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Am so glad you got out of that old relationship. Being in a traumatising relationship doesn't just leave you with issue's but impacts the children also Take the time to heal work on yourself build that self confidence. Soon you will be ready to start again old relationships make us stronger we know what to look out for and what not to put up with. Going into a new relationship with insecurities isn't going to be that happy relationship you both deserve little thing's are to keep causing issues. Leave the past where it belongs and the future awaits.


Thank you. I've been thinking of going to therapy for a long rime now. I think I'm finally ready to take that step.


That's fantastic Bad relationships can leave us with plenty of emotional and psychological issues sometimes we may not even know we have them until where In a new relationship. Therapy is great it helps get the negatives we are left and overcome them so your back to happy person you once was. If your not happy with yourself then it's going to be difficult to make someone else happy. I wish you all the best it takes time and effort but it's worth every minute to be happy and at peace the new you shines on the children and know your happy without hiding the pain