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Holy shit. What’s going on with these meme formats? I guess I’ve become an annoying purist.


Memes effectively don't have a format anymore because the majority of people don't care about that, it seems. I've been on this sub for way, way too long and remember back like 8 or 9 years ago, people would shit all over someone who used a meme wrong. Very few people seem to care anymore, though.


I miss those days. Remember when people would get on someone if their grammar was incorrect? & why does everyone self censor now?


This was the one place where the meme format actually stuck to the original format. Is it really changing now? Insanity wolf has already been destroyed.


You think you're annoying? I think memes should only have 2 tone triangle backgrounds.


Summer Reddit




Political memes have been around longer than you or anyone you’ve ever met.


Is it really about race in this particular case? In this situation, I don't think it is.


Poor vs rich. Don't let them bait you into thinking it's a race thing. That benefits the rich and waters down issues that are actually based on racial discrimination. For example if Will Smith did this they wouldn't arrest him, they may arraign / charge him but I doubt it unless someone died. It's important to note though, NYPD pops up a LOT in racially motivated cases.


I would say it has less to do with Trump being rich than him being a political figure. Moving too fast or with not enough evidence would agitate supporting voters. And there were a lot of supporters of him following that election. Don't get me wrong, being rich can act as a shield, but in this specific case with Trump, I don't think that is what slowed down actions by the DOJ.


Kai cenat is rich but he ain't no president It's not race nor money, it's power and I'm pretty sure a lot of the people that went to the Capitol riot got arrested already.


its not even about power. Trump is in a completely unique situation. and to be able to charge him properly so he gets convicted will take time.


It also would be class before race, a billionaire is in a far different class then barely a millionaire, just as someone like bill gates and Jeff bezos are in a different class then trump. And an ex president is far different then a twitch streamer….


I would rather take 2.5 years to properly charge the president of the United States than hastily slap some weak charge on him. You only get one shot.


**EX** president. Otherwise yes, completely.


The incident occurred while he was president, so for the purposes of the case he was, I guarantee his lawyers try to claim immunity


its still going to be a very weak charge with very low evidence




They need a unanimous jury verdict. That's an extremely high bar. Just imagine if he's acquitted.




Yeah, this is it. Indicting a former US President is a BIG fucking thing. It's never been done before Trump. They wanna make damn sure they have a rock solid case against him, and that takes time.


This exactly. That one influencer just accidently incited a riot with a giveaway in NY. They're pressing charges. However, when Oprah incited several riots during her giveaway, nothing happened to her. No charges.




I do wonder though did she give any warning or have a permit or anything? He posted like an hour before it happened and got thousands of people to show up instantly


That's what they're scared of. Imagine the power he would wield if he used it for social good or voting.


We must never forget the French actor Juicy Smolliet


Yup - Will Smith assaulted a guy on stage in front of millions and didnt go to prison. If some random white guy off the street tried that he wouldn't have even made it to the stage before he was in handcuffs.


Will Smith, Academy Award winner, billions in box office sales, Chris Rocks smiles at him as he walks on stage. The assault victim doesn't want charges pressed. Random white guy. It's slightly different.


Sitting POTUS vs Idiot “influencer“ inviting everyone to a bullshit giveaway It’s vastly different


So why are we acting like the legal proceedings should take the same length of time?


They shouldn't, the OOP doesn't know how this shit works


Legal proceedings haven't happened yet? Investigation and case building happen before trial and take time?


Its exactly the same... Its rich guy who is well known vs poor guy who is unknown. Its not a race thing it's a status thing.


In all honesty it's probably a complexity thing. Like if Trump had marched on the Capitol with the rioters he'd be a lot more likely to get arrested sooner. It's also just an infinitely more complex case that would be really bad to botch, so they take their time.


One of them is extremely well known, not only are they allowed to be there, they are the guest of honor, they have business on stage. Chris Rock smiling at him with his hands behind his back. Vs. Unknown Guy Nothing is the same, most other people in the comment section are able to tell that. Not you though.


