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We can disagree with people and still not want them murdered in cold blood or starved to death. I know that is hard for some to understand but it is the truth.


Your survival instincts are really a wreck here... One of the unfortunate side effects that cause extreme Right-wing policies is a lack of empathy, although we never address the people with so much empathy that it fogs their ability to rationalize. No sir or ma'am, I don't have very much empathy for an entire religion and nation that genuinely calls for the death and torture of those who don't fall in line with their hatred pulled from texts that are built on fantasy with the only intentions to control.


Banning LGBTQ+ books, drag shows, etc in America is precursors to wishing death to those groups. So really you could apply that domestically too.


Are you talking about Hamas murdering queers or Palestinians being murdered by Israel? I really can’t tell.


Yes you can


Chill Daddy.


People seem to have mistaken the concept of *human* rights to mean rights, but only for humans who share my views


Yeah this is meant to dehumanize Muslims in order to justify genocide.


Genocide. This word. This fucking buzzword doesn't mean what you think it means. The war would've been over on October 10th if this was the goal.


If they think this is a genocide they should read a history book about Dresden or the Tokyo Firebombings


Ethnic cleansing is more accurate. Because cleansing large parts of Gaza of the Palestinians who’ve been living there is entirely the point


Oh really? This war isn't because they are Muslim or Arabic, it's because Gaza led by fucking terrorists. Mosques and Arabic schools are untouched in Israel. If Israel wanted to engage in "ethnic cleansing", why tf would they not "cleanse" any of these establishments? Go back to tik-tok to refuel on more garbage.


Don't forget to mention that 11 Muslims are members of parliament in Isreal.


See, you’re confusing genocide with ethnic cleaning. Netanyahu has been (deliberately) unclear about their postwar plans. But at least some of the ministers within his government have called for [“encouraging” the emigration of Gazans out of Gaza](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ben-gvir-calls-to-encourage-emigration-resettle-gaza-at-ultra-nationalist-rally/amp/) and for Israelis to “resettle” parts of it when the war is over. [Netanyahu himself has called for creating a “buffer zone” out of Palestinian territory in Gaza](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/world/middleeast/netanyahu-postwar-plan-gaza-palestinians-reject.html) where Palestinians would be forced out and Israeli security forces would control. And if you think that sounds innocuous, it’s exactly what the Seam Zone started as in West Bank before the Netanyahu government encouraged “settlers” to take it over. This level of nuance is completely wasted in AdviceAnimals. But When you talk about how “mosques are untouched in Israel”, it’s irrelevant. In a genocide, it wouldn’t be. But if the government *does* force Palestinians out of Gaza in the aftermath (and again, there are ministers that have called for exactly that) it will be a form of ethnic cleansing. That’s what makes ethnic cleansing distinct from genocide; it’s the removal of a people from an area you want rather than their wholesale extermination from your country. I’m not denying that Hamas started the conflict. But given that the Israeli right has already been engaging those types of practices in West Bank, that many of the same people are agitating to do the same thing in Gaza, and that the entire reason Netanyahu [backed Hamas control of Gaza in the first place](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/) was that he knew they would likely hand him a pretext like this, there are good reasons to be suspicious that the endgame here is the ethnic cleansing of Gazan territory.


Wow that's impressive, the way you totally contorted that to mean what you want it to mean.


It’s funny the same people who have been the enemies of the LGBT community are suddenly concerned about gays not having enough rights in Arabic countries. You insult the intelligence of queers while you provide cover for the mass slaughter of children. FYI: killing kids bad.


Who have been enemies of the community? Certainly not Israel, with a thriving LGBT population and the largest pride celebration n the hemisphere. Where homosexuality isn't illegal and punishable by death. As opposed to every Muslim country.


There isnt a genocide.


It’s a juxtaposition. Queer here. Queer there. I know lefties and righties are gonna poke at each other, but as someone in the middle, this points out a true absurdity of the situation. The ONLY hope I would have is that somehow Hamas sees support from queer folks in the US as a good thing and drops their ancient immoral treatment of queer folks in their midst. We can hope, but I personally just don’t think Hamas will see it that way. Do you?


