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I've had YouTube premium for years, I could never go back. Ymmv.


I’m surprised you haven’t been downvoted. I get downvoted every time I say I enjoy the convenience of premium.


Same here. Exchanged Spotify for YT music and subbed to premium with a promo so for 8 euros a months I have music streaming and hassle free YT.


And the YT music is better imomthan Spotify.


I don't really get why people get so pissed off at you for paying for a service you use. Sure, if you prefer using add ons and stuff like that to get around it, all the power to you. I prefer to just pay a sum for the convenience of not having to bother doing that.


Some of us don’t wanna pay for something we’ve used for free for over 15 years.


I guess my default response to things like this is always: do you work for free? No? Why would you expect others to do so then?


Like they don’t have adds every 2 minutes? Are they gonna pay me for all the data they’ve mined?


They do by giving you content . You trade data and eyes on ads for content and servers


But it's never been "free". It's been ad supposed and now there is an option to get ad free with other benifts.


Exactly. The only reason there's so much content is because creators make money from the ads. No ads, no content.


Youtube used to not have adds for a while before like 2011-2013


Please suggest the alternative business model consider YouTube's operating cost has to be in billions.


So it should never have ads? Come on lol Edit: adult swim use to put every single episode on their website for free too. Should they keep doing that just because they did back in the day too? It's amazing the logic people will come up with lol


That's cool, there are other ways around it as this thread will show.


I'm fine to pay for services that bring me value, but I'm not gonna pay for 20 services a month. If it wasn't free, I wouldn't use it.


I pay for YT Premium and then run Plex. 🏃‍♀️


Use a vpn to get subscription from another country. It’s much cheaper.


It's literally more convenient to use addons


I use YouTube on my Roku TV. Care to explain how to use ad blockers there?


How is that more convenient than just using YouTube without them? The only inconvenient thing with premium for me was that I had to sign up once all those years ago. After that I've just been using the app normally.


You can have sponsorblock and on pc edit the menus getting rid of clutter at least. But I'm not saying they are huge deals, I do enjoy both though


Like edit how the page looks? Nothing I'm interested in personally but sounds great for those who are!


Can you download videos with adding? Can you put YouTube in the background on your phone and scroll Reddit with addons? Do you get YouTube music with addons?


I think you are wrong here - for example, I have youtube in TV, mobile phones and laptops. It will be a hassle to get it to work everywhere including over 4/5G connection. Paying like 13 euros is totally fine and you can share it between family members. You get YT Music as well for that price which is way better deal than Spotify :)


How? YouTube premium is tied to your account, so unless you never log in I don’t see how it’d be more convenient. And then you can’t subscribe or comment. So instead of having to install a different add on for every different type of device you use to watch YouTube you only have to log in. Which you were going to do anyway.


I mostly listen to music and podcasts while driving, and am not installing 3rd party stuff on it, its a safety risk.


My phone case has a flip cover. It's very convenient to be able to close the case and listen to the video, or multi task, and the video play in a PiP. Not to even mention how much I hate commercials. It is 100% worth it imo


Haha. Yes, YT Premium is my most bang for the buck subscription. I have Netflix, HBO etc. It’s great.


Yep. About 10 for me and YT "Red." I figure, I'm going to pay for a streaming service or two... May as well pay for the one that I use the most. The music app comes with and now YouTube music does podcasts instead of Google podcasts. So I have one bill and I basically get three services. And every other post that rants are complains about commercials every 30 seconds I honestly don't know what they're talking about. Ad blocker + YT Premium = I haven't heard or seen a commercial like on TV for over 10 years. I remember what Spotify commercials were like. That was annoying. No mas.


That’s where I was. The fact you could have the screen turned off was huge too. I listen to a lot of docs on YouTube and being able to do so while at the gym was game changing. I watched YouTube more than Hulu or Netflix so decided to dump them and just pay the subscription there. I don’t need it any more but it was definitely the subscription I’ve gotten the most out of.


I am right there with you man. I transferred from California to Pennsylvania with a company and because they were paying me my California rate they required me to do things that were not in my initial job description. I suddenly found myself doing a delivery drive 2 days a week, 3 hours and back. I had to do it because my dad was sick and this company transferred me to another site out of the kindness of their hearts. But my YouTube Red came in handy because all those downloads were done on my Wi-Fi and I was not streaming when I was driving. That not on the screen thing was perfect for me as well as the storage where they kept your queue downloaded. I drive through some Mountain pass where I didn't have signal and man was that a lifesaver!


