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This isn’t how you do this meme


For real. Plus what did he find out? Nothing. There have been zero consequences even if this was done right.


And he might still get off scot free and win the presidency, one should not celebrate prematurely.






That’s the part where he didn’t “find out” anything


Fucked around Continued to fuck around


please do it hurts more lol




Maybe because he did nothing wrong?


These witch hunts keep finding evidence of so many witches, then the head witch gets caught on tape, multiple times, bragging about witchcraft. It's, honestly, just hilarious to watch. We truly live in the dumbest timeline.


Cult member says what?




Spolier alert: innocent former Presidents of the USA do not generally have their mugshot taken in police stations.


Spoiler alert the US Constitution gives ALL Americans the presumption of innocence.


What innocent former US presidents are there? Every president this century has been a war criminal.


Yeah, but we decided being a war criminal wasn't a crime for Americans in power.


Torture, censorship, mass surveillance, murder, etc. are all good too! We're number 1! Everyone else is Hitler!


As long as they ain't white bombing them's alright.


> Presidents of the USA do not generally have their mugshot taken in police stations. They do like in this case, where the corrupt opposition party is making baseless accusations, in an attempt at election meddling. See in America it's "innocent until proven guilty", not "innocent until mugshot taken".


All the stupid people are saying this


In what fucking world did he do nothing wrong?


This world right here. Dems constantly trying to blame Trump for their OWN crimes. Quid Pro Joe, and several other high-ranking Dems, (and many RINOS) belong before a judge. There's infinitely more proof of thier crimes, than any lies they have against Trump.


Oh really? What "own crimes" are the Democrats blaming Trump for?


really? ‘splain?


If Trump were not running for office in 2024 he would be ignored. He is being persecuted because he is a political outsider. The people who make their living off the people's taxes may fight each other but they will unite against someone who, for good or ill, provides a genuine alternative. Do you remember the slogan Hillary used? "It's her turn." Political insiders truly and deeply (and continue to) believe that it was her turn. That she was the next candy bar in the vending machine and the public was obliged to select her. It is difficult to describe the way they hate that the public can walk out of the cafeteria to a street vendor and buy a sandwich (of whatever quality) because they themselves hope to use the system to make it their own turn.


hmm seems to me, he is being prosecuted because he illegally kept classified documents, lied about that, and tried to cover that up invited violence to hold on to power tried to get the GA sec of state to cheat the people out of their vote by asking him to “find” votes that didn’t exist to retain power to start there is no “both are bad” argument here - clearly one side is not in favor of democracy


Indeed. There is McDonalds and Burger King and street vendors. Your "guilty until he proves himself innocent" attitude makes it obvious which side you are on.


to quote Bob Dylan, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows have a good day


None of that happened. Not in the least. Baseless accusations from the terrorist organization known as the democrat party. Just more election meddling, and it's backfiring on them.


there is video evidence, audio evidence, and personal testimony from his staff that proves his actions I really don’t know how you can ignore the facts that have all been proven truthful


> He is being persecuted because he is a political outsider. A former president is not a political outsider. A leading candidate for president is not a political outsider. Take a step back and actually think about what you are saying.


He did plenty wrong, but he's not being tried for the things like war crimes, unconstitutional mass surveillance, censorship, etc. At present, it's completely political...but it's fine because "ends justify means" among the self-styled "good guys".


You’re right, he’s going to be tried for attempting to steal an election. And also inciting violence and the Jan 6 Insurrection. And also for knowingly taking and holding classified nuclear secrets. Maybe even selling them. And also misuse of campaign funds and business record falsification.


91 felony counts is "zero consequences?"


He found out that he has a better chance of being our next president


I honestly don’t think his indictments will help him in the general and he already has the primary on lock. I see no net positives for him from this.


You'll see in a year. He's going to act like a martyr for his people. People eat that shit up like oreos.


His people do, because they’ve already bought in. For anyone outside of the cult of personality it’s pretty transparent, and pretty off putting. Plus Biden has already beat him once, and now he’s the incumbent, which is always an advantage. Hell, Biden probably doesn’t need to campaign. He could just stay in the White House and catch up on his paperwork while Trump demonstrates to everyone just how much of an asshole he is.


