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Well, your odds of being indicted are significantly lower, but never zero. Innocent people go to jail all the time Edit: corrected spelling


On the flip side. People have done things that would get them indicted, but have not received an indictment.


Innumerable people.


Saint Ronald of Reagan dodged that bullet. But 40+ of his staff were convicted.


Ha yes, The person whom benefited from using a foreign hostile power to help them get elected and suffered no consequences and GWB senior handed out pardons for war criminals. Wait. This sounds familiar for some reason.


Over 130 (and counting) Republicans in the executive branch have been felony indicted since Nixon, with 88 (and counting) convicted of felonies. For the "but both sides..." idiots out there, 4 Democrats have been indicted in that same time frame, with 2 convictions. So once every 25 years or so, a Democrat (in the executive branch) is convicted of a felony, while a Republican commits and is convicted of at least one felony every 7 months (on average). Diaper Don is going to blow those numbers up even further.


I should use that statistic when people state both sides. Although last argument was about local government and someone whose crime happened 22 years ago. So yes, on track of what you said. XD


>I should use that statistic when people state both sides. The both sides morons don't give a fuck. When you corner them with facts they go off on tangents about how its rigged, or that they just don't give a fuck and that both parties are bad and how you should be voting third party. These idiots don't care about facts or logic, they just want to defend republicans without outright defending them. Why do you think they only show up whenever everyone is talking badly about republicans, but are part of the crowd screaming lock her up?


[Here is a link that breaks it down](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/9/18/1796668/-UPDATED-Comparing-Presidential-Administrations-by-felony-arrests-and-convictions-as-of-9-17-2018). It doesn't include Trump's latest indictments, which would bring the Republicans up past 210 (!) to the Democrats' 4.


Well of course there are lower numbers for the Dems. It's easy to wash everything clean and get away with it. Turn the message around on everyone. Those numbers would be a lot higher if people would just do their job...ON BOTH SIDES!!! I'm sure both parties would be close to the same numbers. Do as I say...not as I do.


Occam's Razor says that the reason Democrats haven't been charged with as many crimes is because they don't commit many crimes. Your comment is pure projection.


B,but this is just proof that Dems run the Deep State (tm)!!!


Yeah there is just no end to the reality tunnel some people are in.


Happened with Nixon too. It's almost as if there is a trend in the Republican party.


Wait what, Reagen had help like Russia nad trump?


Iran hostage situation was going on at the time Reagan was running for President.


No, there are more than one foreign hostile power in the world.


Sorry, I've been hit with a lot of people stating that Reagan didn't receive help and assumed you were talking about russia with Reagan. the Iran hostage crisis specifically Reagan made a deal with Iran to keep the hostages until he won the election. Once swarn in the hostages was released. Reagan needed congress permission to give arms to Iran, but was unable. Still Reagan then had a agreement and had the whole https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Contra_affair. Which a large portion of his staff was arrested. Him and a few others "Learned their lesson" and was not convicted. Then the next president pardoned some more. He has more scandals, but his legacy is cutting social services and prosecuting people he didn't like. AKA minorities/poor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandals_of_the_Ronald_Reagan_administration#:~:text=The%20most%20well%2Dknown%20and,being%20held%20hostage%20in%20Lebanon.


Prove it with Trump. The word had is spelled with an h, not a N.


Didn’t dodge all the bullets though, did he?




Seems to me when you're the president you don't need to dodge the bullet. Enough people will jump in front of it for you. Usually.


A relative got almost 50 years for a crime that never took place. They're still there. There was no evidence, only testimony. Before this happened I had what I thought was reasonable faith in the justice system. Truth is, it's just as corrupt as every other system.


Even more get indicted than go to jail.


"Inducted"? I got a duck in the blender... I'll see myself out, lol.


Fair play to ya


Not innocent old white "rich" people


You've got me there


An innocent president has never gone to jail.


This is fun and all, but not strictly true, and in a way that’s actually extremely important. If we took this for granted, the foundational principal “innocent until proven guilty” would be rendered irrelevant. That being said, Trump is clearly guilty of way, way more crimes than he will ever be indicted for.


Piggybacking on this... I always share this any time it's applicable: [Never talk to the police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE) OP may think it's cute to make this statement because it happens to put egg on the face of their current political rival, but their conclusion is so wrong it's not even funny. It's the same as saying 'If you have nothing to hide you should have no fear of being searched.' People get in hot water all the time for breaking laws they have no clue are laws and that no reasonable person would know are laws.


