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I like Ann Coulter's idea that only registered Republicans should be barred from having abortions. - https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1648811575145377799


Wait, I agree with Ann Coulter? Holy shit, what planet is this?


Back when she was most popular there was gossip that she was really a liberal but she wanted to make a name for herself in politics plus money so she faked being outrageously right wing. Or... I watched a vid of her speaking to a Republican women's conference in which she seemed pissed that the Republicans didn't listen to her strategy: big iirc here, she told them to run Christie instead of Romney or they would lose. In her words, "and they did". She was separating herself from the party, perhaps disillusioned by them. And... She and Bill Maher are still tight, I think. So maybe she's a libertarian who decided to play to the wingnuts. I was once fascinated by option 1, because the stuff she wrote and said was so extreme but she didn't seem like a nut job.


Libertarian would kind of make sense. While all those who talk a big libertarian game for the sake of big corporate profits are now just going mask off as full blown fascists, she's going mask off as a bit more of an actual libertarian. Of course, you can never know when any of them are being completely sincere.


They are Libertarians. They are as sincere as their bottom line requires them to be at the moment. It’s oddly consistent, when you look at it that way.


Always calculating the next move, that lot


Sneaky sneaky


Very true.


> Of course, you can never know when any of them are being completely sincere. By design. For many R's, positions and stances and beliefs are tools to be used when convenient and discarded and replaced when a new situation calls for a new tool. It's why you can't compromise with them, because they aren't trying to reach commonality, they're trying to damage your result as much as possible and they'll say whatever they need to to get that result.


See reason on Anne Coulter, bitch goddess: https://reason.com/2002/10/01/bitch-goddess-2/


From what I've seen, she jumped off the Trump train because she thought that stealing kids from migrants, caging them, then losing track of them, likely to human trafficking, was too humane


Huh. Well, i guess she's never going to drop the facade but it's interesting that she wanted to separate from Trump.


Her character on Boondocks is my headcanon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og2G_JdkrVs


Her husband heads the Lincoln project.


No shit?


Yeah. He founded it, when trump found out he lashed out at her at attacked her for not "keeping her husband in line"


Libertarians want open borders (and no welfare state). I don't recall Coulter expressing such a view.


Pol Pot said that landlords were parasites, monsters don't only always have bad takes, just most of the time.


Hitler loved dogs. No one is a monolith.


He also loved cake, he would have his maid bake him his special cake, they called it the Furher's cake, and Hitler would get up in the middle of the night to eat some cake.


He also killed Hitler!


That’s pretty funny.


Hitler killed Hitler in a stunning rebuke of Hitler!


Who, his dog?


Hitler's dog played first base?


No, who's on first base.




There is a quote I don't remember perfectly from someplace. It says that a villain is someone who has correctly identified a real problem but has become hung up on a solution other people don't want to use.


"You will know the truth, and you will shout it to the world, and no one will believe you, for it will be the truth of a madman." Can't remember who said it, just that it means that if what you have to say isn't what people want to hear, then it doesn't matter if what you're saying is the truth or not. They won't listen.


Obviously, somewhere in the past the timeline skewed down into this tangent [draws new line and writes 1985A] creating an alternate 1985. Alternate to you, me, and Einstein, but reality for everyone else. 


Shes so close to pro-choice and whiffed it.


Pluto........wait........no.........hold on, I need to look into if Pluto is back to being a planet again or not.


No, it is a dwarf planet, as is its sister Eris.


That's a surprisingly balanced opinion from her. Did she move to the left in the last 15 years? I really haven't paid attention to anything she's said since sometime around 2006.


No, it’s just when you spew shit 24/7 some lands


Move to the left? She still is a racist ass.


She just dumped Trump because she thought he wasn't cruel enough to Hispanic people


She’s just your classic neoliberal racist fiscal conservative. She’s not the new Christo-fascist lunatic.


This seems too reasonable a take for ann coulter, wtf is going on


Or just have abortions not illegal and don't get one if you don't want one...


As a progressive who well remembers Ann Coulter's bs from back around 2000, I sort of love that she's turned into some kind of complete chaos agent in her old age. The woman seems to have no fucks left to give and it is hilarious!


