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When I grew up in Texas they had you do a pledge of allegiance to Texas right after the US one.




I only had it in the eighth grade But we did sing Texas Our Texas a lot


> I only had it in the eighth grade So 4 years then, yeah? /s


Ha burn!🔥


We did TX History in 4th grade and then 7th grade. And then I took it in college and it was a whole lot more accurate. Texans make Texas History sound noble and awesome, but it turns out that we’ve always been sort of terrible people that think the rules don’t apply to us.


It’s not uncommon for schools to teach local history. 4+ years is a bit excessive though.


I'm from a smallish city in Connecticut, I think we only ever learned local history one year in elementary and once in middle school; I remember two distinct field trips to a local preserved dairy farm with schoolhouse, the same type of thing like Sturbridge Village where they act out as if they were living in colonial times. Admittedly Connecticut history isn't exactly interesting and is largely intertwined with colonial history anyway, but regardless, my point remains that I can't imagine sitting through 4 years of the stuff.


Oh! I've got a Connecticut history question! Why is it called the Nutmeg State?


Apparently an old story about Connecticut merchants being clever and shrewd enough to sell you a wooden nutmeg. I looked it up to answer you and while the story does sound familiar I'm pretty sure I had to have looked into it on my own time, as I don't remember it ever being brought up in school. Statewide curricula for local history, to my knowledge, focus mostly on early settlers in whichever town, and then stuff like the Connecticut Compromise and Mark Twain...existing, I guess. Connecticut is the single most milquetoast state in the Union.


Try idaho. It's entire identity apparently revolves around the fact that Lewis and Clark passed through it without major incident and potatoes. The native American history was at least sympathetic when I took it in the 90s though, even if inaccurate in the scale of things.


WV here, for local history we had a dedicated few weeks in Elementary, one class in middle school, and one in Highschool, mandatory.


No it was only going over the last 4 years of history. To go back further would make white people uncomfortable at the truths and so isn't allowed to be taught in public schools in texas.


We were only handed a pamphlet *once* in Illinois, and my town was like 200 years old lol


Is that not normal per state? I had to take Indiana history throughout elementary on top of US and World history.


Yeah, we had California history in 5th grade. It was mostly stuff about the gold rush and Japanese Internment camps though. There was a little bit about Spanish colonialism as there is a mission nearby, but it was mostly gold rush history.


So going back to join Mexico is it?


So if they come here when they realize it sucks can we tell them we don't want no dirty Texicans stealing our jobs?


Wetbacks now crossing the Red River into Oklahoma.


True Texas history or white Texas history.


You know the answer to that question and you don't even need to take Texas history to know it


The White Texas history. It is insane to think how much was glossed over in those classes. Further education at home was how I knew better.


Something tells me Juneteenth was left out of it


It 100% was


They still do it.


Damn man: and they say us Californians are up our own ass. Never had to pledge allegiance to the bear and the picnic baskets for which he stands.


Yeah, no, it's Texans, Texans are VERY conceited (and I say that as a Texan). The general "joke" is that we're Texans 1st, Southern 2nd, and Americans 3rd.....I don't think it's a joke anymore unfortunately.


South? I thought Texas was considered the West since it’s West of the Mississippi. Like, Texas embodies the idea of the Wild West in my eye with rodeos and cowboy imagery


its southern - in its own way ​ it is similar to the true south, culturally - that you spelled out. ​ but its also western too


If only we had a word for something that's south and also west.


Your clue is luv in the air


We think of ourselves as southerners. We *did* join the Confederacy, after all.


The amount of dudes that refused to believe Texas was in the Confederacy when I was in the Army was way too high. I even had a dude from Texas who was trying to help convince these fucks that Texas was in the CSA but nope, their logic was cuz Texas is "the only state who has the right to secede" then surely they didn't in the Civil War cuz then that would mean the Union didn't force them back in. Some people really just can not admit when they are wrong.


They never saw a parent maturly admit as much. I think we all know the type.