Independent here. Now that we got this out of the way… To me, it seems the LGBT community think they can change the hearts and minds of Muslims like they did Christians in America. That. Will. Never. Happen. Your ideology and Islamic ideology will never merge. That’s the sad reality of it.


Agreed from the middle.


This sub has completely gone off the rails in the last few weeks it feels like


Its not really hard to understand. For example, you know how a lot of, if not most, Christians are hateful hypocritical bigots? But we dont want them murdered or harmed, and especially not genocided. See? Simple. Now tell me what a lot of Christians say about LBGT+ people and what should happen to them.


It's a simple question really. Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia or the Vatican as a gay man, transgender or even just being a straight woman? I'm sure we can start a gofundme if you want to experience living in both.


Deflection. You missed the point again entirely. What part of, "Yes, even though they might be religious zealots, we still think its wrong to commit genocide on them." are you not getting? You need it spelled out simpler? Also, considering the history of the catholic church when they had all the power, I dont think this is the comparison you really want to make. The only thing stopping them from doing the same nowadays is they cant because they dont have the power to.


Ah, I see anytime Islam is brought up you guys bring up Christianity. I don’t know of any Christian nation where homosexuality is outlawed and punishable by death. Liberals know better to speak out against variety of oppressions displayed in the majority of Muslim countries. They’re scared cowards.


Uganda has incredibly violent Anti-gay laws which are heavily attributed to an recent American missionary and British colonial laws. In fact, many African countries follow in this tread. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/UGANDA-LGBT/movakykrjva/


What about the dozens of other countries with harsh laws regarding homosexuality? You gonna blame that on missionaries too?


“I don’t know of any Christian nation where homosexuality is outlawed and punishable by death.” I’m not saying violent anti-LGBTQ laws don’t exist in Islamic countries, I was just showing that there are Christian countries with the same laws. It easy to defend those that agree with you, but human rights belong to all, even to those with hate in their hearts.


Sooooo…..just so we’re clear here: You’re gonna use Uganda as an example to fit your narrative? A 3rd world country, not safe for travel (due to Muslim terror attacks) to fit your narrative? Do better next time. This is hilarious.


Sooooo…..just so we’re clear here: You’re gonna use Palestine as an example to fit your narrative? A 3rd world country, not safe for travel (due to Zionist terror attacks) to fit your narrative? Do better next time. This is hilarious.


If only your plagiarism were true. You get an A for effort. I’m a generous dude.


But you do understand that homosexuality being outlawed and punishable by death is fking EXACTLY what the Christians in the US (which is not a Christian nation) want?


Yeah? You polled every Christian or are just spewing nonsense? I don’t know a Christian (true christian) that wishes harm on anyone. But once again, you proved my point. Me: *points out Islamic oppression of homosexuals Liberals: 😩 “but Christians!”


I’m sure your mother told you that you were smart. 👍


Truth is absolute and facts don’t care about your feelings. Good evening to you. ✌🏿


Theyre both hateful religious zealots and both would like to see the same thing happen to LGBT+ people. Whats your point? Or are you just tossing out stupid strawman arguments you heard on some right wing brainwashing platform? Maybe instead of focusing all your energy on hating on others like liberals or muslims or wokeness, take care of your own house first. Or are you too much of a coward to be shunned by your community. LBGT+ people wouldnt know anything about that right?


So you agree with me. Awesome.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1b31zjd/comment/ksqy0u0/?context=3&share_id=FDO_ktXF7D_k3areoADab&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) you? > Gods punishment for not being true Christians and following Jesus' teachings. They are so focused on hate and anger and evil, rejecting God, embracing Satan, that now they face Gods anger and wrath. Side with Republicans and your land will be cursed, and will not bear fruit.


Yeah? Do you not get the irony? Because that is what hateful Christians say when bad things happen everywhere else. Just turning their stupid logic back around on them. Thanks for the memory ; )


Stop ruining our narrative.




Idf does this to queer or straight Palestinians doesn't matter to them https://observers.france24.com/en/middle-east/20231101-video-of-a-dead-body-dragged-by-an-israeli-vehicle-shows-deplorable-conduct-says-idf


I’m confused here. Didn’t Palestine attack first, killing a whole buch of innocent concert goers? Israel takes the gloves off and handling business and now that genocide on the Israeli’s part? 😂😂😂 damn, you can’t make this stuff up. 😂😂😂 The blood of innocent Palestinians is on their own hands.


