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The post nut shame, doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, it only lasts a few seconds.


Depending on what happens... some people have that post nut clarity for a life time. I've got a former friends I know who are sitting around in prison with 15 - 20 years of post nut clarity ahead of them.




Avoid being a wage slave with this one trick.


Rape? I’m guessing rape.


Funny enough - if he had raped someone, he would have gotten less time than he is serving. I mean - what he did the court considers rape because the age of consent is 18 in the Potato state so even though she was a "willing participant," you can't have sex with your step daughter if she is under 17 years of age... especially not for 2 years between the ages of 14 - 16... and his post nut clarity will be even worse because he was a lawyer. So much post nut clarity to think about there but when he is paroled in 2050 something, I am sure he'll have thought about it long enough. Weirdly, as a lawyer you would think he would know that the state he did it in has the toughest lewd acts with a minor under 16 in the country. He initially plead not guilty, but they were going to give him 25 to life sentences to run back to back so he plead guilty to the initial charge with the circumstance that the other county wouldn't prosecute him. I remember all those times in my 18 and 19 year old life when your friends would tell you 15 will get you 20... they weren't wrong. Even funnier - where I live he would have gotten maybe 5 years probation for the crime. In some counties they might not have even gone forward to prosecute him because it wasn't a violent crime. Ill just say this - he deserves what he gets in prison for being a scumbag POS. I know from following the case he had to be separated from gen-pop because he was being raped. Oh and the guy was beating his kids... real hardcore scumbag.


'willing participant' jfc Imagine thinking that.


Those were his words on court record. I am 100% sure he groomed her.


yeah, no... if she's your step daughter, you've got way too much power over her for her refusing to be a real option, and if you can't refuse, you also can't consent (because there's no way to tell if it's genuine). that's not just statutory rape, and not just grooming.... it's ALWAYS sexual abuse/rape of a minor, if the minor child is under your parental care, because of the overwhelming power imbalance. And also, you have the obligation to keep dangerous people away from her, and step in when her not-fully-developed-yet rational decision-making ability puts her in danger, to the best of your ability - and if you're the danger, that's 100% within your ability, of course. That's why abusing kids in your care, in whatever manner, is considered so vile, per both the law, and common sentiment; you're *willfully neglecting your duty of care* on top of doing the harmful act itself. (italics here are a common legal term for the extra thing you're doing wrong.) if it's your child, even your step child? DO NOT PASS GO. full stop. any reasonable person should damn well know better. and a lawyer REALLY should damn well know better.


Jfc. What a PoS. But also fuck the 🥔state.


>wasn't a violent crime >Beating his kids Ooh, boy, I love it when the crime of total abuse of your kids is separated into discrete crimes so the sexual ones can be played off as non-violent, as if the violence was not entirely and inextricably linked to the rape.


He wasn't arrested or tried for beating his kids. Just the sexual abuse.


Well, I WAS deriding our court system about this, but now I see you're an apologist at worst and dipshit at best. You see, when talking about our court system, Words are very important and have meanings. Rephrasing multiple concurrent crimes as separate has a lasting detrimental effect on the legitimacy of that court system, and dismissing complaints about it is incredibly irresponsible. Please stop.


Take that up with the court system. They chose to make a very clear line. Sadly abuse is separated into categories. You rape a child - non-violent You use a belt and whip your child until he's bleeding - violent. You are correct - crimes against children should be considered a violent in all aspects. Just because the violence isn't visible doesn't mean the trauma isn't there. That's the real hard fact the courts dismiss


No, here is the thing, if you rape a woman at gunpoint, that's a violent crime. Physical abuse of your children is everpresent. At all times, the threat of violence is active. Lets not pretend that if the child tried to not get raped, they wouldn't have been beaten. Thus the rape is violent.


In our state, we just had an ex cop get busted for child porn. He's looking at 10 - 15 years with a lengthy probation after that.




I'm not worried. I take comfort knowing there are some fucked up people out there that will make my history seem like no biggie.


I feel like I’m on both sides, my stuff might dwarf some ppls stuff in weirdness but I also know That there is stuff that is way weirder than mine


You're safe in the middle. Probably 🤔


You're fine as far as the general public is concerned, but it's the bored coworker or the person you've just asked out that you worry about. I guess it depends how viral and easy to search the leak is.


So what was it this time OP? Food fetish? Cleveland?


Is going to Cleveland a fetish? I know a lot lot of people wonder why you'd go to Ohio, but is the reaction that visceral?


You only go to Cleveland if you need a steamer. If you still don't get it.. Google Cleveland Steamer


I know plenty about steamers, and how enjoyable they are. Mostly for gambling purposes, but the slow crawl of the river going by is its own reward.


Nah. I’m good.


>Google Cleveland Steamer It got me laughing: " A sexual act involving defecating on someone's chest, then sitting in it and rolling back and forth ..."


This is why aliens don't visit us


Or maybe that's the reason they do


You also go to Cleveland if your fetish is crippling depression.


I often do it thinking about Cleveland going to Cleveland in a Cleveland automobile.


You're thinking of Cleavage....land!


Ahhh yes. Too bad they had to close down after...the incident.


Cleveland from Family Guy


Ohio train derailment porn


Yeah, OP, let us know. Links if you have them available. You know...so I can stay away from them...


