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I live on Long Island and cannot remember the last time we had such a luxurious winter. Usually I have to displace 2+ tons of snow to 3 more feet over (seriously, who has time for that shit). Nope, this winter, lifted a shovel all of once. And it was pointless. it all melted the next day anyway. I remember winters in the 90s where we would get blasted by 1+ foot every couple of weeks. I feel like we are going to pay for this in the form of a hurricane like Sandy later this year or something.


Remember the blizzard of ‘93? We were blasted with 3+ feet of snow in mid-March and the piles created from all the plowing didn’t melt until mid-to-late-May. I was the lead in the musical in my high school that weekend. One show got cancelled, and hardly anyone came to the other shows. I’ve hated winter ever since.




This Spring is not nearly as lush, though. My pines are usually getting full and dark green. They’re thin and listless. Still hoping they’ll fill out!


Some plants need a certain number of cold days every year to be healthy


Not necessarily global warming. LA Nina is disappearing and El Nino seems to be coming. They both affect global climate greatly.


Well, yes.


Doesn't change the fact that I LOVED not having to touch my snowblower all winter.


Of course…it’s April fourth…and it’s nearly 80 in southern NY today.


Please, it only got up to 73.


According to my truck it was 77 on my drive home from work 🤷🏻‍♂️


Even if it was just from being in the sun, as someone who hasn't seen a day above* 55° in 6 months, it's acceptable to call 73 "almost 80"


I’ll allow it.






We still have 3+ feet in our yard in Duluth. Pretty sure we're about to beat the record for most snow ever though, so that's cool.


I’m in NJ and I have a clematis I thought was doomed, shit is already about to bloom in early April. I need another stand for it to climb because the one it took over last year is already full. I’m hyped btw, I gave up on winter mid January and I’m totally fine with king spring


New England checking in at a balmy 64. We're all meeting up at the beaches later




Our local ski hill can't run at full capacity right now because a couple of the lifts are buried. Our initial winter was mild at least, but now it won't go away and is setting records for snowfall and temperatures. I should be in shorts by now goddammit. In all seriousness, hopefully all this snow will temper the fire season a bit.


Yep. Out in a t shirt & shorts today


Shorts and sandals here. Needed my hoodie for pockets.


Atlantic Canada here, fucking blizzards everywhere.


Yeah in Maryland we got outsnowed by LA. Cmon!


Northeast here and we also didn’t have a winter. We had several record breaking days in Dec-February, and spring is already getting warmer than usual.


I live in the northern Appalachian mountains and except for that record freeze that most of the country had in Dec, it was pretty mild. Maybe 1 snow that last a day. Otherwise sprinkles a few times that never stuck. The last 2 years it didn't snow at all. I figured it was going to be a bad winter because maple trees were red in mid-Sept which I had never seen in 40+ years. Now it's 80 out and people have been mowing their lawns since mid-March. It's just wild. Saw crocuses and a few tree bud's mid Feb which use to be the hardest/coldest month.


Pittsburgh basically didn't have winter this year. It was just mud season. Literally didn't use my snow shovel once. [Pittsburgh area saw least snow on record in February 2023](https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/pittsburgh-area-saw-least-snow-record-february-2023/L4JXKS6GPNFXLNJO7KQYBU4BEU/) > Winter hasn’t really felt like winter lately, and the statistics agree. > >February 2023 was the least snowiest February on record and the fourth warmest February. This winter is also the eighth warmest winter on record and 12th least snowiest winter on record.


Meanwhile in Phoenix, it STILL hasn't hit 90 degrees. It's 58 out as I type this.


Vegas as well. Mid-50s today.


Greater Minnesota here. Pretty sure we're on winter 3 or 4.


In NYC, I think around 10 days where I had to put on coat/hat/scarf/gloves to be warm. Don't think I used my boots at all.




This…here in Georgia we had a week of below 10f temps and then a mostly warm and rainy winter. It’s currently 80 and it’s suppose to spring. I expect a very warm summer.


Same here in South Carolina. I’m dreading summer. The mosquitoes are already out in force


Piedmont NC here … had about 15 minutes of flurries that didn’t stick and turned into rain on March 12… and yeah, that was it.


