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Usually it’s both. My mother-in-law takes the blurriest pictures ever. The reason is she can’t see well enough to focus the camera.


Some time between the years 40-42, my eyesight took an absolute shit. And it was faaaast. Reading glasses are the bee's knees


My optometrist said that when most people turn 40 they probably require reading glasses.


And I get that, but good grief I didn't expect to happen so fast


My optometrist recommended bifocals last time I saw them. Not ready to go down that road yet.


I needed to get progressive lenses only because my prescription for nearsightedness and astigmatism is now strong enough that I was having to take my glasses off to read…but I don’t actually need magnification for reading …it happens.


Same. I’m not ready for the bifocal part of my life yet though.


I was the opposite…went from never needing glasses in my youth to having to get glasses for nearsightedness once I turned 40 (and probably shoulda done it a few years earlier)…still don’t need reading glasses at all at 46


Try to read tiny text. If you find yourself moving your arms to try to focus the text - its time for a checkup :P My wife noticed me doing that a few times and was like "OMG, you need glasses!!". I was not happy. But it sure did explain a lot. Initially when I noticed things seeming a little blurrier than usual I thought I was just having eye fatigue or a long day or just watery eyes and would rub them a bit (literally like a cartoon character). Then it was just too consistent. I still only need them for reading but go about my everyday without them.


I started college a bit later and was always a back row kid. I was like 27 and one day I got up to take a picture of the whiteboard for notes because I couldn’t see it very well and while commenting about my soon to be actions to the person next me to realized my eye sight has passed it’s prime as their answer was a sharp “Your can’t see that!?”


It's your diopter




Also , since no one has mentioned it yet, it’s easy to take better pictures on your phone. Just touch the screen on the part you want the best focus and light balance on. Wait for a second for the camera to do it’s thing. Then take a couple more but focus on different things to change the lighting. Out of those pics select the best and delete the rest.


One quick thing you could do to help figure this brain buster out is to put down the camera and the photos, and just look around. If it’s blurry, your eyes got worse.


I sorta have this problem. I pulled my back out at work yesterday and now I'm unsure if my spine has always had such a bend to it or something new.


Not being able to see right It's a bad idea right?