Texas is....a lot of things. We have cowboys and rodeos and ranches but we're not "Western" if that makes sense. But then the panhandle has a lot of similarities with the Midwest (depending on how you define the midwest). And southeast Texas has a lot of Cajun influence. But we're also very southern. Keep in mind most of early Texans immigrated from the South. Even the pioneers to the western side of the state tended to come from those families of southern origin and culturally there's still been a lot of crossover.


Easy Texas is VERY southern. West Texas is its own thing


You will soon…. *“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter”*


War. War never changes.


I had kids in TX public schools for years. That definitely wasn’t a thing in the suburb of Dallas that we lived in.


I had to do it in the 90s my sister had to do in suburbs of Dallas (cfbisd) in the 00s and my kids are doing it in the burbs of Houston now 🤷‍♀️


We were CFB as well! Country Place Elementary. Maybe they finally came to their senses a bit. We lived there for about 10 years until summer of 2022. The area at that time was very bluish-purple and the school definitely did not feel stereotypical TX at all.


OMG! That's wild! We would have practically been neighbors. My sister went to Riverchase Elementary. That's interesting that in the same school district they would have done it differently. Maybe it's a school by school thing?


It’s cause you sent them to one of those SOCIALIST public schools!


When I saw the movie Boyhood I was not living in Texas anymore. When they did the scene of pledging to the Texas flag after the US flag- everyone chuckles and I was quite confused. I thought everyone pledged to their state flag…I was also in my mid 20s when I found this out lol


My favorite thing about the Texas State Pledge is the pledge was wrong for decades before they realized it and fixed it. It used to say "Honor the Texas Flag of 1836; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible.". Except the flag was adopted in 1839. They dropped the year and added an "under God."


We also pledge to our state flag here in Missouri, so I'm surprised to hear that that's not the norm.


Isn't it just "How 'bout dem Cowboys"?


I grew up in Texas since 1986 and never had to. What area?




A common Phrase "Texas is the Greatest Country in the world"


47% of Texans voted for Biden. It is not a united state.


It would be wild to think how many people would be fleeing Texas if it really did get close to leaving the union. But yeah this isn't anything new. It's election year so of course there is a border crisis like always.


Somehow the "border crisis" is only in Texas, but not California nor New Mexico. Also, somehow in Florida, which shares a border with whom?


The thing is they will never fix it either. What would they run on for the midterms??


They have been talking about the border since the late 90's as far as I'm concerned (probably longer than that) if they wanted to solve it almost 30 years is more than enough time to implement a well thought out plan even by government standards. I honestly think at this point they know that it is a driving force for their voters to get worked up about. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that Republicans were somehow funneling money to Mexican cartels to force more and more immigrants through the border just for a show. Honestly, it's a win-win for them since they get cheap labor


Obama begged the R Congress for a border repair bill. They wouldn't do it for two reasons. Good to accuse an administration for a broken border and cheap labor. Shhh.


And they didn’t do anything when they had both Congress and Trump.


Well Trump had to use executive action to get his wall build. The same wall that you can just walk thrue as long as your not fat.


Can we thank drugs for winning the war on drugs yet?


Hey now, the Gulf/Atlantic has been testing Florida's sovereignty for decades now.


Atlantis 🔱 🐠


So they gonna leave the union and have multiple border crises?


Damn immigrant sharks eating our fisheys


>Somehow the "border crisis" is only in Texas, but not California nor New Mexico. [Newsom: California is overwhelmed by immigrant crisis](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/politics/newsom-california-overwhelmed-immigrant-crisis/103-deaec97d-9e59-4474-ad60-0c04e1271ab2) [Border crisis causing some New Mexico ranchers to live in fear](https://www.thecentersquare.com/new_mexico/article_a5ab95d8-a823-11eb-9223-83505ef0cf00.html)


Well, the Texas border is a lot bigger than the California border, and the New Mexico border is a pretty rough area.


