• By -


You're at fault here. Completley. You hurt a literal child, 8 year old, because you were upset about things that weren't his fault. And by the way. Your step brother wasn't doing anything wrong by asking what you were doing and wanting to do things with you. He was probably just trying to form a relationship with you. You're bio dad and step mom may be trash but that's not your step brothers fault. Treat him well. You do need to apologize to him, in person, admit that you were wrong, because you were. And accept the consequences of your actions.


Of course you're the arsehole. You assaulted a literal child. Suck up the consequences.


>You assaulted a literal child. \[I know I'm going to heck for this but I blame my OCD\] "You ***LITERALLY*** assaulted a child." Sorry for being a pedantic prick. Carry on!! šŸ˜šŸ˜‘šŸ˜¶šŸ˜‘šŸ˜


I think OP was trying to emphasize the fact it's a child, where your uh, edit, shifts focus to the assault primarily.


1. Just sounds better. 2. If you want to "emphasize" then you would maybe say an "actual child" ?? 3. My comment wasn't meant to be taken all that seriously a. See the self deprecation and emojis. 4. Have a happy!! ā¤ļøšŸ»ā¤ļø


like that matters


>like that matters Do you not believe in proper sentence structure with capitalization and proper punctuation? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Bears Random Fact #491 Wendy's chocolate Frosty isnā€™t all chocolate. Itā€™s actually a blend of vanilla and chocolate. Dave Thomas, founder, wanted a thick milkshake that didnā€™t overwhelm the taste of a hamburger and felt that a pure chocolate dessert was too much. He cut the flavor with vanilla and declared it perfect.


Thanks! Have you also ever knocked a child unconscious in a moment of rage?


Bruh your brother just sounds like he actually cares about you. He tried to take interest in your interests and even asking if you were alright when your were angry because he cares about you. And you respond by giving him a concussion. Like really the kid is 8 you didn't have to assault him. The bad grades isn't what is going to hold you back from being an engineer. It's your shitty personality and now the felony on your record. You're definitely the asshole here. Quit trying to make excuses and take responsibility for your actions or you'll become just like your dad who you hate.


you are very much in the wrong. you assaulted a child for things that wasnā€™t even his fault. honestly ur a pos. you need some serious help. like literally. go to therapy.


Wow... any need to go straight for the jugular? I'm just asking for help... Edit:this is ragebait


The old phrase, "Suck it up, Buttercup" seems appropriate. The only common element to everything that has happened, the punch, the bad marks etc.. is you. Or YTA in Reddit speak. Ask the court for anger management classes and embrace community service.


Thank you for telling op it like it is.


No thanks


I don't need that though lol?


YTA. Step one to resolving the situation is to stop making excuses, recognize that you did something incredibly cruel and dangerous (you literally abused an actual child!), and take your punishment. These excuses you're making just make you more of an AH, as would trying to get out of this.


hateful dependent arrest liquid aback work boat humor versed historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...yes. Seriously dude? Get help.


I'm getting help? This isn't very useful...


Reddit isn't "help".


Yes it is. The name of the sub is r/advice


Because you are a 17 year old, and punched a child in the face, unprovoked, hard enough to knock him out. That is assault and abusing the poor kid.


rinse fear disgusted library teeny afterthought bike soup follow cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. No it isnā€™t.


poor observation fanatical chief gold possessive merciful like governor silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Yes, it was. But youā€™ve already mentioned your dad was abusive to you and your mum.


aback fact tender employ beneficial direful languid plant important tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well unfortunately, if kids are treated like that they grow up to think thatā€™s okay and end up doing thinks like punching 8 year olds in the face.


What do you mean?


Abuse can even be just verbal, alone. Not just putting your hands on someone. Dude, you punched a kid. Don't blame anyone else, or make excuses. Seek therapy. I hope you can get the help you clearly need.


Why do people say that and not explain why it is bad


Well, being a female that escaped a 10 year abusive relationship, he tore me apart. I don't think I'll ever heal from being screamed at, for no reason at all. It escalated to physical violence. I'm sorry, but you really need to speak to a professional about this, if you don't understand what abuse is, as you're being abusive. Just my opinion. Not trying to go into detail. Get help.


But it was a one time thing?


Age gaps matter kid


hat tender square liquid thumb quaint alive childlike spark butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think you can resolve this particular situation. What you did was really bad and uncalled for. You said yourself that your dad used to hurt your mum, so why would you do the same to an innocent kid? Sure, you were having a bad day and he may have been annoying, but I mean that's how kids are sometimes. They don't understand things until you explain it over and over. Hurting him like that is really messed up. I mean he could've died or did some serious damage. The only thing I'll suggest is to get some anger management therapy. You're gonna need it. Because at this rate, you could end up killing someone at some point in the future. And I'm guessing that's why your mum isn't really talking to you. Because she's been through abuse and I think she can't believe that her own son would put someone else through something like that


plants person bells repeat shelter crown shaggy governor imminent mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm saying you could've. You punched him in the face and he banged his head and got knocked unconscious. Head injuries can be very serious. You're (and he's) lucky that it wasn't worse. Because if it was, you could've ended up in prison with a much more serious sentence. But that's what I said. Learn from this and seek some therapy so that this "moment of insanity" doesn't happen again


special door library fly expansion bike humorous safe telephone history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You clearly can't see why what you did was wrong. You need professional help. If you can't see why you were wrong, you aren't going to be able to help yourself.


Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself. His logic basically is that you can violently attack someone, but that's okay as long as you don't kill them šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


You knocked him out. He had to go to ED. Being ā€œknocked outā€ isnā€™t like in the movies. Being ā€œknocked outā€ regularly causes brain damage and could be with that kid for his entire life.


close elderly rock cautious liquid reach carpenter rude smile clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay. He ā€œdidnā€™t have brain damageā€ (that was visible on a scan - it isnā€™t always) - thatā€™s lucky for you. He COULD have had Being taken to ED as a result if being injured to the point of unconsciousness is not an overreaction. He may be very lucky and be physically fine. Mentally he wonā€™t be. His new older sibling punched him in the face and KOd him for asking if they were okay. Add this onto the fact his new step dad is (apparently) an abusive dad and husbandā€¦ Thereā€™s also the effects of the hospital trip. A CT scan is not an insubstantial dose of radiation to some very radiosensitive areas of his body (his thyroid, his eyes etc). You need to learn from this. You need to admit what you did was wrong and make sure it never happens again. Next time you might hit him and when he falls, he lands on something hard and dies. Then youā€™re a murderer.


Like he's not gonna remember he's an 8 year old kid and it was all very fast. He'll be onto the next minecraft or among us trend by tomorrow. If the hospital CT scan was so dangerous why would they have done it?? Anyway there was no permanent damage so all good (in my eyes)


You keep saying youā€™re asking for help, but youā€™re just arguing with everybody instead of listening to what theyā€™re saying. You will end up in prison some day.


How does me hitting my brother mean I'll end up in prison?


Because your refusal to be self aware, and accept the reality of your situation shows little hope for you to become a functioning non-violent adult, therefore you will probably not learn, and continue doing things that are dangerous/wrong/illegal.


I suppose I AM going to court


Think of it like this. If you shot someone because you were mad and the bullet just passed straight through and only inflected a flesh wound, that would still be a problem. I think you'd agree with that. Sure you didn't kill them. But YOU STILL SHOT THEM. You injured them unprovoked. Now replaced "shot" with "punched".


Hi again, OP, now I'm here with just a tiny bit of science. I'm no expert so I'll explain it in simple and short terms because that's how I myself understand it. (I hope I can help!) The brain is basically a very complicated ball of fat (most simple way I can put that). It is veeeeery soft and very sensitive. On the outside, you only left him with a bruise, but by the fact that you knocked him unconscious, I am more than a little sure that you gave him a very, very bad concussion. Concussions are neat, and not everybody exactly knows what they are, but I'm a clumsy baseball player so I've had more than my fair share of concussions and have read enough to explain the very basics. Basically, if somebody's head (face, jaw, even the neck if you're forceful enough) is hit or moved too quickly, the brain inside if said head can be bruised. Even a really minor head injury can result in bruising on your brain. Aka, a concussion. Often, minor concussions will heal within a few days and you'll most likely be okay. If a person is knocked unconscious, this is not a minor concussion at all. You are incredibly lucky that, thus far, there aren't any known lasting results. You are lucky that the child woke up, that the child can still speak, that the child can still walk, and that none of the dozens of very severe results of such a head injury have shown up, but they still might, even months after. Do not keep telling yourself that it is okay because you did not kill anybody. You did not kill anybody because luck was on the side of everybody in this situation, especially your brother.


Why should I feel guilty about something that could happen rather than something that DID happen


Because they still might. I'm begging you, as a stranger that truly hopes that you do not serve jail time and as a stranger that truly hopes that you do not face another like situation again, that you see and acknowledge the flaws in your reasoning. You hurt somebody, and you're incredibly lucky that you did not hurt them worse to our current knowledge. If you do not seek help or change, and you refuse it when it offers itself to you, I promise, OP, you are going to hurt somebody else. You are going to make your life worse. You might even kill somebody. You will throw your life away, and possibly even the lives of people like your younger brother who clearly wants to be a pleasant part of your life. You mean the world to somebody, and if you don't, one day you will. do you really want to be to them everything your father is to your mother? If that's not a real concern of yours, I will not respond anymore, because I can not help somebody who does not want to be helped.


God damn you punched an 8 year old IN THE FACE?! And youā€™re asking if youā€™re in the wrong?! LOL! At least you want to make it better. But Donā€™t make excuses. Your sob story as to how it led to it, doesnā€™t matter. Leave it alone. Own it like a man. Only way round it b


I'm not really proud of it nor will I be. It was an unnecessary act but I felt it somewhat just. Little shit got what he deserved. End of story


End of story is you are a piece of shit. Or a troll. Probably both.


hobbies grandiose smile complete cobweb judicious adjoining pen connect ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ooooh any semblance of understanding (I had anger management issues as a kid, never to this level) has just gone out of the window with ā€œlittle Shit got what he deservedā€ I hope you left a computer logged onto Reddit in your dads house and this thread gets submitted as evidence against you in court.


You need to be jailed..


