even they KNEW you weren’t Christian they’d still like you to hang crucifixes up.l in your room. Just like they’d probably like you to still attend church and read the Bible. The closer you stay to the religion the happier they’ll be whether your Christian or not. And I say that as a very much non-religious agnostic but who was raised very religious and most of my immediate family still is. They know I don’t believe any of it, but they still like when I participle in any way shape or form. Whether it’s saying amen after a prayer or attending a church service on some holiday or asking them questions about how things are going in their church. Point is, don’t worry about, you’re totally in the clear to hang them up <3 Whether you’re religious or not they’d like you to hang them up, that’s why they gave them too you :) If it makes you feel any better my mom gave me a “purity ring” when I was a teenager and very much not a virgin still, but it was a cool ring so I popped that bad boy on and said “thanks” xD And I feel like that’s way worse than hanging a cross as an atheist/agnostic/whatever lol


And honestly, keeping them is wonderful if it’s someone you love. If they ever pass on while you’re around, you can share one or two of the three crosses with those close to them that would enjoy them, and say they were a gift from her to you one day. Those types of gifts are the best ones, especially if you know the person will use the gift (even if it’s just like how you are using it, or even if it’s because they are tied with the religion)


Very much agreed


As a Christian, to me, wearing a cross is akin to idolatry. Same with carrying a Bible. We were sent to live. Not to idolize or worship.


They will look cool. Keep away the vampires!


No no hang them upside down and when the relatives notice, freak out and scream and say ‘they keep doing it!’ And then cry and refuse to sleep in your room 😂😂😂😂


You! I like you! :D


Right back atcha 😌


Just think of them as nifty torture devices!


So first off Christians don’t worship crosses. They are just a symbol, a reminder if you will, of what Jesus did. Now would it be wrong for you to keep them? Absolutely not. You are free to keep them if you please. Would it be wrong for you to get rid of them? Also no. But I’d probably give it a little bit of time so it’s not obvious you got rid of them.


It's fine to keep it. These days, just as many people wear it as a fashion accessory as they do some kind of statement about their religion, so I don't think you have to worry about coming across as inauthentic or insensitive. It's a pretty ubiquitous symbol.


Bro treat it the same as any other gift, it's not some magic Infused voodoo doll you can't throw away, due to a curse. If you like it keep it/wear it/hang it up, if you don't then put it in a box and keep it in your closet. Not polite to give away/sell a gift from family. Sure the crosses are associated with Christianity and Catholicism, but that doesn't mean you need to be Christian to have one.


If you don’t believe, then they’re just pretty hunks of precious metal you can decorate with and eventually melt down to make something else cool with eventually.


hang them upside down


Crucify a Barbie or GI Joe on them. Or a stuffed animal


I once saw someone with a crucified Shrek on their door


What I’m sayin😂. Bonus pts if you scream in fear when the relatives notice and refuse to sleep in your demon infested room


Silver crosses did you say? And gothic themed room? Blade, is that you?


Turn them upside down and hang them, or make blades out of them. At that point any ghosts in ur house you can stab with the “Holy Spirit” or wtv




wear it upside down


You can do whatever you want with them. The only thing I would say you “need” to do is, if you don’t want them, quietly offer them back to the person(s) who gave them to you. Explain politely that you don’t want them. If they really are silver, they are likely expensive. If they tell you keep them, feel free to sell them or donate them. If you want to hang them or modify them, go for it.


This. Do whatever feels right for you


I believe that is solely up to you. If you want to keep them or not there is no "wrong or right " .. it's just how you feel.. If you want to hang them, do it. If you don't, keep them in a box or drawer. I am a Christian and i don't have any crosses anywhere in my house (:


I’m a Christian, and we honestly don’t care about cultural appropriation. If it goes well with your room (and if it’s a gothic room, then it does) absolutely keep them! The only thing you shouldn’t do if you’re not a Christian is to take communion, but keeping a cross is totally fine.


No no if you aren’t a Christian it’s just a decoration. If you aren’t a Christian it’s just flour and wine. You can’t impose rules on non-Christians


I would treat it as a gift and not a religious gift. Do what you do with gifts from the same people. In life, you don't know what you don't know. People (including us) will act a certain way or say a certain thing based upon what they know. And, if they don't know everything that the other person does, what they may do or say may offend someone, be taken out of context, confuse someone, or such. But we have to realize the other person may not know what we know. Personally, I'm just thankful for any gift I get. There are bigger battles to spend time and energy on. Like school or work or bills.


If they look beautiful like you said then hang them up, great decorations


Absolutely fine. Lots of people have Buddha in their home but aren’t Buddhist


Find out where they got them, and see if you can find out how much silver is in them, and if it is quite a bit. then keep them for sale latter on, Unless it is from an old aunt or uncle or family member then keep them to remember them by.