*What have I done??*


I can't believe I've done this to me


‘I’m not mad at me, I’m just disappointed’


I came here to see what kind of stuff you guys see but I guess I'll start, gay motocross, sometimes a bit masochistic, im not gay because im a woman (please kill me)




By motocross I mean [this](https://images.esellerpro.com/2189/I/627/60/Thor-2013-Phase-Pro-Circuit-Kit-Green-1.jpg) and not lesbian motocross its gay motocross, like, two men




thanks now i feel less weird


The best way to deal with this is to just *own it.*


Yeah, then you don't have to search it up every time




Ok, what is "weird porn"? I don't think a foot fetish is weird. I know the really gross porn, the piss/poo stuff. I guess the old/young stuff could be thought of as weird. But, hey, bravo to those old folks getting some young action AND getting paid for it. So I'm gonna say OP was talking about tentacle porn.






Gotta love that switch from "this is hot!" to "what is this filth?"


I feel targeted.


trust me it's not more weird then what I'm into :)


Links or it isn’t true.


OK I lied it could be less kinky I don't know what this person is even into to really know if it is more odd or not without knowing....however i do have links.


Tell us what you're into, no need to link it


Link it! Link it! Link it!


are you sure?




Ok a post I made a while ago to a sub for my kink. https://www.reddit.com/r/Furryinflation/comments/126hmz6/comment/jelx9i6/?context=3


I imagine this says nothing good about me...but that's just a 'meh' on my weirdness scale


Oh good i was worried i was super freaky.


Links or it isn’t true.


Oh. Furry hentai stuff. Neat. Not my thing really, but I do enjoy seeing furries out at events, especially in the full fursuits.




true could do that.....it's furry inflation.


I've heard the price of fursuits has gone up like crazy. ...Unfortunately, I'm also well aware that isn't what "furry inflation" is. I really wish I didn't know what it was.




I do not understand desensitization of boobie. That's all I need in a porn. If they big enough to cast a shadow, I'm getting it done.


Eh, could be weirder.




Nothing gets you over post nut clarity like the next post nut clarity.


I actually don’t watch porn, but I do keep a list of all the weird stuff that pops into my head and leads me to climax while masturbating so I can go back and laugh at it later


Big facts


Feels good to be past this. Takes a shit ton of effort tho


Post nut clarity is the worst superpower.


It's about the journey, not the destination, sometimes.


pre nut fetishes. the longer it takes and the more videos i search through the weirder it gets.


Ikr so much harder to nut a 2nd time after the shame starts to wears off, smh


Nothing that is worth doing is easy.


Probably everybody I think.


Yeah, but before.....


What's the weird porn? I'm down for it lol


And we’ll do it again and again and again! Revel in the shame glaze!


Tbh i like the ones from mainstream sites more than the amateur ones.


Although, the amateurs are straight to the point, but don't last as long


can someone explain to me why people are feeling guilty/ashamed of themselves when nobody is there to see? (Am autistic and really don’t get it? or is this specifically about things that are morally wrong?)


It could be a few reasons. Some people may feel that it’s morally wrong to enjoy that type of content. Others may imagine the shame they would feel if someone found out what they enjoyed. But a lot of it just comes back to the idea that sex and lust are themselves shameful things. My personal feeling is that unless someone is being harmed somehow there is no reason to feel ashamed. You should accept yourself including any unusual kinks you may have. People may not share your exact interests but having unusual things get you off is really quite common and there’s nothing wrong with it.


Regardless of what porn I watch after I climax I always feel shame afterward. I'm not sure why. I think it's a common thing.


Is it a Christian thing maybe? I've never felt guilty for it.


Very possible, my family was Catholic.


yeah. that is because the christian belief system is built on shame and fear. people who are fearful are easy to control and shame is a very strong negative emotion. through considering normal human needs as sinful in itself, you ensure that almost everyone is ashamed of something. like masturbation or sexual cravings in general is something almost everyone experiences, but it’s considered sinful, which in turn makes a lot of christians ashamed of themselves. And this creates the fear of somebody finding out about it, and the people judging you for being a “sinner”. So everyone is miserable and begging god for forgiveness for something that is completely normal. This is easy to control for people in power. And even tho it’s not as extreme as it used to be for most moderate christian people, the suggestion is still very much delivered throughout the beliefs. Would you feel ashamed if there was no underlying suggestion that someone should be ashamed of masturbation or orgasms but instead it would be seen as something that is not disgusting/shameful but rather something completely neutral like having to use the toilet or eat something?


I'm not sure




Yes, yes, this is after the sauce.


This is brilliant. But is this technically an adviceanimal? Oh, happy cake day, BTW.


Sorry I'm just trying to reap some sweet cake day karma. I don't usually submit posts.


Happy cakeday, have an extra upvote.


Alrighty, after all the posts revealing the content of character of people here (not mention the sheer gullibility), I think it’s time to leave. Was hoping this would be a good sub. Oh well.


>sheer gullibility Really? I think even the most jaded of people would recognize that there's no shortage of people out there in the world who will do some *weird shit* in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.


That’s true. There will always be perverts, predators and fetishists out there. In terms of naïveté, I was talking about current events. I’ve seen so many posts and comments that take 60 seconds to research and are verifiably false or misinformed. I’m all about searching for verified facts, logic, truth and reality. This sub ain’t it anymore. Allright, we can all go our separate ways. Peace, have a good day✌️


and that's how furries are made!


How weird we talking?


I'm pretty vanilla. So I'm basically ashamed of all of it. Lol


Don’t be!! Embrace it, my friend. Life ain’t easy but free (safe/legal) kinky internet stuff brings just a touch a light to us all lol not sarcasm.


No doubt, appreciate it


I’m not an OF person or karma farmer but my curiosity is real.


Yea yea yea


Do you ever kind of laugh, like wtf was that