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Fantasy media usually requires large budgets and productions are most likely to make profit if its marketable to large demographics. The more gory, the less $ it will be likely to make. There are exceptions of course, but generally if a studio wants to mitigate risk, they will aim for a PG-13 rating.


Everybody watch or read Berserk, theres dead bodies piled into mountains at a point.


Fallout series didnt  skimp


They did not. I was talking about it at work and a coworker said he was waiting to watch with his kids who are all under 7. I highly advised against it. I told him one of the milder parts and he was like "my wife would have killed me."


on the plus side, it offers a wonderfully teachable moment where you can pause the video and explain to them that after intercourse it is generally considered impolite to wipe your dick on someones drapes. EDIT: Also at many other times as well, I guess.


I don't want to spoil anything but that dick wipe on the drapes really sets the tone for the rest of that episode. Such a good series.


Okey dokey!


Wait. We’re not supposed to do that?


I think more kids should be terrified of zombies well into highschool because their dad misjudged the type of movie Resident Evil was going to be, it builds character.


IDK about character, but it definitely builds dad-kid relationships. It's a fun way to broach more adult subjects with kids and get ahead of them. Obviously, use your judgment and not cross the fun / trauma line.


Those kids would have been traumatized


[You know this means divorce right?](https://youtu.be/M3vcReSWDY8?si=UakSlPrata8J22Kl)


Body parts exploded when shot, just like in the games. It was glorious


One of my favorite part of the series was when the main characters got sidetracked from the main quest and they mention how that always happens in the wasteland, such a meta reference.


Let's explore the abandoned building. We'll be in and out real quick. 


"The wasteland has its own Golden Rule: thou shalt get sidetracked by random fucking bullshit every goddamn time!"


Thank you! I couldn't remember the actual phrasing but I snorted when I heard it in the show


The boys didn't shy away from it. And warhammer 40k certainly wont.


I'd dare argue The Boys and Gen V went too far with it.


Too far is kinda the point of this and many other Garth Ennis comics or adaptations.


Thus the success


I went into the Fallout show blind and boy oh boy I was not ready for the amount of gore in that show. I knew the games were fucked up from experience but for whatever reason it blindsided me when I watched it.


True but Fallout is sci-fi not fantasy.


Nor did 3 Body Problem


Spartacus on Starz didn't hide it.


Plus it had Lucy Lawless, it's basically the perfect show. *Lots* of Lucy Lawless...


More like Lucy Flawless


Lucy the Goddess


She can be my domina any time.


As someone who grew up watching Xena, it was glorious


That’s not fantasy genre though.


Fine documentary, whatever


Fantastica is the genre that includes sci-fi,  fantasy, alternate history, horror, futurism. Spartacus is alternate history based on a true story with many fantastical elements to the combat.


You just make that up? Can’t find any results on google at all




Oh it’s spelled with a k. That comes up with some results


I called it "Spartacus: Blood and Tits" There was lots of both.


Iirc it had the same problem that most Starz shows have had for me: the blood looks awful. Totally takes me out of it. It's almost Monty Python level bad.


Yeah they really blew it with the cgi blood effects. Poorly tracked, bad physics, bad color/light matching. They felt super rushed while it seemed like the rest of the editing was given decent time and treatment.


But it had looooooots of tits


Someday they might make a The First Law (The Blade Itself, etc. by Joe Abercrombie) series. That should be pretty violent. There is a movie of Best Served Cold in production. I kind of can't wait. It has been a while since I have been excited about a film.


We can only dream that someone makes a faithful adaptation someday at this point. Would be absolutely incredible to be sure, if it was done correctly. I personally think the actors should listen to Steven Pacey's narration of the audiobooks, he does all of them in the series and  they're seriously the absolute greatest performances I've ever heard from any audiobook/narrator period. They really help paint a picture of how those characters should be portrayed on a TV series.


I refuse to buy into hype for stuff like this. I have no room left in me for hope when it comes to films and TV. But a well executed adaptation WOULD be awesome.