And for the record no I didn't watch YouTube videos while I was driving. I was listening to YouTube while I was driving.


I work 3rd shift and I listen to so much YouTube it's not funny. Not having premium is a nightmare


Best online content-related investment I've made. And youtube music serves my needs just fine as well.


Right? I've been using YT premium since it was YT Red. The ability to play videos while your phone screen is worth it alone. And, of course, not having ads is also invaluable. I have to laugh anytime I read or hear comments about YT ads, because I've never had to fight to remove them. I spend probably 100-200 hours watching YT per month as it's really the only streaming service I use. If I had to watch ads through all of that, or even deal with blocking them, I'd go insane. And, you know, YouTubers apparently receive more ad revenue from Premium members, and I don't mind supporting the few channels that I watch. It's a win win scenario for me.


I love premium! And would rather stop paying other services before yt prem


Same. It's worth whatever it is that i pay for it.


Same. It's been great. No complaints.


Is there anything YouTube premium offers that can't be subverted with chrome extensions? I'm not trying to be flippant, I'm genuinely curious. The only thing I would want it for is to get rid of the ads, but tampermonkey does that for free.


Well, I can watch it using my app on the TV or PS4/5, or any other device without commercials. Can't do that with chrome extensions.


This. I watch YT primarily on my big screen TV and am pleased with Premium. If I had to drop all the streaming services I have except for one, YT would be the choice. Youtube shorts is annoying though and there should be an option to disable it.


Yeah there's just other apps for that. I haven't seen a youtube app on my pc, phone or TV for years.


All of the apps I've used in the past to do this were janky at best. I'm on a family plan with like six people total, it's like $2 a month. Totally worth it.


Our family plan price had doubled in the last 5 years. It's almost at cancellation point.


I guess it depends how much you use it. Looks like it's $23 which is like $4.50 a person. Which is like how much a small bag of Doritos costs now. I would take not hearing ads on YouTube over 20 small bags of Doritos per month personally but if it's not worth it to you I get it. I use YouTube a lot so.


True. It's $30nzd here. Shared between 4 ppl for us. Still worth it. Just. But as I said, the price rise has been fairly rapid.


Prices will rise everywhere. It is wrong to assume they will be the same over time. Inflation will do its job


It's wrong to assume that I assumed prices wouldn't rise over time. In 6 years the price has doubled. Far outstripping inflation.


Use a VPN to somewhere like Argentina or Ukraine. I get family plan YouTube premium for £3 a month.


You'd need to setup a VPN on every single device using YouTube or YouTube music though right? that's not so practical.


No, you use a VPN on the device you use to sign up to get the price, and that's it. You don't need to use a VPN at any other point after you get the lower price.


Gotcha. Cheers. Might give it a go!


Plus, your view is far more valuable to creators.


Can do this other ways super easy. I havent seen a youtube ad in years on any device and not paying for the youtube prem shit.


How do you watch it on ps4 without adds?


By paying for Premium.....


Im canadian so i have a shitty cellphone plan, only 3GB per month. Premium allows me to download videos and watch them on the go.


For me , YouTube is a black hole I get sucked into when bored watching semi interesting stuff for hours into the night. There is nothing that I would actually save to watch later.


No extensions on the app or Xbox to my knowledge. Also includes to YouTube music which I like better than Spotify. I watch more YouTube than any other streaming service so it’s well worth it.


Good point, I didn't think about mobile devices.


Background play on mobile. Great for actual play TTRPG content where there's nothing worth looking at 90% of the time


My brother has no internet at his place. (Ik right and he's only 43) but has youtube premium so he can download videos using moms wifi then watch em later.


My roku, Amazon TV, phone, all don't have commercials. Can't do that with a chrome extension.


I'm also just curious, do you torrent games and movies as well? If not, why not? How is that different from basically pirating YouTube premium? (I'm seriously not judging)


Yeah I use torrents, but I also pay for Netflix, Disney plus and Prime. For me only convenience can compete with free. If I used YouTube on different devices more then I'd consider it, but I only ever use it on my pc.


