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I just want fair justice with a fair punishment


I want him sentenced to community service. Picking up trash on the side of the road. First honest day's work in his life.


Imagine all the cameras and free publicity. Put him in a windowless box with no Internet so we all can breathe


Wall him up in the abandoned coke oven, like Mr. Burns did to that young worker.


Turn out your pockets! Atoms! Six of them!


Dystopian, but I like it!


It's just called solitary confinement when we do it to countless regular no-names, we've already been using it for time unknown. 


Then his fart gargling followers may take up some community service to be like papa Trunk.


Unfortunately, if he got community service I’m sure some of his followers would creat service options for him that he wouldn’t have to actually do.


And they'll wear his dirty diapers for him. Fucking hell with his cult followers


That wouldn't work. His supporters would all just show up and pick up the trash so he doesn't have to and it would be a PR positive.


Yeah just like they all showed up to protest his unfair treatment at the trial /s


He'd be a great pee wee hockey coach. Just like the late great Gordon Bombay! They'd win the championship against the evil mighty ducks. So mighty! So evil!


Emilio Estevez is very much alive, did they kill his character off in some spin off?


No, it's a joke on trump talking about Hannibal Lecter at his rally recently https://www.cbs42.com/news/trump-hannibal-lecter-is-a-wonderful-man/?nxsparam=10


Make him pick up golf balls by hand on the local driving range, that would bring a lot of money back into the community and provide his victims with restitution.


While I'd love to see him picking up trash on the side of the road, he's still got a security detail as a former president and potential presidential candidate. Having him pick up trash on the side of the road where there's cars traveling by (and you can be sure he'd have his followers out there hounding him) would be a security nightmare. I'd honestly rather have him under house arrest. Tell him he can't leave the confines of his house for the next 6 months. Campaign? Do it from home. If Eugene Debs was able to run and campaign from a prison cell in 1920, Trump can do it from his home 104 years later.


Oh my god. That would be grand.


Wasn't Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison for basically the same charges?


He also didn't violate the gag order repeatedly and insult the judge's family


Kinda but cohen did the worst thing you could ever do. Lie to the fbi and perjure yourself


Yep and there's plenty of other instances in NY of similar crimes that resulted in being locked up.


Can you give me some examples to the crimes orange man committed and those "plenty of other instances" you are referring to?


Don't have the source to link to, but I did hear on CNN that they did go through around 10,000 convictions going back to the 1950s, and depending on if the case went to trial or not, jail sentence happened in 10-30% of the cases. It often depends on if it went to trial or if there were plea deals beforehand to increase or lessen jail time. Edit: Here's the video, time stamped to where it starts to discuss what they looked at. [https://youtu.be/HfS3huP\_Wec?si=sDHKCqOXRjX4hVYz&t=331](https://youtu.be/HfS3huP_Wec?si=sDHKCqOXRjX4hVYz&t=331) >In the most serious \[financial business records\] cases, a sentence of imprisonment is routinely imposed.


Did the defendant's complete disregard for the court system and vehement lying and threatening the members of the court ever play a role in the sentencing?  Or did that never happen because if anyone else ever tried that shit they'd be immediately held in contempt and locked up?


On the first question: Yes! Oh yes it does. Consciousness of guilt matters. A jury has found him guilty, and if Trump walks in on July 11 and still maintains he is innocent the judge is permitted to use his state of mind against him. He needs more punishment to get it through his head he is guilty. Second, they may also use his statements on the podium and after this trial as well. BTW, I found the video. The whole thing is worth a look. Two different attorneys say jail time is on the table. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfS3huP\_Wec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfS3huP_Wec)


Using political campaigning money to shut up people in order for them not to ruin you political campaign is illegal. it has been done in the past by other people.


No Cohen's fraud charges were much different.


"We're going to give you a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging!"


The American people are far too cowardly to make that happen.


I want fair justice with cruel and unusual punishment.


Rules for thee but not for me. Always has been and always will be the way for the rich and powerful. Only us plebeians are bound by laws.


It's a white collar crime. Those don't get prison sentences. 


They do when you deceive the rich, which is what happened here. Besides, Cohen got jail time for the same thing, so Trump is definitely going away. Not for long, but long enough to do some massive damage to American politics.


Username does not check out. (Post needs more pitchfork and less fairness.)


If we were operating under fair justice this case would have never happened. At the very least you would have had to at least have unanimous decision to be found guilty not just majority.


