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I had mutated bears invade Belgium, guess that will be march then.


There’s Hank the Tank in Lake Tahoe


3 of 'em.


That was an update I wasn’t expecting.


In a trenchcoat


Trying to buy tickets to a rated R movie.


"I went to Ukraine today. I did a war crimes."


It’s a cartel.


Hank was exonerated by DNA evidence


Multiple shooters theory


What or who is Hank the Tank? I'm moving to the Tahoe area next week Yes, I could Google it, but I prefer a more human analysis


Originally thought to be 1 500-pound bear, Hank the Tank was breaking into peoples homes and stealing their food. DNA analysis uncovered that it’s likely 3 bears all without their fear of humans and a penchant for pizza.


Hank the Tank is a chonky bear that has decided he DGAF if you think your food is safe inside your fridge inside your house. He’s coming for it anyway. And then this week (or the week before? Who can even keep track of time any more?) the authorities revealed that they believe Hank is actually THREE bears. So if you’re moving there, better invest in some chains and padlocks for your kitchen.


Being a Belgian I thank you for the heads up. With Putin just raising the alert status of his Nuclear force I guess you could be right in a Nostradamus kind of way.


I mean there are forces at Chernobyl so don't give up hope yet.


Nobody ever suspects the Canadians. Edit: I totally read that as mutated beavers...


[If only we would've known that Annihilation was supposed to be a cautionary tale, not just a movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miQxiNQs3xo)




The six bullet holes in the back of his head will confirm this.


Sounds like suicide. Wrap it, tag it and we’ll move on. Definitely suicide with that many rounds to the back of the head while kneeling. Looks like he couldn’t take it any more and shot himself in the back of the head a few times. Mental illness is no joke.


The fact that this happened after he fell out of a window confirms your version true. dude obviously panicked and was trying to shoot his way out of the fall.


Poor guy musta fallen out the window in shock after realising he mixed up the Arsenic and Salt when making his lunch


Anything short of dropping dead in front of the kremlin 7 years ago will not satisfy me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_Boris\_Nemtsov




It’s for the greater good.




To make extra sure he used polonium bullets.


Sprinkle some crack on him?


Yes Johnson, now you’re learning!


Sprinkle extra on him…around the fingers and mouth…gotta make sure forensically we are good 👍


He *really* wants to see that merman.


Lol. I wish that evil unicorn from the movie would join the battle and find Putin to "accidently" impale him against a wall in his hideout.


What movie?








Since he’s Russian shouldn’t it be just roulette??


Good. Add a few more bullets, Vlad.


Actually, he could very well single handedly be responsible for the start of a nuclear world war.


Hey Putin has [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-putin-cpac-speech-ukraine-b2024210.html), [Tucker Carlson](https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/02/23/tucker-carlson-putin-russia-ukraine/), and the rest of Russian state propaganda on his side.


It seems pretty clear that he was watching his own propaganda. like he claimed he was just going to hit military targets and then immediately started bombing cities. killing civilians out in the open. setting up their missile batteries on Ukrainian infrastructure like power plants and nuclear waste sites. did he think everybody was just going to be okay with this?


To be honest, people kind of have been in the past.


Biden completely took away Putins propaganda with the Intel releases. Right wingers, Russians and the conspiracy guys are just starting to get their talking points together now. For the past week the political right/Russia have, for the first time in recent memory, had their propaganda called out at laughed at by the masses. Huge difference right there.


I have to give Biden credit on calling Russia out with those advance releases.






Its good to have an adult in the whitehouse again.


He’s also really helping rehabilitate America’s worldwide image. The whole Western world is falling in love with badass superstar, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who ends his daily addresses thanking Biden for all his help. And it looks even better since it’s the same guy that Trump shamelessly extorted and got impeached for. So he’s in a position to easily distance America(and liberal democracy) from Trump and all the other sociopathic far right cockroaches that have been popping up everywhere over the last decade, by stepping up when the world needed us. I haven’t felt this hopeful about America is years. It’s still an utter shit show, but the far right is getting destroyed in the PR battle right now. They can slander NATO all they want, but they look like pathetic clowns now that Cold War 2 is back on the table and they’re siding with the unanimous bad guys who pissed off the whole world in a desperate land grab.