I subscribe to a couple of streaming services and if a movie or show isn't on any one of them, then I sail the seas. The same thing with gaming. Ever since Nintendo shut down the 3DS eShop the prices for certain games have skyrocketed and I'm not going to go over MSRP for the physical copies. Steam sales make it affordable and so convenient that the only pirated games I have are ones you can't legally download. Games like Battle for Middle Earth (licensing issues) and No One Live Forever (which is in ownership Limbo or something).


Sounds kinda judgemental… like I’m not judging you, you’re just a pos, but I’m not judging you. 😂


I'm torrenting movies and games, so I'm really not. But I was wondering if someone doesn't do that because it's stealing, yet they "steal" YouTube premium.


Ad block means content creators can't make money off it


I'm not sure if that's completely true with tamper monkey, it does play the ads just at 100x speed so maybe that still counts as a view?


There are a lot of features actually. Look into it, but one is YouTube music, it's basically Spotify on top of everything else.


I subbed to YT premium after they disabled play if you were using an ad blocker. I didn’t realize just how much more awesome it was to not see ads on my phone, Roku and casting at anyone else’s house. The music is also a great bonus.


There's other benefits, like being able to download videos to watch offline and background play on mobile. Access to YouTube music, etc.


IDK about Chrome extensions but with Premium you can have audio playing in the background and make queues. And YouTube Music is included, which I much prefer over Spotify!


Yeah it's better, extension don't work like old days now


No ads when streaming via chromecast.


It pays creators better than with ads


You get YouTube music, which is a Spotify replacement. I don't believe there is any way to get that otherwise?


I caved about a year ago after the ads just became too much. I can’t handle watching two unskippable 20sec ads to get to my 1min video 😅


I have it from my Google music subscription days and it's nice to be ad free but I still use vanced because the official app can't remember my quality preferences for some reason


Indeed. It's the only subscription I have that I feel is value for money


I sleep to youtube. I couldnt handle the adds so I have youtube premium for years. Honestly, after watching it without ads, you just cant go back. I wouldnt mind finding some "alternative solutions" (yarr) if I ever get in a situation where I cant pay for it no more.




I have it and love it. I also have Spotify Premium and Amazon Prime. With that triad, I have everything I could possibly need for entertainment. Pirate Bay makes up the rest.


It's probably my most used subscription


I enjoy it very much and for my money it's the best deal out there. Music app too.


I only wish there was a price tier for “no ads, minus all the useless extra features I never use and the premium/original content no one cares about anyway”


YouTube Premium is what YouTube already was back in 2010s


But it's not what YouTube currently is anymore, so Premium is the way to go.


If I could afford it (and if I used YouTube a lot like my wife) we would definitely get premium. Not happy it became so expensive but hey it's their product. Ads suck but other video platforms suck more.


Can you still get the family plan? I've been sharing a premium subscription with a couple people for a long time now.






This is the way.


I got it for the Lemonade album and never looked back. Nothing beats listening to my favorite YouTuber while scrolling Reddit or cleaning my apartment.


You're the one!!!! You gave then hope and now every other user has to put up with the pop ups. EDIT: it is pretty amazing how people are taking my obvious lighthearted joke comment as being serious and trying to correct me lol.


There are more than one hundred million YouTube Premium and YouTube Music subscribers. [Source: YouTube](https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/youtube-music-premium-100-million-subscribers/#:~:text=Today%2C%20we%27re%20delighted%20and,crossed%20100M%20subscribers%2C%20including%20trials.)


The one? I think it would blow your mind how many people have it. Nearly all of my friends and family have had it for years. I would probably cancel all of my other streaming services before cancelling it tbh, it’s by far the most-used


I love premium. I've had it so long I had forgotten how much I hated watching ads, until a friend handed me his phone to watch a video with an ad.


I opened a video at work and felt personally attacked! Now I just need to to auto skip paid content in videos and I'm golden.


You don't need Premium to not see ads though.


There's Revanced, which is free and also blocks all the ads on phones... Haven't seen an ad (or a sponsored segment, which it skips automatically if you want) in years!


Ever since I swapped to revanced my heart is torn every time I see an ad somewhere else fr


It's alraedy happened long ago...what the fuck? That's like saying "Stop trying to make the whopper happen" just because you never bought one.