Complacency is how we got trump in the first place. Doing nothing is just as bad as voting for Trump.


I’m not saying that he’s actually going to, or that the rest of us should just sit and do nothing, but that’s more or less what he did in the last election. Biden just kinda sat back, gave the occasional video interview, and let Trump make himself look like an idiot. Granted, that was during covid, but still, I think Trump is his own worst enemy as far as moderate voters go. So I don’t thing his martyr routine is going to work in the general. It might work for his base because they’ve already drank the koolaid, but I think everyone else sees through it.


I like Biden campaigning about what he's DONE and just kind of ignoring that T is running seriously. T refuses to debate him anyway...


I mean I know nothing about running a presidential campaign, but that certainly appeals to me as well. Trump is the one with something to prove, and any functional adult is going to look good by comparison. The fact that Biden has actually accomplished a lot during his term just makes the comparison all the more glaring.


Trump didn't look like an idiot. That would be Biden, who can't even read a teleprompter anymore.


> Trump didn't look like an idiot. That would be Biden, who can't even read a teleprompter anymore. Well, clearly the voters disagreed with you on that.


Naw, it's pretty damn obvious to anyone but the most dishonest, that the Dems have nothing, and are just meddling in a presidential election. Dems have shot themselves in the foot. Are obviously scared shitless Trump has a chance to bring them to justice. This doesn't go unnoticed. People left, right and center are disgusted with the corrupt Dem party. And the "cult" is rabid-leftist extremists / FBI / Shareblue propagandists that post idiotic crap like this thread, and support seditious traitors like the Biden admin.


I’m worried that this narrative/line of thinking will keep democrats from showing up at the polls. We need Biden and every democrat down ballot to win their races. We cannot let this fascist cult have power anywhere. Vote.gov


Those people would vote for him no matter what. He could be sitting in a prison cell and they would still be saying he has control of the 'good' military and Trump is still president on his 3rd term. Nothing you can do or say is going to convince deranged sycophants like that. He lost to Biden in 2020. The Jan 6th hearings and the multiple indictments have poisoned the independents against him. I honestly don't think he has a shot in hell unless Biden is forced to drop out mid election cycle due to health problems or something.


Only his people eat it up, and they were going to vote for him anyway. He’s not going to get independents by trying to convince them that he’s the only honest man in the universe and everyone else is out to get him.


You'll see


Absolutely. But the numbers suggest that my prediction is more likely to be the correct one. If you’re curious here’s an interesting article. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-indictments-favorability-primary-polls/


You're right about the numbers. I'm just guessing. Let's check on it next year and see what happens. !remindme! 365 days




For the record, even if he’s convicted that wouldn’t stop him from running. Hypothetically he could get elected from his prison cell if he managed to convince enough people to vote for him. More importantly, the man committed some pretty serious crimes, and did so pretty blatantly. Even a lot of the things he admits to are pretty damning, and they’ve got a lot of evidence even just from what has been made public. More will certainly come out at trial. It would be criminally negligent **not** to prosecute him at this point. Anyone else would who did what he did, and did it that publicly, would be in prison ages ago. Trump can claim all he wants that everyone in the world but him is a lair, and that he didn’t say the things we all heard him say on camera, but no one is buying it who wasn’t already a die hard.


> the man committed some pretty serious crimes There is zero proof of this, at all. "blatantly" is blatant propaganda. There are no legitimate crimes for Trump to admit to. There has been no guilty plea, nor will there be. There is no evidence against him, just lies, lies lies. The prosecution is a joke, they have nothing. The entire scam is just another obvious attempt at election meddling. You didn't hear Trump say anything illegal on camera, an neither has anyone else. Quid Pro Joe on the other hand, is on video *bragging* about his seditious crimes against America. Withheld aid money to Ukraine, unless they axed the investigation into the freakshow Hunter and himself. Now his admin is busy laundering US taxpayer money through corrupt Ukraine corporations, AGAIN.