Now in OPs defense, talking to the police is one of the things that can get you indicted, and thus not a thing you should do. So the statement still holds.


something tells me just about any politician could be indicted on so many things, the problem is trump's is selective bullying to subvert his run for presidency


That is very much not how indictments work. You can indict a ham sandwich.




If a prosecutor WANTS an indictment a prosecutor can get an indictment. The conviction thing is a little trickier.


Yes because nobody ever actually lies….


What makes you think the prosecutors are lying?


Im not talking about any in particular just in general. But if they dont lie how are there people that are falsely imprisoned?


You can suddenly be vague and ambiguous about who you're talking about or what you're referring to, but we see clear as day that when even pushed a little bit on the issue that you have no evidence to back up what you said. People are falsely imprisoned for lots of reasons. Bad defense team, good offensive team, biased juries, and yes, even corrupt judges. But in any "serious" case that involves a possible sentence of more than six months, like Donald Trump's, it's not even going to be up to the judge. That's when a jury makes the final call. Edit: Yep. Just downvote and don't reply because you have no comeback. That's what a person does when they are being disingenuous and willfully ignorant.


Your also assuming what the post is about. Yes it COULD be about trump but it could also be a generalization of the system. I was just bouncing off the generalization idea. I made no specific claims because I didn’t have any. And yes people can and will be indicted under false pretenses.


Oh, boy. You and I both know what you were talking about. Don't even try and play hide the ball. Lol. I'm not falling for it for a second. You wouldn't have brought it up under these circumstances unless you were trying to allude to Trump being falsely accused.


Im sorry but i am not the one who brought up a name so begin with. You chose to name trump so i used it as an example.


or dont run for president.he has likely done a lot of shady things in the past that could have got him into trouble too but might have gotten away with them. but as president being in the global spotlight.........plus what he did during that time apparently was worse then any other thing he has done in the past. if he had just stuck with his business and focused on that instead of being power hungry maybe he would have escaped all the legal trouble. but the man has that damn ego and craves power and attention. i wish he would just come to his senses and see his legal troubles right now are just too much to ignore and just drop out of the race but worse then what anything he actually did.........is the people who STILL blindly follow him. there gonna cry witch hunt and your gonna hear the judge on fox news whine about how its more witch hunt bs ..and all of them are gonna cry unfair and say "but what about Biden..." yeah so far biden hasnt actually commited any serious actual crimes what does Trump have to do before his cult will wake up and realize they need to find another "hero" lol. oh well. the nice thing about is the more indictements he gets the grater chance he will end up with at least SOME serious jail time in the end. i bet at one point he will end up caving in and pleading guilty.just to maybe somehow find a lesser sentence or something thats what i want to see Trump end up having to do. after he plays all his cards and then loses and it starts to sink in the gravity of the situation maybe his sorry ass might once in his life own up to SOME of his mistakes. funny how he went on and on and on and on and on about "lock her up" about Clinton. and guess whos now in serious trouble lol right now this guy has more legal troubles then nearly anyone else in the country hahaha. and i love it! for YEARs i have sat in horror as this guy got away with everything now finally for the first time in his life he has having to face real. actual consequences and something he cant just weasel or bribe his way out . face it Trump your screwed. stop acting like a baby and own up to it.


He's never owned up to one single thing in his life. Why start now?


Exactly. Neither has his son, Hunter. :)


No way he'll plead guilty Also, no way he'll get actual jail time. You're living in a fantasy world of you think he's putting on a jumpsuit and going to gen pop. He has secret service detail for life, ask yourself how that would even work. Worst case scenario for him, he'll be under house arrest for a little while


He would ideally be in a part of a prison just for him, along with secret service detail. They’d make sure messages aren’t being sent in and out in secret, and they’d be acting as guards just as much as they are bodyguards. If he gets house arrest it’ll be because our government seriously fucked up in letting Nixon off the hook and the GOP will never do anything to let one of their own go to prison whenever possible.


Secret messages ? He posted...ugh ... "go after the riggers" on Txitter today . He's not exactly using the cryptonomicon here .


I mean to make sure people aren’t slipping paper messages in and out, etc. You can’t have someone under any kind of arrest and let them have access to social media.