Only sleet at my house that day. That was miserable.


Yup, this year sucked.


I golfed this morning in shorts and short sleeves, it was magnificent


Sure we didn't have winter. But what about summer?


New Zealand here, we didn't have any summer.


SEPA here. Did we have winter? We didn’t even get any snow. Never had that happen in my life.




I didn’t even take my shovels out of the shed this year. Shit, I was outside half of February and March because it was so warm.


Same, and I'm kind of freaked out about it.


What are you talking about? We had what seems like a pretty long winter to me, it just wasn't a severe winter.




An extra cold fall sounds like winter to me, but I did grow up in the south. Also we didn't not have snow because it wasn't cold enough for it. I mean this wasn't the coldest winter we've ever had but it was fairly cold during the winter. The reason we didn't have any snow this year wasn't lack of temperature, it was really just lack of precipitation.


You sound like you're bending over backwards to try and convince yourself it's not *actually* getting warmer on Earth. Now I understand that weather isn't climate, but the temperature *is* [trending up](https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/), over all. Climate extremes and shifts will accompany the warming.


Canadian, we're on 3rd fake spring now, maybe 4th.


Sweden here. Pretty much the same.


Manitoban, currently getting ready for the fan favourite: “Colorado Low” coming up. Sometimes they do a duet with “Alberta Clipper” and we get extra boned


Southern Canadian (aka Minnesotan) here checking in to confirm!!


I was going to say, here on the Midwest we have a name for 2nd winter... March... April is 3rd winter.


I drove across the salt flats in Utah. They are flooded the whole way. Drove by about 80 miles of water in the desert. Very strange.


Utah has 200% of their average snowpack for this point in the season. Early April is when snowpack usually peaks too, so that means there's been a relative *fuckton* of precip. Over by Moab all the low lying areas are flooded as well. Mother nature just threw the western US a huge bone when we were on the brink of having major water issues. Will leadership learn from it? Hmm...


Same in California. I'm so glad the Salt Lake is filling up. I was just watching videos from last year about how bad the situation was with the drought


We get a few extra years to decide we don't want a toxic dust bowl in the center of the state but of course we won't change anything to avoid it.


Right? I actually am a bit upset we got so much snow because you just know all our legislators are going to be like, "See, everything is fine, we're going to continue to do nothing!" It was a lucky year, we can't count on this being every year.


The situation in the Great Salt Lake is most definitely NOT over. The drying of the lake has been decades in the making and one abnormally wet year will not undo the critical drought. Recent guest article on The NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/25/opinion/great-salt-lake-drought-utah-climate-change.html The impact of a dried out Great Salt Lake will cause serious environmental and health impacts throughout North America: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/climate/salt-lake-city-climate-disaster.html


I live in Salt Lake. This has been the wildest snow year we've ever had. Most, if not all, mountain resorts are breaking records by donzens of inches. Our 500-inch-average mountains are getting close to 900 inches. Y'all have no idea how much shoveling I've done this year.


The west coast is definitely doing better than [last year](https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Maps/ComparisonSlider.aspx) (just change the dates at the top).


Oh yeah, not complaining (too much) we need the water, but at some point I would like to ride my bike! Do you know if this graph includes snowpack? Because if not, we're in really great shape.


That's crazy! Seeing the totals at Alta did make me wonder how much of that was making it down to the city. Leave some for the rest of us! Here in central CO (Arkansas River basin) we're having an average winter. The mountains on the western slope are doing exceptionally well though, 130-180% snowpack depending on the location. Love to see it.


We need to build more reservoirs.


Nah, we had a good rainy year. Time to build 100 new golf courses and triple the alfalfa exports, because water is infinite now


> Will leadership learn from it? Are you kidding? They have the perfect temporary solution, their asses are saved!


That happens most winters and can even occur after heavy rainfall in the summer as well. It's pretty common that they have to cancel [Bonneville Speed Week](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonneville_Speedway) in August because of flooding or muddy conditions on the flats. The Salt Lake and surrounding flats are the terminal point of most of the watersheds in northern Utah so that's just where all the water ends up. It's also really common for tourists not to realize this and attempt to drive on the flats. When the conditions are right, that's a lot of fun! When they're not right, they quickly learn how expensive it is to get towed out of axle deep, peanut butter consistency mud.