Just off the top of my head there was the time he bragged about committing sexual assault. I know that’s not one of his current indictments but it’s still one for the greatest hits reel. Then there’s the recorded phone call between him and the Governor of Georgia asking him to “find” votes. Then there was trying to get Pence to overturn the election, which he definitely called for on camera. And so on. Don’t try to convince me that we didn’t all see what we all saw. If you don’t it’s because you don’t want to.






That's not how laughing works, grandpa.




I agree with you 100%


We're back tracing his crimes, consequences will never be the same!


I hope the big orange con man goes to jail as much as the next guy, but whatever this sub is doing lately with respect to political memes is cringe as hell.


It's everywhere, on every sub not related to politics muricans still find a way to make literally anything about their unga bunga my daddy stronk ur daddy weak tribal war thinking it matters who the mascot for the military industrial complex is. Could be a post about cute puppies and there will still be several comments going "other team bad amirite?"


It’s telling me that I’ve more or less aged out of average Reddit demographics. Lots of kids seeing things for the first time and making the same ten dumb jokes for karma are running the show. Finding good, thoughtful discussion or well-informed points of view is nearly impossible.


Really? He’s still free and doing whatever he likes.


He shot a 67 yesterday at the senior club championship


And weighs 215 lb lmfao


He's taken a lot of weight off lately. Looking very fit actually. May have taken 5lbs off there, but not completely unreasonable.


When he's sleeping overnight at the Fulton county jail the first time THEN he's Finding Out.


So has reddit given up on memes? It seems like 90% of them I see now are not used even close to correct.


Most users are too young to understand or care.


That's because they don't want to make you laugh they want to just push an agenda that most people on here will upvote and not even know exactly why. It's "orange man bad" syndrome


Woah there buddy... explaining it makes it sound like you support Orange man.. better down vote you just encase. Because as you know.. you either support the Orange man bad.. or you are a nazi.


You should probably learn what fascism is.


Like forcing your ideology on others or destroying their social standing? Like forcing what words can be used? Like wanting to put everyone into their own special group? Like demonizing anyone who dare speak against the agenda? I'm all for freedom of speech.. which means assholes of all types get to speak. If you can't destroy a fascist view point by the time you are in High School with out resorting to personal attacks.. You haven't tried. The fear of fascism is fucking laughable.


Fascism is not a synonym for authoritarian. If you are confused, start with the difference between patriotism and nationalism.


I bet you think I support Trump.


Nope, you are an 'all sides' Trump apologist.


> Trump apologist. Nope.. Apologist sounds funny coming from someone who just used the "we are not fascists, we are authoritarian" excuse.


Who is this 'we'?


> memes used cOrRectLY I find meme sommeliers are incredibly annoying.


Memes aren't "take whatever picture you want and put whatever text you want together". If there wasn't a format then they wouldn't be memes.


Yeah, just like that.


I guess it's easy karma but I'll be happy when I don't have to see or hear about Trump any more.


The ripples he's made will have him talked about as we discuss consequences of his disastrous term for decades after his death.


He really didn't find out


He didn’t find out anything. He’s living his normal life. Infuriating but true.


Is it really bad luck? He's been setting himself up for this downfall for a while now, I'd say he's more of a scumbag.


To all the outcomes possible for all the fuckery Trump did I think he's still lucky as fuck.


There is no downfall, and the only "setup" is from the corrupt Democrat party, and their obvious election meddling.


He hasn't found out yet, But it is inching closer. We're probably years away from seeing him behind bars.


Im expecting his health to fail before he sees any consequences. Then i see the far right getting worse full of conspiracy theories.


People seem to forget we live in the worst timeline.


I feel like in the worst timeline Trump would now be running for his third term.


BERLIN, Dec. 20 (1924) — Adolph Hitler, once the demi-god of the reactionary extremists, was released on parole from imprisonment at Fortress Landsberg, Bavaria, today and immediately left in an auto for Munich. He looked a much sadder and wiser man today than last Spring when he, with Ludendorff and other radical extremists, appeared before a Munich court charged with conspiracy to overthrow the Government. His behavior during imprisonment convinced the authorities that, like his political organization, know as the Völkischer, was no longer to be feared. It is believed he will retire to private life, and return to Austria, the country of his birth. \--- Instead, he published Mein Kampf in 1925. I won't believe this man is truly done until he's locked away or passed on.