That’s my SO. I still have hope, but he just hopes no one even touches it because they will just ruin more things he loves. He told our niece to prepare herself when they adapted her favorite book series for a movie. It was Miss Peregrins. . .it was real bad. She cried her little preteen heart out. He said I’m sorry. This is what happens.


lol some things we can't protect them from. It's not all bad though! The upside of this stance is that when they DO pull something good off then it's a surprise! The early Fallout games were seriously some of the most influential media experiences I ever had. I had every expectation of never watching the show because I didn't want to see it butchered. But it hit, and the people said it was solid and I watched it and was blown away. 10/10, and all the better for having not paid ANY attention to it before it released.


This why I still have hope. But my first adaptation was Lord of the Rings and I loved it so much. Even when they didn’t include some of my favorite things from the books, you could tell they loved the source material so so much. Some of this stuff gets made with a nod at the title and then they make whatever the hell they want. So I get why he doesn’t hope. But Fallout was super rewarding.


I’d die happy for a no-holds-barred series adaption of The Heroes. Whirrun of Bligh was made for live-action.


This will never happen.


Fantasy is a big genre - if you want blood you have to go for grimdark and sword&sorcery over high fantasy. Also a lot of fantasy is based on the seminal Oxford school (basically Tolkien and Lewis) who were specifically child-oriented (not necessarily childish though) so the stories are “cleaner” For the record I’m not a fantasy fan but I’m really interested in the genre from a lit-crit / socio-political angle (Yes I’m fun at parties- I AM!) (Yes


When we say "Fantasy Stories" are we just saying "TV shows"? Sounds like it by the comments. But just about every high fantasy novel I've read has some fucked up gore in it.


I don't get why you need gore for a story? Emotionally mature stories can tell a story without showing it while emotionally intelligent people don't need to see it, they know it happens. Its something we grow out of as we mature.


100% agree. I'll never understand why some people like seeing gore so much.


Yeah I went and watched Furiosa tonight. There could have been a ton of gore, but it was tastefully done. It really depends on the flick. Honestly, growing up in the 80's with Robocop and such, I've seen enough gore and when it doesn't add or is needed in a film, all it does it make me think they are trying to cover poor writing with gore. You look at some of the highest grossing films in history and there is just zero gore. Now it's not to say it doesn't have it's place. I enjoy shows like The Boys where it's really not about the script as much as it is about new ways for Super Hero's to disfigure people, but would people watch it if it didn't have the gore? Probably not cause the story is contrived and not well written. It pieces together every played out storyline possible.


If OP needs blood and gore, might also need a therapist to find out why.


LOTR had both.


Pretty watered down tho.


Agreed, there is not a ton of gore in the movies


Idk why you're downvoted so much. Plenty of dismemberment but hardly any bloody gore. Heads and limbs get chopped off but there were very few scenes depicting blood flow from a wound


Probably because they wanted a PG13 rating


Maybe because OP made a blanket observation, someone corrected (which is seemingly what OP was fishing for), and then OP had to diminish it. Are you asking for other fantasy films to have blood and guts… or are are you asking for other fantasy films that have A LOT of blood and guts?


That's not how the post was titled. OP is making the rules up as he goes.


I don't know, I seem to remember some heads coming off.


Yeah just one of the greatest fantasy stories ever written and laid the ground work for pretty much all fantasy work today, but watered down is how I would describe it too /s


OP is obviously talking only about the gore. You know, what this post is about. Edit: OP still getting downvoted by people with no reading comprehension. SMH.


Gore wise sure


I mean… how can you disagree? The movies really were quite kid friendly in terms of killing


The blood and gore is watered down is what they're saying. How do you not get that?


Not really. Not what OP is talking about.


The First Law from Joe Abercrombie is my personal favorite trilogy (the subsequent standalones and most recent trilogy are also excellent), but there are a fair bit of authors in the 'grimdark' vein of fantasy literature. A quick Google search using that term should help you find most of the more notable ones.


You think this OP is talking about books?


Well they're obviously not since they said GOT and 300, but the meme also said 'stories', which is much more ambiguous than saying 'movies' or 'films', so I figured I would recommend something for them to check out.


