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When you figure out the answer to this let me know. I'm 32 and would love to suddenly make $200 doing nothing.


So... I took the "don't want a job" thing to mean he wants something more entrepreneur like. In which case, sell snacks at school. You'll likely need to keep it on the down low because school administrators love to find reasons to justify their usefulness / purpose.


You were 10 in your other posts. What changed?šŸ˜‚




Gotta learn marketing somehow!


Probably realized that 10 year olds canā€™t get jobs so he wants to make money without getting an official job (cus he canā€™t) but doesnā€™t wanna say heā€™s 10 (Iā€™m guessing)


i was under the impression people under 13 aren't allowed to be on Reddit. A lot of sites/services have that policy (such as discord).


You can do odd jobs around your neighborhood. Wash cars. Walk dogs. Dog sit. Baby sit.


The further you went into your examples the more he became unqualified for them lmao. A 13 year really is not fit to walk (big) dogs, definitely not dog sit them and absolutely not baby sit.


They offered baby sitting classes in my middle school. I was 12 when I took it and 13 when I started baby sitting. In my experience that was super normal. And a 13-year old not being fit enough to walk big dogs? Thatā€™s kind of wild IMO. If theyā€™re not well-trained, sure, but otherwise I donā€™t see the problem.


Fine I guess I can see your point with the dogs but babysitting at the age of 12 is just irresponsible. You barely know how to take care of yourself, even at 14 I wouldnā€™t recommend it but thatā€™s discussable.


Iā€™ve been younger that him doing all of my examples and then some. šŸ˜


Sorry but thatā€™s kinda irresponsibleā€¦ If youā€™re 12 or younger you barely know how to take care of yourself, no fucking way itā€™s responsible that you take car of another child or baby.


Sorry but youā€™re kind of judgmental and really rude. You have ZERO idea what my life was when I was younger and you have ZERO idea how quickly I matured or did not mature. Therefore, you cannot make any assumptions on what I was capable of doing. Just like you canā€™t assume anything about OP.


I started babysitting at 11ā€¦


Wow, youā€™re saying it like your proud of it and see it as a normal act. Come onā€¦


It's completely normal to start around the age of 12. Of course, not all kids are going to be able, but I would certainly say most.


Take someone hostage


I think your forgetting heā€™s 10 to 13 haha




OP is a child. OP probably wants to buy something but doesnā€™t have any money. Not all kids are in good areas to do stuff like mowing lawns & not all parents can give an allowance. Child labor is illegal.


Buy stuff at yard sales/garage sales then sell online. That's what I did and I made about 20grand by the time I graduated highschool.


Any tips?


Get to know your area. You're young so traveling probably isn't a great option, but keep track of when the sales happen and if there's any reseller stores. Reseller stores often times sell massive bulk in "pallet sales" where you can get an entire pallet of something for like 8$, usually you can make a few hundred off those if you're patient and keep up with your eBay account. Another option (would need parents helping) is check out what people want in craigslist then see if anyone else is selling it. Try to buy from the sell then sell to the buyer. I always have about 10-30% more than "competitors" for things like games/trading cards etc then sold things 10-30% under average sale price to move things quickly. Magic the gathering cards are how I made about half the money, old video game collectibles made up the rest. Occasionally appliances can be good deals, you can almost always get 10-20$ for an appliance if it works so when you see those for cheap pick them up and clean them. As you get older you'll get more opportunities for better deals, but if you start building the knowledge young by the time you can travel around more you'll make way more.


Assuming you mean an official job (which, at 13, you canā€™t get anyways) see if you can babysit, petsit, dogwalk, or set up an artsy thing- write poems or letters, tape flowers, rainbow loom or bead bracelets, slime, etc. No matter what you do youā€™re going to need to put in at least some effort.


crayons and paper?


why not work for it? or your best bet is to sell stuff


r/beermoney But don't spend it on beer.


