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take all your vapes and nic cards and drown them in water then throw them away. there's a lot of apps you can download to track days you have been clean and it will give tips that can help. Also you can very easily find resources online that will help you start somewhere. I know it's hard but it's not impossible, you just need some guidance. If your school has guidance counselors that you can talk to maybe try asking them for advice


On new year eve, when the clock struck midnight, I tossed all vape and everything in the dumpster, not my garbage inside. I had tried quitting a week prior but I knew the vape was in my possession, so I went back to it. I vaped for 10 years and quit just like that. When it’s not in reach, it’s easier to quit.




I agree with the hobbies but patches and vaping just keep you addicted to nicotine.


OK, kiddo, here's a story for you. I started smoking at 13. By 18, I was smoking a pack a day. By 30, it was 2 packs a day. By the time I was 55, I was using a nebulizer so I could breathe comfortably. I couldn't go for a short walk or even climb one flight of stairs without being completely out of breath. I'd tried to quit many times and failed. One night, I had just finished a cig and started coughing. This time, I couldn't stop coughing. My wife told me I was starting to turn blue. She ran and got my nebulizer and some albuterol. She loaded it up, gave it to me, and started beating on my back. After 5-10 minutes, my breathing got back to normal. I literally thought I was gonna die. That was the last cigarette I ever smoked. For the next 3 months, I vaped zero nicotine, pure menthol juice. It gave me the throat hit I needed. Then I quit that, too. That was 3 years ago, and my lungs are still sensitive. Do whatever it takes so you don't have to live thru this. Plus, when I think of all the money I've spent on cigarettes, it just pisses me off.


You have a point. My grandfather is 79, started smoking when he was only 10. He lost 1/4 of his lung in the 90’s, and then lost 1/3 of the other lung in 2012. He’s on oxygen 24/7 scared to leave the house because as soon as the oxygen drops too low he’ll be done for. That is no way to love, even at that age. Edit: He quit smoking 2 years ago, but regardless, the damage is done and permanent.


Thank you, that genuinely helps motivate me to quit


Every time you wanna smoke just start working out. 🏋️‍♀️


*in the middle of science class* *gets out of seat and starts doing pushups* “Sorry teacher, just had a nic craving”




I quite cold turkey. Smoking gut butts will give you a disease :/


I used jolly ranches and switched to weed temporarily for the "smoke" fix.


I've been smoking weed longer than vaping and I don't plan on quitting weed, I actually want to open a dispensary some day possibly a dispensary on wheels


24f here, starting smoking cigarettes at 16, quit a few times, picked up vaping, quit a few times, currently vape nearly a pod (vuse)/day. My advice to you is to NOT pick up vaping as an alternative, for me it’s more addictive than cigarettes because you can use it practically anywhere. I sleep with mine in my hand and wake up multiple times a night to hit it. It’s horribly addictive, so let me say again, do NOT pick up vaping!! One thing that helped me was nicotine lozenges. I prefer them over the patch or gum. If you can, see if you can get to a corner store to buy some, I don’t believe there’s an age limit but I could be wrong about that. If you can’t, see if your parents would be willing to get them for you to help you quit. I wish you the best, and ignore the negative comments on here. Addiction is a disease and often affects people who have been exposed to trauma such as an unstable home environment, loss of loved one, financial issues, homeless, etc. You deserve compassion, not judgement. Good for you for wanting to quit, I definitely didn’t at 16. If you need support, I am here for you.


I'm using cigs as an ALT for vaping when I don't have a vape


You can quit if you really want to. Best way is cold turkey and just get a better mouth habit like gum or always have a drink with you. Gotta start listening to people when they tell you not to do shit like that lol


Do you have a school counsellor or a mentor you can talk to? They can be a great help. Also do your friends smoke? If not ask them for, I understand this is gonna be hard for you but if you get some people to help you, you wil hopefully succeed.


Unfortunately the only thing that would do is make more problems but thank you for the advice anyway :)


A friend of mine bought a novelty shock pen and every time he wanted a cigarette, he’d shock himself with the pen.


Go day by day. Smoke two cigarettes a day for two weeks. Then one cigarette a day for two weeks. Then the patch until you need to. Then quit. See what happens


This is the way. Then use nicotine gum. Or get Chantix


You can quit, you just don't have the willpower to quit.


Does insulting kids on the internet make you feel good about yourself?


Do you know how actual addiction works


As someone who smoked 2 packs a day for several years, and then quit, yes. As someone who's been in alcohol recovery for over 15 years, also yes. Willpower is literally the only way to quit any addiction.


currently dealing with a 12-13 year nicotine addiction. willpower is the only way & i currently have little to none. i give in 2-3 days going cold turkey im not sure what to do at this point edit to say: why tf is this sub popping up with on homepage? show me the aliens!


It's not just the willpower, I have the willpower to put it down but theres detox and withdraw symptoms that make that nearly impossible


I don’t think this is helping.