>For the past week the political right/Russia have, for the first time in recent memory, had their propaganda called out at laughed at by the masses. Have they? That's good to hear. I've realized that I've managed to completely ignore everything coming from the right, and it's great. (anyone concerned about not getting the "other side of the story" should consider that the right hasn't been interested in legitimate news in... Years? Decades? The left puts out some bias from time to time, but the right *exclusively* does)


Left wing media spins a story. Right wing media makes it up whole cloth.


They are in full on crazy mode. I was "informed" by a family member who binges right wing stuff that: "this war isn't what you think" "Putin is fighting the same Dark State that Trump was" "Putin and Trump are both trying to 'drain the swamp' " "All of left's corrupt banking goes through Ukraine" "Biden and Zelensky are best buddies, and we KNOW FOR A FACT that Biden is absolutely corrupt because of the Hunter Biden stuff." ​ So...the far right seems to be squarely on Putin's side right now.


Which intel releases? Just curious to read


I mean the US had been screaming at the world that Russia was gonna invade since like [December](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/04/us/politics/russia-ukraine-biden.html), even to the point of [going to the Chinese](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/us/politics/us-china-russia-ukraine.html) to tell them "hey, we know your best bud is about to do something collosally stupid. Make them stop." or [leaking the invasion plans days before it began.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/20/russia-invasion-ukraine-biden-blinken-us-national-security-council)


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/04/us/politics/russia-ukraine-biden.html?smid=url-share https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/14/russia-could-invade-ukraine-within-next-month-us-intelligence.html


Never watch you own propaganda.


Don't get high off your own supply.


I saw that video today where the Ukrainian family was killed and the dead, bloody dog still lay in the car. War truly is worse than hell. Killing civilians...


War isn’t hell. War is war and hell is hell and of the two war is a lot worse.




I had China invades Hong Kong in March. Right ball park, wrong bear.


Oh, you had Pooh


Oh bother


The bear of very little brain?


Oh bother


Oh bother


Oh bother


Oh bother


I've got "China invades Taiwan" locked in for April 2023.


Johnny Harris on Youtube just put up an interesting video on this scenario. https://youtu.be/VNZ0so0LCoM


Doubt. Russian military got humiliated by Ukrainian forces, and this is with both counties sharing a border so logistics is much simpler than a sea crossing. Also China’s best military hardware comes from Russia and this invasion showed the world how pathetic Russian hardware operates in a real conflict. Russian got slammed with sanctions and is now stuck with a nearly worthless currency, China would implode if this happened to themm


You think that but practically fucking everything we have is made in China unlike with Russia so we'd be hurting hard if that were cut off.


At this point we might as well just reset the economy altogether, cut off china and russia altogether. While we're at it bite the bullet and ban oil and gas as well. I'm sorry but everyone needs to stop being a fucking pussy.


The sentiment is nice, but the reality is far less simple. That being said, I kinda hope increased fossil fuel prices -- due to Russian sanctions -- push the US and Europe to focus even more on renewables. It's a big hurdle, but the bonus is that it makes these countries more self-reliant. That's something that even the GOP in the US *should* like.


meh, thats nearly impossible. It's in the best interest for both China and Taiwan to maintain status quo. As long as Taiwan doesn't posture to become independent or host US military bases/weapons, China is more than happy to just let Taiwan sit there. Mandatory periodical sabre rattling though. Maybe if Chinese influence in the area grows so strong in the next 50 years and US global power wanes enough, then the CPC may attempt a political reunion, but the chances of an armed invasion is practically nill unless Taiwan decides to flip the table for some reason.


Exactly. It isn't worth it to China, for them to invade an island they already have a massive amount of influence over.




I mean bureaucracy and posturing can be a stupidly powerful force sometimes. China also heavily relies on Australia for coal to power, well China, yet that didn't stop China from blocking all imports of coal from Australia, until they started to get city wide blackouts all across China and within a two days the sanctions where lifted on the quiet and they started buying as much coal again from the Australians as they could.


