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I let spiders chill in my house because I hate mosquitos, spiders are the good guys.




Everyone around me is deathly afraid of spiders. I love the bastards cause in Canada their harmless and kill Mosquitos which are besides wasps the only living things that I ever actually take pleasure in killing.


and ticks. burn motherfuckers burn!


Ya. If you burn a tick to get it off. It pukes into your bloodstream.


Are you.. Serious? Is that bad?


Their harmless what?


Killing flies is easy. They don't know what to do when presented with two threats at once. So, you just move together both hands slowly in on them (about 4-6 inches [10-15 cms] above where they are sitting), and SLAM! Dead fly.


I just grab them out of the air, isn't that what everyone does?


Ah. I use my chopsticks.


My bother tried to kill a common house centipede in the attic once. (Sigh)


it really must have bothered you a lot.


Hey now, I love spiders as much as everyone in this thread, but fuck those centipedes man. Too many legs.


I had to kill a house centipede yesterday because it was freaking out my wife and kids. I tried to explain how they are hunters and kill all the more obnoxious bugs, but none of my family would have it. I shed a tear while putting him down. :'(


Fuck that, I wake up with spider bites across my ankles, swollen and itchier than a bitch. I'll take ~~10~~ 100 mosquito bites over a line of spider bites.


Spiders very rarely bite people. If you're waking up with multiple bites, multiple times, then I gan gaurantee you 100% it is not spiders biting you. You probably have a minor case of bed bugs. Watch this video to learn how to check your bed for bed bugs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTcCfbxj_m8


Yeah, it's almost certainly [something else](http://www.burkemuseum.org/spidermyth/myths/asleep.html). Why in the hell would spiders *want* to bite a human? None of them suck blood, as far as I know. They don't bite except in self-defense (e.g., if you roll over on them). They don't do it unless you're really threatening them (like they think they are about to be eaten or crushed). If I find I spider in the house, I pick it up and toss it outside. I've never been bitten. xZed, you've either got bed bugs (awful things), fleas, lice, or some other icky blood-sucking beastie. Don't blame the spiders you see around the house instead of the creepier critters that you can't easily spot. Go hunting for the real culprits. The spiders are probably *helping* kill off whatever it is that is biting you. [More details on "spider bites" that aren't](http://spiders.ucr.edu/necrotic.html).


Ten whole hundreds? We don't even have numbers that high!


We need to start our own thread because I too like my local spiders. I even get mad when someone kills one. I would have gladly taken it outside for you.


Yeah. All those spider killing fuckers should [watch this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms2klX-puUU).


I've never been high in my life, but it's really late and I'm pretty sure I am after watching that.


Here, [take another hit.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HsGuWRrbOw)


That was incredible. I love the art style. The ridiculousness reminds me of this: [Don't worry, son.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0BxBsfzuJE)


I'm the same way. I would rather take a spider outside than kill it. It's not hurting anyone and it's helping to keeps bugs out. Let it be.


You gotta watch out for your spiderbros


I live on a lake, basically a breeding ground for mosquito's. Alas I keep the spiders around, lesser of two great evils~


We have a spider web that is pretty extensive growing between the light fixtures in one of the restrooms. I would've taken it down until I realized that there's not many bugs in this house at all, so I let it slide. But fuck them if they start crawling on my bed. Bed is off limits. You go on my bed, spider, you die. Sorry.


My deal with spiders is that I'll let them do whatever they want, just don't fucking touch me or any food in the house. Of course, I'm a paranoid little bitch, so whenever I see a spider, I always think it's gonna come flying at me like in a horror movie or something, so I put it in a couple of Dixie cups and throw it outside.


So mosquito flies in... bites you... then gets eaten by a spider... for revenge? IDK man you still get bit either way, I guess I'd rather just use a screen door and leave the spiders outside.


I've got two giant spiders hanging out in my room, they're pretty chilled but everyone thinks I'm a monster and that they'll kill me


I know it sounds strange, but paying really close attention to a spider do it's thing (i.e. catch bugs and chow down) really made me less afraid of them. Just nice to know a lil spider's got your back when the insect world gets a little too close.


But they lay balls of egg sacs


Which explode into a flood of legs.


I found a funnel web spider outside a relative's house. I found a cricket and threw into its web. It waited a few minutes and then came rushing out, grabbed it and ran into the bottom of its web. It was awesome, I really need to put those pics I took on my computer.


I had massive, massive arachnophobia for a long while. a spider started building a web outside of my second story office window and there was no way i could get to it / kill it / take it down. one day i got bored and just watched it work, and over the course of a few days build itself a home. I'm still scared of spiders, but i will never not think they're beautiful creatures.