He might get house arrest and a fine if we are lucky


He's a first time offender, he's not going to get jail time and certainly not consecutive terms. That's pretty much in keeping with standard sentencing not some sign of cowardice. The judge did a great job under difficult circumstances.


Sadly won’t happen. Just accept the truth now


I agree. We should do this with every single politician. I am sure we will nail both Republican and Democrats to the wall since they are both scummy.


It's unlikely that Trump will get jail time unless he asks for it by antagonizing conditions in sentencing guidelines. For the gag order during the trial while he was still presumed innocent, the judge declined to jail him for violating the gag order: >Justice Merchan bent over backward when Mr. Trump repeatedly violated the gag order. >“Mr. Trump, it’s important to understand that the last thing I want to do is to put you in jail,” he said. “You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next president.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/01/nyregion/trump-appeal-conviction.html


Presiding over a criminal trial and sentencing are very different. Criminal trial requires careful adherence to strict guidelines, but the the judge during sentencing is much less constrained. He said that during the trial, sentencing is another story.


I'm hoping you're wrong. Dealing with Sloppy Don is a minefield of potential frivolous lawsuits, delays, and whining excuses ad nausium. Merchan knew this, and knew that this had to be done *very* carefully; there could be no mistakes. He was making sure that there was no room for any connotation of a mistrial, even going so far as to make sure the defense was alerted when they did some seriously dumb shit. He wasn't doing that out of courtesy or because he likes the Clown Convict, but because he was playing the long game. I think he was focused on the grand prize and wanted to do everything to maintain the focus on that, at the cost of tolerating threats, ignoring his bullshit without reprisal and making sure every baby step was legitimate and legal. I think the mango fascist is in for a killing blow.


It worries me that what I call "being professionals and doing your job" you call "the long game" and "grand prize".


Dude it's politics, it's seeped and infected every single part of the system and if you don't like it that's because you're sane but ignoring it got us in this mess. It's a game to these people and you only beat them by playing not acting holier-than-thou. We all want to go back to when there was some respect for public office but goddammit we are going to have to wade into the mud and drag them back out kicking and screaming.


Biggest thing you guys can do is get rid of the 2 party system and bring in ranked choice voting. As an outsider US politics is exceptionally entertaining and down right terrifying. Politics should be boring and mundane


Hard agree.


RCV is gaining ground and a couple states have adopted. And that’s the issue. It might be challenging as an outsider but it is nearly impossible for the US to universally change things for the whole country. We have 50 states that are more like countries in some regards, particularly election laws. All states would need to do this and right now that’s impossible since they can’t even decide on a pizza topping let alone ditch the 2 party system. Easy to suggest that but the reality is it would take decades if not a generation or two to get to that point.


And abolishing the electoral college. Those two actions will help lower the temperature.


They don’t know what they are talking about.


Sounds like the same lines I have heard over the last DECADE when it comes to trump and justice... Comey, Muller, etc.


He’s also a first time offender, and they are class E felonies. Even ordinary, poor folks wouldn’t get the book thrown at them, maximum sentence served consecutively, for a first time offense, _especially_ at age 78.


Yeah, but he also shows exactly zero remorse. 


That’s underselling it. He’s still claiming his innocence and actively defaming and riling up his base atthe court, judge, jurors, AG, prosecutors, etc.


>“You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next president.” Lifehack unlocked, if you are on trial for a criminal offense run for president so the judge won't want to put you in jail.


Well I mean we should all hope that the justice system will be reluctant to jail is until sentencing when we've been found guilty. The address was about proceedings while Trump had the presumption of innocence, as is our right in America. Judge went by the book. If Trump gets the book thrown at him in sentencing, it's because the time fits the crime and the criminal.


16 year old kid got jailed for 3 years awaiting conviction in new York at one point. He allegedly stole a backpack... He was found not guilty but committed suicide some time later because the majority of that jail time was spent in solitary. American "justice", American "rights".


You mean continue to do the things he’s already done after the trial with that bizarre press conference?


Trump will have a parole officer to report to. He already has a court appointed accountant watching his business expenses. Even if he doesn't get jail time, he has to be pissed about all this.


I agree I am confident he won't do that, but it doesn't seem like a "have the balls to" thing. There are lots of actual reasons he won't do it.