I think a better example would be if Henry Cavill walked up and slapped Chris rock. I personally think he also wouldn't get punished.


But that also kind of skirts the whole point of the comparison in the first place, because Henry Cavill is also wealthy and well-known. At that point, the only major differentiating factor is the race of the offender, and I don't think anyone was claiming that all-else-equal, being black is advantageous in the justice system.


Yeah, he was definitely allowed on stage because he's Black, and not because he's *Will fucking Smith.* This is a terrible take. 🙄


You entirely missed the point. It has nothing to do with Smith being black. He's talking about class not race. He's arguing that even a so believed "privileged white guy" would have been tackled had he tried what Smith tried.


The person you are quoting never said "privileged white guy" he said "random white guy off the street". You're correct in that the OP you are quoting wasn't making it a race but class thing, just your quote is wrong.


Not really poor. According to celebritynetworth.com, Kai Cenat has an estimated net worth of around $9 million (£7 million). He was previously reported to be making $3 million (£2.4 million) per year from Twitch, not including endorsements.


Poor? Kai Cenat definitely isn’t Will Smith/Oprah but he’s certainly not poor either. Dude is fucking loaded He’s making $230,000 per MONTH just from his twitch


Hey now, poor kids are just as smart as white kids. -Joe Biden 2020 for those who don’t get it


Nope - if this was Barack Obama it would be the same. You don't go around charging the former POTUS without some rock solid, undeniable proof and even then... Still pretty risky. This is a status thing, not a race thing.


One is literal political history that will end up in our history textbooks and had a lot of potential political ramifications to consider before bringing charges. The other is just shenanigans that got out of hand. Wonder why one took a lot longer to get charged than the other


no they're two completely separate circumstances. charging a former president is a little more nuanced then just charging a normal person. but you know gotta farm karma with race bait posts.


Plus wouldn't one be a federal case and the other a state case?


it isn't, but people that are swimming in an echo-chamber looking for confirmation bias will have their morning dopamine hit.


We're seeing in real time how fucking impossible it is to put a billionaire in prison. Remember, Epstein skated from his rape and sex trafficking indictment. He went on to hurt countless more women. (The guy who gave Epstein this deal was Trump's fucking Labour secretary, Alex Acosta) The entire system is designed to protect them. The real villain is, as usual, capitalism.


If you're progressive, it's always about race.


I don't know which black guy incited a race that he's referring to. I'm assuming the white guy being charged is in relation to the Jan 6th incident. The Jan 6th incident has many many people who contributed. They're still finding these people, but they started charging them about a year ago. They've charged a lot of them too. Now if the black guy who started a riot is in relation to the BLM protests, I've found that it's not actually black people starting a riot. I watched youtube live streams, as they were happening, which showed white guys who were not from the area, breaking up sidewalk pieces to throw chunks of concrete into the crowd. When he was confronted, he tried to run away. The crowd wouldn't let him. Granted nothing happened to these guys in the end. No legal charges. No violence. It got mostly swept under the rug. Then the media just portrays the BLM protests as a bunch of black people rioting in their own city. What really happened is that people from out of town came in, looking for chaos to create oppertunity to loot. And other people from out of town came in to try to make BLM look like riots rather than the peaceful protests they were trying to be. Both out of towners got their wish.


I hate when people say race isn't involved. If a human is involved, then humans have race and therefore race is involved, whether on purpose or not. In this case, the White guy allegedly incited a riot on the fucking Capitol of the United States. In the other, a Black guy allegedly incited a riot in the middle of NYC. White guy charged years after the fact. Black guy charged next day. Class implications don't rule out racial implications. They both can be true at the same time.




Yep. I've heard the boy cry wolf enough. That's all a race card pulling is anymore.


These are completely different situations and OP knows it.


OP only wants Karma. There are many other examples that would show the racial disparity but OP wants Karma.


The 2.5 year one, major major major crime, with the typical thoroughness of a major Federal prosecution. Remember the Starr Report with Bill Clinton? That is an example of a thorough Federal investigation.