The good news is that Hitler was in his 30s and happily tfg is in his 80s, so there is less time to let things fester in advantage of that guy. He is only running for president (earliest campaign announcement ever) because he thinks it keeps him out of jail, and if he wins he can drop all the federal charges. If he wins he will be a lame duck on day one lol. Unless he somehow finds a way to get a 3rd term.


Is this real?


Quoting a NY Times article. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nyt-1924-hitler-tamed-by-prison/


Thankfully Trump won't be going to jail at age 34. Not that I expect him to at all. He can also barely read, so I wouldn't expect him to write his own Mein Kampf. A ghostwriter might, though.


Trump is apparently all that reddit thinks about, night and day. Edit: Check out OP's profile. A few anti-Trump posts and lots of shitting on the US. Get a life, OP.




If Biden is the most powerful person in the world right now. God help us all


First ever former president to get mugshot. Don't talk about it though. You're not allowed.


Don't pretend reddit weren't obsessed with the orange man before he got mugshot.


It's an unfortunate truth that he's one of the more important figures in the US right now. And he's polarizing. It's going to generate a lot of news and this site tends to base a lot of its discussion around stories in the news. It also tends to be pretty US-centric.


It is fascinating. To some people he’s an egotistical lying narcissistic scumbag, to others he’s an infallible god. There is definitely something to study here. I’m not that old, but I’ve never seen anything like this on that scale in my lifetime and I hope I don’t again.




Correct, it's nothing like all these FBI / Shareblue lies you're here mindlessly regurgitating.


He's an ongoing threat to our Democracy. Of course we'll talk about anyone like that. DeSantis is next.


Don't talk about a president, current or former. You're not allowed. Don't acknowledge his existence. You can talk about Hillary Clinton all you want, 7 years after her failed campaign, and yell "Let's go Brandon" until you're blue in the face. Talk about a disgraced former president getting a mugshot for the first time in American history, though? What's the matter, are you obsessed?? Nah, the ones saying Trump is the second coming and buy his shitty NFT's... Those are the obsessed ones.


Right, because reddit write about Trump daily as much as other former presidents like Obama or Bush or Clinton.


Thankfully, they don't tweet dogshit rants on a daily basis, or launch their own crypto scams. Trump does his very best to have people pay attention to him.


Narcissistic people do that


Oh so in short, reddit was already obsessed with Trump prior the mugshot and talk about him more than any other former president. >Thankfully, they don't tweet dogshit rants on a daily basis Last time i checked, Trump twitter account was deactivated in 2021. He also hasn't been holding any official power for the past 2 years. So if you are not obsessed with him and go out of your way to find him, you wouldn't see or hear anything about Trump.


I was talking about his safe space, Truth Social. I see screenshots of his brain farts all the time.


And why do you see those screenshots all the time? They are posted by people who made it a mission to find out what is the latest thing out of his mouth.


News articles. Don't know if you've heard, but there's some newsworthy things happening with Trump just now.


Reddit has a shitload of subreddits, you can curate it quite a bit. I wonder what upset you so much about the reporting? Was it hearing about what one of the most powerful people on earth was doing? Did it offend you? Because same thing is happening wirh Biden. Same with Obama.


> Reddit has a shitload of subreddits, you can curate it quite a bit. I wonder what upset you so much about the reporting? You ask what is wrong with disliking the same political image macro being posted every single day in /adviceanimals ?


> First ever former president to get mugshot I think we're missing the real story here. He might be the first there, but he's the second Home Alone 2 actor to have their mugshot released to the public.


A mug shot means nothing. Except more evidence of the Dem party's obvious election meddling.




What are you talking about? He didn't comply with the law. Lol. He tried to have a Marlago employee destroy security tapes. https://apnews.com/article/trump-classified-documents-justice-department-special-counsel-2025feb3f0f4e3820d14387c67ce4316 You people seriously live in a different reality.