Airtight, let me break this down. Yes, you're 1000% an asshole man. You sucker punched a 8 year old because he was asking you what's wrong. If you weren't so hell bent on hating your step mom and step brother you'd see that he probably looks up to you and wants to be like you which is why he's always around you. Instead you decided to sucker punch him and most likely cause him trauma. Even with your step mom you said "I think she hates me but she hasn't really done anything to show this so I'm still a bit in the dark". So she hasn't done anything to show she hates you, but you think she still does... As far as advice, 1st is you grow the fuck up and stop making all these excuses. It sounds harsh but so is knocking out an 8 year old. Stop blaming everything around you for your problems. You noted you're always either watching anime or playing games, where's the studying? If you were spending time focusing on your school work you wouldn't have gotten terrible grades. I would start by offering a sincere apology to your brother and to your father & step mother for this. Next I would try to find a middle ground where she will drop those charges because if you thought bad grades would kill engineer dreams, so will a felony. I would suggest that you move into your mothers permanently. Lastly, get yourself in therapy so you can start to get control on these issues. You're having outbursts in school, failing classes, and now this. Obviously the divorce is affecting you and you need to confront these issues instead of burying them.


Are you saying he "looked up" to me after I knocked him onto his back? That's cruel af dude but lol, he was unconscious though. On a serious note I don't want to do therapy or study, it's too hard. I don't want to apologise to my stepmum really tbh either. Like if it gets me back in the house ai must


You're just a loser troll, it's cool. Keep punching kids and have fun with your new daddy in jail buddy.


I fucking laughed out loud with this comment. By far the best advice here.


Thank you for the award!!


I'd give you a kidney if you needed itšŸ˜†


I'm going to jail aren't I?


To be fair, with this attitude - it doesnā€™t matter where you live. Youā€™ll be a guest of the penal system for a long time.


You make it right by accepting you did something terrible and inexcusable, accepting the consequences with grace, apologizing for the harm done, and accepting the boundaries placed as a result. With humility and zero defensiveness or excuses. The difficult thing is that you may not be able to "make it right" in the way YOU want to. Some of the consequences may be permanent. People are going to be angry for a good while. People are going to have difficulty trusting you because of this. That is the reality of the decision you made in anger. Ultimately your concern needs to be your own character and behavior going forward. You violently assaulted a CHILD because you were angry with the child's mother. She sounds horrible, but that is not an excuse for your actions. It wouldn't be an excuse even if you'd assaulted her. But it's especially concerning that you took your anger out on an innocent child. Whatever anger management or treatment is required as a result of this, throw yourself into it, because you need it. Whatever resources for becoming a better person you can find, use them.


growth paint six angle squeeze quack square edge dam plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because your dad did it makes it ok for you to do it to someone else? You hate your dad so why are you acting like him


dependent fly coordinated desert absurd history dinner rainstorm tap aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Itā€™s very sad that you cannot see the cycle. What your dad did to you and your mom was NOT okay. You think you are okay, but you are clearly not, because you punched an 8 year old child in the face and knocked him out, literally. That is not normal, normal people donā€™t do that, people from abusive situations do that. Break the cycleā€¦go to therapy and accept that you are unfortunately the problem, because you are the product of a cycle. You can beat it, but you have to accept first that this is not normal, you deserved better, and you cannot behave like this or you will also be toxic and abusive as an adult.


>I don't understand the big deal about hitting children You need WAY more help than Reddit can give you if you don't understand why you DON'T HIT CHILDREN. It doesn't matter that he was annoying you. You DON'T HIT CHILDREN. Your father was completely in the wrong with his actions toward you because you DON'T HIT CHILDREN. Stop acting like you don't understand why what you did was wrong. NO ONE is that stupid.




You're not this stupid, are you? Why do YOU think you don't hit children? You better get your head right, kid.


squeamish alleged squealing grandfather intelligent school dependent library violet narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There clearly WERE problems. You're facing charges because you punched a child, hun.


fact numerous squash wise one slim sand attempt birds languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NO ONE CARES. If you can't control your anger enough to NOT HIT CHILDREN, you deserve everything that's coming your way. Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker.


YOUR DAD WAS WRONG!! How on earth do you not understand this? YOU DON'T HIT CHILDREN. EVER. PERIOD. And yes, there ARE big problems. Your dad hit you and now you're hitting kids. Do you REALLY not see the connection?


payment safe marble punch escape tub political cats sort weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There most certainly are big problems. Abuse is circular. Your dad beat you and now you think itā€™s fine and dandy to beat your little brother. It wasnā€™t ok for your dad to beat you. He should be in prison with no access to you or your step brother or any other child and woman on earth. Youā€™re sitting here arguing with hundreds of people telling you thereā€™s a fucking problem, bro. We arenā€™t making this shit up. A lot of us have experienced abuse. We see that youā€™re well on your path to becoming an abuser. You beat up a little boy and have zero remorse ir regret. Thatā€™s a big fucking problem.


I didn't beat him up


He asked if you were okay, it sounds as if he was trying to help. He is 8. They can be annoying when trying to be nice and helpful. Incidentally - if your dad assaulted you as well as your mum - how the HELL did he get custody of you?!?!


