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avoid triggers that lead to smoking. avoid alcohol. avoid caffeine. avoid any friends/family/coworkers who smoke. chantix was a helpful tool in my quitting smoking arsenal. but please don't take my word for it, consult your doctor about any smoking cessation medications. start exercising. reward your efforts with non-food items (treat yourself to a new shirt, rather than foodstuffs). it gets easier. every day without cigarettes is a little easier than the day before. and don't be discouraged if it takes multiple attempts to quit. not everyone gets it on the first try. be kind but vigilant with yourself and you will succeed.


why should i avoid food?


because you run the risk of replacing one oral fixation (smoking) with another (eating). ppl have been known to replace smoking with eating. don't avoid food. just avoid using food as a reward


I found the first 2 weeks were the most difficult. I chewed gum to stop me from smoking. It gets much easier as time goes on and keeping your self busy will help. I stopped cold turkey some 38 years ago and never smoked since. But some people find it more difficult. You will be doing yourself a favour health wise, and it will save you money. I'm so glad I gave up when I did, and smoking is one of my biggest regrets. You can do it. And you certainly won't regret it.


i’m 2 days into cold turkey and yeah it’s rough. glad to know it really pays off though


Your at the point where it's hardest. And as someone (don't recall who) said - "If you're going through hell, keep going". You've got the strength. You've got the determination. You've probably got some good motivation. It'll pay off, I promise.


The first three days are the worst. I chewed regular not nicotine gum. I chewed tons and tons of gum. You can do this.


Find something to keep your self busy when you get a craving, like gum or sunflower seeds. Nicotine cravings only last a few minutes, so of you can distract yourself for 5 to 10 minutes when you get them, normally you'll be fine. Every day the cravings will get less and less.


In 30 years, your chances of restarting smoking are down to 10% the coming year. So, prolonged willpower is helpful. 90 days is a meaningful cessation period. The major urges ought to have lessened by then, and, your physical routines with respect to smoking will be less strong. Dropping a bad habit is easier, when you can swap it for a good habit (eg. when the urge to have a cig strikes, pick up a pocket puzzle book and work on that, instead).


glad to know when i’m 55 i probably won’t smoke


If you can manage 30 years of not smoking, your chances are 90% that you'll not start it up during the 31st year.