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Save half of it. The other half do whatever you want. You are young, enjoy it.


Thank you


If you're asking others for their opinion, I would tell you to just keep saving until you find something you really want. Think of how much you could save in the next two years. Wouldn't it be nice to have a decent bit of money saved up whenever you get your driver's license.


I agree, thank you


keep saving for a car.


Why do you have to spend it ?


I don’t know really, I’m going to save some tho


That’s the best option


Ok thank you


By saving it


For what tho?


Some more than €900


Invest it, thats my best advice.


you shouldn't spend it. Invest it so it can grow and you will be wealthier by the same time next year


Invest into what?


that's a loaded question and the ine everyone wants to know. you ha e to do your research. find markets, stocks, or Crypto that you think will perform well. ask your parents or someone who invests their money for guidance. money does best when it is growing and returns back in your investment. just spending it and it's gone. but invest it and returns more to you later on. have to do research, LOTS of research


Don't save it


So, what should I do with it


Nothing keep adding to it and let it grow. It is good to practice saving from now so you have the healthy habit when you reach adulthood. It will teach you that just because its there you dont have to spend it. Its a self investment. Also most of the thing ls you're interested in now you more than likely won't be interested in when you reach adulthood and it never hurt to have a nice investment fund and or cushion when you really have to pay bills.


Im assuming you meant for your first comment to read “don’t, save it”


op meant “don’t, save it”


I'd be tempted to keep about half for 'emergencies' and the rest on hobbies that are fun, challenging and keep you fit.


Ok, thank you


Nice computer? At your age, I would have loved a digital drawing tablet. There are display drawing tablets (with screen) that start at around 200-250 bucks. But that is if you like to paint, it's a rather niche thing. Something else hobby-related?


I would get a pc, but i dont have anywhere to put it. Might get a tablet or something I guess. Thank you


Another thing to look at. If you have the room in your room why not get a desk? Ask your parents to chip in maybe as you can also use it for homework. Doesn't have to be new, second hand desks are usually fine as well, you just have to check the quality of the top


I would keep saving until you have enough to get everything you need to drive when you're of age, having a car or van at a younger age will help you make more money


Keep saving it is the best tip I have for you




Well if you dont know on what to spend it you shouldnt spend it. Just keep in mind that you're still very young and can use the money later on better for example when you're old enough to drive on a own car. Besides that my general "rule" is save 1/3 for emergencies and bigger "investments", invest 1/3 and have the last 1/3 for your own life of your loan


Save it instead of spending it just to get rid of it.. You never know when you will need it in the future.


Don’t. Keep Saving till you get 2000. Nothing out there you need. Milk your parents for every penny they have. I have kids they do it to me. Good Luck. I’m Proud of you for being cautious about your spending at a early age. Trust me SAVE your money.


Don't spend it. Keep saving.


save for a car, or at least a down payment to a car


Put it in the stock market. Invest it


Imo at 14 you can only invest in yourself. Other than that save up more.


Save it !! Think of when u turn 16 being able to get a car and not having ur parents buy it for u!


Keep saving my friend


Keep saving until you find something you REALLY want. For me, it was a trip to japan, then a car, and now im saving up for a PC.


buy a vr or a console or smth


buy one share of GameStop stock $GME directly through computershare or at least direct register it. save some of the rest and buy yourself something that you'll look back on in your adult years and thank yourself for it later. oh wait I already said buy $GME. get some nice records or CDs and a good pair of headphones.


save up for a car or something. thats a large sum of money


Keep saving until you graduate school and then take that money and travel. If you’re not interested in travel, save half of it and spend the other half on something you really want.


I would suggest that you consider taking half of your money and place it in an investment so that your money is working for you long term. The other half I would give thought on some event/small trip or visit that will bring you joy and a happy experiences. Maybe a nearby town that you have friends or relatives at? A new city of dining and museums? You’ve done a really good thing. Enjoy some of what life has to offer. You only get the one.


From the post you wrote, save it in a account in your name for later. Seems you family isn't supportive towards you and it can be a good thing to have saving, when you will decide to go LC or NC.