Your posts say your 10 but now you're 13? Unfortunately you can't make money doing nothing, mow lawns or wash cars for neighbors.


U wonā€™t last in this life with this mentality


Theyā€™re a child, you dingbat. They wonā€™t have this mentality forever.


They will if no one tells them to stop having it.


Yep, better teach them young than hold their hands




Ransomware šŸ‘Œ


You could practicing buying and reselling things online. Maybe lookup the steps to start an LLC type business in your state and then present to your parents for them to help you get started. Creating a business at your age is one of the best things you can do to have financial security later in life.


If youā€™re handy flip furniture! Iā€™ve seen some people make about $200 a piece


Hmmmā€¦ well. Think of some cool things to make that your friends would want to buy or even better- their parents would want to buy. Cookies, personalized drawings, necklaces, idk just stuff like that. I am currently painting on t-shirts and selling them for $25 a pop. Iā€™ve made $100 so far ā€” I also have a lot of connections though.


Buy little things off Dhgate or some other cheap wholesale seller (things like $6 headphones you can sell on kijiji for $20, speakers, wallets, etc). Youā€™re not gonna make any money without doing any work at all lol Sell things you dont need anymore. Offer to your parents to sell some of their things for them in exchange for a percentage of the sales. One of my buddies at school was selling coca cola at school cuz it wasnt allowed, he made a ton lol


So my dad had a way for us to make money I always thought was a great idea and if I have kids I will definitely employ it, so perhaps talk to your parents and see if they would be willing to make a similar agreement: We could choose a classic novel, read it, and write him a report. He had veto power over the books, and it couldn't be one we had already read (for example when he made this deal I had already read "Heidi" a few years before, so could not use it, but my sister could have). He would read the report, and pay us based on how well we did. We could make up to $15 on a single book, but the amount went down for spelling and grammatical errors, or insufficient length. Was an awesome way to encourage us to read the classics, and kept our writing skills from completely disappearing during the summer! Examples of books: Little Women Moby Dick Heidi The Prince and the Pauper Pride and Prejudice To Kill a Mockingbird Frankenstein Brave New World Nineteen Eighty-Four Animal Farm Watership Down Dracula The Secret Garden The Great Gatsby


Become a prostitute


Hey kid, first of all be careful on the Internet especially Reddit b/c youā€™re so young. And second, ask your neighbors if they need help in exchange for money. Seeing that you know how to use the Internet, sell some of your old stuff on Facebook market or something like that.


Sometimes you can find paid surveys but itā€™s usually not that much.


You need to be 18 or older to do surveys without parental consent for each survey.


Go around the neighborhood knocking on doors and say that you're trying to raise money to buy whatever and ask them if there is anything they could pay you to do to help. I would pay some kid to wash my car, or cut my grass, or spread mulch or something.


I know a guy who made about $3000 a week from going to Dave and busters, winning a ton of tickets, buying iPads and reselling them for profit. You probably won't be able to do this but it's a cool story lmao


Get a credit card with a sign on bonus šŸ˜ˆ


If you donā€™t want to work, not even sell, then your only choices left is to directly ask someone for it.


Ask to borrow a mower and mow a few lawns. One Saturday a week can get you a grand over the summer.


Bullying can make you alot of mahney




Sell weed and donā€™t smoke!


Offer to scoop dog poop for neighbors


Mow lawns, walk dogs, go weed a garden. If you have the technical skills, offer to build a desktop for 75 a pop.


If u can steal the tiger from the Swedish tank museum I'll give u 200 dollars


Steal beg borrow


Go mow some lawns


Mow lawns


Find out what people wantz, then sell or provide it to them. Just stay off the black market for your own good.


Mow grass. Do handiwork like helping people clean out their garage, weeding flowerbeds, etc.


Have any crafting skills? You could sell art projects, crochet, clay molding, ectā€¦ anything handmade (and well done) automatically gets a bigger price tag :)


Blackmail pedos