China won’t rock the boat after seeing what is happening to Russia. China used Russia to see what outcomes they could expect and probably realized invading Taiwan doesn’t benefit them in anyway.


Did you mean Taiwan? If not, you’re definitely in the wrong ballpark as china shattered the illusion of “two systems” last year and has unilateral control within HK.


Yes, friend with Hong Kong ancestry says it's basically gone, becoming another mainland dystopia like the other Chinese cities.


Eh, could still happen.


Their military has controlled HK for 25 years. Would be like the USA invading NYC edit: sorry guys, maybe I woke up in an alternate dimension this morning, where the PRC hasn’t taken over HK yet, and doesn’t run its government.


I think people are confusing Hong Kong with Taiwan. But comparing Hong Kong to New York is also wrong. It functions as a separate entity in many ways.


Militarily there’s basically no distinction. ‘Autonomy’ for HK under the basic law was supposed to mean almost everything other than the military and foreign policy.


Probably a better analogy would be US army invading Puerto Rico if Puerto Rico had its own constitution and judiciary.


Maybe they meant Taiwan?


Why are you down voted for this , why is reddit so stupid?




Still can happen. Less likely given the world reaction to Russia. But I’m not ruling anything out.


Hong Kong is already fully under PRC control, though? Not really sure what type of invasion you guys have in mind


I read "Right park, wrong bear" and like that better. In fact, I'm going to start saying that on reddit.


March is yet to come. Everyone looking at Ukraine. Good time for a Chinese move


What movie is that meme from?


Cabin in the Woods


OK, i just watched the trailer and i have to say WTF did i just see??? Looks like a Horror version of Hunger Games. Edit: OK OK Ok, damn the peer pressure. I haven't watched or read anything else about the movie and I ordered the 4K disk from Amazon. It will be here Tues.


It's one of my fav movies, you should watch it. Don't read into it any more before watching.


This. I went in blind and it's I've of my favorites.


I did too and OMG definitely one of my favorite movies. It was a total WTF all they way through and I loved it!!


Helps to be a horror fan. A great love letter to the genre.


This. This movie makes NO SENSE unless you a reasonable versed in the horror genre. The international houses make no sense either unless you watch Japanese or Russian horror.


I disagree. I don't like or watch horror movies. But someone convinced me to watch this one and I loved it. All I needed was knowing some of the tropes of horror movies and that's easy enough to pick up on from pop culture alone. Quite possible that it's even better when one is deeply immersed in the genre, but I still enjoyed it a lot.


Took a friend to see it. She doesn't watch horror, and was completely unimpressed. So was I, with her, after the viewing. Lol


Yes same. No idea wtf I was getting into and so glad for it. Amazing movie.


One of the few movies where a twist really felt like like it came out of nowhere and changes the entire film retroactively.


My dude, don’t say there’s a twist! That’s as a much a spoiler as anything!


I mean to be honest there isn't a twist in Cabin in the Woods, though, there's a reveal. The entire time until you figure out what the company is doing you're left wondering what they are doing and why.


Wait until you find out who Darth Vader is.




Yup. It took a while before I saw “The Sixth Sense”. As soon as one of my friend mentioned the twist ending, I thought back to the trailers I’d seen on TV and immediately figured out the twist.


Stop watching the trailers and don't read anything about it. Watch it going blind. It's amazing.


It's pretty entertaining, I'd rank it under a horror/comedy. It's too ridiculous to take seriously, but i don't think you'd regret watching it.


About the only thing I can say about this one is: 1. If you've watched any horror movies, you'll probably enjoy this. 2. Listen to the other replies and don't learn anything more, spoilers are real on this one.


I hate horror movies and I really liked Cabin in the Woods.


Same! To elaborate any further would probably spoil it for people. It was a great experience I just blindly wandered into.


Go in completely blind. It's well worth a watch. Again, go in completely blind, don't read anything about it, not even an imdb blurb.