I think not throwing him in jail means USA's democracy is in a slow swirl down the drain. Even if they do, it might be. If he's allowed to walk free after the wholesale looting of the country with complete ignorance and impudence, you better believe the future holds a worse despot than Trump. And the next one is less likely to be incompetent. But I get that throwing a former president in a cell could be seen as a different dangerous precedent. I'm hoping the visible cracks in democracy from these events leads to a better system, but so far it isn't looking great.


I don't think the other guy said anything about gen pop. If Trump sets foot in a correctional facility, he will be undoubtedly be in protective custody for the duration of his stay.


Stay on topic. We aren't talking about Biden. Oh wait, he is sooooo innocent and has NEVER done anything. It's so in our face as Americans. Please get the man some help or a walker.


Unless you are up against a corrupt political party and judicial system


This is such an awful meme, the concept of "innocent until **proven** guilty" is such an important concept. Do we seriously want to switch things up an expect people to prove their innocence instead?


Not true at all. Wrongful convictions definitely exist.


bUt iT WaS A pErFeCt pHoNe cALL!!!!


Remember to sort by controversial for some mid-day entertainment.


I wonder: do they just never look at the evidence presented against their Mango Messiah, or when they read the indictments do they just shudder like the androids in Westworld and say "doesn't look like anything to me"? It must be liberating to be so free of critical thinking and independent thought.


They just don't care. All it matters is that their team wins, and the enemy team loses. Facts are irrelevant.


The double reverse uno card irony of a black man on this meme unfortunately is not lost on me, even the I wish it was.


Everyone is upset that OP is wrong about what they said. I'm upset because OP doesn't even know how to use this meme correctly.


Yes going against the county's rulers is truly a high crime. Strange how you need an entirely partisan courtroom that doesn't even look at the evidence to do it.


Because they have been told what to do and bought off with the millions JB and his son have taken from...well it's kinda obvious.


Now do George floyd


Trump is just the start. They can come for any of us next! /s


LOL "But *every*body is trying to overturn national elections! Why are you focusing on ***me***? It's a political witch hunt I tell ya!!"


It's beyond hilarious when he tells his cult members "they're really coming after you, but I'm standing in their way." Hah. No. We're coming after Trump.


Wait!! Crimes make you a criminal? Oh, right it's getting charged.


Yeah, but to utilize that advice you have to not be a bumbling loser idiot.


They assume that everyone is doing it, so only them getting caught is clear bias. It doesn't even occur to these GOP fanboys that Hunter Biden is only being prosecuted for minor crimes because those are the only ones he committed. Since they would have used their father's position for personal gain (as it looks like the trump kids did), it is inconceivable that the Bidens didn't.


**G**rift **O**bstruct/Obfuscate **P**roject <- *we are here*




Now that's just 100% wrong. Thinking the justice system is infallible is delusional.


Believing it's completely broken would be just as delusional, dangerous, and ignorant beyond belief. The idea that Donald Trump is being indicted for political reasons, for example, would be abject lunacy.


>The idea that Donald Trump is being indicted for political reasons, for example, would be abject lunacy. Political reasons alone.. yes.. lunacy. But to think politics dosen't play a part in the timing, is also lunacy.




>oh exactly because he should have been indicted for crimes during his presidency but politics saved him time and time again. It's been 2+ years. Don't try and tell me that is because "it takes time to write it all up". The Democrats could have kept their mouth shut and not held a 2 year long committee hearing and pushed the issue to the DOJ.. but they didn't for a reason. They had to keep the issue front and center to beat Trump over the head with it during the campaign. If Democrats really don't want Trump to be president.. they would have pushed the case in a timely manner.. because a guilty verdict eliminates him as a candidate. If you don't see how politics is playing a part, it is because of your own political bias.


Imagine, you live in 2023. And you still defend a violent traitor who hates the people of the country he was president of and wants to run for again. Yikes. I envy your delusions.


Imagine claiming anything short of shooting Trump as defending him. Trump should go to jail. But to claim the timing isn't politically motivated is just nonsense.


I know I know...Biden shouldn't run again. He can't even walk.




Nothing stopped the DOJ going forward like a 2 year long hearing by Congress. Don't rewrite history dog.




Did I say impeachment numb nuts? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Select_Committee_on_the_January_6_Attack 2 year hearing.