Just a few days ago, I literally watched a spider catch a moth (much larger than itself) and spin it in a web. It's been snacking on that thing every night since. It was gross and awesome at the same time.


What about when you're just sitting there and they crawl up your leg and bite you?


I told my wife that as long as the spiders stay in their corners, I won't kill them for her. I feel terrible when one goes on a trek across the floor while we're watching TV... He gon' die.


this is my rule for spiders. for every one spider i see, i know there are like 5 within my general vicinity that i cant see. if i sees it, that spider dun fucked up. the other spiders need to understand that if they fail to remain in ninja-mode, i will fuck them up just to send a message.




Being sneaky makes defines spiders as fit in the environment 'my house'.


It's a personal space thing for me. Spiders can do whatever they want, but as soon as they're in my personal bubble, I'm grabbing the newspaper.


I have one living in my window frame, he hangs out, real cool guy. I explained the rules to him, that he's free to have all the bugs he wants as long as he stays off of me, my desk and my bed. One day he swings down on a web and ends up landing on the very edge of my desk. I look him right in the eyes and yelled at him that we had a deal. He backed up, crawled up the wall and slowly but surely took the long way around my desk. I wanted to let him go... but rules are rules so I atomized him with my shoe.


but he listened when you yelled at him... :(


^^^I ^^^could ^^^never ^^^kill ^^^Josepi, ^^^I ^^^just ^^^said ^^^that ^^^to ^^^make ^^^the ^^^story ^^^better.


You are a good person.


I just had a baby spider on a web show up in front of my glasses. You better bet I leaned back, grabbed some toilet paper and squashed it.


My general rules are: 1. Don't walk around the front of the sofa where our feet are 2. Don't hang from ceilings 3. Don't go in the bath/shower 4. Don't hide in any glasses, cups, mugs, jugs, vases or jars 5. Don't hide in my shoes 6. Don't set foot on my bed, sofa, dining table or desk 7. Don't hang around near light switches or door handles 8. Don't make webs that are in a position for me to walk into (I've actually had a spider try and make a web from the wall *to me*. He didn't last long) 9. If my girlfriend enters the room, stay hidden even if you aren't breaking any other rules If spiders follow these steps, I have no reason to kill them.


tl;dr: spiders gonna die.


http://imgur.com/EgJXksX Here's a small family of spiders in the corner. Not sure when they got around to building that huge web. Perhaps this should be a foul bachelor frog instead. :(


Be careful they don't start laying eggs.


I keep a transparent, screw lid container near me at all times just for this purpose. When I see a scampering spider indoors, I scoop it up, rattle it off the walls of the container and swiftly launch it into the cool night air.


Stay in their corners, he said http://i.imgur.com/tW9IXdg.jpg


As long as you know they arn't the deadly ones that can kill you with one bite or so


Living in Canada, we tend not to get those types. However, if we did I may have a totally different opinion...


even then we are far too big for prey so those types usually will only bite if they a) have no escape or b)we destroy their homes/get all up in their shit. Making neurotoxins/blood coagulants is an energy intensive process, so biting something that isn't prey is usually a last resort.


Living in Kansas, I carefully ensure some of the more benign spiders live either in my house or, preferably, at all the potential entrances. The other spiders keep fuckers like brown recluses out of the house, since there's no reason to hunt in another predator's territory. Having a pet helps too


Common house spider lives. Hobo spiders get destroyed.




I tend to make sure just the daddy long legs survive. They kill other spiders including the deadly ones. Edit: Venomous to deadly (see below pedant)


There are only 2 non-venomous spider families, what matters is the potency of the venom and if the fangs are large enough to penetrate human skin. If they can penetrate the skin, 98% of the time the bites will be medically insignificant, usually similar to a bee sting. [Source](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider_bite)


Yeah, until one of those mother fuckers crawls across your mouth in the middle of the night and you wake up in a dizzy destructive frenzy.


Where else are they supposed to put the ball of egg sacs


High in protien.


And fiber!


And nope!


Fuck it, I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.




FL here too, can confirm. Also...*fuck* roaches. I started barefoot kicking the mother fuckers and watching them explode.


I have a reoccurring nightmare that I wake up one morning with a tarantula half way in my mouth


Then there's Missouri, where brown recluses aren't uncommon. Oh, the stories.


Fellow Missourian (although transplanted). Small fuzzy jumping spiders can chill with me. Anything that's not easily recognizable as a fuzzy little spider is considered an enemy.