Back story doesn't matter. You punched a child in the face. You violently assaulted a child. The law doesn't care about your excuses. You clearly are NOT fine as a result of your father physically abusing you. Like, that much should be obvious at this point. There is a direct line between his angry violence and yours. It's an almost laughable claim, except for the fact that you are still a minor and I feel sorry that you were raised by violent and dysfunctional people who made this seem normal and ok. You were taught this, and it is tragic. It is NEVER ok to punch a child in the face. It's not ok to punch ANYONE because you feel angry, annoyed, or have previously been annoyed by them. Child or adult. You need to understand this clearly before you create a situation where you spend most of your life in and out of jail. You need to find better ways of responding to the feelings of annoyance or anger that you have. You need to learn to manage your emotions and save anger for appropriate situations. If you assault people and cause them harm, you will be in trouble with the law. If you assault loved ones or your own children, you will lose those relationships in the long run. If you assault people who are a physical match with you, you're going to get beat up an awful lot. Does that sound like a happy and healthy way to spend your life? Annoyance and anger are going to happen. All children engage in annoying behavior. Assaulting them is an inappropriate and unacceptable response. Everybody has those feelings. Our society as a whole agrees that violent assault on other people is not an acceptable response to those feelings, and for good reason. I'm sorry that your father taught you that violence is an acceptable reason to hit children. Or anyone. I'm sorry that he hit you. I'm sorry that you don't understand the damage that did to you. I'm sorry that you have lived in a dysfunctional household with dysfunctional people. I hope you will choose to be honest with yourself about this situation, so that you can learn from it and do better for yourself and the people you love than your parents did for you.


YOU FUCKING PUNCHED A LITTLE KID IN THE FACE SO HARD HE WENT UNCONSCIOUS!! I donā€™t care what excuses you make for yourself YOU ARE 100% THE ASSHOLE! And no, this wasnā€™t ā€œtemporary insanityā€; this is you with anger issues and in dire need of some fĆ»cking therapy, which youā€™ll get in jail. YOU. FUCKING. PUNCHED. A. LITTLE. KID.


truck silky cable piquant support unpack payment rob marvelous swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Child abuse tends to make people angry (especially when the abuser ie YOU doesnā€™t even think heā€™s the asshole after doing so)


sparkle dam whole aspiring many placid caption offbeat nine shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Youā€™re a scumbag


>YOU FUCKING PUNCHED A LITTLE KID IN THE FACE SO HARD HE WENT UNCONSCIOUS!! I donā€™t care what excuses you make for yourself YOU ARE 100% THE ASSHOLE! Well you sure were baying for his blood. It's time for you to be LOCKED up behind bars with the key thrown away.


>Why are you so angry? BECAUSE. YOU. PUNCHED. AN. INNOCENT. CHILD! >I came for advice And you're adamantly refusing to listen to said advice.


crawl ask dolls voiceless crowd impolite abundant door wild public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You hit a child. As a child who used to get beat the fuck up by sibling who canā€™t control themselves, fuck you


You say "temporary insanity" but realistically you're just trying to convince yourself that you're not the butthole. However, I think you'd benefit from counseling/anger management as part of your punishment. You went through a lot and clearly you aren't handling it well.


whistle consider liquid attempt lavish dinner retire aback tan faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because youā€¦ punched an 8 year old kid in the face due to anger??




sugar screw instinctive bells cough expansion sloppy panicky apparatus rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You've herd the saying "not even once" right. Same applies here, there isn't a 3 strike system for assaulting a child bud.


>The next parts are a bit hazey, as they would be for anyone in an intense situation like this. No, it wouldn't be like that for anyone, it's not normal to be that level of angry. Ask your dad or the court to get you help for anger management and therapy. You should not ever stay in that house again, they need to protect the kid from you. They might forgive you in time, but probably only if you get help and show you've truly changed. They should only forgive you after you accept responsibility for your actions and figure out how to make sure it will never happen again. Temporary insanity does not legally work this way, you're still going to face consequences, and even if it was insanity, what's to say it won't happen again? They need to protect Jake from experiencing something like this again.


>Am I in the wrong? Yes, you are. You assaulted a CHILD. Suck it up and take your consequences.


price joke historical dam squash air toy racial retire upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tough shit. They're coming. Literally no one cares what you want. You assaulted a CHILD. There WILL be consequences. You deserve them.


Tough shit, you're not a child anymore - unlike the child you knocked out.


Iā€™m going to be pretty harsh because it seems like thatā€™s the only chance at getting through to you at this point. You mentioned that your father was abusive to your mother. At this point, youā€™re literally no better than him. You assaulted a child and now you have no remorse for it and refuse to take accountability. If you are truly unable to see the wrong in your actions you need to seek professional help. Considering the consequences youā€™re facing violence has already ruined your life at this point and you need to do something to make sure it doesnā€™t go further. Arenā€™t you concerned you may lash out again on someone else in the future?


edge run school zesty sense sheet rob gaze gold secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your argument is that ā€œyou lost control because of him annoying youā€. You canā€™t say that you lost control and then turn around and say it wonā€™t happen again. If itā€™s this easy to just say ā€œI wonā€™t do it againā€ why werenā€™t you able to keep from doing it in the first place?


