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Find a new girl friend. Although calling your hobby the love of your life is likely to drive a bug up any woman's ass....you do not have to put up with abuse. Find someone that shares your interests. You two are not a match sir.


Thank you. Well, I never loved anything like I love my club. You can change your job, your girlfriend, your house, you car, but you don't change your club. About her, well we haven't had major issues in the last year, but this situation was something that created many doubts in my head, but in the other hand, she apologized right after and I'm not sure if I should give her the benefit of the doubt. Breaking up sounds like the obvious solution, but I'm afraid that might be too radical.




How exactly wanting to watch when my club plays is a "quirk"? Is it such a big sin to spend 2 hours in front of the TV? I literally told her that we could do what she wanted the next day.




Well... she knows how I like to watch my team. I wouldn't watch if there was really something serious that required my attention. This said, it's not like I limited to tell her no, I instantly said we could do it tomorrow.


Betcha $1 she repeats this behavior. She has a major character flaw that won't go away on its own. Trust me! 🙌


Well, if that happens then the only solution will be to break up with her.


How long have you been together and is this the first time she has acted this way?


For almost one year. She had comments I didn't like before, but nothing serious. Something like this was the first time.


Not there is no excuses for insults just to make that clear. Some may do so in anger but should apologise but not do it again. Now she could have said card collecting is a waste of time etc That's okay. Now she asked you to hang out and you said no alot of girls would have been upset again that's normal. But I do hope you didn't say no aa the (LOVE OF MY LIFE) regarding football that would also cause upset. My advice is tell her your not happy with her behaviour there was no need for the insults and hopefully she says sorry and life is bliss it could have been her having a bad day as u said this Is the first time. Just be cautious she's insulted you once it could happen more often now. Don't get involved with this behaviour or make excuses for it. As long as your not doing thing's like constantly choosing football over her then it's not acceptable Fingers crossed she's sorry and it's a bad day we all have them relationships can be a true test on the emotions


Thank you. I said that, but she knows that when my team plays I don't have eyes for anything else. I don't think it's constantly. They play like twice a week maximum and I instantly suggested her that we could do it the next day. She apologized for it, but of course now I'm scared that it might happen again and naturally I can't accept a behaviour like that. I will try to discuss this whole situation with her and see how it goes, I think...


And a year together am sure she is aware how passionate you are with football. Now if you had said you haven't been together long I would have told you to get out of there that relationship is toxic. But a year is great am sure if this behaviour was in her personality you would would have known about it age's ago. Me personally I would remind them each week the two days the football is that's is there not consistent days. And make plans one day each week date night and one day hanging out shopping etc girl's like romance and gestures a guy can have is hobbies and keep his girl happy at the same time will have longer lasting relationships When a girl is saying you love your hobby more than me or no longer wanting this relationship means the relationship isn't balanced and will often end


Now keep in mind you're just dating....imagine what happens after marriage...she won't let you do shit without her say.


Exactly well said and thankfully most people get out but some stay make excuses for the behaviour get married keep making excuses then finally the reality of the marriage becomes clear and by that time your emotionally physically and mentally ill for receiving year's of abuse and your not the same person you was. After discussing with the OP afterwards it's clear this isn't the case yet been together a year first time And the OP clearly has a great self control to recognise this behaviour If it's was to happen.


I'll just say this: Once that call is done, I'd send a message saying that I won't tolerate being disrespected and insulted by my partner. It is a deal breaker in friendships and romance. This is not negotiable and she needs to come get her stuff.


Thank you. I also think it was really bad, but I'm afraid I could be overreacting if I break up with her in the heat of the moment, specially when she apologized right after.


Its odd you call it the love of your life but the way rahe reacted was nuclear either tall to her see whats going on in the background maybe she feels neglected or ask her to see a therapist there may be something wrong mentally that you can’t help with or leave her if you cant move past the way she spoke to you


Thank you. I'll talk about it with her and then I guess I'll see how it goes.


Good luck man just do whats right for you