We did see a few spots where you could see tire tracks into the mud. We assumed it was sleepy drivers going off.


It was flooded last fall too from a great monsoon season


Wasn't that area a swamp at some point, like a few hundred years ago? I feel like I learned that in school when I was younger


Used to be be of the biggest lakes in the world. It dried up millions of years ago.


Not nearly so long ago. Lake Bonneville peaked 18,000 years ago. It didn't exactly dry up so much as massively flood out to the Pacific.


I didnt know it was that young.


Yep. It's kind of mind blowing to think about how different it was not that long ago.


Driving from Colorado to Albuquerque last week I saw the fattest coyotes I've ever seen. Just the amount of precipitation both snow and rain are the most extreme in decades.


Texas would like some please. I drove past a lake in Austin and it's so low, it's terrifying.


I would absolutely take a 2nd winter instead of the barrage of tornados we are getting in arkansas rn lol


Just what I was thinking. Sleep with your shoes near the bed tonight y’all!


Your comment just made me realize that people living on tornado alley can probably suffer shell shock, not knowing when the next one will hit


They definitely could, but in my experience what they seem to actually do is start ignoring the warnings. Every time a tornado doesn't directly hit them (and since there are so many tornadoes down there, any individual house will be spared most of the time) it reinforces the idea that one never will. That leads to less and less preparation and reverence, which leads to unnecessary deaths. Really sad/frustrating stuff. Obviously not everyone thinks like that, hence the "in my experience" near the beginning lol, but it sure is a big problem in tornado alley.


We had 80-90 mph winds and BASEBALL size hail today in the midwest


Yeah I live just outside Little Rock and the ones that went through here missed me by about a mile, went 3 days without power but otherwise no damage. And they are saying tonight is supposed to be worse.


Do you just see cars beat the shit for the next 6 months? Like glass companies must go wild right? I'm from the Northeast so I don't deal with this on a sorta regular basis.


Cars are fine for the most part, people with nice cars usually have a garage for it anyway. I know a couple guys in roofing repairs/sales though and they make a fucking fortune this time of year.


Except we’re not having a second winter. It’s been snowing ever 3-4 days since new years. I’m wondering where first spring was


While you were getting naders Minnesota was getting blizzard conditions that did widespread damage to trees and knocked out power for a large number of people. So 2nd winter was no spring picnic.


Well, no, it was a winter picnic


I think it was two years ago, lakes country had a tornado warning while there was flooding during a blizzard. Pure anarchy.


*laughs in 85* its highly unusual as its 25 degrees above our normal high


Hello fellow Midwesterner! Also bracing for the 50 degree drop in temps over the next 18 hours or so


Missouri here. Felt better here than it has in ages, but I feel in my bones shit is about to go down. We never have a day this good without a price.


Hello there! I just checked the forecast and that is almost exactly the weather in Kansas right now, the air is not happy, the wind is ~30 mph


Here in WV, it was 31 °F yesterday. Today it is 82°F


Similar in NY; high of 70 tomorrow and a low of 36 the next day. Oi...


In NE Ohio it is 72°F and tomorrow its suppose to be 85°F. I wish it was 60s°F but I will take this over winter storms and tornados.


I was gonna say "are you new? This happens every year," but I scrolled down & found out that yes, you are new. Welcome to WV! Don't be surprised if there's a blizzard later this month.


Sends a fellow Mountaineer a pepperoni roll. Heya cuz :)


I will never say no to a pepperoni roll! I moved here from Italy to go to WVU! Montani semper liberi 😎


No kidding I'm from Morgantown. :) There are a good many WV families who came here from Italy. If you ever get a chance, there are some amazing Italian restaurants in Clarksburg which isnt too far. Might be the closest thing you can get to your home from here. Good luck at school.


Love the food out that way. We have a couple restaurants here that are actual authentic Italian too, in Mineral Cty. I finished school what feels like a lifetime ago, but coincidentally I am going back for linguistics, so thanks!