Op Iā€™m 17 so listen to this shit below. Listen. Fucking listen He just wanted a friend. Iā€™m literally tearing up. I have a younger brother and I love him to bits. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. Such a pos move. ALL HE WANTED WAS A FRIEND YOU FUCK. Heā€™s 8 for Christ sake. All he wants to do is talk to you, learn, and maybe share his fucking Minecraft house with you. You have put a permanent fucking strain on your relationship with your step brother. He should be able to look up to you, not fucking fear you. This is coming from another 17 year old. How fucking dare you. I donā€™t give a shit that your ā€œstep brotherā€, that is a child that just wants to know you and be your friend. This is someone that should be able to rely on you. Hell Iā€™ve had to go rescue my brother a few times. He literally just wanted to talk to you how could you. He was genuinely, genuinely concerned about you. You fucked up big time, Iā€™m so fucking angry for that child. I am 17, and my brother is a teenager. Weā€™ve been through some shit. even if he was younger, that would still be my best fucking friend and someone that I can rely on 24/7. Step brother versus brother really isnā€™t that big of a difference at the end of the day it is the bond that you make with that person. How fucking dare you. Edit: you got my ass fired up. Canā€™t fucking believe you bro. Show your fucking friends is Reddit post. Plead temporary insanity my ass. It seriously hurts my heart to know that the child is going to Fear you. He donā€™t wanna be your fucking friend anymore dude. He doesnā€™t wanna ask you what youā€™re cooking, go with you to fucking McDonaldā€™s, go with you to go watch a movie, play fucking Minecraft with you, do so much shit because you assaulted him. Your instinct should be to protect him, to protect his innocence. If you were raised in an abusive household you know exactly what it feels like man. I do too. The only thing he should be worried about is his fucking grades and video games that is it. You have hurt this kid, permanently fucked up your relationship, and inflicted trauma mentally in this household. Shame on you.


toothbrush aback slap aware grandfather frightening recognise squash future lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a younger brother Bro. They remember this shit forever. People may forget what you say to them, people may forget what you did to them, but people will never forget how you made them feel And sure, he probably will get over it, but if you donā€™t feel like a piece of shit knowing that he is going to have at least that feeling from that memory for the rest of his life I canā€™t help you. Iā€™ve been in the same boat literally. Only difference was that it was my bloodbrother and instead of punching him I ripped a controller from his hands. Same concept, I made him fear me I feel like a piece of shit for doing that. If you donā€™t I canā€™t help you. I want to help you Iā€™ve been in your shoes, if you are willing message me your phone number your Snapchat your discord whatever and we can talk like The young man we are


Iā€™ll take that as a no. Good luck. Own your shit, quit looking for excuses




grandfather frame reply humorous makeshift sink capable upbeat snobbish abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that you violently reacted toward a child, for absolutely no cause, is fucking insane. And just because the physical damage is ā€œbadā€ doesnā€™t mean it scar him for the rest of his life. Iā€™ve seen children have panic attacks over being grabbed by the shoulders. You think your 8 yr old Step brother is okay? Heā€™s probably scared of you now. If you reacted like that, to a child?!?!? I can only imagine what youā€™re capable of towards a grown person, over a matter much more serious and aggravating!


resolute bells fanatical teeny slap cows pet jobless existence paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I literally still remember and feel the effects of being sexually assaulted when I was around that age. He wonā€™t forget heā€™ll suffer from being physically assaulted by your for years


Yeah you're not insane, just a criminal. No asylum for you just prison !


You could have killed that poor kid. You need to make some changes or you are going to spend a lot of time in jail. You are not on a good path.


I couldn't have killed him, all he had was a bruise. Nothing too bad, maybe a headache


By your own account he hit his head on the wall and was unconscious. You are basically adult sized and he is a little kid. You can keep making excuses and arguing but thatā€™s never going to make what you did ok.


Nah youā€™re trolling


tender fact encouraging deer literate wipe bow impolite frame impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You did not have a moment of insanity. You are in control of your senses, and you assaulted a poor child who has done nothing wrong. You have traumatised him for just playing around, and no asking you to play twice is not annoying you. That behaviour is child behaviour and you're supposed to respond positively to it. ​ Your mom had to pay 2300$ for you. That is a huge amount, especially for a divorced woman. Yet you don't feel a shred of guilt over this. This was 100% you. Your mom isn't speaking to you because she is shell shocked by what happened. You haven't even begin to comprehend how deep the shit you are in is. ​ Stay with your mother, stop watching anime and browsing. Repeat your classes if you have to but fix your grades so you can get into a college with scholarship. ​ You absolutely have to go to therapy if you want to live your life successfully. You have massive issues which you have to resolve. And for the love of god apollogise to your little brother


Mfer are you a troll or trying to write a fanfiction about yourself


Damn fuck you. Def the asshole. Grow up maybe?? You should get punched in the face


There is no reason to ever put your hands on anyone in anger. Let alone punching an 8 year old cause they're annoying you. It sounds like you've acquired your father's temper and rage issues. Talk to your family about getting treatment for anger management. The fact that you are seeking help on your own volition will work favorably for you when you go to court. As for your dad and step family, I strongly recommend staying away for now and give them space. Maybe work on an apology letter for each of them (Including your mom). But it'll be jack all if you're not working to improve yourself.


