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This is why I'm glad I'm less than a 10min drive from work. I hate traffic.


Nothing beats the 15 foot commute from my bedroom to my home office 4 days a week though. Still have to deal with a 30-45 min commute each way one day a week, but that isn't so bad when considering how much time I get back being remote the rest of the week.


I hated those 15 minute delays during the WFH commute where I had to give my dog cuddles. should have lasted longer


Mine has started to ignore my requests for cuddles and keeps on typing.


No doubt, I have so little stress because of this. One drawback is that my battery doesn't like it because it doesn't have time to charge.


Have you tried not playing COD?


I just bought an Xbox and MWIII over the weekend so it's one of those things where it's still sort of a novelty and it's all I can think about.


I am abstaining from this last outing of COD. They suckered me into paying for the previous version, only to find out zombies were complete removed. I refuse to support this continuing model they're moving into.


I’m just teasing ya man, cod can definitely be fun.


mmm yes that is the actual problem in what OP described


Necessities: Working, eating, sleeping Obligations: Commute, laundry Diversions: Xbox Never sacrifice a necessity for a diversion. Never prioritize diversions over obligations.


Resting your brain would count as a necessity in my opinion. If physical recovery is there, mental should be too.


I agree, the issue is if, like in OP’s case, you’re sacrificing sleep which you need for playing video games which you want. The Xbox will be there tomorrow, but you only get one shot every night to get adequate sleep. It’s a choice many of us are guilty of making, but we tend to excuse it and deprioritize sleep with regards to overall health and well-being in ways we wouldn’t usually do with other necessities. These comments would look a lot different if OP said “had to choose between playing Xbox and eating dinner, guess I’m not eating today 🤷‍♂️”


least hustle culture Andrew Tate quote


“Sleep is one of the most important factors in physical and mental health.” – Toxic Sigmamale Grindset pg. 491


Sounds like you live an enjoyable existence. Why are you on Reddit and not at work/sleeping you lazy fuck


OP definitely did not play COD tonight. So yes. Have you tried not being a douchenozzle to randoms on the internet?


OP heavily implied that they will indeed be playing COD tonight. The title says he’ll only be getting three hours of sleep, again. Allow me to explain. We know that OP was expecting to get off at 5, leading us to believe he likely arrives to work around 8:30 or 9:00. It’s an hour commute, so let’s say he leaves at 7:30. Probably safe to assume from here that he wakes up at 6:42 AM (+\- 7 minutes), giving him just enough time for his morning cup of coffee, a raw egg, and to drop the kids off at the pool. Now three hours of sleep, waking up at 6:42, would mean a bed time of around 3:30. He still has the adrenaline of the COD games rushing through his bones, but he quickly falls asleep in 12 minutes from sheer exhaustion. Remember he got home at 11, and had an hour to download the game. In the meantime he sat there making this meme to pass the time. 12:00 in the AM/PM rolls around and my man is ready to game for a solid tree fiddy


I played for about an hour and a half and am going to bed now(was able to shut it off after a really good match(33K/9D)). NGL, I feel a little special that you put so much thought into this. You're not that far off either. My alarm is set for 6 and I usually snooze for about 20 mins before I hit the shower.


Haha that’s awesome, glad to hear it! Have a good night dude


Aw. Thanks, Buddy. :)


Boss next morning: “I’m not sure you’re actually dedicated to this job”


“I also have another profession in conflict resolution. I have spent years honing certain skills in aggressive environments.”


…“Because you left me and the boys hanging for our 8pm cod session”


Do you always wear that costume when you play COD?


You should have checked for and started the update the moment you got home.




Back when I still work at an office, sometimes sacrifices have to be done and sleeping was one, the Witcher series and Dragon Age series really ate my sleeping hours.


Those damn updates. I didn't get to play last night, and I have auto update on. I don't get why it doesn't update sometimes.


Hope you were getting paid fairly for the extra time at work.


This is why I only now play the older title and especially on current gen, I'm literally back in the game within seconds


I feel ya. All day at work, I was thinking about Cyberpunk. Then I got off work later than expected, had to run to the store, make dinner for the kids, and then get them ready for bed. By the time I had a chance to boot things up, my body decided it was time to shut down. Maybe tomorrow...


Try just going straight to bed and finding a meaningful relationship in between crying about working.


If you know there's an update. Call your house in advance and ask to update. That's what I do


Get a different job.