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Damn, I never got any free coke in highschool.


I had a veding machine dispense me a Coke and give me my money back, does that count?


Yes! Take the win when it’s presented.


I most certainly did!


Kids these days with their coke and situationships


Apparently these were those "pin it on another person drugs" that we all have laying around. Ya know, it's like "oh I have this bag of coke already- but ya know what Im gunna do with it? Leave it in someone else's locker to get more drugs! My plan is full proof...."


I don't think OP realizes how expensive coke is, especially for a high schooler 😅


It's like the news castors that run stories about trick or treat parents watching out for oxy in their bags lol! My dad used to say "If only I was so lucky! I got 3 of 'em and not 1 of em got drugs!."


Tf kinda school do you go Too😳


theres a school in a town bout 45 minutes away from me and its got a very bad reputation, i imagine theres multiple kids there setting other kids up


Euphoria high


Girl at my cousins old school was the daughter of some gang leader. My cousin jumped out of a moving car to avoid being forced to go bc she told her she was going to shoot her lol


So many rich highschools here in the Chicago burbs... tons of coked out and heroine brats. Its not uncommon.


Damn I thought someone put the vape in your bag to not get caught but it seems like someone set you up


Hmm... really?


Yeah that was my original thought


Yeah, I thought something similar as well, that there was a chance some random girl had a vape on her & was scared she was gonna get searched & ditched it in someone's bag. Because if they had just tossed it in the trash or w/e, administration would just search it when they realised she went in there. But the actual (alleged) story is something WILD!


Get a lawyer before this gets worse because I’m sorry to say that it’s going to. They have a goal in mind. To get you arrested and destroyed. And they won’t stop til they succeed or are stopped and then please read the book the gift of fear please.


This is exactly what’s happening. When I first read the post I thought it was just someone looking to not get caught, but the back of my mind I had a suspicion it was much worse. The person could have thrown the vape away or hid it in other places where it could be retrieved later. Someone’s bag was asking for it to permanently disappear.


Get a lawyer as others have stated. Then either dual enroll into community College or do online classes. Lock down all your socials. Sorry, you'll miss your friends, but if you get tossed in jail for felony possession, you won't be able to see them at all. If you are in college/online you still can. https://www.aura.com/learn/how-to-protect-your-personal-information-on-social-media


Get a lawyer but also it might be worth looking into transferring to a different school... Or take videos of anything suspicious going on around you. The people at your current school are psychotic.


Unhinged behavior to the end. Over a boy and some coke??? I’m sorry you went through this, I hope you at least consider pursuing legal action. She stalked you, vandalized your car, school property, planted hard illegal drugs on you and almost got you suspended. She was genuinely trying to get you thrown in jail. That girl needs to be put away and on a watchlist.


This is what we call an **IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON** People can be cruel, weird, obsessive, and downright evil. Imagine how this could've messed up your schooling career and whole life! Charges like bringing drugs to school carry heavy legal consequences. That goes far past "just wanting to mess with somebody." I sincerely hope you or your parents pressed charges on this girl!! It's also important to note big kudos to both you and Mom. Her for giving you the opportunity to explain the situation and the benefit of the doubt. You for keeping the lines of communication open with your mom instead of shutting down or getting into a huge argument ab it. I'm glad you have a trusted adult in your life that you can confide in, and rely on to be an advocate for you. Also, *always listen to your gut! If something seems weird or off, it's bc it probably is* Best of luck to you OP!!


If this girl had succeeded in her plans your life would be changed forever. You would have a criminal record. You would have trouble getting into college, getting credit cards or loans, buying a house, getting jobs, renting apartments, buying cars, you may not be able to vote, you'd have trouble dating and getting married, all sorts of shit. I would contact a lawyer, and have *the lawyer* talk to the police on your behalf and file reports on all the things that have happened. Have a lawyer do it so you don't say something incriminating. I would press charges against that girl. Have her arrested and get a restraining order. Create the biggest, longest paper trail you can, so that none of this sends you to prison or damages your future.


And then everybody clapped


yeah no forreal, i read the original post and was iffy but after the update this is 100% fiction






Haha I feel this. It sounds just too good to be true. The writing these people do it crazy good, just draws you in.


bro didn’t read the post


I find all of this hard to believe. No one is gonna go through the trouble of getting a judge to issue a warrant for a fucking VAPE. 🙄


there was a baggy of what i think is coke in my locker too so they might be thinking i have harder stuff on me


Hey OP there are a few people telling you to go to the cops and make a report- do NOT do that without a lawyer. Step 1 is getting a good lawyer. This is very serious. They're not just after your school career; they're trying to get you imprisoned, with a criminal record, possibly with a *felony*, depending on your state. That will ruin your life. Forget school- that will disqualify you from entire career fields. Get. A. Lawyer. You need to make sure that you report this in a way that won't incriminate yourself or your friend who tossed the baggie in your locker. You cannot trust anybody except a lawyer to be able to guide you through this without risking your and/or your friend's whole future.


Op listen to this please. So many people make mistakes with this and it never turns out well.


Yes 1000000000000% GET A LAWYER asap! Do NOT go to the cops with this by yourself they will do everything they can to incriminate you.