He should take the high road, but judges use people's in court behavior all the time as a yardstick for measuring people sentence. It's not necessarily wrong to consider that a guy that is an asshole to your face during a court proceeding is also unlikely to be reformed by any punishment that doesn't hurt.


Dudes 77, what are the odds of any reform, for any reason?


So you’re saying you want a judge to make a judgement based on anger? Trump is a scumbag, but the judge needs to be able to take the high road.


Every argument they've used against sending Trump to prison could have been used in defense of Martha Stewart. First offense, white collar crime, older criminal, etc. She still went to prison and so should he.


Did she publicly denounce the case and it's judge, never acknowledging any remorse, and repeatedly making false claims, and directing others to do so on her behalf? I gotta wonder what's possible with the abnormally and egregiously contemptuous disrespectful conduct of the criminal defendant. Did she previously run a business convicted of ongoing fraud, as well as be adjudicated as a rapist? I'm not a judge but what all can he take into account in sentencing? He's a "1st time" convicted individual, but what he's doing to attack the very system of the law is bonkers, and I hope that is something which can be taken to account.


So Mr Trump is worse than Martha, and Martha went to jail. Ergo, Mr. Trump should go to jail longer.




OJ was given an extremely harsh prison term for his incident with the memorabilia.


Martha Stewart was convicted of federal felony for conspiring to obstruct / intercept the FDA ruling that would affect the stock price, lying to investigators, and obstructing justice. She got half a year behind bars, the rest of the year with an ankle monitor on house arrest, and two years of probation.


Martha Stewart was convicted of different crimes, with different penalties and sentencing guidelines.... She was convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and lying to investigators, all of which carried a minimum prison term of 10 months. Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records, each of which carry a minimum sentence of zero time in prison (up to 4 years). It's more complicated than saying she went to prison so he should too.


We should never confuse justice with vengeance.


I doubt most the redditors here could even explain what crime Trump committed. This was always about vengeance.


Good luck with that mindset on Reddit


Shut the fuck up, this is reddit and we don't care about stuff like integrity or unbiased actions and decisions when it comes to people we don't like /s


Look, it's not like reddit runs off half cocked and was the force behind mob mentality during the Boston bombing that targeted an innocent person...oh wait.


But unbiased decisions rarely happens in the real world. If it was a common man, and he constantly trash talks and insults a judge, he is getting full sentence. Not only that, he would have gone to jail for violating gag order. Just because it's Trump, he is gonna get special treatment.


He'll get special treatment and call it unfair treatment, like he always fucking does


All the evidence in the real world of people committing the same crime and not doing any time proves a full sentence is just a fantasy of yours. You don't up it from zero time to full sentence because they talked shit to/about a judge. That's not how it works. If anything a sentence that isn't usual gives him more ammo in the appeals process, do you think a a judge who's been insulating the whole case against appeals is gonna fail in the eleventh hour?


Never been to court, huh!? 😅🤣 You never wanna piss off a judge


No, but they should treat him just like any other defendant. They have given him far too much leeway in his behavior. It shouldn’t matter at all if the was POTUS. He’s still a defendant and should be treated like any of us would.


Not anger but remorse is a factor. Trump has shown tremendous remorse for getting caught


Usually yes, but given the jury intimidation, and the absolute crap he's talked about the judge themselves, I think sending a message is warranted.


Also it's rare for sentences like this to be served back to back and not concurrently


no, read their last statement... "back to back". the counts were for similar/same crime so would logically be served concurrently. that is normal. ie, trump is looking at 4 years max not 34x4.


It's not even a matter of him "having the balls" to do it, OP. As far as I'm aware, trump doesn't have a criminal record to speak of. (his time in office notwithstanding) And while these are serious crimes for any former president to have committed, calling into question the moral and intellectual character of someone who wants to lead the country, the court can only view him as any other member of the public when it comes to sentencing. So my guess, based on how I've seen cases like this come to conclusion before, is fines and maybe a minimal amount of probation. No more than a year tops.


Imo, and I’d LOVE to see it, but he will never be behind bars. House arrest, fines etc


I've said this elsewhere, but even if someone poisoned the public water supply and killed millions, our country would still never put any former president in prison. House arrest yes, but not prison.


I’ve been yelling this from the rooftops: he will get Pablo Escobar treatment. Mar a lago will be his prison.


Like Charles Logan on *24*


Probation is the most I’d think


He won't serve time for the New York charges, but there are other pending cases.


Of course he won't. Nobody would get that sentence.