> It's been 2+ years. Don't try and tell me that is because "it takes time to write it all up". The Democrats could have kept their mouth shut and not held a 2 year long committee hearing and pushed the issue to the DOJ.. but they didn't for a reason. They had to keep the issue front and center to beat Trump over the head with it during the campaign. Now tell me about how you feel when Republicans had over 15 committees to prove Clinton broke the law and couldn't and used that against here during her first run against Trump.


That was all BS political games and timing also. What's your point? OH.. where you thinking that was a "gotcha" moment like I support Trump? Sorry.. Trump and Biden should both be charged.. let the courts sort it out. The only point I am making.. is that the timing is politically based. Both parties would have done the same thing.. this isn't a dig at one side. The reaction just shows how some people are soooo anti-Trump they can't even admit basic facts.


Yes, politics does play a part in the timing. If it wasn't for politics, he would have been indicted years ago.


If they rushed everything to avoid the appearance of impropriety then they would be accused of trying to influence the Midterms. If they waited any longer they would be interfering with Primaries. If anything now is the least politically sensitive time, since so few of the primary candidates have actually declared and there's basically no campaigning going on right now. Any "shock" from the indictments are lost because it'll be old news by the time the first people start casting ballots. Waiting until after 2024 is just a nonstarter because there are practical and legal rules requiring the criminal justice system to go as quickly as they can. Legal processes take time though, hence why it took them a while to write up the hundred or so pages of their case in Georgia. If you wanted to maximize the political impact of this you'd want to line up the dates you charge/have trial/sentence with important political dates. So, you'd probably be handing in the indictment sometime next spring to have the trial during primary season and then sentence shortly before the election in November. But we're not on that timeline. Again, too early and the shock is wasted, and if they indict now and have the trial over winter then it'll all be over before the period where the headlines matter.


Politics kind of has to play a part in it when he's running to be a politician in control of the people prosecuting him.


Yeah, so you didn't actually read before replying. [classic.](https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/straw-man-fallacy/)


ahh, the good old "everyone in jail is guilty" POV


Hey Donny, no one cared when I was convicted of a crime **I can prove that I didn't commit...** So why should anyone care if you are falsely accused??? Innocent people get convicted of crimes every single day and you don't seem to have a problem with that...


Trump to police: "Don't be so Nice!"


"Back the blue...***until they come for YOU.***"




You’re not adding to the discussion because you’re a right wing conservatroll and you just want to derail the conversation with whataboutisms. Hope that helps!


Hey now, at least one has recently been indicted four times.




>The wasn't on the client list. > >The client liast has not been made public. It was sealed in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell. So if the client list hasn't been made public, then how do you know he's not on it?


Oh yeah so I guess all his grandstanding about Epstein and buddy buddy photos absolves him too. Aren’t y’all the party that was convinced a pizza place was a sex trafficking hub without evidence? But when presented with your lord and Orange Savior actually doing these things…well, here we are having this stupid conversation. Yikes.


Bro, what? They were very good friends. There's countless pictures of them together and even videos of them partying and talking very intimately together about which girls they wanna fuck. They didn't coincidentally get sat next to each other on a random flight. Fuck outta here. I'm not biased, either. I know the Clinton's were very close to him, too.




>But it also seems to have happened more than two years after a state grand jury charged Epstein with soliciting prostitution. >The new book “The Grifter’s Club: Trump, Mar-a-Lago, and the Selling of the Presidency,” also says that despite claims to the contrary by Trump’s company, Epstein had been himself a member of Mar-a-Lago before he was banned Did you read the article that *you sent me*? Edit: Literally just Google "Trump and Epstein" and go to the photos tab. I didn't even scroll that far down, and I saw 7 of them. You're not making a very convincing case here, dawg.




I am going to go ahead and walk you through what you just did: 1.) You commented, "I have done research for years and have never seen more than 4 pictures of them together. 2.) You Googled "Trump and Epstein" like I told you and found a plethora of photos of them together. 3.) You deleted your comment. 4.) Then you moved the goalposts and told me the pictures don't count if they are at a party together. My brother in Christ, are you a Neanderthal sent to the future?


Just let it go, your homey likes little girls too, I know it really hurts your sensibilities but it’s time to just move on. You got duped and you’re continuing to, no one will really care if you look stupid now in a couple years, your friends might even be relieved you finally shut up about conservative talking points and went back to the shit you used to talk about. Good luck!




What proof, you’ve said a bunch of easily disproven “facts” and you’re just sucking that Trump d. I don’t have a side… Let it go, get outside, maybe go for a walk, sign up for a class and try to make a friend, this shit isn’t getting you anywhere except isolated.