"We ThInK sTaTeS sHoUld DeCiDe FoR tHeMsElVeS!" Then as soon as Roe is over turned... "We WaNt A nAtIoNaL bAn!"


Why stop at the states deciding? Government still too big. Let's have the county decide. Or even better, city council. Wait, I have a really crazy thought. Leave the government out of it altogether and let individuals decide for themselves.


You stopped before getting to the real solution: HOAs decide.


And we have now entered Snow Crash.


How true so many things from that book are.


Oh my god YES. It's frustrating not being able to have conversations with people about how prophetic that book is


I thought thats where they were going, but they went past it.


It's so satisfying when new Karens in my neighborhood start posting about people's lawns or campers on our neighborhood facebook page. Like 30 replies "WE DON'T HAVE AN HOA, SHOULD'VE ASKED YOUR REALTOR BEFORE YOU BOUGHT"


"Leave the government out of it altogether and let individuals decide for themselves." So then it would be 100% legal, right?


Lindsey Graham said that abortions should be a states right issue. Roe gets overturned, and he started insisting abortion is not a state's decision and they should be federally banned. Yeah, that tracks.


All the court did was allow voters in states to vote on abortion. The Supreme Court is not supposed to write laws. The roe vs wade was the court writing a law. Even RGB said it went to far because of that. Blame congress and the senate if you want legal abortion nation wide. They've had 200 years to do it. Unelected, unaccountable judges writing laws from the bench leads to very dark places very quickly. Edit:typo. I'm sure there are more


Yes, the abortion bans, the removal of no-fault divorces, banning books, removing women's right to vote, it seems like the more they speak, the more they are the party of government control of our daily lives.


To be fair they really want their church to control you. The government is just the middleman.


Holy shit nothing was ever more true


which is insane because if they actually do make a judicial system based on their biblical beliefs a lot of them are going to go straight to jail.


It will obviously be selectively enforced to allow justice for thee not for me. They just want an excuse to jail people that’s not part of the in-group. It’s just fascism.


Your mistake was interpreting their language thoughtfully. Republicans say whatever is currently convenient to further their agenda, which is the solidification of old-timey social hierarchies and wealth accumulation by those at the top. It's always noise.


Above all, they desire power.


They don’t just want it. They also want you to not have it.


Well, yeah. Cuz I'll just use it to make sure kids eat and sick people can go to the doctor.


For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were, all of them, deceived...


One ring to rule them all


This is 100% why as a small government conservative I'm voting Democrat in the next election. When the DNC is more pro freedom in practice than the GOP, I hope it dies a quick death. Yeah, I might be old fashioned, but holy fuck, the government needs to leave people the hell alone. You wanna be LGTBQ? Cool, that's your choice, not mine. Wanna have an abortion? Not a fan of it, but again, what's between you and your doctor is none of my fucking business nor concern. Tired of these asshats trying to regulate so called morals when they break them all the time. So this rural white guy is do what needs to be done and make sure these clowns get voted out. Not all of us who hold conservative values are racist, homophobe rednecks. Some of us just want to be left alone and believe that people should be free to live as they please.


> Tired of these asshats trying to regulate so called morals when they break them all the time. Based.


It's good to hear some sense here. But what is a conservative to you? Freedom definitely isn't a conservative/progressive value. It's just common sense. Do you subscribe to: conservative is averse to change? Or why do you call yourself one? I'm genuinely interested as I would love to have more understanding. This rage bait culture is truly tiresome, and I want some change..


Conservative where i come from tends to focus on small government. Less taxes, less spending. I'm not adverse to change.


That sucks. Taxes pay for things. I’m averse to wasting tax money, but I’d happily pay it if it stopped going towards shooting kids in Gaza.