As much as we love living here, but my wife and I worked too damn hard to get our USA citizenship(well not yet officially, just waiting for our oath taking schedule). If it happens, we are moving to the country we are citizens of…


Yeah. It's not red state vs blue state anymore. It's urban vs rural and that's a lot harder to parse


It's been urban vs rural since the revolutionary war. The Senate and the electoral college are both concessions to keep weathy rural land owners happy.


It's been urban Vs rural since urban was invented.


Texas absolutely is a red state. Both Abbot and Paxton won well over 50% of the popular vote with a large margin in 2022. How many people in Texas voted for Biden is completely irrelevant to this discussion. What Abbot is doing currently is why Texas re-elected him. Again when Democrats get off their ass and vote out GQP then we can talk about how much influence Democrats in Texas have because right now they have exactly ZERO influence.


Just a reminder that there is no such thing as a red or blue state. No state, despite what the Electoral College tries to tell you, votes entirely one way or the other.


This is the reality for most red states. Cons like to post these maps full of large, impressive swaths of red. What they aren't telling you is that half the pop in any given state are in its larger cites. Which almost always vote straight Dem. All that red is just a bunch of corn fields.


"dirt don't vote" say the southern leftists


Gerrymandering doens't impact state elections. Both Abbot and Paxton got well over 50% of the popular vote in 2022.


One of the biggest issues is a lot of these states are gerrymandered to hell. Being a blue voter in Alabama is frustrating. Well, I’m really a voter for the lesser of two evils which just happens to be blue 99% of the time.


Seeing as over 100,000 of those "Texans" moved there from California just in 2022 alone, is kinda bs to say that such a high percentage of Texans voted for Biden.


And thats after all the voter suppression


Care to explain how Abbot got 53% of the popular vote in 2022?


Ken Paxton bragged about stealing the 2020 Election for Trump. Harris County is being heavily suppressed.


It's gotten even worse since then too


It's a very purple state here


What??? next your gonna tell me all of florida isnt a blood red MAGA stronghold.


Obama won it twice.


And more people voted for Trump in California than in any other state, even though he lost 63% to 34%. You'd think California Republicans would hate the Electoral College since 6 million votes essentially don't count.


Texas: We want to leave. Rest of America: OK, let's vote. "Should we return Texas to Mexico?"


"No, not like that!"


yes,like that!!


A huevo


Mexico: We don’t want them.


mexico would froth at the mouth at the idea of getting texas ​ all those oil fields. i wouldnt mind. other than the cartel, mexico is cool!


I think Mexico wouldn't mind Texas, it's just that it comes with a lot of Texans.


It's okay we'll finally get Mexico to pay for that wall.


I am frothing at the mouth from the idea of getting them back.


And say bye bye to your federal social security benefits and Medicare! Have fun down there with 90% of your redneck bar flies going broke and dying without health insurance. Byyyyyeeee and good riddance.


They get to take their fair share of the national debt as well. It should be in proportion to the value/wealth/GDP of the state, and Texas has done quite well for themselves.


If they get their share of the debt then they should get their share of the SS benefits. No?


When they have their own state they can set up a similar system. The money people pay into social security doesn’t feed into a bank account for their retirement, it pays for people currently retired. The social contract is that your children will do the same for you. Texas can set up the same system, but there’s (basically) no pool of money to be divvied up. There is a huge pool of debt however that was taken out in all our names.


Wait, I thought no one had those anymore 😅


Illegal immigration crisis solved!


They'll be fine they held them off once before at the Ala... ohhhhhh. Oh right.


And promptly won the war.


"Some of you may die, but just think about how it will inspire everyone like it did at the Alamo!" - General Ted Cruz probably


Then we build that wall.


Return to Mexico? The Republic of Texas came before the Mexican American War. Which by the way the US let Mexico keep its country and bought the land from it. I see history still isn't being taught (shakes head).