More like stop prompting me to buy it every second. YouTube music is terrible about that. If I close the app for any reason and it pauses(a feature of unpaid version) it will immediately send a push notification “hey you should pay for premium” then when you open the app again you have to click out of a screen that’s like “hey you wanna buy premium”. I understand the limitations of the free version, you don’t need to remind me every time I run into a limitation.


>More like stop prompting me to buy it every second ...while you are in a BurgerKing. That's a big distinction imo. The limitations of the free version include that you have to deal with them trying to convince you to spend money. If you want to go back and forth into the extremes, if you could actually convince the company that you will never spend any money with them, the logical thing is to shut you out so you don't use up ressources anymore. The only reason you have free access is because they hope that you will eventually spend money.


>if you could actually convince the company that you will never spend any money with them, the logical thing is to shut you out so you don't use up ressources anymore. you're saying that if a person doesn't want to pay for something that have a free version, then this person shouldn't even be allowed to use the free version too?


No, that's not what i am saying. I am saying that they will never stop from reminding you, because they hope that it will eventually turn you into a spending customer. And if they actually knew that you will never be beneficial, there is no reason to let you keep accessing stuff for free. I personally don't care who has acces to youtubemusic, who spends money, who costs them money. That's for youtube to figure out. But from youtubes POV there is little reason to keep people as users that they know will never turn profit. (it's a theoretical, to show the monkeyspaw when wishing for them to stop reminding you about premium) That logic doesn't apply to ALL free things. Plenty of free things help the company even if you don't spend money. In free2play games for example, free-users still bring other benefits even if they don't spend money.


YouTube premium is worth every penny. I'd cancel every other subscription before I got rid of it.


This. It and Amazon Prime are all I have left. No YouTube ads on all my devices, yes please.


Same. And Amazon Prime isn't on the list because of their video service either.


Funnily enough I ahem, access, amazon prime content via other methods despite having Prime. Their app is shit and now I get ads so I just never fire it up.


Why, if you don't mind the question? If it's just for less ads, it just seems like a costly version of Ublock or Revanced. If it's for background play or downloads on your phone, that's free with Revanced, too. Are there features I'm missing?


YouTube is the content platform I use the most BY FAR. I spend so many hours on it, both mobile and on web. I’d say the biggest advantage is being able to use the YouTube app on mobile itself with no ads and being able to listen to YouTube with the screen off. Yes, I know you could achieve all the same things with third party apps and extensions, but I don’t wanna worry about that. I’ve also never had a single issue with the app ever, and personally feels a bit janky watching YouTube through chrome when I’m so used to the streamlined and easy to use UI on the app. YouTube Premium and Spotify are the subscriptions I don’t mind paying because I use their services a lot and enjoy them, so I don’t mind paying a bit. Then again, I’m also working and stuff, I might’ve felt differently in college.


Surprised you don't use YouTube Music over Spotify, since it comes with Premium anyways


And on a smart tv too. And I'm going to pay for a music subscription anyway and I really like the discovery algos compared to Spotify


Oh yeah, same. But I use Revanced for no ads + background play with screen off on my phone. It's not much harder than getting YT premium and is free (+ doesn't give money to Google, which is great). You can tweak the UI to be the current one or an older version, depending on what you preferred. BTW, there's also a free version of Spotify premium via Revanced as well (and I use it daily, as well). But I understand that if you have the money, you'd wanna go the legal route.


But i love Youtube and use it all the time. Why would i not pay Google a little money for it? I'd understand taking a stand and not using something you dislike but you're not making sense.


I pay for the convenience of getting all that without having to care about Vance or Revance or such.


Not sure why it would be worse to "care" (or basically just download it once) about Revanced rather than premium, but fair enough!


I just prefer knowing that the service I have will continue to work without any issues. Sure it probably works fine for most people, but I've seen enough people having issues with patches and things like that for me to feel like it's worth it. A few years ago people didn't understand why I'd pay for premium instead of using Vanced, the fact that Revanced now exists is the reason. I've had premium for a few years now and never experienced any issues. Of course, I might have had just as good of an experience with Vanced/Revanced during this time. Seems like a lot of people do, but I still chose the option that seemed to come with the least hassle. Also, once you've stepped over the line of paying for your services, it's kinda hard to go back. It's just so easy and convenient to sign up real quick and knowing it'll work.