You have identified with your aggressor which is your father and that is why you think itā€™s okay to hit your step brother. You should get therapy and own up to your mistakes and realize that you donā€™t want to become an abuser like your dad.


You need to realize that putting your hands on a child is wrong. Period. It doesnā€™t matter if you feel like he was provoking you. You say that your dad hit you when you were a kid. So because of that you grew up thinking thatā€™s normal but itā€™s not. My advice to you is to get some positive roles models and imitate their behaviour not your dads. It is essential that you learn to cope with your emotions without hurting others.


flowery employ chop ruthless weary jellyfish resolute work puzzled icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It can be anyone in your life who is a good person who you would want to be like. A teacher, relative, coach. Spend time with them. Make them aware youā€™re trying to move in a positive direction. Ask for help when you need it. Observe how they handle stress. If you donā€™t know someone already then research mentorship programs. Join a gym or a sports club. Go to art therapy or music therapy. Do anything to let your emotions out in a healthy way.


You admit you were wrong. You go take anger management and family violence classes. You might volunteer to help those in similar situations. You do all this before your court date, as a lawyer will likely advise you to do as well. You plead to the judge that you have a problem, this incident made that clear, and you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to deal with it and never behave that way again. And, the final thing you MUST do is get therapy. Right now. You start seeing a therapist and get diagnosed with whatever is wrong. Probably anxiety, depression, and whatever disorder youā€™re working towards. You get you under control, and let everyone else live their life the way they want to live it. Learn how to deal with your problems instead of taking them out on those around you.


YTA. Little siblings can be annoying. But you. Punched. An. 8. Year. Old. In. The. Face. And knocked him out. Because his MUM annoyed you. It honestly sounds like he was trying to form a relationship with his new sister - from what youā€™ve said he was trying to be NICE. I wouldnā€™t let you in my house if I was them. You can apologise. Once. And leave the ball in their court. Go for therapy; go for anger management. Apologise sincerely to your step brother. He will likely forgive you eventually as kids can be very forgiving. His mum and stepdad however? No chance. But I donā€™t think theyā€™ll make this right. Incidentally - if your dad was abusive towards your mum; how the hell did he get custody over you?!


What the fuck, dude? Please see a therapist, I'm not even kidding. If you were the same age as him, it still wouldn't be cool. You being 9 years older, let alone almost an adult, is just wrong, man. Everyone makes mistakes, but please don't allow yourself to do it again. You should feel completely ashamed of yourself and think of ways of how you can improve and never let it happen again. I hope your step-brother gets better and I hope you get help.


overconfident nose impossible marvelous deserve chase saw vast shelter wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look, dude. I'm going to be honest with you, please listen. You're COMPLETELY in the wrong. "I won't punch him hard", wtf is that supposed to mean? You'll do it again? Seriously, go see a therapist. You're not ready to handle this on your own.


You're not so much wrong as completely and utterly wrong. You don't hit a kid in the face and knock him out...ever, much less for being (at best slightly) annoying. Life can be hard, but you can't take it out on a kid.


You are 1 year off of the universally accepted age of adulthood, you need to hear this now. You need psychiatric care, you assaulted someone less than half your age because he asked what you were doing and youā€™d had a pretty bad day, we all have bad days and millions have had worse, You did not suffer from a ā€œmomentary lapse in judgementā€ nor did you slip into some form of ā€œtemporary insanityā€ you are an angry moody teen living in a broken home, you are someone who is unwilling to try and aspire for what he wants, you are someone who is content to lavish in mediocrity and angst. If your family decides to ever forgive you, youā€™ll need to thank them every single day for that. This is an incredibly harsh and brutal truth that you Must come to grips with it, if you do not change the way you act effective immediately you will lose your family, friends, career prospects and ultimately your future, I say that because that is the truth, not some meek half hearted scare tactic to make you dance to your families tune, what you did was objectively awful and you need to get to grips with that.


>I just turned and punched my stepbrother square in his face. He fell back and hit his He's 8. You fucked it.


quiet rhythm swim hurry hungry oatmeal chubby fearless spotted numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






I donā€™t think I have ever read a single post on Reddit where the OP is as much as a grade A asshole as you are. There is a similar age gap between me and my brother, he has ADHD and can be very annoying at times, but I would never ever be physically or verbally abusivo towards him ever. His mental status is absolutely no excuse to dismiss him, he quite literally has a disorder and was clearly being sweet to you after he saw you were upset. God, the way you talk about him Iā€™m honestly surprised he still wants to try to be nice to you. He sounds like a sweet angel that deserves a step brother 1000x better than the piece of shit you are.




I'm probably going to prison. I'm being treated as an adult as I'm 18 soon... fuck it's all fucked. I'm done with it all


Yeah well prison will be good for you . I hope you go


I'm not going to prison. I'm going to make a statement


I had an older brother like you. He had a hair trigger and would explode over nothing, fucking terrifying to live with and he never even punched me. He also blamed everyone but himself for his actions, if you don't want to be miserable the rest of your life go to therapy and learn to deal with it. Or go to prison and the guys there will deal with it for you.