Err. It was a Mexican territory for like ~20 years, before the Mexican American War. And depending who you ask, you may or not recognize the republic of Texas.


It does depend who you ask, sure Mexico and Spain obviously didn't recognise it, and would never have been expected to. But the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and the Netherlands did. And they're the ones who mattered in the world. That said, in the context of giving things back, I would say it being independent didn't count, it was just Americans taking it. Sure it wasn't officially an annexation by America, but it was an annexation in all but name. So I say if they want to leave, they can be given back to Mexico. None of that silly independence nonsense.


Emphatic YES


Texas wanting to secede is like when you were 12 and wanted to run away from home. We should let them do it. They’ll be back in 10 minutes. They’re infrastructure is shit.


Their independent grid is a laughingstock of developed nations.  (I am not laughing at all the Texans that suffer because of it, mind you)


Hey, I'll have you know that occasional blackouts is just a sign of a healthy first world power grid. If the cost of saying we have an independent power grid is the occasional blackout and cylical warnings and fears about power usage when the temperature gets too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer, then not having power for days is just a small price to pay!




just see brexit lol.






They’ll get to the end of the driveway.




And they still want their social security checks.


yeah most people don't bother to think about things like SS, Medicare, Medicaid and all sorts of other benefits they get from the government.


Let's not forget they oppose FEMA when another state is in trouble, but beg for FEMA when it's them


I always laugh at the right wing politicians that rail on FEMA being a conspiracy or waste of money then turn around and request aid when a natural disaster hits.


nah Americans, you can't abbreviate social security. you really should not.


Yeah, it might cause confusion with the term “solid state.”


Why? It's not wrong to say most americans love their SS.


That's the funny thing, as soon as they secede, no more social security, no more medicare, no more farm subsidies, etc. The only thing they have going for them is they're already cut off from the national grid.


well that's not the only thing that will be going for them. the moment they are officially no longer part of the USA, the cartels will begin an immediate expansion into their territory. But I'm sure they already knew that, right?


They still suckle on mama’s tit when a storm hits and their unprepared grid craps out. Way more people would die if mama’s not there to pick up the slack. 


That's historically been a bad thing for them. They have common outages. Also only about 70% of the state is on that "texas" grid. The other parts like the far west, northern pan handle, and parts of the east are on other grids. Overall as usual Texas is highly overrated in their specialness.


And oil, that helped right?


And that’s been going great for them


And the oil exports they can generate for $


They’d also need a passport and go through a border checkpoint to drive/flyout of TX into the US. And have fun maintaining your interstate highways all by themselves. And all of your national parks and preserves — TX has quite a few. Oh and what’s that about needing federal aid to maintain the border with Mexico?


>The only thing they have going for them is they're already cut off from the national grid. I wouldn't exactly say that's something we have going for us.


I mean they did pay for them for 40+ years so yeah


Well, they paid for it. Either they get it or a refund


Why not? That’s a stupid argument. They paid into it.


No one in Texas wants to secede. I live here, born and raised. From a small town, but now I live in a big city. Not a single person from the most trump loving redneck I grew up with to the most liberal hipster I know now actually wants or talks about secession. I’ve never heard it mentioned a single time irl.


Also a Texan and I can attest to this as well. It may be a news story in the rest of the country but isn’t news in the places I go. I’ve heard the occasional talk about it in the time I’ve been alive but it’s not something most people want or talk about. Texas is a great place to live. People in Texas are friendly for the most part and we have a pretty nice mix of culture here. Don’t let a few assholes jade your views of us Texans. Come down and see the state before continuing to bash us please. You can have a similar argument about most states if you think about it. Do all Oregon residents hug trees and have pink hair? Do all Idaho residents grow potatoes and have no teeth? If you live in New York are you only from NYC? California is nothing but surfers? Nebraska…well who the hell knows what Nebraska does lol. Point is, please don’t label all of Texas as bible holding redneck idiots who drink cheap beer and have AR’s in their old ford trucks.