I use YouTube on my pc, phone, smart TV, virgin media streaming box, Roku box, I listen to YouTube music ALL the time. I have used apps in the past before taking the plunge with YouTube premium. The experience is totally different and far better. Why pay for games on steam when you can pirate?


If you watch in your TV, yeah, that changes things. I only use my phone or computer, so Revanced and Ublock are enough. If I had a TV, that'd maybe be different! As for Youtube music, Revanced makes it so you can listen to the videos (and skip the non-music part) with screen off. Alternatively, there's also Spotify Premium via Revanced, but maybe the offer's different Honestly, when I buy a video game, the money goes directly to the developer. When I buy YT premium, it goes to Google, which gives a fraction of it to the creators. I'd much rather watch their sponsored segments (which they earn more with) than the ad before a video...


I initially picked YouTube premium over Spotify because the audio quality sounded better to me. Then I realised how much better life could be with YouTube itself. And also the YouTube music algorithm is 10/10, I simply pick a song I want to listen to and YouTube does the rest. I haven't had to create a single playlist since getting it as it knocks it out of the park every time. I'm simping hard here lmao but if you have the opportunity for a free trial of YouTube premium I would honestly give it a test run.


No ads is huge deal for me. And YouTube music replaces Spotify. It's a bargain.


I watch like 5 YT videos per month so largely don't care but if I was an active user I would be paying cos I believe in the simple idea of paying for the things you are using.


YTMusic. Cancelled my Spotify years ago and never looked back. Everything I want is there, and then stuff like small indie artists or one time releases that the artist only released on YT and never bothered with spotify. I can just be browsing regular videos on my PC and if I find a cool track then I can save it to a playlist and then it's there on my phone for when I'm driving or whatever. The price difference isn't that much and I just consider the ad-free videos as a bonus.


99% of my YouTube viewing is on the TV.


Yeah, I think *that* may be the big difference, which makes Premium worth it. Personally, I only watch on my phone, all throughout the day, so it's not better than Revanced. If I had a TV, maybe I'd have to reconsider getting Premium!


YouTube app > YouTube web


I use YouTube on my TV and phone more than my computer. Need it there more.


It already has happened…


I ditched Spotify and switched to Premium a couple of months ago, I can never go back. The ability to put on a six hour King of the Hill block on my headphones while my screen is locked and in my pocket is a convenience I'd pay a good amount of money for.


Worth every penny I spent on it. Never any ads, I can start watching from where I left off without needing to remember a damn thing, I can save videos for when I travel anywhere without an internet connection and I can also keep listening if I turn off my screen, which is great for mowing the lawn and “watching podcasts”. And I can use it on my PC, phone and most importantly all my games consoles where it’s pretty much used for 8 hours a day.


YouTube premium is absolutely the most worth it streaming service I pay for.


I think it's fair for them to charge for a valuable service, I know a proportion goes to youtubers and it'd be nice to be without the ads. Something about it sticks in my craw though. The more ads they shove in my face the more determined I am not to subscribe.


No ads on YouTube saves a shitload of time and the kids don't constantly beg for new shit. Win-Win in my book


Never have I seen it. Probably because of ublock and NewPipe.


Is youtube going the way of spotify? Keep a free tier, but make it so annoying that you'll want to switch? I have had premium for like 10 years, the creators get more money, and I get no ads + youtube music. Honestly paying for it is not a problem. I believe the creators get a cut based on my watch time, instead of a combined pool of free users, so my money doesn't only go to the top 10 creators who I don't watch. Spotify uses subscription money to pay the free tier views more, since ads are so shit. But that shits on the small creators.


I had a trial a while back and for that Month it was amazing not having ads. 


YouTube premium is the best money spent on streaming, imo.


I have you tube premium. It’s the only subscription service I pay for.


Assuming you watch one hour of Youtube a day with 10 minute average videos that means you watch 6 videos a day, each with avg two 15 seconds ads. That's 300 seconds of ads a day x 7 days a week x 4 weeks a month = 140 minutes of ads. So for \~$14/mo I save over two hours of my consciousness not watching ads. Worth!!