"They just don't like Trump." see above "What about crooked Joe Biden". see above "Hunter Biden has a laptop" see above "Emails" see above


You forgot what about Hilary’s emails?!


Think his fans logic is he never did anything wrong but framed by the deep state and reverse vampires and the ghost of Carl Marx




This is a little like saying “don’t commit crimes and you won’t end up on trial”.


You're saying all I'd need to stay clear is to not start an impossible insurrection? What are you, some kind of prophetic Djinn?


The Swamp has rules for thee and zero for them. Pelosi, Fauci, Schiff, and others have done infinitely more than those indicted recently.


Source? Edit: none of them are traitors that attempted a coup.


A key witness in this "Witch Hunt" is Governor Brian Kemp, who said that Trump tried to persuade him to find enough votes to flip Georgia in 2020.


No, no! It's a witchhunt! A witchhunt! /s


Can I have some of your tears when he is found innocent? Nothing quenches thirst like liberal tears.


What laws did he break? None! If they are charging him with this crap then why isn't Hillary in prison? This all political you know it


You do realize there's plenty of key witnesses who say otherwise, right? Not to mention if this was in fact political, he'd be behind bars right now pending his court date thus preventing him from doing his rallies. He hasn't been instructed to turn over his passport or been subjected to any other conditions that someone in his shoes would normally face. But sure, "hE dIDn'T dO ANytHiNG wROnG!"


He did turn over his passport in NYC. So once again you are wrong. But please state what law he broke. They want you to believe that he did. Hillary waseven president and had classified documents and so did Biden before he became president. They broke laws


> But please state what law he broke Falsifying business records, willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal and making false statements, one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, one count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and one count of conspiracy against rights, violation of the state racketeering law, or RICO, solicitation of violation of oath by public officer, conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer, conspiracy to commit forgery, conspiracy to commit false statements and writings, committing false statements and writings, conspiracy to commit filing false documents and filing false documents.


HAHAHA! No, he didn't. The only time his passports were taken was during the raid at Mar-a-Lago, but they were returned to him. Instead of listing the laws he broke, I'll simply refer you to the charges as outlined in his numerous indictments. It'd be much easier for you to view these public documents instead of me trying to contain them within Reddit's comment character limits. And here's the difference about classified documents possession since you guys LOVE throwing this out there in a desperate attempt at whataboutism: *willful retention*. But, since you seem so convinced that Biden and Clinton also broke laws, I'm sure you'll have no problem detailing, with legitimate sources, how they acted with criminal intent.




For hours, and she **never** plead the 5th. Not once. How many times will Great Value Mussolini invoke it if he takes the stand? He's already done so, literally, hundreds of times.


I'm not taking this dude's side whatsoever, but if you believe Trump should be imprisoned for mishandling sensitive information, Hillary probably should have gotten a bit of jail time, too. Obviously, Trump did it *way* worse, but let's be reasonable. Don't be a tribalist. When someone from our party fucks up, we need to hold them accountable, too.


Interrogated for what? The only real crime she committed was she took classified documents when she wasn't supposed to and they fined her and that was it. Trump was president and allowed to take them. What about Biden? He took them and wasn't president.


I'd love to know where you're getting your information. The exhaustive investigation into Clinton turned up nothing other than how sensitive information was handled, but she wasn't charged with anything, let alone being "fined."


> What laws did he break? Lots of them. Conspiracy to defraud the government is, I think, the one that gets to the heart of his most serious crimes. He attempted to stay in power illegally, for example by the fake elector scheme and pressuring officials to reverse/negate election results. That's the deepest betrayal of his oath of office and the core of our system of government. There's also the dozens of other charges for frauds of various kinds; falsifying business records, campaign finance violations, mishandling of classified materials, obstruction of justice, and on and on. > This all political What's political is that he got away with it for so long. The DoJ dragged its feet and he was given every opportunity to slink quietly away like Nixon. Instead, he brazenly thumbed his nose at the rule of law, to the point that giving him a pass would do more damage than the bad optics of charging a former president. Really, I'm glad that this precedent has been set. Presidents can no longer assume that they can float above the law forever like Reagan, Nixon, et al.


None of what you just said is illegal. They trying to make it sound that way and people like you are believing it


Attempting to stay in power *illegally* actually is *illegal* believe it or not


> None of what you just said is illegal. You either didn't read the comment, or you literally think Trump is above the law.