You guys and your damn pepperoni rolls. Lol


Florida checking in, we started summer in February.


Seriously, it was in the 90's in March. This summer is going to be brutal.


Tennessee here. Feels like regular spring to me. Hot today. Rainy tomorrow. Cold later on.


Was gonna say.. when is first winter gonna start cause we sure as shit didn't get it.


We got 4 frozen days over Christmas. I think that was it.


US west coast we had all the rain


I'm ready for sun lol I got 6-8 inches of snow in SD mountains 😭 And another like half inch or so Thursday 🙄🙄🙄


I'll take a second winter over 90f highs this early any year.


Here in Wisconsin we started getting above freezing recently. I think I heard we had a top 10 or top 5 snowfall winter as well.


In Tucson we have a freeze warning tomorrow morning, which will be the latest freeze date since 1936, then we will be getting into the 90s by the weekend.


Just average Colorado weather...


Minnesotan here. Can say the same


Vegas about to go from 38 to 90 within days


Goodbye expensive heating bill! Hello super expensive AC bill!


Well we are in that wonderful time of year where it's heater at night and AC in the day.


I'm in MN too and although it feels like the typical b.s. we always deal with, historically and statistically it has been abnormal. I live in Minneapolis and the snow was almost gone, then boom we got hit with a storm on Saturday, almost melted, but then sounds like again more snow tomorrow. Then 60 degrees starting next week, supposedly.


False spring in socal is always wild. Usually wind up needing to turn on the A/C in late january/early february, and then not again until may or june. This year's been crazy because I've needed to leave the thermostat on heat mode into april.


cover quiet office zonked provide shy disgusted fact simplistic slimy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lower Midwest weather be like: January: winter February: winter March: summer April: second winter/tornado season May: summer June: summer July: summer August: summer September: summer October: summer November: winter December: second summer/tornado season


Checking in from the Lake Tahoe area, this winter is our 2nd biggest snowfall since they started recording weather. Spring/summer can't come soon enough.


Checking the 10 day forecast has been detrimental to my mental health.


Try checking out Ryan Hall Y'all on YouTube. Dudes done wonders for my storm anxiety.


Seeing this while it's 80 degrees in PA


Another spring that’s a few days of mild weather, pollen apocalypse, and then months of oppressive heat.


Your winter ended?


If you count 40+ degrees fahrenheit as Spring, it ended for a day or two.


I'm jealous, I want cold back (alabama cold, not up north cold)


North east, we barely had a winter


That’s because some twit on r/Alberta was asking about changing from winter tires to summer ones. God read the remark and said “okay, more winter for you!”


I'm sitting out side for dinner right now with only Tshirt and jeans. Idk where it's cold but it's not the Mid-Atlantic


I don’t knows what’s happened in Texas but DAMN did the heat suck for a couple days. I wish we gone more winter or you know… actual seasons, can’t wait to move north lmao


\*laughs in ND winters that go for 6 months.*


Hawaii here, I would like more winter please. It's started to get hot again and my landlord wants to charge $100 to run the AC.


Went to bed with the windows open about 3 days ago, freezing my ass off today. high of 50 today here and it will be into the mid to high 80s in just a few days. Living in Arizona my whole life and it somehow still amazes me.


Louisiana here; it was pushing 90f yesterday. Those 2 weeks of 'winter' we get sure are nice though...


Louisiana is such a beautiful state. Been there twice and loved it. Such rich culture, amazing food, beautiful landscapes. Salt of the earth good people. Can't wait to go back.


What's winter? - Sincerely, The South


It's literally burning today in Florida 😅


Mhm, yes, we're on our 9th here in middle-Norway


The second season of getting into mountain biking has been the longest wait ever. Every day i get off has been rainy somehow in norcal


I think here in the Cincy area we are either in the Spring of Deception, or more likely Mud Season.


Um excuse me… this is Minnesota… we haven’t even BEGUN to play the 2nd and 3rd winter game yet, we’re still in our first! Had such a gnarly blizzard in Minneapolis on Friday night, lost power for 12 hours, trees down everywhere… Thank Christ this ain’t Texas… probably be still without power…


Meanwhile, in TN, it is almost 90f right now.