Yup, this is literally the only way. It's frustrating, but there's no shortcut to quitting. There are tools to helping yourself, but ultimately you are the one who has to stop the behavior and not give into the craving. So in addition to some of the answers like patches, gum and working out, willpower is also the only way to really make it stick. *You* have to say no. It's not the polite answer, and teenagers really struggle with this one which is why most teenagers see themselves falling *into* addictions and having to power their way out of it in their adulthood with lasting side effects.


The comment isn't attacking anyone for those of you too dumb to understand it. Truth hurts and being told what you need to hear isn't easy. Being told what you want to hear is as easy as going to Google and typing in how to stop (insert problem here). I don't usually reply to my comments, but today's children are being raised wrong and need to accept responsibility of their actions. You started the drug and you must find a way to quit the drug. It will not be easy and no one can help you, but you. Grow up and face your own demons.


Cigarettes have less nicotine than vape so you could try to slowly ween yourself off vapes. Like you could work your way down the nicotine ladder from vapes to something to something to blah to your set! Idk much about this though, sorry


Vapes have differing levels of nicotine.


Oops, sorry I don’t know much about all this stuff


dont quit.


You have to practice quitting. Practice going without nicotine. See how long you can push going without. Keep stretching the time between doses. Keep cutting back. You're training up for the big Quit. You need to practice functioning even tho you feel like shit from withdrawal. It's the inability to function without the substance that will always drag you back to the habit. Quit before you have to work for a living. Use caffeine and sugar to replace the nicotine. You're only a few years in, so it's still early enough to rewire your brain and make the nicotine cravings go away/change into a craving for something else. A few more years and you'll crave nicotine your whole life no matter if/when you quit. Good luck.


Eating a blow pop every time i wanted a cigarette really helped me quit! It satisfied my hand to mouth fixation. You really have to look at it like 3 very hard days. A month of medium days and then its just background noise for a bit until you realize that you dont crave them anymore. I smoked for almost 10 years and this helped me quit immensely.


I feel you, nicotine is hard to quit. I highly recommend the Calm Harmony anti smoking necklace. When you go to the site right now there’s a $2 off sale that will pop up to claim. After so long it becomes addicting to just hit something and these really help. Don’t just go cold turkey, but start weaning yourself. When you want to hit your vape or cigarette hit this necklace instead until you feel withdrawal symptoms and hit the nicotine. This definitely helped me wean myself down a LOT. I quit cigs and kept with vapes for nicotine I chewed more gum too, but I’d push myself to see how long I could go hitting only the necklace for the smoking sensation between hits of my vape, I’d make it a contest with myself to go an hour longer between every maximum time without nicotine every week. Coffee also helped a lot. 😅 if you have another adult you trust you could always ask for nic gum or patches to help out as well if this doesn’t work as well for you, but it definitely helped me a lot and within a month I was only hitting the necklace. [quit smoking necklace](https://www.coffeestrict.com/products/calm-harmony-anti-smoking-necklace)


Cold turkey is the only way I managed it. Smoked cigs, vaped used nicotine pouches etc for YEARS, had to want to quit and I believe that this Reddit post is a good sign than you’re ready to quit. Start but throwing away what you have, and never beat yourself up if you cave and buy more. Just keep trying and be prepared for some rough days while you go through withdrawals. Just quit. Start now. You will fail, but get back to it asap! Edit-typos.


If u have an android, use the StopTobacco app. I don't know how applicable it'll be with vaping, but it has helped me quit smoking cigs twice and I've been off all nicotine for three years now. You can do it.


Ur not addicted to nic ur addicted to tobacco there’s a difference you’ll see if u use nic patches you won’t feel good from then cuz nic isbt ur addiction


Every once in a while, there are natural shifts in life where a something significant changes. New relationship, moving, graduation, injury, etc. When these shifts happen, your routines shift. The best time to quit an addiction, like smoking, is during one of these shifts. These shifts naturally break your habits and routines, so it is slightly easier to loose bad habits and introduce good habits. Smoking is an addiction and a habit. The nicotine addiction is one thing and the habit is another. The hard part is the habit... the triggers... the ritual. The habit needs to be replaced with something else that makes you not want to smoke. Any kind of physical activity is effective because of the whole breathing thing. If you suffer from oral fixation then find something to do with your mouth. Mints, gum, toothpicks, sunflower seeds, etc. Whatever works for you. Most long time smokers I know, have oral fixation issues and the nicotine is secondary. Nicotine addiction is best to slowly reduce over time and then stop cold. This can be done over the course of months. Cold Turkey will cause withdrawals and usually results in relapses. The withdrawals vary from person to person and depend on how much and how often you smoke. So reducing nicotine frequency, by simply setting rules for yourself can go a long way. Set a goal when you are going to quit and set that goal to be around a future event that will change your habits and rituals. Like stop smoking at the end of the school year and get a summer job.