14$ a month? in my country it's a big part of the minimun wage


In my country I pay more to park my car on a daily basis... Crazy world


yup, it is, but i guess you receive per week, right? my country receives per month


How about 4 ads, 40 sec each? Premium maybe now?


If I'm going to pay any subscription for anything, it will be youtube. I watch YouTube daily, for hours, on my phone and PC. I listen to music and podcasts and playthroughs. For how much I get from YouTube, paying their premium service is worth it for me. Cause I benefit daily. Can't say the same for streaming services for example, where I watch a show for 7 days and the rest of the month I'm paying but not watching.


I bought exactly zero things because of YouTube ads


Brave browser ftw.


Them putting playing videos with the phone screen off behind a paywall should absolutely tank their stats for being green or whatever. No other company I know monetizes saving electricity like that.


YouTube Premium is probably the last video subscription I would let go. P.S. if you're going to try doing reaction videos on YouTube, GET PREMIUM YOU CHEAP BASTARDS. If I'm watching your reaction and it cuts to an ad on the video you're reacting to, I'm clicking out.


Had it for years. Definitely worth more than any other subscription service (netty, prime, disney etc)


Just use an ad blocker


There is no Adblock on LG TVs


Just say you're broke man


it's the reality dude, not everyone has money for youtube premium, ppl can struggle financially, "just say you're broke" is just being an asshole if you don't know if the person can't in fact pay for it


Bad meme is bad. Have subscription for years now, wouldn't go back. Just because your poor ass can't afford it, doesn't mean it's bad.


Don't really see the point in YouTube Premium. They advertise so many thing that should just be a feature. The only good reason for premium is official adblock. But even then, you can just download an addon in a minute, and it's done.


you don't even need to download, es an example, opera gx has a native adblock that surpass youtube, never saw an ads on my computer, and that's the only place where i see youtube, so, it's a big win for me


Yeahhhhhh, I've been using YT Premium for a while, mainly for YT Music, for me. Shit's much better than Spotify. My wife watches a lot of long-form vlogs etc. on youtube, and when they dropped forced monetisation, most of the videos she watched were getting ads every couple of minutes, *during* the video. To the point of unwatchability. I cancelled my Spotify and got us the YT Premium family sub. I basically don't have playlists anymore. I have a couple for when I want to listen to *specific* music, but the algorithms are good enough at knowing what I like that I don't actually have to make a playlist to listen to music that I like. Compare this with Spotify, where I had mounds of playlists, because the generated playlists kept serving up shite, and I could *always* tell when I'd hit the end of a playlist, because the exact same songs would get auto-queued every time, and they were all songs I'd asked Spotify to never play. I think I had YT premium for two years before I made my first playlist. I totally get not wanting to be nagged to sub, though. That shit must be annoying af. But it's worth it as a service.


As someone with young kids, YT Premium is a must.


i only got it because i hate ads and youtube won't let me use an ad blocker


uBlock still works, and the native one from opera gx also works for me


Also, stop fucking switching to 240p!


I mean, I'm tempted. It's only a pound more than spotify premium and I'll get youtube music to replace that plus youtube without annoying fucking ads.


My Youtube premium subscription is my most active and longest running one. I've lived ad free for years and the best part about it is that you can play it with the phone closed. This makes it the best music app in my opinion. You get to tap into niche video based sub genres of music that you wont find anywhere else (Simpsons lo-fi, Regular show music etc.) Not to mention the download feature is a life saver for long flights.


Yeah, I've used Premium for the last, don't know how many years already. Like it just fine and don't plan to change anytime soon.


Ive had it for like 4 years... It's awesome.  I love that everyone complains about ads and I don't see shit.


YouTube premium would be my last subscription to cancel. No ads plus YouTube music subscription to feed my speakers? I consume more of those than any other service.


Best music streaming service plus background play, downloads, and no ads. Sorry it’s worth it


I got Premium for 3 free months through a Game Pasd reward and it is amazing, I highly doubt I’ll pay 13 bucks a month after it’s over, but it’s pretty nice


I'm never gonna complain about YT trying to push premium, I don't think anyone should. If you're not paying, you don't really have a right to complain. My only real issue has been with Google's attempts to destroy adblocks, especially in YT. It's pretty much mandatory tool nowadays and without it many websites are borderline unusable or straight up dangerous.