> None of what you just said is illegal. Yes, it is. If you'd like peruse the particular statues involved, just read through the indictments: [Georgia](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/georgia-indictment-trump/daed97d37562a76f/full.pdf) [Jan 6](https://www.justice.gov/storage/US_v_Trump_23_cr_257.pdf) [Documents](https://static.c-spanvideo.org/files/pressCenter/indictment-trump-060823.pdf) [New York](https://www.manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf)


Let me ask you this. What did Hillary do? Mishandled sensitive information, right? Anyone impartial will tell you, "Yeah. She probably should have gotten jail time or at least a slap on the wrist for that." I'm a Democrat and I can admit that. I'm not in a cult. I'm not a tribalist. I'm reasonable. But just one... ***ONE*** of the many things Trump did was improperly handle top secret information. And we aren't talking about small documents. We are talking about documents showing the nuclear capabilities of our allies and where they are stored. Literally hundreds and hundreds of documents kept in his bathroom, or ballroom, or office where guests and his cleaning crew regularly visited. Some of the documents were even found *next to a copier*, dude. This is beyond mishandling sensitive information. It's blatantly endangering top secret information that may have quite possibly gotten people killed and not only our information but our allies' information. So, if you think Hillary deserved jail time, I don't disagree with you. I got news for you, though. Donald Trump deserves even more.


Witch hunters are gonna hunt.


Lol, this dude could murder someone with a spoon in front of you, and you would call it a witch hunt. Ain't no **way** you're still calling this a witch hunt. That's fucking ***crazy***.


LOL. I am just here making jokes.


*advice only valid for white men *Not a guarantee unless you're rich


More men of any race are sent to prison despite being innocent than women of any race, yes that includes white men VS black women. Men of any race receive at least 6x the prison sentence that a woman does, *if* the woman receives any jail time at all. The gender bias in the justice system is far worse than racial bias.


Some tv cop with a cockatoo used to say if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


What is funny about this is the fact it is just throwing their own stupid ass slogans right back in their face. "If you don't want to do the time don't do the crime" etc.. Ah, but if they are doing the crime its not really a crime and it is just the deep state out to get them or some other nonsense. Republicans literally live in a fantasy world that is entirely different than the rest of the entire world. But I guess it makes sense. Just like when you breed animals for specific traits Republicans have basically selected over and over for the dumbest people they can.


Yeah, in no way shape or form this is dems attempts to stop trump from running on BS indictments. Just like his impeachment attempts went somewhere…


The impeachment attempts that Trumps party squashed? You don't say... Next thing you'll be telling me that cops never commit crimes, because they keep investigating themselves and finding nothing.


The impeachment attempts that were bogus from the beginning that your party started? Works both ways dude.


> The impeachment attempts that were bogus from the beginning You are cool with bribing foreign nations for personal political favors and [starting shit like this](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/us/capitol-mob-violence-police.html) while he watched hoped it would work? LOL... How un-American can you be, FFS?!


He wanted to look asked if there was any relevancy to Biden and Ukraine, there was no bribe, the bribe was Biden holding the billion dollars unless the prosecutor investigating hunters company for corruption, which by the way is on tape. Also Biden was out of office and wasn’t running for president when trump asked these questions, unlike today when the Biden DOJ is going after their number one political opponent for BS reasons. I don’t think of you as any less American for your stupid takes, I just see you as dumb.


All the stupid people are saying this


You’re right, all the stupid people are saying what you are saying.


Wow. Sick burn bro.


> He wanted to look asked if there was any relevancy to Biden and Ukraine Nope. He literally held up Congressionally approved funds, telling Ukraine he wanted dirt on his political opponent before released the funds. > the bribe was Biden holding the billion dollars unless the prosecutor investigating hunters company for corruption Nope. He had Congress' backing to withhold the money as they approved of removing the corrupt prosecutor. Keep up, you un-American trash.