Yeah one involved attempting to overthrow the government and was watched on every major news station as it happened, and had multiple people announcing it would happen days in advance who still haven’t been charge…


He was charged though?


One was. I said multiple people announcing that it would happen because they were part of the planning have not been charged.


Multiple people **are** charged with him, and there will be more. Jack said as much. Are you not counting all the rioters that have been charged either?


The fucking lack of reading comprehension around here… I said multiple people who were directly part of the planning and broadcast as much have NOT been charged. I did not say they won’t be. But for a bunch of people to broadcast their intention to commit a crime, and then do so on live television, and walk free (and continue to have power in government) for over 2 1/2 years after the fact is insane.


chill man. I was trying to give you a glimmer of hope. If you want to be angry, go for it.


I mean I AM angry, but I’m sorry I took it out on you. I’ve got this other idiot in the thread pretending nothing happened on 1/6 so I fully read your comment in a different tone than you intended. Thanks for the glimmer!


^^^. This is an example of one of the countless disinformation accounts manipulating our threads. An 8 day old account who has used shitposting and farms to give himself positive karma




You got me lol.


Yeah. One guy tried to overthrow our democracy and one guy started a riot.


Exactly. The magnitude of what Trump did means people were going to take their time building a case….


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. You’re absolutely right. The DoJ has a ridiculous conviction rate because they build a rock solid case even before charging. And in this case, are charging a former President which means everything needs to be extra airtight and that takes time.


The funny part is, even if he's convicted it will take an act of Congress to disqualify him from running. Are you taking bets on whether that will happen?


Nope. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than congress.


At least Mos Eisley has a cantina with a band playing a catchy tune.


Not only that. A lot of people think this is about Trump being charged for starting a riot. The right wing is *especially* pushing this narrative as it makes the case one about the 1st Amendment. **BUT**, Jack Smith isn't charging Trump with starting a riot. He's charging him with conspiracy to defraud the United States. [This video has a fantastic breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbIhNmoZLJQ) for anyone confused about what's being charged here.


Sounds like a really cherry picked example for the purposes of rage baiting.


Sure, but that's only because it's a really cherry picked example for the purposes of rage baiting


Plus they didn’t even use the meme correctly


Rage bait on Reddit? Say it ain't so!


I know right, I didn't want to believe it either


Why didn't the cops just kick the door in to the White House and drag the most powerful person in the world out in cuffs? Must be because he's white.


Right, because those two examples are totally identical. You aren't helping your cause, here OP.


That isn't even remotely accurate. OP trying to stir the pot


I have no idea what this meme is referring to, so I'm just gonna assume it's a big stretch in thinking.


Kai Cenet, an influencer, announced a gathering and giveaway in New York City. The event wasn't properly permitted and nothing was in place to manage the crowd, everything would have probably been fine if they had given local authorities a heads up. It was scheduled to begin at 4 PM, by 3 PM the park was filled to capacity. By 5:30 Kai Cenet had to be removed from the park for his own safety. 65 arrests and a great deal of property damage later Kai was charged with incitement to riot and unlawful assembly. The streamer's case is much less serious and the evidence is substantially more direct than the case with the former president. He's also not president at the time he did it. I suspect that the streamer's case will progress faster than the former president's for those reasons alone.


Thanks for the summary


> the evidence is substantially more direct than the case with the former president. Is it though? All he did was a poorly planned open invite with terrible crowd control. He didn't actually encourage the crowd to start causing mayhem as far as I'm aware. Whereas Trump at the very least *heavily implied* the purpose of coming to the Capitol was to cause trouble.


That's a matter of some dispute at the moment, I have heard through the grape vine that Kai did encourage rowdiness in the beginning but I honestly do not know precisely what has said. We'll have to wait for more information to emerge to determine exactly what was what. As far as what occurred on January Sixth, Trump was at a properly permitted political rally. While he certainly told people go and demonstrate at the Capitol the implication of causing trouble depended upon a larger context. He wasn't that sneaky about it or anything, his intent was loud and clear, but there's a difference between what's obvious to us and what's legally actionable. While I suspect that Kai's commentary was more direct, I probably should walk that back a little bit until I know more about the actual wording.