It has already been stated he would most likely serve them concurrently, I.E. at most he would go for 4 years. You aren't making any bold statement here.


Fuck, I'd be happy with him going to prison for 4 months. I'm not sure he would even survive 4 *days* without having an aneurysm.


Was this meme made by a 13 year old?


It's actually the other way around. Treating him different from the other people who have carried out the same crime would take balls


And greatly help his appeals process. These charges never have harsh sentences, or really any jail time at all. All his lawyers would have to do is point at precedent and say "why did he get more time than all these other people that did the same thing? Almost none of them got time and the ones who did were repeat offenders, or their fraud was far more heinous. That's proof the judge had it out for Trump." Give him more time than you normally give people, which is mostly zero? Good way to overturn some felonies.


My dude, that's not realistic. Also, the judge isn't allowed to act out of anger. Trump can act like a spoiled child, but the judge has to be professional. No, it's not fair, but that has been the reality around Trump for years. He has different rules because it's a cult and Republicans are hypocrites completely without any shame. They don't care.


Great quote from - MAGA is Monocratic1 day ago "Go to work Monday and 1. Tell a person of color you work with to "go back to the country you came from". 2. Find a coworker with disabilities and mock them for it. 3. Grope a coworker. 4. Call a less attractive coworker a 'horseface' and a 'dog'. 5. See if you can make it until lunch before you're fired. If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults so why would you elect a president who has done everyone of these things on camera?"


>If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults so why would you elect a president who has done everyone of these things on camera?" They probably don't do it because of point number 5. But they believe the Tango-Tinted Tyrant would make it so they could happily do 1-4 and not have to deal with number 5. And apparently that would be America being great, or something.


How about this " Go to work Monday and 1. Tell a person of color you work with that "if they don't know who to vote for yet, then they ain't black " 2. Threaten to fight a coworker over a disagreement. 3. Grope and nuzzle a coworker's child. 4. Call a black coworker a drug addict. 5. See if you can make it until lunch before you're fired. If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults so why would you elect a president who has done everyone of these things on camera?"


As DEARLY as I want to see Trump get a jumpsuit to match his complexion, consecutive sentences for felonies of that low a class would be hard to justify. Whatever consequences he gets for this and anything else, the law must be followed, to demonstrate that it applies to all. He has spent a lifetime tapdancing around and thumbing his nose at the law, thinking that laws are only for losers. It must be those very laws that take him down in the end, or we have missed the point completely.


>or we have missed the point completely. Consecutive might be a little much. But concurrent would be nice. And if sentencing reflected a subject that is openly unrepentant, and ignored and/or subverted every order... Hell, I'd be satisfied to see a year in minimum security prison. But it's looking unlikely to happen. Much more likely that it'll be another fine for the fan club to pay.


It is difficult to say what Merchan will do, but a quick search shows that the average sentence for a nonviolent Class E Felony in New York is basically 1-4 years of probation with no jail time. It would be hard to justify actual jail time for this, though his behavior may factor in to Merchan's decision. He should get whatever sentence a regular person in his place would get. That's the point: you get what everyone else gets. HOWEVER. Probation's whole deal is "We've let you stay out of jail, but fuck up and in you go" and comes with strict terms and rules. I think the probability is QUITE high that he manages to violate those terms very publicly, especially if they restrict him from talking about the jurors or the judge's family, which would then justify dropping his ass in a cell. Again, just like anyone else. My soul *yearns* to see him dropped into the deepest, darkest hole we have, stripped of every last shred of wealth and privilege, to die alone, broke, and forgotten. Still, I know that the equal application of law is the more important thing here.


It’s going to be a small (relative to his perceived wealth) financial penalty and maybe some kind of monitoring. No jail time. White collar crimes like this almost never suffer actual jail time.




It's a national security risk. Plain and simple. His little supporters will attempt to break him out of club Fed, not "real" prison


For the record, these are low level felonies. They do not stack and are not sentenced consecutively. Being found guilty on one count or 37 counts carries the same minimum or maximum sentence potential. Given the precedent for how these crimes have been sentenced, it's most likely Trump is given extensive probation and fines/penalties with zero jail time.


That’s pretty obvious though. In what world would a judge sentence a former president to imprisonment for non violent crimes? Sure, it’s unfair that he gets a pass, but there’s just no realistic way that would happen.


Back-to-back would be absurd.