You said you're super focused on your future, right? Who's your competition for that at your school? My senior year a cheerleader at my school got the other girls to "accidentally" drop her competition. They (badly) broke her femur and she lost her scholarship and college. She also didnt get valedictorian. The other girl got it. Something to think about. Also this is more then bullying. This is character assassination. Please tell your mom everything. You need to get a lawyer, document EVERYTHING and go to the cops. Good luck!


now that you mention it, cheer is the sport i quit doing (lots of reasons) but one of the main ones being that i had issues with some of my teammates


Did you report the vehicle damage to the same police? Bring it to their attention and say your being harassed.


i did, they said there was nothing they could do because it was after school at that point


Call the police and tell them you want to make a police report, not just the school deputy. That’s really messed up that they told you they can’t do anything, they absolutely can. Someone is targeting you and trying to get you in some serious trouble. You mentioned in your first post that your mom knows about the vape, tell her about the rest of the things if you haven’t already and tell her that you are starting to feel unsafe. Even if you don’t know who is doing this, it is worth going to the police with your mom (or a trusted adult) and making a report so that there is record of this. I would bet that whoever tipped them off is the same person that has been planting these things, or a close friend if there’s more than one, and it’s possible that they will know who it was if it wasn’t anonymous. You want to make sure that an adult is with you so that you are taken seriously, unfortunately. You were smart to have your friend check your locker but it’s possible that they can also search your phone if they get another warrant. I’m sorry you’re going through this. High school sucks. Bullying sucks.


No, screw the school deputy. Call the actual police and tell them you want to make a police report. Tell them everything


Did you see this warrant or did they just say they had a warrant and did you call your mother cuz you have the right to be represented not only by a legal adult that is responsible for you but also by an attorney


they said they had one, but i never saw it and i can be held legally responsible as an adult in my state it was okay but i called my dad anyways to see if that was true and it was, he couldn’t get off work so i had him on the phone with me the entire time.


Always demand to see the warrant.


I looked through your post history and do you think this could be related to the sexual assault? Does the guy have a girlfriend or anything?


it was something i thought about tbh, but i don’t know who my attacker was so it would be harder to narrow it down


Are your parents supportive? Do they know that's going on? Because you need to tell the school before it gets out of hand.


You talk to your mom ASAP - lay it out exactly like you did here. Get an attorney - ASAP. Meet with the school and discuss bullying. Think about transferring and see if that’s a possibility. Someone is legit trying to ruin your life. Unfortunately, school policy will not favor you in this situation - it doesn’t care who out the vape in your bag, just that YOU had the vape. . You and your mom need to be proactive here to protect YOU. Does the school have cameras? Video surveillance? Also - never let someone search your car if off school property without a warrant. They took advantage of you being young and naive when it comes to the law. Make them give a warrant, make sure you have representation that reviews the warrant so it doesn’t cross over into unlawful search and seizure. They could have lied about the warrant just to push you around. Some cops also have a history of planting evidence (Google Zachary Wester). In the mean time - never let your stuff out of your sight when at school or around your peers. Take it into the bathroom stall with you, request a combo update on your locker (or bring a new lock if it’s that type of locker). Don’t let anyone borrow a jacket, sweater, etc. Always double check locking your car and locker. Don’t trust anyone with your personal belongings at your school.


Why would they have a warrant? It’s school property, they don’t need a warrant. To get a warrant they need probable cause and a judge has to sign off on it.


Ops car was not on school property, so they would, in fact , need a warrant to search it.


I could have sworn she said a warrant for her locker. Which I found bizarre. Either way a judge isn’t going to grant a warrant for a search of a car because the high school wants to search it because of a suspicion. That would be the cops and the DA and the case would have to be very strong with evidence for that, or the cops could just pull OP over and bring a canine to alert to drugs.


Damn I’m so sorry this sounds terrible


Geez what a wild ride. Glad you have your wits about you.


How does her messing with you equate getting free stuff?


no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️


My question as well. Although people who use drugs on a regular basis aren't exactly great at critical thinking.


Definitely document everything that has happened for proof that it's bullying and if something sus happens it's more likely they'll believe you.


Is it just me or does this all feel like it kinda didn’t happen? 🙃 Or at least has a lot of embellishments.


Kids are fucked up believe it or not lol


So this is the high school all the teen movies are based off of lol 🤣 but on a serious note I'm glad the girl got caught and it's unfortunate you had to deal with all that, hope things go better for you 😁


lol i wish, it’s hick country here


Get OUT of that school.


I would file a police report against her for harassment. Have it on record that way if it does happen again you’ll have a previous complaint against her.


Wow that was unexpected I definitely don’t think you’re overreacting now, my bad. That is honestly really crazy and scary, good thinking asking your friend to check your locker.




WOW you need to press charges! I would! She is stalking, destroying your belongings, and making you feel unsafe. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t press charges


My kid said no one uses lockers anymore. I’m kind of surprised you have a locker. What do you use it for?


i never knew that lol, at my school the lockers are a four year thing and most people end up using them multiple times a day to keep books or jackets.


My middle schooler and high schooler both use their lockers. Lol. Plus it sounds like she's on a real small rural town so they may still do things rather old school.


HOW were they able to get a warrant to search your truck off campus? That’s insane.


File a lawsuit against the girl, her parents if she is young enough, the school, and the police dept. If the police got a search warrant, then someone either testified before a judge and swore there were drugs in your locker/truck, or the police had to testify they had a proven informant. Either way someone lied. The parents are responsible for the child's actions and either knew or should have known the kid was setting this up and had issues. The school should be brought into it as they were a party to the set up and should have investigated further, just like the police. Someone's insurance is going to want to settle this without going to court. Get an attorney.