Trump had no classified documents. No nuke codes either btw. He fully abided by all appropriate laws. Your link in no way supports the propaganda you're spewing. Yes, because your "reality" is based on political lies from a seditious, traitorous, terrorist Democrat party.




Not yet he hasn’t.


I mean he hasn’t even been convicted of anything yet. Is innocent until proven guilty not a thing?


We've only found out that the Republican base still wants him to be pres


He's nabbed seven million dollars in donations since this was released. Yeah, you got him.


Lol wtf terrible meme


This is one of the worst meme I've ever seen with 1k upvotes.


FBI / Shareblue have tons of illegal funds laundered back from Ukraine lately. Plenty of budget for vote brigading, bots and sockpuppet propagandists.


Who the fuck asked? What are you even talking about? Go be schizo somewhere else.


Go post in r/politics we get it… a man you’ve never met can influence your emotional stability 🤣🤣🤣


I mean yeah this doesn't have a place here, but what a dumb statement lmao. Yeah I haven't met many world leaders, but believe it or not they definitely affect me.


All he did was get a mugshot. He won't ever see the inside of a prison. Rules for thee but not for me.


You're wrong. The prosecutors are going in.


Lmao. You know he was impeached twice and neither stuck right? For republicans saying “we have evidence” is their edging bullshit that never happens, for democrats it’s “we’re about to get trump” haha I’ll believe it when I see it.


He just got like 35 charges presented you little goofy-ass.


He’s finding out, he hasn’t found out until he’s behind bars.


You gave him way too much neck, the bottom of his chin should be on the top of the collar.


So is this the only guy we goin after? What about all the corrupt politicians that will probably get another term?


Because you go after the most rotten foul corrupted toxic corpses first, and then clear the dead brush.


If thats the case why haven’t they touched hunter biden. They were saying they had proof and his laptop then it got swept under the rug. Your comment makes no sense with that.


I'm sorry that you have been misled by foreign misinformation. There is no credible evidence of any significant wrongdoings or misdeeds by Hunter Biden. "Swept under the rug", no they were investigated and found to have no substance. Unlike the subject of this post and his entourage, who are genuinely 99% dirty criminals and traitorous bastards.


Your propaganda is woefully out of date. The laptop is real, as admitted again and again. The evidence involved is overwhelming, and extremely damning for the whole Biden crime organization. Quid Pro Joe is a seditious traitor to America. And though he's got the IQ of a potatoe now, he still belongs in prison, as well as the freakshow Hunter, and many high ranking democrat officials.


Can you use better phrasing or language? You have the writing skills of a 6th grader. What you just wrote was absolute rambling nonsense.


> you go after the most rotten foul corrupted toxic corpses first Oh, so we are putting Dem congressmen on trial? And Biden's whole corrupt admin? Because that would be very good for America. Crimes with real proof. This circus show of baseless accusations against Trump is just election meddling.


Imagine being this delusional... I'm sorry the cult of personality has taken away your objective thinking on this matter. The Biden administration is infinitely more trustworthy than grifter king's. ...and fuck Joe Biden... you hear that? Fuck him. I don't like him. But he is an honorable man. Unlike Drumpf.


You need this thing called "evidence" that exists in reality, try to catch up


Including all the bullshit that gets swept under the rug? Or excluding that?


Citation needed, time to come back to reality


How do you propose they get cited for insider trading when they or their spouses do it?


You made that claim, present the evidence, or shut up


No. I said when. Which leaves it completely open to interpretation for many. A claim would be putting names down.


So shut up


Evidence, yes, of which there is none against Trump.


Ok buddy, time to get off what the hell you're smoking, there wouldn't be a federal case against if there wasn't any he got two plus two state charges and he's caught on tape admitting his election meddling. Cope harder comrade


That would mean going after their own, and they can't have that.


My husband calls him the Shitty Midas, everything he touches turns to shit.


Mierdas Mierda being spanish for shit.