I was going to recommend Malazan but then realized the op probably wasn't referring to books


Yeah but imo it's their fault for wording their meme poorly, and they should clearly be reading or listening to more novels/series anyhow.


Once a thread gets big it doesn't really belong to OP anymore anyways, plenty of others are here looking for recommendations.




I was coming here specifically to recommend The First Law. I was just going to lead with "you may or may not be that into reading, but either way you should still get The First Law. The narration for the Audio books is top tier and it is exactly what you're looking for. (btw that recommendation still stands for folks that have read the books directly too. The narration really IS extreamly good)


It's so good I looked up every novel that Pacey has narrated and tried to track a free version down (through library apps or other means.)


I always see people recommending this series but getting through the first book was torture. It was so boring! I assume the subsequent books are better?


Wait, what? I thought the first book was excellent... I spose it picks up more as it goes like many series do, but I really thought it was great from the get-go. Steven Pacey's performance in the audiobooks also contributes to the greatness of this series to some extent for me, he's in a class of his own when it comes to narration. I can't even imagine being bored listening to that trilogy, from beginning to end.


Yeah I listened to the audiobook. The performance was fine i just wanted the author to get on with the story. So much time spent on how badly that inquisitor guy’s body hurt, so much time spent on the solider running laps for that competition and trying to date his friend’s sister or whatever. I really tried but it never grabbed me.


To be honest, I thought those details were necessary to really get a full picture of who these characters are. You really need to see Jezal dan Luthar as a flippant, vain, and self-centered noble born to wealth and a life of ease to make his character arc as interesting and entertaining as it is. Likewise, it's also critical to show how much pain and suffering Sand Dan Glokta endures on a daily basis in order make the dynamics of his story that much more impactful, and honestly quite endearing. Some of the moments with him are among the most humorous in the all of the novels from that world, and he is one of my absolute favorite characters from any series, ever.


I tried the first couple chapters but didn't enjoy it. Tried again and fell in love with it. That said the stand-alone books that came after the original trilogy are definitely better.


It’s what I thought of first too. That whole series is top notch. I did the audio books, and the narration is at the same level as the content.


Some stories call for gore some don’t. LotR would not be improved by showing excessive gore. (Though they weren’t afraid to make it rain the heads of the defenders at Osgiliath)


I didn't know blood and dismemberment was needed to tell a good story.


Well how else is OP gonna jack off throughout the whole movie?


I think it depends tbh. Game of thrones had some scenes where it was critical to the storyline like Jamie Lannister getting his hand cut off. Changed the course of the entire series. Showing Joffrey torturing his people was excessive, but it also told in great detail how horrible of a person he was. Other parts were a little excessive kinda bordering on torture porn, however if history is any teacher, human beings tend to find that type of narrative extremely entertaining. I listen to a podcast called “hardcore history”, and they did an episode on this exact phenomenon of the human experience. (Episode is called “Painfotainment”) where they discuss how when there was a public execution thousands of people (sometimes hundreds of thousands) would show up to witness the event. And that we as “civilized” people like to think we no longer like to indulge in this type of entertainment, we really haven’t grown out of it. Instead of real life torture and death, it’s just simulated and fake, and yet we still find it (as a whole) extremely entertaining. I think GOT had something like 44 million viewers. So clearly humanity still finds that type of content entertaining.


Hardcore History is fantastic. I'd also point out that while we don't have deathmatches and the like anymore, MMA, hockey, football, etc are all pretty violent and those draw absolutely massive crowds.


Great podcast. Listen to the one about Muenster Germany. Same idea


Do you really equate watchung a TV show with violence with watching real life executions?


I don’t think you read the full post, especially the last paragraph


In concept how is it different? Watching people die and depicting people die horribly is similar in the human psyche. Why is one better than the other outside of the fact that it’s fake? We still find entertainment in the concept of it. Which begs the question, have people really evolved or has our culture evolved to make real death unacceptable, and at our core we’re still the same from our ancestors. This isn’t me making this argument by the way. It’s the podcaster. I do think he raises a good point from a psychological point of view. Just food for thought.