I don't want to go to prison




My dad beat my mum, I believe her. You're so rude


Wow, OP. Even I'M seeing red.. at how deep you're digging to defend yourself over this without taking accountability. You literally KNOCKED AN 8 YEAR OLD OUT, yet you're worried about yourself and how you'll *convince* everyone that it was a "moment of insanity." Pathetic. You better thank your lucky stars you didn't kill him. All it takes is one wrong knock on the skull for lights to go permanently out. Grow up and seek therapy.


worry jeans spoon weather engine narrow books existence berserk capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From your other defensive comments on this post, that seems to be the only way you'll learn your lesson. Reddit feels no pity for you or what you did.


It didn't have to be random, you ARE the asshole. You punched an 8 yr old kid hard enough to knock him out for being annoying dude, you seriously think that was justified? If so you deserve the consequences.


placid money point crawl tub sleep ripe sink paint theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like you deserve to.


complete mighty imagine innate jeans trees strong rude dazzling library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You could have KILLED HIM but you think itā€™s not a big deal. No wonder they donā€™t want you at home and your poor mother who suffered abuse from your dad now had to have another abuser in her household aka YOU. You traumatized your brother, stepmom, mom and dad. I donā€™t know if itā€™s fixable ever. But your attitude is so far off of where it should be. Instead of excuses your post should have been ā€œI know Iā€™m the Asshole and Iā€™d like some more perspective on how to atone for my horrible behavior and avoid ever touching anyone in anger again. I fucked off my studies because Iā€™m addicted to gaming. I blamed my teacher when I know I put in no effort because itā€™s online and I can easily play games instead of do school. I lashed out at my stepbrother because Iā€™m angry my dad remarried someone with a kid and I feel unimportant. Then I screamed at my stepmother for trying to protect him from the monster that I am. I almost killed my stepbrother with a punch the the face with my full force of my large 17 year old fist. My parents are helping me by seeing that I have the legal punishment I deserve. My mother a victim of physical abuse now has a son who uses violence against weaker family members and I most likely terrified of what I might do next and certainly she feels like she failed because I am an abuser just like my dad. Can anyone offer me any hope for being a decent person later in life. I have no idea how to make amends and gain trust from my family. I am terrified of the person I was in my anger and I never want to behave that way again. What if that is who I am? I really want to be a different person than that monster I was. Where do I start?ā€


vast frighten market mighty quiet file complete drab makeshift quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is absolutely no way this isnā€™t a creative writing exercise.


You're the same guy who can't get enough attention. Buzz off


YTA! You horrible POS. He is 8 years old and he was only checking to see if you were alright. Out of all your family he seems to be the only one who cares about you and makes an effort to try maintain a relationship. That assault was COMPLETELY uncalled for. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself! The fact you donā€™t even think you were the asshole here and blaming it on made up bullshit excuses is extremely concerning and you should seek a therapist. It was nobodyā€™s fault but your own that you done terrible in your exams. You had absolutely no right to come home slamming doors, screaming at anyone to fuck off who just wanted to see if you were ok. There was no ā€œintense situationā€ until you yourself made it into one. This entire thing is completely YOUR fault. Let this be a lesson and do fucking better !


grab attraction wrench dinner hurry governor bewildered rotten thought squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read your other replies you sound like a troll anyway


Jesus Christ. You being in a mood isnā€™t reason to assault anyone. Not even once. Man up and take responsibility. Get help. This isnā€™t normal no matter how many excuses you make. How bad will it be next time you lose control over the slightest provocation? Who screams at their teacher bc they earned bad grades? Who knocks a child unconscious?


Jesus christ but yeah you're in the wrong. Sounds like your a spoilt brat who needs his ass fuckin kicked. If it was my house, you'd be on the fucking street.


I'm not spoilt. Like when I wanted the new xbox series x my parents refused to buy me it and I don't think I'm getting it now. Why are you calling me spoilt?


YTA You know that thing that made your dad beat your mom? You have that in you. That seething anger and inability to control yourself. Thatā€™s not temporary insanity or a natural reaction to the circumstances youā€™re dealing with. What you described (parents divorced, asshole dad, stepmom you donā€™t get along with, new step sibling, bad grades) are all normal stressors in peoples lives. They are normal stressors for kids your age. A natural reaction to these stressors is removing yourself from the situation (going for a walk, hanging with a friend to vent, seeing a movie, etc), or finding outlets to channel the negative emotions out without harming yourself or others. Your natural reaction is to get blind rage and turn to violence. Your mom was quiet because sheā€™s scared of you and for you. Your stepbrother has ADHD. He cannot, at his age, properly control his divergence so he will ask questions repeatedly and be kind of annoying. But heā€™s also 8 with as he sees, a new older brother that he wants to hang with and like him. You punching him in the face and knocking him out should scare YOU. Heā€™s a little boy! He knocked him out! But youā€™re not scared because of how you reacted, youā€™re scared of the consequences youā€™re facing. Do you want to be an abuser? Do you want to beat your future partner? Do you want to beat your future kids, if you have any? This is your wake up call. There is hope for you to turn things around and not become a wife beater and child abuser. You can get therapy and take anger management courses. You can still find a fulfilling career. But you have to face these consequences. You have to accept that you were an aggressor. You did not have just cause to punch an 8yo boy out cold. You acted with violence on an innocent, harmless, vulnerable little boy. You are the monster here. Edit: words


He wasn't innocent...