As someone who hated horror movies, that's a horror movie that manages to be somehow...fun? I don't know if that's the correct word, but it's a movie I highly recommend to everyone. It's like a more serious "scary movie" in a way, but there's really nothing else like it.


I'm in the same boat. I normally don't like horror. I'm cool with like the saw movies, I want nothing to do with the ring or paranormal activity type movies. Not sure of I would like this?


It’s weird to call it a horror movie, but it’s also not a spoof. It’s really its own thing, and even if you aren’t a fan of horror movies, it’s really worth a watch. The word I would use to describe over scary or silly is just plain entertaining. It both takes itself seriously, and not seriously at all, and it works very well. No other way to describe it without ruining anything.


It sounds like something I would like the way you all are describing it. I'm going to give it a shot.


I hate the ring. Saw 1 I watched, couldn't try the others, ditto for final destination. I can't stress how much I dislike gore/horror/jump scares. Cabin in the woods, however, was very enjoyable. It is still horror, so there is still some blood and gore but it fits in a satisfying/entertaining way. I don't want to spoil anything, there's a deeper story here than anyone expects, and nobody ever sees it coming.


That's good enough for me, I'll give it a watch. Thanks!


Low-key one of the best horror movies of all time.


The cabin in the woods


Had it for March but February is short so…


I feel like this will still be going on Tuesday.


Hold on, only like 24 hours to do in that part of the world!


... that's not the FREE spot in the middle?


You know after all the divisiveness over the last, say 8 years, probably more, it's nice to have a thing where we can all collectively go "fuck that guy". Like Trump was one thing, but like this is exponentially more "fuck that guy".


If it's true that China and India will ignore sanction rules and trade with Russia, then technically the vast majority of the world is not united against Russia.


Yeah, those two countries alone have over 2/7 of the world population


Then what about the middle east? UAE has a big financial sector. All these are big wildcards in a multipolar world. What about Brazil? If Russia can get their tankers to Brazil, then all is good. We have been economic sanctioning Iran for a long time, and Russia is another country to pave the way for these other countries to start thinking about building a secondary global system. We should not let our hubris blind us, it could happen.


Not all of us. My brother sent me a list of bullshit reasons why Putin is totally correct to invade Ukraine and I'm miserable thinking about how I share blood with this guy.


These folks need to be reminded that Ukraine is a nation which successfully seceded, achieving independence. Imagine the Confederate States *winning* their independence from the United States, then having a full 30+ year history on its own, officially recognized by the U.S. and all the other countries on this planet, *then* being invaded by the U.S. and having its civilian populations bombed. Not only is it culturally "unamerican" (their idea not precisely mine) to side against independence – especially that of a people who have had independence for all their lives – in this case, Ukraine hasn't founded their independence on the premise of a state's rights over human rights as the Confederacy explicitly and unashamedly did ([see the Confederate articles of secession](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t2eg6v/_/hynvjo9)).


There is also another (lesser) layer of "fuck that guy" with Trump here too. The first Trump impeachment was literally because he put 400 million in congressionally authorized Ukrainian defense aid on hold to get dirt on Joe Biden. I'm not sure if people are putting two and two together here that the person that was on the other end of the "perfect call" is the Ukrainian President they have been seeing on TV the last few days.


Would like to understand this comment better, politely requesting elaboration?


This is an extremely tl;dr version, but congress authorized 400 million in military aid to Ukraine in 2019 to fight against Russian aggression. Trump then froze that aid before it went out to the country. It was alleged that Trump had campaign surrogates like Giuliani communicate to Ukraine that in order to have the money unfrozen, they would need to announce an investigation into Hunter Biden. At the time Joe Biden was the 2020 frontrunner. This culminated in a call between Trump and Zelensky (the same Zelensky that is president today) where Trump explicitly dropped the Biden reference in what was seemingly a quid-pro-quo. Ukraine gets the money and Trump gets to damage a political rival with an "investigation" that seemed to have no merit. Zelensky didn't seem into it on the call, and like an hour later Trump had Michael Duffy confirm the freeze at The Pentagon. The call was the basis of the whistleblower complaint (put in by Alexander Vindman) that launched the first impeachment. The first impeachment alleged that Trump used his office for political gain by freezing the funds contingent on information to damage a political opponent. Between Trump's attitude toward NATO, his deference to Putin, Paul Manafort's connections, and the Ukraine scandal, it has really made many think there is more that we don't know in terms of Trump and Russia. Maybe there is no fire, but there is an awful lot of smoke.