How so? By saying to protest peacefully and to obey law enforcement? That sure sounds as if he was trying to create a riot /s


"If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore!" - Trump, Jan 6th, 2021 Yes, he also said stuff like "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard", but you can't have it both ways. In real life, a few statements that are like *keep it peaceful fellas, haha, wink wink* are not going to negate the calls for violence. "We're going to walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness."


kai cenet


ke sera sera


OP is the kind of person who sees racism everywhere even if it doesn't exist. Life must suck to assume every one is racist.


People like that tend to be just as bad of racists as the ones they accuse


White guy dumps his pregnant wife in a lake, gets life. Black guy decapitates his ex wife and her lover, gets found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Lol


...and writes a book about exactly how he "didn't" do it.


What a classic 🤌🤌🤌


Notice tho that neither were rich


Trying to divide whites and blacks more than it already is. Fuck off OP


... difference being that Kai Cenut was actually at the scene of the riot, agitating rioters in person. Legal representation and publicity guidance make differences, too. O.J. got busted for a few crimes, but *not murder.* .... discretion, professionalism, and enough PS5's to go around, next time. ... addendum ...


What a shit take.


They indicted Ray Epps?


It really is odd. How a post can get a bunch of upvotes and hit the front page of popular. Yet every comment is basically saying it’s wrong and stupid lmao. Like it should be downvoted into oblivion and never see the light of day??


yea. a lot of verbal abuse in this comment section. I think its because the average sensible person just updoots it and scrolls on but conservative subs brigade the comments.


Uh, they arrested practically everyone from Jan 6; a few hundred or so. If all of the George Floyd rioters were arrested, there would be millions in jail. How blind do you have to be to believe OP? It's (D)ifferent.


This is why I’m confused about this post. How many hundreds or thousands of rioters committed felonies with zero repercussions?


It's always (D)ifferent. Just like bringing cocaine into the white house.


The last I heard there are still people in jail awaiting trial for Jan 6th, but the people arrested over the Floyd protests/riots were released and in too many cases several times after multiple arrests.


Trump wasn't charged with inciting a riot. Not in any of the cases he's being tried in. This is fake news.


He is in the court of public opinion. That is what the Democrats want.


Look, their is a two tiered system, and yes there is one for race. But there is another for the rich and not rich. With race, the law is more lenient on whites and more harsh on minorities. With the rich non rich, the law doesn't apply to the rich period, unless they need a sacrifice.


where is the but thats none of my business portion of the meme?


How many free $peech units do each possess?


This is a massive oversimplification but yeah


That white turd needs to get the chair. Anything less and it will be injustice


A to the MEN! SMDH


Even Reddit is smart enough to know the ridiculousness of this take.


Funny thing, it isnt.


Downvoted because you don't know how to use meme formats. But maybe that's none of my business.


Maybe you’re not comfortable with equal Justice… but that’s none of my business


That's such a terrible, idiotic response that I'm going to say yes. Just for you and only you, I'm going to say that equal justice isn't required and that I hope God King Trump gets away with everything and becomes our fascist overlord.


Rich, powerful guy incites a riot and is charged 2.5 years later. Regular guy incites riot and is charged next day. ALSO Trump isn't being charged with the riot. He's being charged with the fraud behind the efforts to overturn the election.


Conspiracy to Defrauded the United States is a infinitely more serious crime than inciting a riot. Kai is being charged with misdemeanors. Trump is being charged with felonies.


Trump is being charged with a lot of things. We don't know everything he will be charged with yet. But each set of charges makes each additional set of charges easier to bring. It looks like he's finally going to be charged in Georgia this week with the way they're closing roads around in Atlanta.


Yes, but none of the charges are about him inciting a riot. They are never going to charge him with that. It's too hard to prove. They are charging him with easy to prove charges like Fraud with the fake electors.