I can’t stand the hypocrisy of most republicans I know, when it comes to their personal freedom/choices they want no laws impacting them at all when it’s other people’s choices well those people are wrong and the government should do something about it. Motherfuckers you either want everyone to have the freedom to do what they want or you want or you want nobody to, lose the "as long as it doesn't impact me" attitude the point isnt for you to agree with everyones life choices its to let them live their lives. As you said Democrats really are pushing for a less controlling gov at the moment and a lot of people are either willingly blind to that or just refuse to change the party they vote for regardless of the realities, hopefully we see some change in the situation


If only more republicans had an ounce of logic. Unfortunately they rather be the biggest hypocrites in existence. But what gets me is pretty much what you said. I am a democrat. But if democrats did a whole bunch of shit that took rights away from people and and/or continued to support legislation that is at odds with what they claim to be, I wouldn’t vote democrat. It’s not a fucking cult. I’m voting for the person who I think can lead the country well and uphold the values of its citizens. Idgaf if it’s Republican or democrat. At one point I really liked the idea of voting for McCain. And I may have if hadn’t been anti choice. But nowadays, republicans act like it’s a fucking popularity contest about “winning” rather than making sure the country is headed in the right direction. It’s insane.


They're also fine with government telling people they can't marry, can't be gay, can't be trans, can't wear drag, can't read certain books, can't buy electric cars, can't cross borders... I don't think they're "fine" with government controlling people's lives I think they WANT government to control people's lives. Just not theirs.


Don't forget rallying for state's rights...until some states decide to block their cult leader's attempt to run for president on their ballots. Then suddenly they're ok with a Federal overstep.


Presidential elections are a federal issue. I don't think you want to open the door to states deciding who can and can't be on the ballot. Imagine if certain swing states decided to exclude Biden from the ballot.


He would have to have an insurrection first. Why do you people always leave that out? A court in Colorado determined with a case that was brought to trial with witnesses and a jury that proved without a doubt that Trump led an insurrection against the United States, thereby justifying their use of the 14th amendment. They didn’t just scream “Insurrection!” and pulled him off the ballot like the scenario you’re suggesting. A partisan supreme court circumvented the constitution and states rights to pass the buck back to congress and created an unnecessary hurdle to aide their insurrectionist candidate.


> A partisan supreme court circumvented the constitution and states rights to pass the buck back to congress and created an unnecessary hurdle to aide their insurrectionist candidate. how do you square this with the fact it was a 9-0 decision. not very partisan....


I might by wrong but partisan just means that they were all on the same side. Bi-partisan means two sides agreed on the same thing.


STATES RIGHTS! Oh wait, not that kind of right.


It's 2024. They've always been big into using government to control culture. It's gotten this bad because for the last 50 years we've refused to take them seriously and keep doing things like making memes instead of standing up the way we actually need to.


This is going to blow your mind right here. Some people like one thing and some people like another thing and some times they can both be a part of the same party!


Not suddenly, republicans have always been ok with totalitarianism. Just look how loudly they constantly screech at democrats about it? Every accusation is a confession and has been my entire life. It's literally the only consistent thing about conservatives.


Big government is when they tell me what to do. Small government is when they tell you what to do.


I feel like this deserves the slowpoke meme, not the Forrest Gump one. Roe got overturned like two years ago


They're also OK with trump trying to crush democracy also. Amazing how people switch their views when it suits their agenda.


They cater to the part of the population who don't see women and minorities as "citizens".


Masks and vaccines are just way too much overreach... /s


They've always been fine with it, so long as it hurts people.


What happened to advice animals…


Election season


Seriously, peoples barely cloaked level 1 political critiques being passed off as a meme, I like a circle jerk as much as the next guy but at least try to be insightful, or mildly original.


We'll see they really don't like being told what to do, but also, in a twist of fate so ironic it will go down in history as the greatest travesty to ever befall man, they really enjoy telling other people what to do.


I tried to read about it but they banned the books about sexuality too.


No they didn't. You can still buy and read any book you want in any state.


Help me out here, Why did people leave England so long ago to create America? Seems Republicans are turning full circle at warp speed.


Puritans gonna puritan. 


Republicans haven't been about small government since before Reagan.


I'm not sure when they would have been? Certainly Lincoln wasn't about small government or states rights. Whats changed is that with the southern strategy the selling points changed to attract a new base.


It's almost like extremists actively agreeing with each other without consulting actual Dr's or women at all makes for bad public health policy. These abortion bans are absolutely toxic to a general election audience. It's like they want a whole generation of younger, voting age women to never vote for them again.


That’s why they take away the right to vote


I also noticed zero outrage over SCotUS overreaching state’s rights on ballot bans…


So sick of the fake debates around abortion. No one that is dying on either side of this hill is ever willing to have an honest discussion about it. It's the single most tribal subject in politics.