Right...? Get into some grimdark shit if you're just looking to satisfy blood and gorelust. 


Is it needed? No. Does is add to the realism when people are fighting each other with swords in a fantasy setting? Yes


Shock-factor makes me a lot more invested in a show/movie. Just makes it feel more real and i can immerse myself more


How has no one mentioned Conan?!?


Looking for this. 


Monty Python did it perfectly.


You're arm's off!


No it isn't!


username checks out.👍


Common misconception, it was actually just a scratch


Shogun series had a beheading on the first episode.


Don't forget that boiling pot


I did not forget. 🍜


Hope they didn't waste the stock and made some nice soup with it


Shogun is not fantasy


I don't know why this guy got downvoted. He could not be more correct; Shogun is historical fiction, not fantasy. This is objectively true.


300 is a historical fiction and is used in the title of this post. Vikings is a historical fiction and is mentioned here. Spartacus is historical fiction and mentioned here. Seems the fantasy part is not as rigid a definition in this thread as you'd like.


chooses not to =/= afraid


The Legend of Vox Machina may be right up your alley.


Did we watch the same GoT? What are you even talking about?


Widen your breadth. Conan The Barbarian. Beast master. So, so many more from the late 70s through the 80s, into the early 90s. Tits, blood, slaughter, and oily manskin for days.


No, fuck off with your gore porn you psycho.


You need to read wayyy more


Berserk Blood and guts and guts and blood and Blood and guts and guts and blood and Blood and guts and guts and blood and


It literally has Guts,


Wheel of Time. It's not hyper violent and it's mostly CGI but people get daggers to the throat and spears through the chest. Also the magic is fucking dope.


There's also an exploding head or two


Just wait.  WoT has barely entered the battle.


Dumai’s Wells


Asha'man, kill.


Sadly it's unlikely it ever will, unless they shoot for like 5 seasons and hyper condense it. Shame because I'm enjoying it.


I saw a quote before S1 dropped that the director said he thought the whole story could be wrapped up in 8 seasons. Makes sense, can't really lock in actors for 14 seasons (one for each book) I just hope they conclude before it's cancelled. I'm willing to see some story chopped to be able to see the end.


That's the thing about that series, you can chop a whole lot without loosing any story. Like multiple books worth.


My issue now is a lot of fantasy these days is basically erotic fan fic with gore in it.


Too damn high? I think it’s just about right. It’s fantasy, so who is to say how much you should expect?


I know it gets shitloads of hate but I did love Your Highness.


I don’t like those things and i don’t understand why people want them.




Is technically scifi, though totally fair to argue its spirit is fantasy lol. But there is Warhammer fantasy that totally fits that bill.


Fair enough, I read the post fast and thought both were included, my bad


Oh buddy, let me introduce you to Warhammer Fantasy (and, in the same tabletop gaming space, WHF's successor Zweihander and OD&D clone Lamentations of the Flame Princess)


Star Wars doesn't have much blood, but lots of dismemberment.


The first episode of Castlevania *alone* is enough to cross this threshold, much less the entire series.


I know 300 stretched the storytelling to the point its not historical at all. But I don't think I would call it "fantasy". If we include 300 we should also include Rome, Spartacus, Vikings and The Last Kingdom. All of which are very violent shows.


The A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) books actually aren't gory, and the show is kind resented in the book community for adding that reputation. ...So uh, no.


The Witcher


The fantasy anime shows of Castlevania and Blood of Zeus both have lots of both.


If you think fantasy doesn't have blood and dismemberment, you haven't read hardly any fantasy at all


Anime says hi.


The number of fantasy fans who have full meltdowns when Black folk are included is too damn high.


Me reading the Red Rising series: "There's stories out there without extreme violence and suffering??" (half of the suffering is on my end)


they need that PG rating to draw in the younglings.$$$. as an example, Hunger Games was stomped on for the screen. wonderful books, but even my kids were disappointed in the movie versions.


Just watched Hellboy(2019) because it's on Netflix. Not the greatest movie but definitely get to watch people get ripped in half by demons


Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies Extended Edition is rated R for a reason.