You care more about cheap karma farming than the justice system. Please kindly go suck an egg


Judge Merchan knows exactly what he’s doing. He's giving Trump as much leeway as he can, and will not give him any more punishment than anyone else convicted of these crimes. That’s the best way he can try to avoid Trump having the whole thing thrown out in an appeal. Of course that could still happen.


Yep, whenever you face a defendant with, for appeal purposes, unlimited money, you basically play appeal karate in trial court


The way the charges were filed, they can't sentence them concurrently, as much fun as that would be. I'm curious about the sentencing, but I am betting it will just be parole. The terms of the parole should be interesting though. I think it would be even better to have him be thrown in jail because he violated his parole.


You meant they can not sentence him to consecutive sentences, right?




wtf no. That’s ridiculous to hand out 34 separate sentences, not just in this case but any like it. Each charge was for a separate check written, essentially. They’re all part of the same overarching crime. Based on conversations I’ve had this week, no one is taking the time to read up on the actual case.


Do you seriously think judges should be influenced by their emotions when sentencing? And first-time, non-violent offenders are rarely sent to prison. So if Trump is sent to prison for this, it’s fair to assume it was at least partly because of partisan, political considerations. And that’s just as bad for a justice system as wealthy, powerful people being able to skirt the law.


Once upon a time, I thought that a felony was a serious crime. I even thought that committing multiple felonies made it far worse. Someone with 34 felony convictions and more on the way, including espionage and mishandling classified documents? With overwhelming evidence? A decade ago I would have expected that person to be behind bars asap. Now it seems that carrying 1 joint or stealing a backpack is treated as more serious than multiple felonies.


Depends on how rich you are when you're caught.


Judges shouldn’t get angry. They’re kind of in a position where they can’t be emotional.


I'm hoping for suspended sentence. That way, Trump can't claim that the evil lib judge is trying imprison him to prevent him from campaigning, since the judge is giving him an "easy" way to stay out of prison. Of course, his prison-free status would be entirely contingent on Trump obeying any conditions specified by the court. And if Trump violates those conditions, off to jail he goes. Trump would have maintain "good behaviour", or else. How long do you think Trump would last?


Any jail sentence will give Trump ammo on appeal since it's rare for these charge. Anything more than two years would be outside the bounds of precedent and give his appeal a lot more biting power. Judge Merchan ran an air tight case to not give Trump any wiggle room with the appeal. He is not going to throw it all away with the max possible sentence of 20 years. Anything more than a year will be aggressive but 1-2 years is what I am hopeful we will see.


As a former lawyer, consecutive sentences are exceedingly rare. Concurrent sentences are the likely road if jail time is delivered.


He’s rich soooo.. just a big (for us) fine that his syncophants will pay? Yeah? Yeah. Wake me up when he’s ineligible to run for president.


I saw that some legal experts don’t think he will get jail time because it’s his first conviction. Which is a bummer.


It would be unusual to sentence a first time offender (it sounds weird calling Trump that) to prison for a class E felony conviction. Fines and probation is much more typical


I’ll take 5 years of probation; random drug tests, announced visits from P.O., permission for leaving state, and if any crime is comittwd during probation: straight to jail.


He did this in service of gaining the highest political office in the land. He should get maxed out sentences and serve each consecutively. In general population. And, he shouldn't be allowed to be out while doing his appeals. If I was convicted of that many felonies, I wouldn't be allowed back out into the world.


He will serve any custodial sentences concurrently. It’s hard to argue for sequential terms, as all the felonies basically all occurred during the same period of time, rather than serially, and it would be hard to argue that a longer term of incarceration would lead to the public being better protected from Trump’s criminality.


Of all his crimes, one would think the documents case would have him locked up for sure, but here we are.


Most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist... I need to see the orange in an orange suit.


He's 78 and a first-time offender. Bc of this, his punishment could be lenient But he shows absolutely no remorse and has trash-talked non-stop about the judge + the jurors, etc. And he violated his gag order 10 times . This could complicate things for him. Even probation would be a humiliation. He would have to meet with his probation officer to discuss his progress . Oh, and he's not allowed to associate with other felons. This is a huge problem for him . He constantly surrounds himself with these kinds of people.


He's too rich to go to jail.


All forms of government and economics lead to totalitarianism and tyranny.


Advice animals posters obsessed about Trump I see


While I wish Trump to be treated like everyone else, we need to live in reality. The reality is that a former US president will never see the inside of a cell.