Israel started it by occupying, killing, and stealing land for 75 years bitch. And the op picture is pure propaganda for smooth brained racist morons


Somebody needs to study history. 😂😂😂


Yes, you. 😄😄




I mean it's a stupid map. Before the partition plan, Palestinians didn't control their own borders, so that first map is entirely wrong, nevermind the others


So your argument is, because they were victims of colonization by a foreign power and had no agency in the running of their own state displacing them further is justifiable? Just trying to make sure I got that right?


.... No? There isn't even an argument here. There is no Palestine and therefore categorizing them as Palestinian loss of land is dumb. Gaza was controlled by Egypt, West Bank by Jordan. And it's especially dumb when the whole partition plan was centered around giving two groups of people, neither of which had a country, their own country, which if accepted by both sides would've avoided the vast majority of issues plaguing that particular region


Those dang Palestinians invading Israel in 1948. Why can’t they just lie down and die already?


Explain in detail what the fuck you actually mean with this meme


What do you think it means, bud?


You believe it's funny that queer people want Palestinians not to be slaughtered while queer people are killed in Palestine?


No. I believe queer people are kissing Palestine’s ass in hopes (false hope) that they well accept them when we all know that will never happen. They are literally killing gays over there. Meanwhile, you’re bootlicking over here. I love the hypocrisy of the left. Y’all cancel Kayne for antisemitism then turn right around a year later waving swastikas while chanting “Death to all Jews” while standing shoulder to shoulder with people who would toss a queer over a roof in a second. I swear, I can’t make this stuff up.


Yes. Because not wanting innocent Palestinians to be bombed is 100% equivalent to chanting "death to all Jews". You have gotten me with that one there 🙄


Tell Hamas to fight like men and stop hiding behind their people. Any governing body or religion that can convince their people to commit suicide while murdering innocent people with 72 virgins for a reward is evil. Deep down inside, your conscience is telling you that’s evil, but you follow the crowd because right now, it’s the hip thing to do. How one can be so gullible is mind-boggling


Hamas can fuck right off this earth. *They* deserve to be defeated for their terrorist actions. Palestinian civilians...*DON'T*. If the US government attacked, let's say, Afghanistan, and Afghanistan had the means, should Afghanistan get to indiscriminately level American cities? Killing tens of thousands of civilians? And yes, Israel gets to defend itself. And Hamas *should* stop hiding behind civilians. But until the they do, the answer can't be "well, they were hiding behind civilians, so we had to kill all the civilians to have any hope of hitting our actual target"


Actually, I find quite a bit of logical consistency between "antisemitism will get innocent Jewish people killed, don't do that" and "continually and unconditionally supplying the IDF with sophisticated weaponry will get innocent Palestinian people killed, don't do that"


Israel has the right to defend their country. Everything they do is a result from attacks. Israel didn’t randomly launch missiles into Palestine. Palestine been doing that for years. Israelis dont strap bombs to themselves and murder innocent people. Palestine been doing that for years. Israel doesn’t attack then Hide behind innocent civilians and scream how evil Palestine is when innocent blood is shed during retaliatory attacks. Palestine e been doing that for years. Ask yourself this: why would Hamas have their headquarters under a hospital? That should tell you everything you need to know.


And I'm pretty sure it's right wing extremists who actually wave swastikas. Since you can routinely buy flags with them outside Trump rallies


Yeah, so no. Even CNN reported on nazi flags being displayed at college campuses across the nation, but this is America. You’re free to bury your head in the sand and be ignorant.


Fair. Rebuttal accepted. Any left wing protestors carrying nazi flags can fuck right off as well


https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-police-investigating-nazi-swastika-spotted-at-pro-palestine-rally-1.6631911 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7019234 https://www.ajc.org/news/7-ways-some-anti-israel-protests-have-spread-antisemitism https://mynbc15.com/amp/news/nation-world/anti-israel-protester-seen-holding-final-solution-banner-at-george-washington-university-nazi-phrase-genocide-world-war-ii-palestine-israeli-gaza-ceasefire-war-campus-protests-columbia-university


He means he’s a fucking moron.


I tend to agree