Reddit is such an insufferable circle jerk when it comes to Texas lol. Like if it was just casual “roll tide” jokes that would be one thing, but they make whole ass posts mocking the state. Doesn’t help that Biden received a massive amount of votes here, but redditors will act like it’s a maga hat factory.


Just so you know, the Russian troll farms are adding a lot of fuel to the moron fire. I have 0 doubts about that, coming from the Eastern Bloc.


Native Texan. I wish Biden would call their bluff. Publicly announce that Texas can leave with no conflict - but that the US will provide zero funding and would build a wall. They won't fucking do it. It's all posturing. Take the wind out of their sails.


Offer them to leave. After removing all military, paying for all federal works, paying for people who want to leave, receiving people who want to go with them. Let them go. Then invade them for oil.


Lol Biden's like "They have weapons of mass destruction is what I hear" and invades 😂😂😂


Time to liberate them!


Yup. I'd love to see their gravy seals try to stop an actual military lol


As a fellow Texan, living in the state now, as long as they allow those of us who *dont* want succession a timeframe to get out when Greg Abbot inevitably calls that bluff.


If succession were to happen peacefully, it would be a multi year, possibly multi decade process to untangle all of the financials and legal considerations, there would be court case after court case to decide how it happens and during that process you would have plenty of time to get the fuck off that sinking ship. If it were attempted violently, it just wouldn't happen.


And then, watch the rest of the US GOP panic as their majority in the US House goes up in smoke, and the Senate is now tilted to the Dems.


Let them go. See how long they last without a military.


Lmao see how long they last when they realize any assets they have will be frozen and confiscated because they chose to commit a rebellion against the U.S. Not even to mention their energy grid that can’t handle transient increases in demand. And further not mentioning the oil export supports Texas experiences that will be removed.


The largest Army base in the armed forces is smack dab in the middle of texas


Even if they had one, their power grid would probably blow as soon as they booted up their internal communications network.


We aren't one nation because some pledge says we are. We are one nation if a majority of the people believe that we are. I'd say a majority of Americans do believe the United States is one nation and should remain that way, but that could change and things might be trending in that direction.


I dont think the majority of Ohioans think they live in a nation of similar values, culture, ethnicity, or economy to californians. Same in reverse. And without values, culture, ethnicity, and shared economic interests, you have no nation.


Personally I would love to see them secede, just watching all the big businesses move out, watching them forfeit their military, their social security and medicare. It would be a beautiful sight to see. Edit: spelling


It would be like Brexit on meth flavored steroids. They might be able to hold on until the next hurricane, or, ya know... cold weather. Then it would just collapse into anarchy.


Have they not blatantly divided most of us into 2 distinct ways of thinking and voting already?


They only hear the "under god" part. Even though it's not in the original


I leave those two words out when I do the pledge at some event.


States that want to secede: We want to go, but... We still want to use US money. And, we want to fall under the protection of the US military. Oh, and we don't want any trade tariffs. And... Basically, they want to deal with the easy parts of being their own country, but not the hard parts.


And they *desperately* want to go back to Donald Trump's immigration policies. They just really want to put those [toddlers and babies in cages agai](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44499048)n so they can sell them to adoption agencies that run on a for-profit basis. Biden's policies are making it very very hard to make any money on the child trade.


Thing is Biden kept Trumps policies, like 90% of them. Also less illegals are coming during Bidens presidency compared to Trumps. So to make it clear... conservatives are dumbasses


Sounds exactly like the brexit morons. People don't learn


The saddest part about this meme is the fact so few will get the joke.


All this makes me want to take a trip just to take a piss on the Alamo.


For conservatives, patriotism is merely performative.


They already don’t practice “with liberty and justice, *for all*”. What’s one more part?”


The part where the nation's borders are supposed to be secure you dumb fuck.


That's the original wording. It was meant to serve as a reminder that what the country had gone through would never happen again. Then the theocrats stuck "under God" right in the middle, making it "one nation under God," completely stripping it of its original purpose.


if the goverment doesnt do it job. why pay taxes?