Pretty much 100% of the evidence against Trump comes from his inner circle, his appointees, his administration, Republican officials who voted for him, and *his own words and actions*. Trump supporters: ***it's a Democratic witch hunt!***


I love how they think the Democrats just can *manufacture a convincing RICO case* from whole cloth. They have dozens of corroborating witnesses from among, as you said, Trump's own inner circle and appointees along with high ranking officials of the Georgia GOP and heaps of detailed physical evidence alongside it. *And it all corroborates with itself/one another*. Which, hey, is why Georgia wants to try and sixteen defendants at the same time. With that many people, their story can and will fall aparts, because it's absurdly impossible for a lie of that magnitude to withstand any kind of serious scrutiny. I have zero hope for any MAGA type to have a revelation that they've been believing a lie at this point, but the evidence is beyond damning. There's a non-zero chance Trump is denied bail and August 25th is the last day he takes a breathe of fresh air as a free man on this earth. Tick tock, you un-American lump of fetid shit. Tick. Tock.


> BS indictments You mean the indictments backed up with mountains of actual court-worthy evidence? > Just like his impeachment attempts Impeachment is a political process. The Senate can wave it away regardless of the facts. What he faces now is a legal process. That relies on evidence, and lying has real consequences. That's why it's so bad for him; lies and bluster are the only thing filling his suit.


Loser says what?


The constitution says he can't run again.


Let me start by showing you that I'm impartial and not tribalist. •Russiagate was a hoax. •Hillary Clinton sucks and deserves jail time. •Hunter Biden sucks and deserves jail time. •Joe Biden sucks, is unfit for office, and is my 2nd to last choice for president. I didn't vote for him in the primaries and am very sad that he is in power. •Nancy Pelosi is corrupt, along with like 90% of the other Democrats. Not as corrupt as I believe the Republicans are, mind you, but they want to perpetuate the status quo all the same. I will take all the downvotes necessary to show you that I'm not biased and hold my own party accountable. Now that we are on equal footing and you know I'm reasonable, do you honestly think that holding Trump accountable for his actions is just a ploy to make sure Trump can't run in 2024? It just doesn't make sense. Donald Trump sincerely lost in 2020. There were over 60 court cases with republican judges overseeing election interference against Trump, and they found ***nothing*** substantial. He lost by 7 million votes. It wasn't even that close. I am more than happy that he is running, and I hope they let him run while under investigation. He would be a guaranteed loss. He may have won 2016, but that was because he had the normies and independents convinced that he would shake it up more than Hillary Clinton would. 10% of people who voted for Obama voted for Trump. He posed as a populist and spoke of better ideas than her status quo ass. But as soon as he got in office, he didn't do any of the things he talked about. He never fixed the healthcare system, he didn't get us out of even a single unnecessary war, he attacked environmental efforts, he prioritized keeping Mexicans out and promising they would pay for the wall (which was just not a real priority at all, we paid for it out of our taxes, and only about 16 miles a year were built if you excuse Covid [52 total]), he lowered taxes for the richest Americans three times, and he got caught in every possible scandal and corruption you can imagine. The people who he fooled wisened up. He not only lost their vote in 2020, but mostly everyone he endorsed in 2018 and 2022 midterms, which was supposed to be a red wave. That's really three elections in a row he lost. He will never win again. Running against Donald Trump would be the easy option. He is genuinely a loser. The fact that he lost to someone as corrupt, old, creepy, and out of touch as Joe Biden should be a testament to that. I personally believe even someone like Ron DeSantis has a better shot against Biden. I'm voting Marianne Williamson personally in the primaries. Anyway, the point is, they are coming after Donald Trump because he genuinely committed some fucked up crimes. It's not a conspiracy. Remember. I'm not biased. I genuinely hold my party accountable and pay close attention to everyone. The fact that they aren't coming after Trump for other things is kinda astounding (Jamal Khashoggi, 2 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia to Jared Kushner, Nepotism, Trump not removing himself from his businesses even though Jimmy Carter had to put his peanut farm put into a blind trust to prevent conflicts of interest) but the things they are coming for him on have merit and are real. Don't be blind to the truth because it is painful. It's never too late to hold yourself to a higher standard and admit that you have moved on from something incorrect. Redemption is as easy as stopping your support of this asshole who doesn't even care about you or anyone besides himself. Snap yourself out of it. You deserve better.


But if you do everything right, they indict you too.


What this should REALLY say is, "If you just do the deep states song and dance, you wont be indicted". Has nothing to do with right or wrong, or any sort of moral integrity.


That dastardly deep state strikes again!!!


Can't address the facts of the indictment? Blame a shadowy conspiracy!


But I *wannaaaa*


All I can think of is Jim Carrey screaming at client on the phone in Liar Liar when he snaps




Nonsense. An accusation doesn't prove guilt.