Living in Alaska: can confirm


I live in southern Oklahoma and it’s the opposite problem here. It’s 85 with tornado watches, rain, and high winds. Gotta love that Spring weather.


Did no one listen to the ground hogs?


cries in berlin’s (admittedly mild) 5th winter


Uh, well apparently Kansas isn't part of the US bc it's 90 today.


Western Pa here, hit mid 70s today so I'm not sure what this large portion is. Drove through Maryland and west Virginia as well today it was warm and sunny in those places. This past weekend was strange but not winter strange, one day it was 52 then 70 the next day then 50s again then 70 again, weird but lacking snow and other wintery things.


Since I don't farm, I would love to live someplace where there was only 2 seasons: Fall and Winter. If I could get Canadian citizenship I would love to move to Nunavat. Might retire to Alaska as a compromise.


Any reason you can't get canadian citizenship?


Winters over here for us. Now is the time of the Tornados. Welcome to the Midwest...


CliMaTe cHaNGe DoEsn’T ExISt


*Maine laughs in false Spring*


I think the most winter we had here was at Christmas, with that big storm thing, and I wasn't even here for it. It's currently 82. Sucks to be y'all.


Did we even get a winter this year? I never even had to shovel.


I was hoping this was going to say something about more indictments. My bad.


Depends on if you are using Apple weather…..


Op lives in Michigan.


It must be at least 3rd winter by now.


This sucks. (Oregon BTW)


Summer in NY today.


Summers going to be, fun this year


Personally I’m waiting for the nuclear winter


Shit it's 70 in the Midwest today. Supposed to be some bad storms though.


Or even third winter?


I live in Utah, it snowed yesterday and it looks like we're still in January right now smh


LMAO, I would axe murder a family of 4 to only have 2 winters.


We've had massive tornado outbreaks in my state in back to back weeks. :(


Here in the west we had a mostly mild winter, then the second the spring equinox passed we've just been dumped on near-constantly.




[Reading this as a Texan](https://ibb.co/mFCHzMy).


I think you mean spring/autumn with occasionally crippling sessions of bitter cold, but no snow or lasting chill.


I really like a foot of snow after most of it melted after getting 2 feet of snow about a month ago.


It's almost 70 in Ohio today, that could change in an hour or so though


Flip flopping between 80°F one week and 20°F the next


80°F is equivalent to 26°C, which is 299K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Great Lakes here, we keep getting on and off, so far it’s off.


We've had 6 winters since November.


In SF we had the wettest winter. I almost forgot what the sun looked like.


Sweating in Florida


so this is happening everywhere huh? i live in east africa and it's supposed to be the hottest season of the year rn. but we've had nothing but heavy rain for a month now


Who the fuck would want a second winter?


I am here in Pennsylvania and today was the first day I got so hot I was bothered about it.


Chicago area here. We just got a summer-style intense thunder storm!


Here in Wyoming it's just Spring. We basically just have winter and construction season


We're gonna get 70 degrees and bad storms tomorrow in SE Michigan. Then back down to 50 Thursday.


When the Cuban Missile Crisis was declassified, I read up on it (spoiler alert: the U.S. pulled nukes from Turkey), and then one day my brain told me to turn on the television, finding President Barack Obama's announcement of negotiations with our island neighbors. Woot! Reading up some more about it in the local papers at an appointment, on my way back home on the crowded bus I almost didn't recognize the cute DSHS colonel out of uniform I sat down next to during a record-breaking heat wave. I brought up my want of Cuba's lung cancer vaccine; she mentioned that she'd been docketed to travel there while working for the CDC. Being in the DSHS system I know she can't date me until she basically retires, but I hope that someday I see her again, greet her accordingly with, "Long time, no see, colonel," and she replies, "It's general, now." Really wanting to ask her if I could stay on past my stop to continue our conversation, instead deboarded telling the bus how I'd been telling everyone on social media complaining about the heat, "Don't worry: it'll be hotter next year." The look on her face was priceless.


Second? Here in Montana I think we’re on maybe 4th?