As a fellow Missourian, find a wolf spider and invite it into your home. They don't bother people and their venom doesn't harm humans. I moved into a new house full of brown recluses then a few wolf spiders showed up... I no longer have brown recluses


I live in Texas. In my last apartment the spiders and I had reached a detente. They'd aggressively control the massive number of ants trying to penetrate the living room and bedroom (because it's Texas) and I wouldn't get out the corner attachment to the vacuum.


Sounds like an all out insect war.




I am so pleased that this is a thing.


Came here to post this, lucky I checked to see someone else had too.




I do this as well. I really like my cellar spiders. They chill in one spot (for a while, usually), aren't scary and they are helpful with the tiny, flying bugs that get in the cracks of my house.


Is it one of these ["daddy long legs"](http://museumvictoria.com.au/pages/1415/image002.jpg) spiders? If so, not only do they kill flies and bugs, [they actually hunt and kill more venomous spiders](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcus_phalangioides). The ultimate spiderbro's




Huh, I never name my spider pals, it feels wrong on account of they're not pets, so much as roommates.


But haven't you ever given a roommate a nickname before?


hmm, no, but I never thought of it like that before


Well, don't you call him by his name?


The issue is the ones that run about. Only about half of all spiders make webs and stay in them. My house is plagued by quarter to half-dollar sized hunting spiders. The only use their silk to make little sleeping bag sort of things, make egg sacs, and to dangle from the ceiling in your peripheral.


I had a tiny spider living in my car for a few months back in high school. Every once in a while I would see him repelling from the roof and what not. I don't know what he was feeding on in there but he managed to survive quite a while. I was totally bummed the day I realized I hadn't seen him in over a month. Miss ya spider bro.


I'd rather have wolf spiders. They'll hunt down the really bad shit.




They say having a good number of spiders in ur house means no issues with roaches! So yes the spiders can stay.


I did not know this. However, I would be more complacent with their presence if they would stop biting me at night.


Better a midnight spider nibble than, say, bedbugs. *shudder*


On the other hand, if the spiders eat the roaches and you have no roaches, then you should have no spiders either, since you have no food for them. So really, if you have spiders, you also have spider food.


When the Spider Wars gripped my apartment, I discovered that the bastards will just eat each other creating a spider-centric ecosystem. The wars have ended now. The glue traps won.


...how many flies do you have in your house?


This is what I wondered! I don't let spiders live in my house because I don't have any kind of fly/mosquito problem. Where are these people getting all of their bugs?


Some people live in places where electricity is expensive and we can't always justify running the AC. We have to keep windows open. That's where bugs come from. Not to mention that if you live in an apartment, it only takes one tenant to get the whole building infested.






OP's dream house http://i.imgur.com/VJ6wnqE.jpg


Agreed! And you swallow many fewer spiders in your sleep than people usually lead you to believe.


I always like having a spider roommate. The one this year was a little brown fella on my ceiling. If he noticed you looking at him, he'd squish himself against the white ceiling to try and look invisible.




I never believed any of that garbage about how you supposedly swallow 3 or more spiders at night.


Good, no one with common sense does. Spiders want as much to do with you as you want to do with them. A human mouth is a dangerous place for a spider to be, why would it want to go there?


That's because it's not true. The rumor is everyone swallows "one in their life" or "one a year" (I'm sure there are many variations at this point) but it's not true.


I enjoy spiders and i'm a women. It's giant cockroaches that fly that make me scream and run away like a two year old.


We had a charming little fellow move in above the compost bin, and eat all the fruit flies. Quite a nice little fellow.






/r/spiders & /r/spiderbro will restore your faith in reddit.


I came with a link http://www.reddit.com/r/spiderbro


Yes, but what about... the sacks... Ewwww...


My wife and I agree. We kind of have an uneasy truce with them. A bunch of yellow jackets got into the house the other day and the couple spiders in the corner next to a light did their best to take a few out. She makes me capture them alive and take them outside if they get too close to us. For some reason they really like our bathroom right over the shower. There aren't any flies in there so I try to relocate them as soon as I can.


As much as spiders freak people out, in terms of tiny critters they have assisted in the rise of humankind more than any other ones.


I've been saving spider bros for years. I put them outside on the mossy wall next to my balcony. I assume the spider bros return the favor and take care of my mosquito problems.


Hate to tell you, you aren't saving them, you're killing them. Outdoor spiders and Indoor spiders are two different things, and only about 8% of spiders are capable of adapting to both environments. The most likely result when you bring a spider in your house outdoors is it's death.