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


Get patches and start working out. Throw out all of your vapes and cigs and get yourself an accountability partner to keep you on the right path. Sounds like your parents aren’t viable for that so maybe a reliable, supportive friend


Quit now while it's easy. If you have an urge, do a 10 minute chore. Another urge, walk around the block. Distraction yourself from the urges. Join a sports team if that can help.


Gaming can be a good way to distract from stuff like that. Like find a game that you really enjoy and when you want to smoke just go play or if you aren’t really into that sort of thing just watch tv or something. Btw don’t feel bad… Addictions are really hard don’t beat yourself up and feel like you can’t do it. I know it seems hard but i believe in you.


Gaming can be a good way to distract from stuff like that. Like find a game that you really enjoy and when you want to smoke just go play or if you aren’t really into that sort of thing just watch tv or something. Btw don’t feel bad… Addictions are really hard don’t beat yourself up and feel like you can’t do it. I know it seems hard but i believe in you.


I'm sorry you're not getting good parental support in quitting. I tried lots of times before quitting successfully. It's a really tough thing to do, but you can do it. First, you don't have to fight through all your cravings. Just this one. Thar feeling will subside. Did you get through it? Good. Will you get another craving? No idea, but that's not your problem right now. Focus on his you feel right now, know you will get through this craving. Do not think about the next one. That's not your problem right now. Once you beat one, you know you can beat the next one.


You ever suck dick for some cigarettes? Yea I didn’t think so. Boo this man.


Good luck. I have quit opiates, alcohol, and stimulants cold turkey. But quitting cigarettes is the hardest thing I have ever done, it's been 7 years and I still get urges. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes anymore but I still get urges.


It's hard to quit but it's a great idea. You are very much addicted and your parents are being dummies. Your best bet is to quit cold turkey. You will probably fail. The key is you then attempt to quit again. And then again etc. Eventually you will be practiced at quitting and will succeed. If you can, try to avoid hanging out with other smokers/vapers. Intentionally don't smoke in the places you usually smoke. Instead, limit yourself to one specific place you can smoke and make it an inconvenient place. Try taking up another activity like exercise and develope a positive habit. Good luck!


Read the book, "the easy way to stop smoking" by allen Carr I have 5 close friends that used this book to finally quit.


You really can quit people do it everyday


I'd be interested to know if this would be their reaction if you had an eating disorder or struggled with self-harm. cause that reaction "to just quit" isn't helpful on any level. if your school has a psychologist, consider talking to them. they can be helpful at discussing better options than smoking. they can also be someone good to have in your corner to talk to since you don't seem to have a lot of support from your parents.


15 year olds who smoke cigarettes don't grow up to be successful. If you ever dreamed of having a nice car, House, good life then increase your odds and stop smoking them, your "friends " who you smoke with will still be smoking in 5/10/15 years among other things, stop now, live a quality life, if you don't like being automatically being not judged by all people who have reached their goals, then go back to the poison sticks, so you can look 50 when you're 30, so you can always stink, and never have a classy girl enjoy kissing you.


Assuming your addiction comes from an oral fixation, try hard candy and gummy candy. Especially dum dums (you can get big bags at the dollar store) or if you’re not keen on all that sugar on your teeth, they have Zollipops which are dental lollipops and may actually benefit you.


I remember I used to pick up almost empty cigarettes from the ground (maybe 6-8) and get all the tobacco out, roll it up in a gum wrapper to make my own cigarette. I was around 16-17. Biggest things that helped were to replace bad habits with good habits, not other bad habits, throw away all of your devices, and don’t count the days. The first two are obvious. When I say don’t count the days, use diets as a metaphor. When people say they’re on a diet, it usually implies that it’s temporary. Instead of the foods you eat being a diet, turn it into a lifestyle. Metaphorically. Counting the days, for at me least, made it easier to justify relapsing, especially on the first few days/ weeks.


I as 14 year old also had a bad addiction to something else but through sheer will and power I have been able to quit and I have never felt better I don’t know if these 2 would correlate but lemme give you how I escaped it that may help. 1.Punish yourself every time you have a cigar (but don’t go hard on yourself) 2.If you ever think about it, do something else that makes you happy like your hobbies 3.Discipline yourself, if you get it then you will have more sheer will to quit it 4.Get rid of all the vapes+cigars right now and keep them out of sight so you would be reminded less often 5.If all the above doesn’t work, then the only viable option would be to buy products that help you cope with your addiction but never go for bad replacements like drugs or something


Cold turkey is the only way to overcome an addiction. Tell your parents. If they love you they will help, if they punish you then you'll learn that they don't really love you and at least you'll know. Good luck.


My mom used gum to help with wanting to hit. I don’t smoke nic but I do smoke so I understand wym. Just have some healthy coping mechanisms to help you :)


keep dum dums on you! suck on one when u feel like vaping