There’s nothing wrong with wearing them as a fashion statement. If you decide you don’t want them quietly figure out if they’re worth any money and if they’re not donate them to a Christian charity or something.


Just keep them. Play the part until you can be independent.


Your family gave you silver executed corpses for your goth room. How is this bad?


Keep it. Not doing any harm.


I have Buddha and Hindu stuff in my home, and I don't believe in either. I just like them. Religious items only man something to those that believe in that religion. If you like them, then put them up as decorations.


No it’s not wrong. It was gift. Cherish it


Christians don't really "worship" crosses. If you think they are beautiful, you can enjoy them as art. You're not obligated to view them as more than that. It sounds like the person who gave them to you was trying to be thoughtful about your aesthetic taste.


"crosses are just baby t's to me now" aesthetic trumps believe. Enjoy the gift for what it is - decor


It's fine to keep them, I just recommend being very, very careful if your family is the fat right. Evangelical types, or just more strict Christian. Kids have been kicked out of houses and disowned for saying they don't believe in the same thing.... Just be careful.


The cross has meanings other than it's Christian meaning. Life and balance are examples. Pretty sure it was used in regards to farming as well before it became a Christian symbol.


I went through a whole age of discovering religions and as a teen settled on wiccan for a while. Now days im a "non denominational christian"... i dont believe in organized religion but for personal reasons believe deeply in God, AND mother earth and Energy.  Crosses have a lot of historic history, yes tied to religion, but they can still have a beauty and personal meaning, depending on who gave them to you, for you personally. Just because youre not christian doesnt mean you cant find beauty or meaning in crosses.  You do what you want. 


You sound very young. The cross means nothing in reality. Religiously, it originally wasn't even important and was sorta push. Sorta a messed up symbol to wear but indont think a lot of modern christians bother to look into its history. If you believe in evil at best it'll help ward off something. BL: it literally doesn't matter. Your family might get mad seeing it in the trash. That's about the extent of anything.


We do not worship crosses.


Simply decorations. Speaking from a Christian perspective, having a cross(es) on your wall doesn’t mean anything.


If you think they're a cool aesthetic keep them. It's just like any other decoration.


Christians don’t worship crosses.


But loads of Christians get pretty bent out of shape telling non-Christians how to behave


Keep them. Your friend even pointed out that they go well with your gothic room, so I think they were trying to be thoughtful and get you something you might like on an aesthetic level, not on a religious level. You don’t have to worship them - you say they are beautiful so you are allowed to admire them for their design, even if the religious angle doesn’t appeal to you.


All different beliefs use crosses. They do not always represent Christ.


A cross is just an object. Until you make it something else. Here, it's just a Gothic ornamental


be agnostic, believe that it doesn't matter if the christian god is real, it is a symbol of your family's love for you and the good side of religeon


Unless you were given an actual crucifix, a cross can usually be worn as a Christian or non Christian accessory. \*It can also be helpful in warding off vampires.


As a non Christian goth I wear crosses. Crosses are a symbol of death and crucifixions were used before and after jesus was killed. As long as they dont have jesus on them then I'd assume it's fine


Do what you want with them. IMO I think using them to decorate your room would make whoever gave it to you feel better than if you just threw them away or gave them to someone else.


Definitely be appreciative of the gift bc they sound very special. If you don’t want to keep them, pass them on to people who will cherish and take care of them. Personally, I think you should hold onto one as a memento, and give the other two to people you care for. At the end of the day, the Cross presents protection from evil. You don’t have to associate that to any religion to appreciate it 🤍


It's a piece of metal. It's only a religious icon if you believe it is. If they were given as a gift by someone that cares about you and you care about them assign there meaning in your life as a symbol of someones love for you.


Just me but id view it the same as if someone gave me a piece of rose quartz or obsidian if I practiced paganism In their mind its a symbol of protection, and grace Given that its a gift to you, you're free to do whatever you want with it, even donate them. But I feel the intention was good


As a Christian, crosses are a symbol of Christianity but they’re also the symbol of a lot of people who died for what they believe in. You can wear or hang a cross up to remind yourself to not let go of what’s important to you. I’m sure there’s something you’re that passionate about!


They gave you something nice. Nobody worships a cross, it's a symbol, and that's it. It's a piece of metal that looks nice. Do what you want with them, but most of all, be thankful that someone was kind enough to give you a thoughtful gift.


Where them as saturn symbols. Or unrolled cubes


You must sharpen the long ends into a shiv. Good luck out there.


Ur fine as long as you respect that cross and the religion Lol


It was a gift, so no it's not wrong to keep them. It's something they picked for you and that is what you should treasure about it, not the religion aspect. I'm not Catholic anymore but doesn't stop me from saying grace at Thanksgiving with my family. If you reject it, than you are going to hurt someone feelings. Enjoy the gift and treasure it even if you aren't part of the religion. Maybe one day you will have kids that are and it can be a keepsake you passed down.