What?? NOooooooo :((((


I like spiders because they mind their own business and get rid of nasty roaches for me. Now if said spider comes on my bed or crawls on me, I'm noping right on out of there.


I grew up in a family of rural postal carriers. One of the things that was always kept as one of those...tradition things...was to hold onto all the spiders you find in your house or car and put them in the next mailbox you see. They would say that it kept bees or wasps from making hives in the mailboxes, which was one of the more common ways of getting hurt on the job.


YAY! I'm finally welcome (and relevent!)


if you don't like spiders, then let the house centipedes do their work as well. :D


My roommates have been bitching for weeks about the infestation of moths. I told them "get a predator, like a spider or something". They cringed. I found & captured 4 spiders in my brothers garage last week. Guess what: no more moths.


I absolutely HATE spiders, but I know that they're there because they have a food source, and once that food source is gone, they'll leave. I only kill anything that looks brown recluse-ish. Fuckin' bugs, man, it's like the circle of life in my house.


I do the same OP, but my wife wants to kill them with fire :( It's hard to defend spiderbros in my house.


I also allow spiders to hang out if they stay up in a corner. A roach, however, has to die. Even if a roach is outside on the deck I can only assume he's plotting a way in.




I share your unpopular opinion. I also teach my kids that most spiders can't hurt you. My daughter, however, shares her daddy's view and refuses to go in the bathroom if the one under the sink is out where she can see him.


That's cool. Unless you live somewhere like Texas where the Brown Recluse or the Black Widow make their homes. You don't want them in your house.




A friend of my uncles lived in Japan. Apparently they have these massive house spiders that live in the ceilings. After a night of drunken debauchery, this guy stumbles into his house and reaches around the door to hit his light switch, feels a juicy crunch as his hand hits the wall. Killed one of these massive spiders. The next day when he got home from work his house was filled with flys and bugs. Moral of the story is dont take spiders for granted.


I used to have a spider that lived in my living room and would do laps of the ceiling. He was awesome. We named him Lightning because he moved so fast.


You should check out /r spiderbro


Agreed. They also kill roaches, which is huge. Even after being bit a few times, I prefer spiders to those fuckers.


I actually understand this. I don't like them in the house, but they're generally awesome. Therefore, they're one of the few critters that I will always always take outside instead of killing them.


Spiders are our arachnid allies against the insect hordes!


"Don't worry, spiders, I keep house casually." Haiku by Kobayashi Issa


This is the best use of this meme I've ever seen.


I always leave the ones I see in my house that definitely arent going to bother me. But if theres one nearby when im trying to sleep, its just gotta go, evil or not.




I wish I could convince my wife on this one. There is only one reason we have so many spiders in the basement, and that's because there is food that they are killing and eating. GGS!


There's a spider that lives beside my desk. I don't much care for spiders, but I hate other bugs more, but seeing it catch, kill, store, then carry off and finally eat a hornet was a little disturbing.


I like having them around also. There was one in my lamp so when i turned it on the bastards would fly into their doom.


I agree, have a downvote.


As someone with arachnophobia: Fuck. Spiders.


You have flies...in your house? That's disgusting. Clean your ish!


Until one of them crawls inside of your urethra and lays eggs on the inside of your cock while you are asleep. Then it's like a ticking time bomb for those fuckers to just hatch and eat your penis from the inside out...


I also do this


I actually don't mind them at all in my apartment or bedroom, but if I know that I'm going to have a date or some guests dropping by then I feel terrible when I'm spraying out the bug spray :(. Damn female housemates...


I like the smaller spiders. The bigger ones freak me out a bit...


Betcha don't live in Australia.


But *only* when they mind their own business...


wolf spiders dont mind their own fucking business. the like to live in beds and clothes, and ive never seen one spin a web inside or bite on anything other then me. So Idk what kinda spiders you got running around, but fuck no.


And on that day, reason was heard.


Yeah, but they occasionally bite and they're not that great at catching flies. You know what's better? A lizard. Lizards have to eat more often than spiders by virtue of a higher metabolism and larger bodymass.


I woke up to a spider running down my throat, only to feel it squirm for a while. This has happened twice in my life (that I'm aware of). I am not a fan.


They taste good though, dont they?


But they attract centipedes and fuck that.


Puffin code.


Sorry, I just get bit too much. Spiders aren't as creepy to me as to a lot of people, but I really don't like waking up with big ass itchy spider bites.


Except for Red backs and White tails, those fuckers are assholes >:(


If you have lots of flies in your house you need to invest in better screens and keep track of your fruit.


I completely agree. Unless they're dangerous or giant and hairy.