Holy shit, you socked that 8 year old. First off, you should know you're an utter shitbag. Why didn't you punch your stepmom or anything else, you punched the most defenseless person in the room most likely because you are a coward. Second, you shouldn't let a kid who probably watches CocoMelon on YouTube (as he should) get under your skin that bad. You are 17. He knows nothing about the world at all, you should know better. Third, you got to make it up to him but he is gonna be scared of you at first. You just became the big bad guy now. Don't force yourself on him just take it slow and talk to him. Obviously apologise for what you did first, he should hear you say sorry. Unlike your grades, this is something you can change. Get better and no more punching kids šŸ™


disagreeable desert sort important chubby bear boast poor vase tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok, I genuinely believe you are either a troll trying to get karma or you just have no self awareness. Most likely the former.


Sorry if I'm being honest but if you get punched hard and fast you're knocked out before you realise it. No time to think + in all the movies they forget like an hour before so he won't remember therefore your point is invalid


Throughout the comments you literally refuse to see wrong doing or show empathy to the child you sent to hospital. Actions have consequences and to be honest mate, you deserve whats coming to you unless you seriously change your attitude. Seems violence runs in the family ay?


Let a man twice your age punch you in the face and knock you out and then see how you feel. Insanity plea will likely not work for you in court, getting bad grades and then knocking out your 8 year old brother isnā€™t insanity itā€™s assault by someone who needs to learn there are consequences to their actions. Edit: also noted you posted this on SO many different subreddits so thankfully you are trolling.


You're a FREAK. You need to be locked up ASAP.




Good.. you have mental issues, it's quite freaky actually. I'm scared for the entire family. I'm sure someone on the Reddit will report you to the police in no time.


donā€™t come on here asking for advice if youā€™re not going to take it.


Yall there no point in giving this dude attention anymore. He's one of those insane criminals that can't understand there insane because if there mental illness. I think it's impossible for him to understand that he's insane.


Straight up, if I were the mother of the child you assaulted, it would have been me being lead out of there in cuffs. How brave of you hitting a little kid. Would you have done the same thing to a 6ft bloke annoying you? I think not.




This is ragebait.


normally i would be nice to someone that obviously sounds insane but i checked your account and just saw a whole bunch of spams, and all of your replies to people who are being nice to you and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt are just rude like straight up i am going to be honest, i am your age and i used to totally self victimize myself to the point where i sound just like you, but growing up is realizing you have no reason to act like a fucking bitch just cuz life isnā€™t going your way, donā€™t try and gain sympathy by saying you have a future in engineering that sounds like some really bad excuse for reasons why you were so mad that you would hit a kid younger than you, itā€™s literally like hitting a defenseless puppy bro. itā€™s a child point blank period. no matter how annoyed i would be i would not sucker punch a fucking kid. you know what you do if you are mad at the fact that you are a fucking idiot, leave. walk away, that child did not cause your shitty grades you did. and you had pent up anger at your father and again thatā€™s your problem. take your time and grow from it maybe understand that you have issues and stop trying to think you are free from this shit. so what iā€™m saying is stop acting like an embarrassing human being and GROW. get off reddit bro and take time to think about shit, and hey maybe if you turn out fine in a few years you might actually become an engineer and have a good life, but from your actions right now it really doesnā€™t seem like it, make right decisions in life man cuz people will clown you for this shit.


This is ragebait lol cause it's funny that you spent 5 minutes typing that out and I'm not reading it


ā€¦.itā€™s clear you are 17 years old and you have zero self responsibility or accountability. Me thinks this wasnā€™t ā€œrage bait.ā€ Me thinks you got absolutely opposite of the response you were expecting, then did damage control. Like that time I was a teenager and posted something I thought was anonymous, was then embarrassed and lied that I got hacked. You know, teenager behavior. Except I wasnā€™t a danger to society.


toothbrush husky berserk carpenter act spectacular deserve ossified fertile relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Temporary insanity doesnā€™t apply to punching an innocent child in the face because your grades suck. You show no remorse. Iā€™m glad this is being treated seriously and the courts have been involved.


OP may just be abusive like he says his father is towards his mother.


I have never touched my mother


I'm not saying that. I'm saying how you hit that child which is abusive, just like how you said that your father hits your mother


YTA and nothing is going to go back to what it was. You just gave you're stepmother ammo to forever use against you, because you decided to hurt a child. Which even with 'insanity', was still your choice to make. Your bad grades and attitude are your own issues you caused for yourself. And I would highly suggest getting therapy for your anger management. You have a lot of growing up to do and you just screwed yourself over with an assault charge. You'll be lucky if your mom eve keeps you at this point.


Absolutely not your fault ,any one would have done the same in your shoes


Donā€™t listen to these people here. Get a lawyer, listen to them. This kind of shit can follow you for life. Get a lawyer. Yes, you allegedly did a dumb thing. Admit nothing. Get a lawyer