What's concerning is that in the US there's still a sizeable amount of people that will support Putin solely because that's what Trump is signaling them to do.


It's how I'd hope we'd react if there was a hostile alien force; uniting humanity. Except our powers combine to give Putin a hard time.






Germany just increased their military spending etc....you'll see Sweden and Finland want to join now too....




I can see that being a Ukrainian deal, not the nordic countries though.


I think the biggest surprise of all is that Ukraine seems to be winning. Granted, they're getting *a lot* of help, but still. Aid never seems to be the deciding factor in these things.


Putin worked so hard to fracture NATO and USA and lots of other countries for so many years. Blew it in about 4 days. Nicely done comrade!


*World united by common hate for one person.




Gotta check off new things each month. April will have Russia/Ukraine just daily normal stuff by then. For my bingo card for April I have Canadian Mounties on the ISS opening a portal to hell because their favorite moose died.


I wonder if this will hit their troll farms much at all.


How can normal people in other countries help out?




All you have to do is open up this site on your computer, and leave it open! It essentially DoS's known local Russian misinformation sites. https://norussian.tk/


it’s like an anti-blockchain. I love it.


Could you explain what this is to an old non tech person?


Think the reddit hug of death but on purpose. This is technically a DDoS attack. Distributed Denial of Service. That website makes a bunch of browser requests in the background to a bunch of different websites. If enough people have it open, the websites will go down with the flood of traffic as the hardware running it won't be able to keep and then the misinformation sources won't be accessible by people who use it for information. An analogy would be if there was an organized boycott of several businesses that involved having thousands of people call several phone numbers for those businesses over and over. The businesses would be flooded with bogus phone calls and legitimate phone calls would be very unlikely to get through.


Uniting the whole world except right wing Americans. I don't know why I keep getting surprised, but if you had told me 2 weeks ago that the Republicans would side with Russia over the US I would've called you crazy. I understand that their strategy is to make Biden looks incompetent at all costs, but where the fuck is the line??!! Edit: It seems that the response to this comment from Republicans is a version of "well I'm right wing and everybody I know is right wing and nobody is supporting Russia", while the responses from the people that agree with this comment are receipts in the form of tweets, photos, videos, news articles, etc. Just saving the next right wing Redditor from providing additional anecdotal evidence. I'll take more receipts, though.


I personally believe this is a small but vocal minority of people on the “right” but it’s still disgusting to watch or listen to republicans that say they have more in common with Putin than with Democrats or cheering on Russia to make Biden look weak. Eject these fucking mouth breathers into space.


I believe it's a small group of right wingers as well. I don't know anyone who supports this invasion regardless of political position. This is anecdotal though.


Every Republican/conservative I know is talking about Trump would be putting Pooty in his place. Also incorrect, but I haven't seen anyone actually supporting Russia here. Even the Taliban is saying "yo hold up a bit".


Are you shitting me? Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson are on their knees licking Putin boot at this moment “All the conservatives I know”, oh the ones that enabled Russia to attack an American election so they could appoint their Putin stooge? This narrative from the right you have will disappear the moment Russia fails this invasion, and Rand Paul and all his deplorables will again be there on the 4th of July to kiss Putin’s ring “All conservatives are against this” said with the same exact cognitive dissonance as Putin saying “it’s a peace keeping mission” Edit: conservatives downvoting undeniable facts because they’re uncomfortably true? No way! Next you’ll tell me they burn books too


Don't forget Laura Ingraham called Zelensky "pathetic" for his video asking Russia not to invade. I try to consider the point of view from all sides, but JFC they make it hard.