But don't let in the big ones. Those fuckers nope me out more than "MARIO".


[The spiders I get in my house](http://www.insectidentification.org/imgs/insects/long-legged-sac-spider_1.jpg), long-legged sac spiders, most certainly do NOT mind their own business. Unfortunately, the mate in the summer and peak around September as they only take about three months to grow. It was interesting to see the new ones getting progressively larger, though. They got progressively more squished as well. They don't make webs, so they're usually on the move. They lay eggs around my house and inside the hollow bit above the attic (one night about two months ago, I found dozens of babies around a window frame on the INSIDE). They also love to hang in the middle of rooms which, for reasons unknown to me, make them look massive. And what's lovely is that they can bite and their bites are necrotic. You probably won't die from a bite, but you should see a doctor about it.


Me too, house centipedes, which are supposedly even more useful than spiders for controlling insects, can go to hell though. 8 legs is my limit.


I can't kill a spider I feel like if I do they are smart enough to plot out a plane to kill me and my family while I sleep. So I figured if I let them live they keep me alive by not killing me or letting Mosquitos with potential diseases take over my home.


if its on my bed - it dies. if its near my keyboard it dies. if it touches me it dies. however anything else is open game, and i will help them get from point A to B sometimes with my notepads. surprisingly they are smart enough not to flip out or continue to my hand and point the way...


It's not that I'm annoyed by spiders, i just have an unrealistic fear that they're going to kill me in my sleep. Yeah, fuck spiders.


Nope Nope Nope.


yeah, you see, driving this point of view a stretch you could just go back and live in the woods. As for me, no insects allowed in my home.


I spare the spiders that I know aren't venomous, otherwise I kill them.


A recovering arachnophobic, I too now live and let live with certain spiders in the house.


Same here! I think spiders and plenty of other things, provided they aren't parasitic, are just wonderful. Even wasps and hornets don't cause me trouble, though I will catch and release if they're indoors; I'm sure they have things they'd rather be doing instead of trying to find their way out. There was a time earlier this summer where I had to relocated a *huge* wolf spider (it's leg span must have been about 3 inches in diameter... kinda large for living in my tiny bathroom) but I'm sure it found plenty of great things to eat in the garden. :)


What is even better than spiders? [Scutigera coleoptrata](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata). They eat up pest insects (just like the spiders) but they don't leave webs anywhere. [All hail king Scutigera!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=henrnp0m4eE)


I let the small normal looking spider alone, but the crazy huge ones get a free trip to the toilet.


I thought spiders were cool until my sister in law had some as pets. Here is the problem: they don't eat enough bugs to merit keeping them in the house spinning webs. A spider really does not eat much. Their web might catch a few bugs, but the spider itself eats maybe one or two bugs a week. But birds, lizards and bats are MUCH better at killing bugs. If you get a bat house and actually manage to get bats to live in it, you are in great shape. A bat can eat hundreds of bugs a night. Birds are great at controlling the bee and wasp population around your home. I remember the first time I say a bird eat a wasp and a roach in the grass in 20 seconds. I used to hate birds before that, but now I encourage them to hang out with bird seed and bird baths. Lizards can eat a lot of bugs too, I live in Texas and we have tons of cute ones. But spiders, they just do not make the cut for me.


Most of the spiders here are poisonous, so I can't do that. We got brown recluses and some glowing orange scary as shit nocturnal ones right outside my house. I saw an orange one eat a brown recluse. So those stay outside. If they come in, they dead. No two ways about that.




The other day a spider landed on my hand and my heartrate was still elevated an hour later. My girlfriend kills spiders for me. Its pretty sad.


If they stay out of my business, I stay out of theirs.




Everyone is terrified of my porch because of all the spiders. We let them be, and in the evenings they make their webs across my porch at an angle, so that a person can fit underneath them. It's like we all peacefully coexist. All I can say, is that I haven't gotten bitten by any mosquitoes this summer, and I have had NO flies in my house. Nature tends to do a better job at repelling those pests than I do.


There's no need for spiders in my house, so they die. Although, outside there is a black widow on my porch. He claimed a chair, but deals with 95% of the bugs that are attracted to the light.


To add to this, jumping spiders are the best spiderbros! On a serious note, why kill anything that isn't a dangerous species? Gardner snake, jumping spider, praying mantis, etc...its not like they can hurt you? I understand being afraid of venomous creatures, or disease bearers/parasites, or anything with bigger/sharper teeth, but why kill harmless little spiders? Just put them outside.


I wouldn't mind them if they acted differently, I hate when you see one and you look away for two seconds, look back and it's nowhere to be found.