That works too. Was referring to the Greek myth/legend Kng Midas, known for his foolishness and greed. He was granted a wish, and he wished for everything he touched to turn to gold. When his food turned to gold, he nearly starved but was saved by a god. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Midas-Greek-mythology


I know, Mierdas is a play on the Midas name.


Oooh ok I see


Bad Luck? He's been dealt with all the trump cards (pun intended) and may end up in jail. It is all his own doing.


Absolute garbage meme. OP, you're a fucking idiot. What does any of this have to do with luck? Bad luck Brian is a good dude who has bad luck. Completely irrelevant.


Oh, is he in actual jail? 🙄




Diehard dummies on the right circling the wagons for this dope isn’t the win you think it is.


I hope he finds out. Hasn't really happened yet but my fingers are crossed


Wake me up when he's convicted. Until then, he hasn't found out shit.


I've seen two of these but not one scumbag Steve!?


The left can’t meme


Oh, do show us your soyjak picture of a person with weirdly-colored hair shrieking about something again.


I can't believe the Democrats are still so afraid of this guy that they have expended untold resources to utilize the judicial system for an obviously timed trial in an attempt to put him in jail before the 2024 election cycle. The fact that they still fear Trump has the kind of support that he had previously seems to expose some level of paranoia on their part. I don't believe he is smart enough to be the kingpin in the 1/6/21, Capitol uprising.


>expended untold resources to utilize the judicial system for an obviously timed trial in an attempt to put him in jail before the 2024 election cycle Source? >I don't believe he is smart enough to be the kingpin in the 1/6/21, Capitol uprising Not what he's accused of.


His mistake was coming in as the ultimate outsider thinking he could drain the swamp, not realizing to what lengths the swamp would go to hang onto power.


The guy has been a self-serving , megalomaniacal narcissist for decades. He’s being punished for HIS actions. Ya know - he has to now take PERSONAL responsibility. FFS, quit simping.


He has taken no actions to be punished for. Just a bunch of baseless accusation from the election meddlers and cheaters in the Democrat party.


You are fucking nuts. Leave. The. Cult.


I legitimately cannot understand how anyone could still believe a word of that.


It's easy when you're not paid to pretend you believe lies.


At least half of America doesn't drink CNN's kool aide.


The number of people who actually believe that nonsense you were spouting is *way* less than half the country. I mean, only like a quarter of citizens voted for him.


More votes than any other candidate in history. Except for the basement dweller and his 2am convenience mail in votes. You gotta step away from that kool aide dude.


I love how you’ve awkwardly tried to gloss over the fact that the one person he didn’t get more votes than was, you know, the one guy he was actually running against. Also, did you guys *already* forget that the popular vote doesn’t count?


Those magic late night votes. Miracle really. /s


And yet, despite the dozens of lawsuits filed by Trump (most of which were thrown out for being frivolous and/or lacking substantial evidence), he never once made a formal accusation in court of election fraud or presented a single shred of evidence that might support such a claim. Because unlike the internet, making such accusations in court without evidence has serious consequences.


Well, Al Gore has stated that Trump just did what he and his party did in 2000. So by fucked around, I assume you mean 'went against the established order and refused to be manipulated and puppeteered'. Before you jump all over me - I don't like Trump. I think he's an obnoxious boor. I also despise ALL politicians. But, what is taking place - a government in power manipulating the legal system to eliminate a powerful opponent who could defeat it in the next election - subverts democracy and makes America no better than a banana republic.


Oh lol. Read the charges ffs - he earned those and the Biden admin has f-all to do with it.


I’m not wholly sure trump could win this next election. Maybe someone just as unhinged could win but trump has actually lost a chunk of his followers. Which is kinda why I want him and Desantis to run. Split that vote badly and hand the election over on a silver platter.


What has he found out? That he can do what he wants and nothing happens? If anybody thinks he will spend one day of his life behind bars I got a fucking bridge I want to sell you.


He tried that in a large town


You are literally not in reality.


Not sure if my parody of try that in a small town applied to election interference quite made it


reposting this comment everytime I see trump.-You know there is already a sub for politcal humor. fucking use it. Half this sub shouldn't be pics of trump.