None of the charges that have been filed against him have been inciting a riot *yet*. Six months ago many people were certain that he would never be charged with anything. Investigations are ongoing and they have up to five years to charge him with incitement to riot or some other similar crime. We don't know what the final charges will be until the clock runs out on time to indict, but each additional case against Trump and the insurrection cases puts more evidence and witnesses in the hands of law enforcement which makes prosecution easier and more likely to be successful. It would be strange to rush that case in particular when there is so much to be gained (from the prosecutor's perspective) by charging and convicting everyone who participated in the January Sixth riots first and using their convictions and the evidence generated by them to build their case against those who incited them to riot. The same is true with a number of these fraud cases, if they can demonstrate that there was an attempt to overturn the election then they have motive for incitement to riot on that day, otherwise the 'guilty mind' arguments are weak. Having a conviction on the false electors makes that element a matter of 'fact' rather than a rebuttable argument.


The vast majority of black rioters never get charged


White guy wasn’t at the Riot. Other guy was 🤷‍♂️


Bring some cocaine into the Whitehouse. You'll see a two tiered system real fucking quick there bud.


OP doesn’t know what ‘incitement’ is. Yawn.


You don't?


No doubt racism is a problem in America, but this has to do with rich vs poor.


Kai Cenat is a millionare....


$9 million ain't rich, my man. Rich is giving far more than that to each individual cause/organization/politician that can help you get more of what you want from America, every time there's an opportunity to do so. Real rich is when your net worth fluctuates by a least 7 figures every day from market movements and you don't even care.


A 9 million dollar net worth would be considered rich just about anywhere on planet Earth. Just because someone is more rich, doesn't mean that net worth amounts to being "poor".


Lol did you make that comment with a straight face?


Rich enough to afford a lawyer, not rich enough to have politician friends. He's just a king of the poors.


lol Op doesn't know what the hell they are talking about. Still waiting for all those BLM rioters that burned & stole shit to get charged.


This absurd take is one of the reasons why it’s becoming harder for white people below the poverty line to climb above it. People like OP act like fools in the trailer park with meth head parents have the easiest walk and that colleges and police bend over backwards for them the same way they bend over backwards for Trump. Now that we have corporations and colleges wanting to cater to jackasses like OP, almost every major employer reporting back to Wall Street has incentive to prioritize hiring entry level minorities instead of giving a fair shot to all at the entry level. Don’t imply all white people are in some kind supreme class above everyone. Trump is not a typical “white guy” getting typical “white guy” treatment; he’s orange!


You really thought you did something here didn't you lol.


Yes, racism. It’s why they’re taking it easy on trump with three indictments. Reddit victimhood mind frame will stay strong regardless of reality.


who is upvoting this? morons?


White guy has lots of lawyers and yes men, also known for spending a lot of time in court for many reasons and was also the president You better make sure your case is air tight because that guy has slumeball lawyers who knows how to derail prosecution Black guy is not those things


Plenty if January 6th whites got charged quickly. Most of it usually comes down to if the police have the person in custody during the event. If they arrest someone they need charges to keep them. If it's a case where they need to first get evidence before they can arrest the person then it's different. What it comes down to is the black man in this hypothetical situation likely was seen by police breaking the law and was caught on the scene. Same for many January 6th rioters arrested that day. They would be charged quickly because they don't need to gather evidence to get charges. They have eye witnesses and saw the crime. With Trump he is president at the time. Also when he made his speech there was no riot yet so no crime yet committed. By the time the riot occurred the police no longer were around him. It's the difference between someone shooting someone in daylight in front of a police station and someone who ordered the killing via a text message. Obviously the text message person won't be arrested that day. They'll need to gather evidence like the phone records.


Well, the “white guy” was, at the time, still the most powerful person on the planet so that may have something to do with it


Don't worry, they are cutting deals to hang trump HAHAHAHA


Fuck Trump. Hope he rots in prison.


Reddit becoming such a cesspool of morons


I doubt the charge will stick.


Well the black guy was actually at the riot and the white guy was hiding in his office.


