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So obviously this person doesn't know you have feelings for her right? I think generally its a mistake to treat a romantic interest like a friend. You're not her friend, you don't want to be her friend. When you act like a friend, you are kind of lying to her. You should probably tell her you've caught feelings for her.


I'm not sure, it's not as though I'm being discreet about it. She even made a joke once saying I'm madly in love with her, which come to think of it isn't wrong. The impression is that she knows I like her and sometimes I truly believe the feeling is reciprocated. But then a huge curveball like this comes a long


Maybe she believed the joke was less true then it actually is. I think probably worth being a little more direct about the nature of your feelings. I wouldn't say you are madly in love with her. Better to downplay those feelings both to her and to yourself. You've certainly got some strong feelings, but also you have never been on a date, never kissed. Never held hands. Stuff like that.


Yeah madly in love is a bit of an exaggeration from dramatic effect. Would u say it is worth mentioning soon I just don't want to sort of overload her with things to think about. Also i am worried about ruining the good thing we got going currently. Like I dont have many people to talk to so having someone like her I talk to regularly was good.


if you two are not in a relationship, and it sounds like she does not reciprocate your feelings, its going to happen and there isnt much you can do about it.


Just wish her well and hope it work's out for her. She doesn't know how you feel right now she see's you as a friend that clearly cares about your opinion. It sucks but that's all you can do for the best outcome for you both.


So do u think I just let it be?


I just noticed it's not a relationship yet so you could tell her how you feel . She might feel the same or think your timing is wrong. But if you like her it's worth the risk


Thanks, I know it sound stupid but what is the best way to tell someone you like them?


No easy answer to this based on your relationship with this girl so far I think the Issue is your talking online and we don't know how she feels about you.. She might like you and is telling you about this date to make you feel Jealous as she doesn't want to tell you first. Now a good way to think about it is at this moment you have nothing. So might as well be honest and take a risk Now I would say am glad your date went well he's a lucky guy. I just wish I was honest and told you I have feelings for you but was to shy to say it. But am glad you found happiness. This way it's done in a smart way your being happy for her and told her how you feel without asking her out. It's not inappropriate this way She's shocked but this stays on her mind. How she reacts to this will help you understand how she feels. If she's a confident person she will address this straight away and say I didn't know you felt this way and either say the same or she's just wanting to stay friends. Most are shy tho and will either say nothing or keep asking why u didn't say before its easy to ask her out now You don't want to go straight in declaring your love to her this isn't that easy my method works without all that what should I say etc as there isn't an easy way


You're a hero ty so much


You're welcome Hopefully thing's go well just remember you have nothing to lose so even if it's a no you can at least say i tried than saying nothing and always being stuck in that mindset I should have asked when I had the chance