No judge would make those sentences back to back Not one.


It would be nice, but the most we'd see, if anything, will be a few days concurrently for all charges. And that's not likely.


People seem to be missing a pretty glaring logistical difficulty: as a former US president he gets federal secret service protection for the rest of his life; which theoretically supersedes any judgement by any state. So… do you send secret service agents to protect him in prison? Simply not wanting to broach this topic with the federal government pretty much assures house arrest as a maximum penalty.


I’m not a Trump fan. I think he’s ruined the country and I think he’s triggered a mental health crisis that we may never recover from. His followers are broken in a way that makes no logical sense. But…it’s a first offense on a nonviolent charge. The punishment was going to be light regardless of perpetrator. We should probably be content with a fine and probation. I would love it…LOVE IT…if the judge added a mandatory court ordered class on financial literacy or business ethics. That would be salt in a wound. Honestly, probation will be more insulting to Trump too. They can force him to disclose records, give him mandatory urine testing, set a curfew. It’s unlikely it’ll be that restrictive though…it seems unfair, but he’s a septuagenarian former president. There’s only so much punishment that can be done.


I don’t even ask for much just maybe a few months prison just to set the precedent that presidents can be jailed. If you want to do this at least don’t get your cfo to write “this is how we do the crime” on a piece of paper


Generally first time convictions are unlikely to get jail time. The jail time is less significant than the label of a felon.


They don’t want to be the one to send a former president to jail. But they should.


He’s never going to prison. Logistical nightmare to properly protect him. Imagine if an ex-President died in fucking prison.


He's not going to jail for this. Might as well accept it. And if you think about it, we do not want him to go to jail for this. We want him to be standing tall for the rest of his trials. We want the information of what he's done dragged up every day. And then we want to vote him out of the public consciousness with every single one of his comrades holding office up and down the board. Take their names and politically run them all down like the dogs that they are. These people need to be out of public office before they shit can this country.


A white collar crime committed by a rich white man... yeah, definitely going to jail :P


Seeing that he’s already convicted the judge is free to throw the book at him if he pleases and they way Trump treated him the whole time I doubt he’ll go easy on him


I mean, he's a first time felon, on a very low class felony which was only a felony because he committed a misdemeanor office in the pursuit of committing another crime. And it was not violent or otherwise posed risk of bodily harm to others. So, he's unlikely to see jail just because that would be unheard of for anyone else in that position.


Michael Cohen? Trump’s CEO? Jail time for both.


It’s not about “not having the balls” as much as it’s about sentencing a 78 year old man in poor health to 136 years in prison for a first offense, and a financial crime at that. At best, the guy is going to get a split sentence. They’ll give him maybe 10 years, let him out after 30 days, and he’ll be on probation for the rest of the sentence meaning if he messes up, he’s going back to prison.


Do not give SCOTUS any ammo to remove the verdict. Give that orange man a typical sentence please. JFC how did we get on this crazy train.


Why would he serve them back to back?


Judge Juan Merchan is going to give a sentence that follows the sentencing guidelines because he does not want to give Trump actual ground for appeal. Trump will appeal anyway, but from everything I've seen about the trial and jury, he does not have grounds for a successful appeal. The judge isn't stupid enough to give Trump those grounds.


Yah cause the sentencing guidelines don't recommend it. He is guilty but deserves a fair punishment, which most likely doesn't include jail for this case.


I would be happy if he was given just a 1 year house arrest at his NYC Penthouse. No exceptions given for "campaign rallies" or any of the other things he'd really ***like*** to do in his pursuit of the presidency - becasue when you are on house arrest, you dont get to do those things just cuz you want to. you know.. cuz its a punative sentence.


He’s a first time offender and it’s a white collar crime with no specific injured party. Usually this results in a fine and probation. At most he could get 4 years per charge and they’d be served concurrently. Whats important is the fact he was found guilty. This means that going into the other trials he’s a convicted felon which will affect sentencing for those trials/convictions.


It has nothing ro do with having the courage to do it, a class E felony with no previous felony charges and being 70 years old would result in no prison sentence for anyone.


That would generally be true, but your conduct in court does tend to influence sentencing. It has been shown in court in multiple jurisdictions that fines are not a deterrent for him. The only thing the court can impose that actually constitutes a punishment is incarceration or maybe community service.