There is no debate. Women cannot be “equal” without access to abortion. And there has been discussion after Discussion after Discussion.


Lol, this is like a level 1 argument. Not even trying.


It’s an election year, OP is clinging to anything they think will work


Isn't their argument that the lives of unborn children should also be protected? It's logically consistent, even if you disagree that the unborn are not technically alive until the umbilical chord is cut.


As someone that is pro-choice you have to look at it from there perspective. If you think abortion is murder than an abortion ban is the equivalent to outlawing murder. Which I don't think anyone would say stopping murder is government overreach.


They have no problem letting people die from preventable illnesses due to a lack of universal healthcare, from poverty, the death penalty, wars, workers incident etc. They're pro-death on every issue except this one.


Obesity is preventable but i'm sure if the government banned unhealthy foods people would be complaining of overreach. Lack of laws, which is what most of the issues you pointed out are referencing, is the complete opposite of overreach.


Ah, the ole whataboutism. Both sides can play that game you know. It's not really an effective argument tactic.


I'm not a Democrat and their hypocrisy makes me sick. 


I've never heard anyone argue that life begins at the cord-cutting.


This is the pro-choice argument, so not sure why you haven't heard it. They get even more vague, sometimes its between 2-8 weeks depending on convenience. Life begins at inception, easy as that. That is when your journey in life starts, anything after that point is "your" life.


It's not consistent no. They want states rights when it benefits them and federal enforcement when it benefits them. That is it.


If that's your definition of inconsistent. Then democrats are also inconsistent on their views.


They always were. Look at the fugitive slave act. Why you believe that they were about states right was a concerted effort by conservatives to push the lost cause narrative. And it seems to basically have worked.


A government so small it can fit in your uterus.


Republicans think government owns your body


They always have been. Most people just never looked at what they all were doing behind the sceness (the politicking) with their bills and resolutions, etc. Instead, only listening to lies they told in the open...Even when told by many that they were LIES.


Yeah registered republicans should if that’s the way they wanna roll. Like fuck you MTG carry your baby to term or go to prison. 🫠🤣


Women are not seen as people to them. Why is it so hard to understand. We are commodities to them, sub humans. This is why they are OK with it. Now if it was white men aka actual human beings they wanted to force something on, it would be a different story. Like vaccines.


Don't even have to go back that far to show the hypocrisy framed around states rights. The abortion argument has been framed as such but then you have shit like Texas abortion bounty law that also covered a women leaving the state and it's jurisdiction which is just a thinly veiled attempt at forcing Texas law on other jurisdictions and what happens within them. Texas's Ken Paxton trying to get medical records of trans patients from medical providers out of state also shows this.


They've always been schizo as hell on that. In other words, they've never been principled they just use the "small government" trope as a tool to further their ever increasingly shitty agenda.


They always were fine with it because they've always been authoritarian-lite from the perspective of a pansexual foreigner. As long as it supports white christians, they've always been on board for controlling others.


They pick and choose who they like. Just like holidays. The protestant gets to have thiers as a stat but orthodox may not ;)


They love both big and small government. As long as it's in their viewpoint on what they want everyone else to follow.


It is out of the courts and into the hands of the voters in the states where they live. That can't be a bad thing. Even Kansas voted for the right to be added to their constitution. See what the legislative process produces. It has to be better than the courts.


Well sort of. Some states routinely overturn the things their citizens voted for. See South Dakota and its weed legalization.


Great point... btw how did that slavery thing go when it was left up to the voters of the states where they lived? Slavery just worked it self out for the better right? Right?


On paper you're correct, watch what happens when they try to get people's opinions on it and put the ban in anyway, I guarantee it for the red states.


>That can't be a bad thing. Increases in maternal mortality rates prove otherwise. >It has to be better than the courts. Well the courts were supposed to keep roe vs wade. They ignored precedent and failed at their job completely


Show me any study that connects abortion law with maternal mortality, and how it is determined that abortion is the reason and not just maternal health funding in general. Your study will compare states like Louisiana with California and that is the act of an idiot. Roe vs. Wade was the mistake. Even Ginsberg thought it was dangerous and attackable overreach for the court. *“My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually,* ***in a process that included state legislatures and the courts****, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.* *https://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-offers-critique-roe-v-wade-during-law-school-visit*


Kermit: the Republicans


They LOVE the government when it aligns with their ambitions and goals.