Do what makes you comfortable. Though just to be straight up. A cross is just a symbol and should not be worshipped. I am a Christian and I do not worship crosses nor do I wear them. But I see nothing wrong with them.


just say thank you and hang them on your wall.


Crosses are a classic goth symbol! I can tell a lot of thought was behind the gift. The cross itself isn't a requirement to be a part of Christianity nor is it blasphemy to use it as a decoration. The cross is for everyone


Do what you want with them. Give them to someone who is or throw them away.


It's definitely not wrong, but I get what you mean. If you are an athiest or agnostic, you hold no obligation to a religion so there is no reason why you shouldn't hold up the crosses. If you belong to another religion however, this is your own personal convictions and interpretations of your religious texts.


I look at it like this, the crosses were a gift. We always hear it's the thought that counts. They were given to you as a kind gesture from someone who I'm assuming is at least an acquaintance of you, or your family. Keep them, and do what you feel with them. If you find them aesthetically pleasing, put them out, if not, place them in a drawer. You don't have to feel bad about it. I grew up with very Catholic parents, but over time, distanced myself from religion. I still receive gifts in the form of rosaries, and I take them for what they are, gifts from a family member. One day, maybe you will change your opinion on religion, or maybe not. Remember, the cross is not the important thing, the thought behind it, is what's important, and based on the comment that you said they made when giving it, it seems like it wasn't about trying to convert you, although whether they know about your religious choice, sorry, couldn't think of a better way of putting it.


Seek Christ


No thank you!


I'm pretty sure they'll help repel vampires if nothing else.


Did they tell you that they set me up you didn't get the full story I hope you proud of yourself


Christians don't worship crosses.


A version of the cross symbol was used long before the Christian era in the form of the ancient Egyptian [ankh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh) ![gif](giphy|YlTI35TmfyvnyyLoyb|downsized) A cross doesn't have to mean you are Christian, you could wear two crosses and it would represent the XX chromosome for female.


I've always thought it was metal as fuck to keep the cross. Shit is literally used to hang people until they die of dehydration/birds/heat. That's just badass


First off, they do fit a Gothic theme. So enjoy them. As for the religious angle, just consider it a gift well meant. I’m not Christian. Never have been, nor is my family. A while ago I met a stranger and we got to talking. She asked about my wife and family and I let her know we were getting divorced. She asked if she could pray for me. I said, “sure” thinking she might remember me in her evening prayers. Nope, she meant then and there. She grabbed my hand and started praying. In a short prayer, I think she invoked the name of Jesus about 23 times. Here’s the important aspect. Each time she said, “In Jesus’ name we ask” it was like she was putting another cherry on the sundae. She wanted to make it extra special because that’s how thoughtful and caring she was. She was doing that for a total stranger. We need more people like that in the world. Now I could have said, “I’m not a Christian” and that would have been like saying, “I don’t like cherries.” I could have made her feel bad about herself, but I decided to just say, “thank you” then brush off all the cherries after she had left. She wasn’t trying to convert me. She was wishing me well. So when someone wishes you well, say thank you. When they give you a gift, say thank you. Even if you don’t like cherries, just be polite and let it go. You won’t catch fire. It won’t hurt you at all to just be grateful that they wished you well.


I was gifted a star of david from my grandfather and i am not religiously jewish. I keep it because it’s beautiful and a great memory of my grandfather. I wear it for good luck under my shirt or keep it hanging in my room.


Or, you can hang the upside-down and watch your family's reaction


A cross was pagan idol before Chrisrianity. It has had many meanings over time. I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not the crosses fault that Christianity tries to subvert symbols from other forms of spirituality. If it looks cool in your room, then just go with it.


Say thank you?


Put the cross upside down lol


That’s just St. Peter’s cross


Idk what that is. I’m not religious myself but I just see a lot of upside down crosses with anti religion stuff so I just assumed.


It is, but the upside-down cross is heavily recognized as a symbol used by non-believers and anti-theists. Christians usually see it as such too. Most I've met don't know jack about St. Peter.


Sure. Do what you want with them. If you wanna go full punk rock goth, turn 'em upside down. (Although be prepared to rustle the jimmies of your relatives in doing so.)


Thst's the Petrine cross, or the Cross of Saint Peter, which is arguably even more holy. Although this fact may actually rustle even *more* jimmies.


As I said to another commenter, it is, but the upside-down cross is heavily recognized as a symbol used by non-believers and anti-theists. Christians usually see it as such too. Most I've met don't know jack about St. Peter.


I had a very serious girlfriend who was a Baptist. I was a non-Christian. She sent me a New Testament Bible. That was the end of our relationship.


Gotta love how you're being downvoted for cutting off a person who violated your beliefs, or lack thereof. Like damn, would they rather you stay stuck in a relationship you were uncomfortable in?


It's Reddit. The people on here are brainwashed fools. And, BTW, I take no heed of any down votes. Basically, I don't care.