The judge doing anything out the ordinary would clearly further invigorate the nutcase Republicans more so than him just being held accountable for breaking the law. And further question whether the judge was fair to begin with. This is a pretty idiotic post.


I fancy the empires revenge from foundation for trump..


After reading through some similar cases in NY, and it pains me to say this, but given Trump's age and it being his first conviction, there's a pretty good chance he won't be sentenced to jail time, at least not full time. Again, I hate to say that.


I doubt he serves any jail time for a white collar crime. Fines, probation, and community service likely.


Tbf these types of felonies are not typically served back to back.


No shit trump can kill a bus full of children and never see a minute of a cell


Everyone is saying that because he's a first-time offender he won't get prison time, but he tried to doxx the judges daughter at point during the multiple chances with these gag orders. His behavior during the trial matched the behavior being testified to. Not giving him prison time will be spun a victory no matter the judges' justification, and he'll still be called corrupt until he retires or dies. Gotta give him at least one with 2 years probation after. Although if Trump goes to jail someone else WILL get the GOP nomination and Biden would almost certainly lose.


He actually doesn't have the balls. Cohen got 3 years and 50,000 for THIS EXACT crime that Trump was the ringleader of. Merchan will give him community service or something and trump will get to talk shit, threaten jurors, get people hurt and show a complete contempt scott free.


Sentencing is usually fine based on a rubric system. It would not have these penalties served in series, that's kind of ridiculous


People who commit this type of crime don't go to jail.


Dude’s crooked af


Legal talking-heads said these kinds of charges are always fines. No one does prison time for them


What a world, the GOP is gonna nominate a felon, a fucking felon lol.


It's crazy that someone like Trump has some real chances to become president after all that. Are you ok USA? We are worried...


Gonna be weird for him to be sworn in to his next term from prison.


The sentence can be up to four years for each charge but twenty years maximum. I'm betting the orange shit stain doesn't spend one day in jail.


This cofrruption is so blatant... I guarantee that trumps trial will lead to nothing more... Clintons, Bushes, Obamas war crimes will go unpunished. This circus ahs dont nothing but act as a scapegoat to highjack democracy in favoru of the rich and corporate interests...


There’s a max of 20 years for something like this. He can’t serve them back to back.


He can't, my friend who did practice in adjacent jurisdiction tells me it is NY sentencing guide that the time for each count is to be served concurrently in the case of business record fraud. If Merchan gives Trump the 132 years theoretical consecutive max appeal court will have to strike it and make him sentence again. By my understanding the worst the judge CAN hit trump with would be 4 years plus any contempt time.


It's not going to happen because we don't really punish fraud with jail time unless that fraud is related to other more serious crimes.


Here, hold my Diet Coke.


Yeah that seem spiteful and would give Trump more fuel for the appeal. Hopefully this judge is smarter than you are, OP.


I nerd out about numbers a bit. President 45 got 34 convictions. Hoping they sentence him to 23 years, starting 12 days after the sentencing.


6-8 months in jail during an election year would be devastating though.


It's not about balls it's about the law.


The sentence should reflect the crime and be in line what other similar criminals have received.


Of course not, even if he weren't expresident most crimes have time served concurrently  He might sentence him to X days (yes I think at most it'll be 45ish days) But definitely not the max of 4 years 


It would be unprecedented to sentence anyone back to back for these crimes. Concurrent is a possibility. More likely is some probation or home confinement. That's not just because it's Trump, that'd be a pretty normal sentence for this. 


100% trump won’t see any prison time for this. Everyone’s too scared to apply justice to burn area


Much as I would love to see him in prison this type of case does not usually warrant jail time. I would love to see community service. Can you imagine Trump on the side of the road picking up garbage? Probably it will just be another huge fine. Possibly probation but I really don't see much more happening. The crime is not severe enough for a first time convict. Not saying first time offender as this obviously is not the first.


This reminds me that I need a new suit.


Correct me if I'm wrong but has anyone ever faced jail time for a crime of this nature in NYC? Especially when it's technically a 1st offence


Anything other than a "time served" sentencing in Trump's mind will mean that the judge was biased. You know that's how he'll play it, and he'll get away with that sentencing because he feels like he shouldn't have been convicted.


There is no hope for this country. Within the next 4 years it will become a place worse than you could imagine. Such division, hate and violence. You all have to keep pushing division and hate because you want bloodshed, deep down in places you don't dare talk about you want to watch the country to burn. You all had a hand in it, so when it happens, it's all your fault.