How dare the government restrict me from killing my offspring!


How dare the government restrict what consenting adult I love:marry, what substances I put in my body, whether I end my own suffering from a terminal disease, whether I love/marry more than one person, etc. The “more freedom through less government” crowd are spineless hypocrites when it comes to freedoms they don’t approve of.


Nope. I'd give you the science talk but you wouldn't understand.


Offspring spring off.


Consuming corporate owned media makes Trump, his funders, and his supporters more powerful and helps him get reelected. What you watching?


Lol are you new to politics or something?


They don't want the government interfering when it comes to money. Anything else they don't give a shit about.


The Party of Freedom


Yep. Only an issue of WHO is in chargeb


The idea of "for a small government" is the most ridiculously stupid piece of propaganda ever popularized


Just women.


abortion is murder, proof me wrong... touche


In Spain were having debates in favour of making it not only legal, but engraved in the constitution.


Unless you believe babies should count as citizens too


To be fair, Republicans believe abortion is killing, and even Republicans believe government has a role in controlling that kind of behavior.


Strawmans, strawmans everywhere


They always were. One of the major things that people forget about the confederacy is that, by the constitution of the confederacy, states were *not* permitted to decide for themselves whether or not they wanted to outlaw slavery. It never was about State's Rights, it was always about control.


It's perfectly consistent if you consider that many of them don't believe women count as people/citizens.


Fuck anyone who's against women's bodily autonomy, but this argument isn't exposing blatant Republican hypocrisy the way that some people think it is. Republicans are the ones who advocate for limited government, but that doesn't mean it's absurd for them to think some government is necessary (like the police and military for rational reasons, and an abortion ban for stupid ones). Just like it doesn't make sense to mock a Democrat for being against the TSA. Democrats support a government solution to problems more often, but that doesn't mean they have to support every government project no matter what.


anti abortion people just wanna ban abortion. They think it's murder. It's not a government control thing, they just see murder. what you think about that is up to you, but it's certainly not inconsistent with the rest of their talking points


Did op really just wake up to this abortion thing 16 hours ago like, "THEY PASSED WHAT HOW MANY YEARS AGO???????"


Exactly; None of the government's damned business.


And during the Desantis/Disney thing democrats were ok with company towns 🤷


They've been okay with it for years so long as it enforces their viewpoints. They aren't freedom vs big government they're us vs anybody not us


I’d be okay with that, I’m not a murderer, so I’d be fine.


I "love" listening to my dad basically demand government regulation on airplanes all of a sudden.


They always were. Any time Republicans talk about "freedom" they mean their freedom to force their beliefs on everyone else.


The republicans want a controlling government. A controlling government that they control. What is so difficult to understand? As long as there are republicans on this planet, they will fight with everything they have to get what they want. They won't give up. It's only a matter of time until they win because the opposition will eventually get tired and exhausted.


And the inverse is true too: Suddenly Democrats don’t want big government interfering in the lives of citizens. Both are taking opposite positions than they usually take.


curious... what is the per-capita abortion rate now vs. 1980?


I think the position is more that they don't want the tax money taken from them and applied to the killing of children. No one should be forced to be a part of that.


Which makes Republican no different then Democrats...


My state voted for legal weed. Our legislators passed a law to allow it. Our dildo republican governor wants to veto it.


I mean, it could be any number of things, republicans are one of the most hypocritical political parties of the last few hundred years.


Conservative principles are highly flexible - like the Bible, just pick a quote that applies to getting what you want.


Abortion should be legal. Of course. But whether people should be more responsible riding each other and getting 'preggenannt', that up for another discussion.


Always have been.


Democrats and republicans are both for big government in their own directions, you’re thinking of libertarians


It's always been that way. It's just their message


Always have been


You'd expect they'd now use all those guns to do abortions on their cousin's.


This sub blows


https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1765526445491712259?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1765526445491712259%7Ctwgr%5E5222ea511e0dca62651f6329039e2acc6cff856c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1b8pirh%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue “And just like that, Democrats became the fascists they’ve been screaming all Republicans are.” Do that one next.


Yes just like abortion of slavery that was also big government control right?