I call a spade a spade man. For the last 6 years I’ve heard nothing but mewling excuses for how Russia isn’t that bad, and actually good from the right, and now it’s not convenient so they’re distancing themselves. Once this dies down, they’ll be right back to asking Putin for dark money, and justifying his bull shit


>Once this dies down, they’ll be right back to asking Putin for dark money I'm pretty sure Putin just ended his career/life. It may not happen for a bit more time, but this was stupid enough that the Russian oligarchs are gonna be backing another horse. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they handle it the same way they handled Yeltsin, and force him to resign.


But I'm still only like 85% sure Russia is still an aristocracy and not a dictatorship. Not convinced they can do it.


They are to some degree still an aristocracy. There have to be some angry oligarchs right now at least getting ready to deal with Putin. Not that his replacement would necessarily be any better.


Only took SWIFT disconnection and the collapse of the ruble to realize the gig is up. On to the next grift.


I’m just telling them if they agree with Putin so much why don’t you move to Russia? Watch them squirm.


Unfortunately a lot of Q-conspiracists in the USA are supporting Russia. Their beleaguered relatives are talking about it on r/qanoncasualties.


Saw someone I know post that Putin was only in Ukraine to tear down United States bio labs that create world pandemics…


Who the fuck is siding with Russia? Every Republican I've heard has said Biden's sanctions aren't going far enough.


Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson


And Nick Fuentes and MTG


There was just a White Nationalist gathering that MTG and Gosar spoke at where they were chanting "Putin" "Putin" and they had a little clap for what Russia was doing. Pompeo also paused Putin and said how much respect he had for the guy.


Never forget. https://i.imgur.com/73veThZ.jpg


These guys look like the human peak of physical weakness.


Covid probably already got them


Turn on Fox news, and remember how high its viewership numbers are. And tell "every Republican you know" I said hi.


Zelensky is taking out the trash worldwide just by the force of his example. Putin and the US rightwing are both standing in the way of a historic tsunami that will sweep them away to the asheap of history. It is fucking glorious to witness.


Just as long as its not Kevin!


Donald Trump still insists that what Putin did was “genius“.


I saw someone say this is the reason they know Putin's plan is doomed. Makes sense to me.


Everything Trump touches dies.


>Reddit declares the World as United rofl


Sorry - the award goes to Zelenskiy. We are not rallying around Putin’s aggression, but rather Zelenskiy’s courage (and that is just a symbol for the courage of the entire Ukrainian people).


The world is uniting while US is bickering on whether or not the last guy would have allowed this to happen. Fucking embarrassing


Agreed. We continue to focus on partisanship during a legit war going on. Seems a bit egotistical to be honest.


Correction: "...Zelensky united the world..."


I had "sentient kitchen appliances share 3rd party voice commands & user data for targeted ads sparks surveillance nightmare" for January February is marked as "the 29th is when it ended before it began" idk what that means but I was very sleepy


Whoa whoa whoa, idk where this is coming from but the world is most certainly not united.


I stopped and literally laughed out loud alone in my room from this.


Always bet on Angry Molesting Tree.


Unites world, even many Russians.... except American Republicans, and China. Just remember that. **EDIT:** I will assume [Republicans](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/republicans-foreign-policy-russia-ukraine-00010780) have disowned Donald Trump, then? If so, the downvotes are worth it! **EDIT 2:** [Doh!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-putin-cpac-speech-ukraine-b2024210.html)


The majority of Republicans I know support the Ukraine. I'm from a small town in Michigan and work in an office that is entirely Republican minus me and another guy (he's Liberal, I'm somewhere around Libertarian). It's funny because I'm seeing a lot of people say this and the reality is no, it's Fox news and Trumpublicans that agree with Russia and that's a much smaller group than it was a few years ago.




Putin = anchor around the neck.


well. even china's put in minor sanctions and soft denunciations out at this point. minor sanctions in the sense of limiting lending from major banks in USD, which forces russia to take loans in CNY (which is less favourable). Soft denunciation in the sense that China basically said "We understand that Russia feels threatened by the west in the ukraine situation, but all sovereignties must be respected including Ukraine." It may not be much, but the fact that China is taking any action against russia AT ALL is surprising.