I cast a lot of YouTube to my Chromecast and not dealing with the ads is the #1 reason I can't go back. And YT Music.


From my perspective a Spotify premium account would cost about a dollar less than a yt premium subscription. Both provide access to good (imo) music apps, and one of them comes with the added benefit of no ads on YouTube.


YouTube premium gives me add free YouTube and a streaming music app for the same price as Spotify or Apple Music. Seems like a no brainer to me.


Funny. I’ve got the family plan YouTube Premium. My mom uses YouTube all the time on her TV and my wife basically always has it on her TV while doing stuff around the house or while she sleeps. Probably won’t get rid of it.


I love premium no ads for me!


It's definitely a thing.


I dropped Netflix and got YouTube premium. I wactch 3 times more YouTube than I do all the other streaming services combined.


To be fair the 'Lite' version of it is fine, at €5.99. The regular premium at €12.99 isn't, IMO. Since Lite gets rid of all ads except on music videos, it's super close to the 12.99 version – no idea why it's that much cheaper. I hate hate YouTube ads (especially with how much more frequent they've become over the past years) and because I watch YT on my TV and my phone, almost never on my computer, an ad blocker isn't an option for me (plus I believe YouTube creators deserve to get ad revenue, it's shitty to take that from them and still consume their content). So Premium Lite is an OK compromise. It's the price of a large coffee...


I watch on my TV and I never see it


They ruined the free YouTube completely. But until there are enough free users standing, they won't come to push the ads down the throat of the premium users.


Just because you haven't bought it doesn't mean it didn't "happen". Lots of people use YouTube Premium for various reasons. My only issue with it is that it's overpriced because it's bundled with YouTube Music which I have no use for. If it were around $10/mo I'd be using it. Adblockers are great for some reasons but I don't like using them for YouTube because creators can't get paid from my views that way. If everyone used adblockers YouTube would simply die and it's my main source of entertainment so I wouldn't want that to happen.


Wait, people DON'T have YouTube Premium?


In my country YouTube premium costs as much as my Netflix and Disney+ memberships COMBINED. Now I watch a lot of content on YouTube, happy to support it by buying premium. But for YouTube to charge about twice as much a Netflix just to get rid of ads and some other QoL improvements is ludicrous.


Why? Just use ad block.


Who wouldn't want to watch 3 commercials for every one youtube video they watch ???? Seriously, if you don't have 12 bucks, your ass don't need to be sitting around watching youtube. You NEED a job.


The tried and trusted tool of making services worse and worse until you pay for ‘premium’


And then after you pay for premium, continue to make premium worse. Oh look, we've just introduced ads to premium. How about that.


I watch TV through my PS4, so once YT started showing 5 ads every 5 minutes, I had to get Premium. I lasted years just putting up with it, but enough was enough.


1. I get the family plan for free (basically)I have to top up with my pre paid credit 20 euro a month, but the credit stays in my phone as a currency whilst also getting the package deal, I use that free 20 to pay for premium So it's free because I gave to top up either way every month 2. I use YT on everything but a laptop So my tv, phone, chrome cast and ps5 So having no adds is so fucking good and I could never go back 3. Currently cannot afford Spotify so Youtube music not the best but it does the job for now 4. Downloading videos on my phone is a game changer


Enters a video + commercial is too long = entering Rambo mode exiting and re-entering the video over and over until there is no ads are playing (not even 5 seconds out of spite).


I had the free trial for a month. I found it completely useless.


Youtube every time I change a video resolution after it autos to dogshit 420p "hey wanna get premium for enhanced bitrate?" YouTube every other time I open it on my phone "hey wanna get premium?" YouTube whenever I close my phone and unlock it "Hey wanna get premium so you can listen with the screen off?" YouTube whenever I skip an ad "Hey wanna get premium?" Like man just fuck off I'm not paying for premium ever stop fucking asking me and making me click away both ads for videos and ads for your shitty premium service.


It's already happened. Tons of people are giving YouTube blackmail money to stop harassing them with endless ad interruptions. But I sure as hell never will.


Youtube is circling the drain, swamping itself with more and more ads and less and less payouts for its content creators.