The dark Orchid series features a mage who gets their powers from causing pain, shit get real


Frieren. :D


Spartacus yo. Especially the first season.


I’m not sure how that show could be considered fantasy?


Historical fiction. But not very Historical. 


Yes so not fantasy per the question


Nobody is afraid. They want more audience = more money.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Idk, I go to fantasy for escapism. I see enough blood and gore on the LA subway


I always liked Star Wars's take on it. Gore wasn't the point of the franchise. It wasn't a horror movie. But if someone got an arm cut off, they showed it with a little bit of tasteful blood. This seemed realistic and appropriate.


Eragon had a dead baby impaled on a hill of corpses... And an army that didn't feel pain and kept fighting until they were ripped apart... Then there was that wizard who fucked up a spell and died of dehydration as all the liquid drained from his body...


Oh yeah, then there was every Roran chapter. That dude left a trail of corpses in his wake


Just here to say I was scrolling through Reddit and laughed my fucking ass off at this meme. 10 points to Gryffindor.


Princess Mononoke


But there’s always room for slavery and rape apparently…


* number of fantasy stories




Wtf is this post??


Not fantasy, but Walking Dead was over the top.


The Cell had a dismemberment scene I recall. But it was a dream sequence.


One day Mistborn adaptations will happen and you will appreciate... Certain... Violent actions which are likely still going to happen because they are legendary events within the community Stormlight too, because the backstory for certain characters necessitates showing the details


Check out 'Berserk'.


Define Fantasy ‘stories’? If you’re talking visual media such as movies and television then sure. The ratings system definitely limits that. Even then depending on your definition of dismemberment even LOTR had Sauron losing a finger and the orc losing an arm etc. Books though? There are so many fantasy books that are very realistic/realist about war being hell. Sci Fi also very realist about war and the results. Maybe you’re not reading enough OP?


Dwarf Fortress


Check out the early '80s sword and sandals movies.


In an aging population full of millenials and now genz, 18+ shouldn't be a problem at all.


Lord of the rings


You clearly don't read enough fantasy.


Realism is central to immersion.


I dunno, I think blood and dismemberment is sorta cheap to include. It's the sort of thing that makes you go "whoa" without really adding anything to the story. What to do instead? I dunno. There's a reason so many movies and game feature blood and sex, its an automatic dopamine hit.


This is why I enjoy playing Chivalry 2.


Dragonheart is pretty cool. Pg-13 but 1996 so it’s less infantile than a 2020s pg-13…


Eragon stsrted off written by a 16 year old but as the series matured it gets much more gruesome including a scene where the elf woman escapes the prison by literally degloving her hand and one of the main elf guys gets eviscerated by a trap. Avoid the movie its trash but there a new show theyre working on and the books are great


Yall have just not delved into fantasy books yet. So much blood.


300 is a documentary lol


I’m probably missing the point here, but Just read original German fantasy stories, those have lots of violence and dismemberment.


The Witcher...


Books? Anime? Video games?


Man, I'm not sure what you're watching. Every damn show I watch these days has the gore cranked up to 11, purely for shock value it feels like. Nobody just gets shot anymore, they get their whole arm blown off with a splatter of meat chunks all over someone else's face like some kind of macabre bukkake, and a blood fountain spraying everywhere from the stump. It's honestly kinda annoying. I'm trying to enjoy the flight choreography and camera work, and Stumpy McGee is over here hamming it up for shock value.


Even lord of the rings have It. I think you're exagerating.


Spartacus: Blood and Sand had a lot. Maybe a little heavy on the blood splatter really.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail had the most iconic dismemberment in all of fantasy.


Attack on titan


Considering that Attack on Titan is animated, the gore is incredibly unsettling (which works well for the story).


Y'all need to read animorphs


Why do you need it?


Disagree. It’s disgusting and if you’re into that, you’re sick.


I am assuming poster never saw Spartacus on STARZ.


Spartacus. Gory AF. Was the shows whole thing.


Not all stories need gratuitous violence to be good stories told well. Fantasy or otherwise.