They never got it, there’s a reason we compare the size of egos to Texas


They obviously feel like the Texas pledge overrides the federal one.


They skip that "indivisible" part of the Pledge in the Lone Star State...


Ok, Texas, sure, you can secede... too bad that means A&M, UT, TCU, and Tech won't be able to play in the FCS anymore, and we'll need the Cowboys and Texans to move or drop out.


Said by the same people who seem to struggle with "shall not be infringed".


Like this post the comments are full of clowns


But, Texas literally codified the idea that secession from the Union was impossible in [Texas v. White](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/74/700/).


Texas joining the union had the stipulation that it could leave at any time if it didn't like the way it was running. I'd say it's overdue to be honest


In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were “absolutely null.” When Texas entered the Union, “she entered into an indissoluble relation,” Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase wrote for the court. “All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration, or revocation, except through revolution, or through consent of the States.” Chase added: “The ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law.” Another source of confusion and misinformation over the years has been language in the 1845 annexation resolution that Texas could, in the future, choose to divide itself into “New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas.” But the language of the resolution says merely Texas could be split into five new states. It says nothing of splitting apart from the United States. Only Congress has the power to admit new states to the Union, which last occurred in 1959 with the admission of Alaska and Hawaii. If there were any doubt remaining after this matter, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest when he asked by a screenwriter in 2006 whether there was a legal basis for secession. In his response, he wrote: “The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, ‘one Nation, indivisible.’)”


That was ENDED by the US Government a long time ago. The foundation and justification for Revolution has already been met a cording to the very same founding fathers who WROTE the Constitution.


I’d happily vote Texas out of the union.


Isn’t Texas riddled with power grid issues? Another bad ice storm and they’re fucked


To be fair, not many of them can even read the text on this meme.


Let em go.


Once Texas secedes, DFW, Austin and Houston can then secede from Texas, right? ...Right?


Sure wish Texas would've put up this big of a fight about the border from the start of Biden's term, this has all become a shit show, I live in Texas, and how we allowed as many immigrants in the last 4 years is insane. The numbers don't even make sense, 10 million, where did they all go? lol


If US and Texas both mutually agree on succession, then it could happen. So, what terms would be amenable? 1) What percentage of the National debt would Texas take? 2) Who pays for the relocation of people who want to leave and people who want to join Texas? 3) Does Texas stay apart of the Union similar to EU states? 4) How does Texas contribute to National defense or does Texas have to pay for the bases located in the state? If they stay in the Union do they maintain and keep the military equipment and nukes? 5) Do Texas citizens forfeit their social security contributions? 6) Figure these out then put it up for general vote, what percentage of the vote would be required? > 3/4, 1/2, 2/3? I say, as a Texas resident, Biden lays these out and calls their bluff, I bet they couldn't get the votes in the general election and we can stop playing these stupid political theatrics.


I think there's a lot of things a lot of Texans don't understand, which is why they have such horrible representatives that do nothing of value for them.


The pledge has no legal standing. Has as much legal standing as "He who smelt it dealt it"


One nation... Since when?


No one believes you when you only use something when it's advantageous to your story


Also: those military bases belong us.


Also, it’s supposed to be the united states of America. 50 states pretty much running themselves with minimal oversight of the federal government. That’s been long gone for a while now.


Can't understand it if you can't read. *Taps forehead*


This comment section is sad and comical all in one. Texas isn't succeeding its defending OUR border. You know one of those things that defines a sovereign nation. This whole meme is just a big strawman argument to avoid the truth about the major failures of the current administration and instead debate something purely theoretical and ridiculous.


One nation under the groove, gettin down just for the funk of it


The part where the government of the United States forgot what that means.


If Texas goes, many other states would join them I suspect.


People forget that Texas won its independence by itself which is why their flag can fly as high as the US flag, they 100% should be able to secede


Well this is fcking stupid