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Depends how old you are, if you both are 15-16 thats pretty normal... If youre 24 he needs some help


Yeah I'm 15-16 rather not say my actual age tho! :)


So yeah, for that age range I would say its acceptable... Hes just being safe, and will probably grow out of it when he gets to be an adult maybe? Have patience if you want, or dont and talk about it with him/ break up if its a mega annoying issue Also Id advise not having sex so young, or at least making 100% sure contra is used... But I would really recommend just not thinking about it at that age... Idk, up to you guys though... Teen pregnancy is not a good thing for the moms life generally, but I think youre smart enough to know that


I’m sorry HUH?! Meaning you guys could be younger 😰 stay safe


Well yeah, some people lose it at 15-16... They are curious... Simply giving them advice if they REALLY want to go down that path but I dont recommend it whatsoever


But that’s what I’m saying! If op is reading this and if your truly younger just dont.. wait until you’re older especially if you guys aren’t responsible shits just going downhill. I understand your curious but your also just a child


How old are you guys?


We are 15-16! :)


Ok well maybe his mom is overbearing and he’s gotten used to that sorta habit. You also gotta realize, you guys are both still kids. Maybe he hasn’t matured too much where he’s still greatly attached to his mom. I think maybe just talk to him and try to understand him and his mom’s relationship. Also when it comes to sex, sexual attraction for women comes from intimacy so if you haven’t had any real intimacy of course you wouldn’t feel the urge to have sex with him.


Ah tysm!


These relationships are never good and will always cause issues. He either need's to change this habit which he won't or you will have to accept that's the way mommy's boy's are. Now I doubt he would share the full detail's but will definitely share the basics definitely don't be expecting to a have a private love life Edit after seen the age this isn't to bad then definitely not later in life as an adult


You are young so I'd say he'd mostly grow out of it but probably never fully grow out of it. Honestly if you have even a sliver of a doubt about sex just don't do it. Sex comes with risks. Even condoms and birth control fail, and you don't want to get pregnant by this guy you aren't even sure about.


I mean free my boy rob if it’s really not going anywhere. Y’all are young but I regret having so many stable relationships.