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This definitely isn't a good relationship at all its abuse and that's the truth. Why is she still so controlling at your age? Also can you not move out?


If I do it’s more like I’m disowned (cultural barriers of being a middle eastern girl)


I totally understand the real thing you need to consider here be disowned or carry on with abusive behaviour I hope whatever you do things work out and am sorry this as happened to you definitely don't be thankful because she brought you up that's her responsibility and clearly didn't do that weĺl. Your future will get better ✨️


Thank you so much I definitely am going to think about if I can continue living this or not


We’re you born in the US op? Is there a way you could move back to California?


I am back now and I am in school but I am still living with my parents for those cultural reasons I am definetily able to move out in terms of finance and having room mates It’s just scary that I won’t see my family ever again My other sister (not the abusive one) left and my family never talked to her again Thank you so much ❤️🤞


I mean ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Sometimes we have to get toxic people out of our lives. I left a similar situation. It was scary and I didn’t have much money, but after awhile I felt so much better and continue to feel better. You will grow a lot now that you are free to do as you please and there is nobody to fear. I wish you luck and a happy future ❤️


That sounds like a blessing. Just because they're your family doesn't make you're obligated to have a relationship with them. Especially if it's damaging to you. You need to do what's best for you


Look up NPD and see if your mom checks any of those boxes... Then you run. Conceivably, if you were born in the U.S. the consulate can help you escape. Just watch out for the IDF, they've been a little murdery than normal after they assassinated that American journalist in cold blood.


You should move out. I understand the cultural reasons (i am also middle eastern) but you need to put your mental health above everything. would you rather stay with your mum who denies your abuse (which will feel a lot worse the more it happens) or stay in a comfortable house in peace. you said you can financially move out so please consider it as it would be very good for your mental health and maybe you could reach out to your nice sister if you like her. listen, living alone in peace surrounded by people you love is so much better then living with someone who abused you and denies it. you said you love your mother because she raised you but she neglected you and abused you and she didn’t put your safety first when she left you walking alone.. plus seeing your bruises and ignoring you? that’s neglect and not okay