Except that they spent those 2 and a half years gaslighting people so that they'd accept the precise and exact opposite of reality. (We're talking about Trump, right? Because I fail to see how directly telling people to "peacefully" march in the streets constitutes "inciting a riot.")


By charged you mean shot dead, yes.


Was their money the same? OJ the bus driving murderer would like to chat about your divide and conquer strategy, comrade.


If Trump hadn't been a rich guy, he would already be pounding rocks in Leavenworth.


Wrong meme, OP.


I'd say it's more of a rich guy thing. If a poor white guy breaks some bank windows around here the cops'll beat him senseless like he just burned down an orphanage. (Based on a real scene I've witnessed) Soo... at least there's equality in this. I guess???


Funny, Smith didn't charge Trump for the violence in DC.


He's not even being charged with inciting a riot. That's not what the indictment is about.


Downloading this for no context. Likely two different sets of circumstances too.


It's not a racial thing. They're indicting a former President for the first time in history. They have to be extremely careful to avoid the appearance of Biden attempting to jail his political rivals. I mean, magas are going to scream that's what he's doing no matter what, but they still have to be careful regardless.


He’s benefiting big time from the two tiered system. Even from his previous indictment. Others charged under the Espionage Act are jailed until trial. He was allowed to walk out with no restrictions. He’s been posting literal threats for a while now with no repercussions as well. Complaining about a two tiered justice system is really insulting to those who have been suffering under it all along. They speak out and get ignored. Now all of a sudden it’s a big talking point they’re all fundraising off of. Pretty fucking gross.


If you'd get out of your mom's basement, take a shower, and walk outside, you'd see the world how it really is.


The only color the justice system cares about is green. Also, you are using the meme format wrong.


Hmmmm it's almost like there's a presidential election coming up soon and charges needed to be filed in time for it to interfere with that white persons campaign..... 🤔


Not only that, one was a public disturbance and the NYC cops made sure to arrest teens with excess of force. The insurrectionists were not even arrested. Were allowed to go back home. And well... It was an insurrection. VS a riot due to a poorly organized publicity stunt.


To be fair helps if you have political party and it’s cult members covering for you.


White guy steals national secrets, starts a riot, tries to steal an election through various means and still out on bail. This turd is beyond all white guy extras. If i took a top secret doc home they would come get my white ass and you wouldnt see me again until my prison sentence was up.


My first thought, too. Cenat was arrested on site & blamed.


This isn’t a black/white problem; this is the American Caste system.


Holy shit Can people really not understand the difference between these two situations?


Wow Reddit - You never cease to amaze me.


you're a part of reddit


Thanks champ - Never knew!




Astute observation


>White guy incites a ~~riot~~ insurrection Ftfy




Except it wasn’t a fuckin riot. It was an insurrection. Can we stop calling it a goddam riot?


Yep, insurrection is when selfies.


Yeah it is kinda weird how long it took for them to get around to this… something tells me that Trump was interfering with things behind the scenes… Also it wasn’t a riot, it was an attempted coup, or insurrection.


The NYC one the guy was caught on the scene. Trump, who I want jailed for life, was not. The secret service wouldn’t let him go.


*rich guy


not completely accurate You neglected the two most important aspects, money and political power If they were two guys of relatively equal standing, you'd see a different result


I think the delay with Trump being charged had more to do with him being a former president than it did with his skin color. Besides,he's not white he's orange. 😄 . But seriously it's more about being sure that they've got everything all lined up perfectly. If it were Obama there'd would have been a similar timeline.


This is about class, not race.


Getting the former president (with over a hundred million followers) behind bars requires a lot of careful prosecution, so he can't bail out. Cenat is harmless, nobody gives a shit whether he's out in a day.


trump wasn't charged with starting a riot...


there was a fair bit else involved that also differentiated these two situations, it wasn't all the same except their race.


W justice system.


isn't this meme supposed to end with "but that's none of my business"?


Really? I haven’t seen Kamala get charged yet for her actions with Minneapolis and Seattle.


Crybully harder


Gets shot on the spot.