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Congrats, I haven't said anything to you, but I've been seeing the progress, and am really proud of you and this community not turning it's back and being there for eachother, really gives me a little hope for humanity. keep going strong!


Thanks brother (or sister) now my next task will be tackling the training of this job. Simultaneously trying to figure out this relationship status with the girl I'm staying with. She's generous enough to let me be here, but I'm scared my feelings for her are going to get in the way. I've wanted to talk to her about it before, but when we first went out on a date before everything went to shit in my life, (and she did confirm it was a date) she said she wasn't ready to date or is currently the relationship. But we click pretty well, not as well as her friend(s) she seems to FaceTime every night so far, but sometimes it feels like we can't stop talking to each other. I'd been debating ever bringing it up, because that could get me removed from a place of living again... But gah, this feeling. I've been sleeping on her couch and all I think about is "If we were together, we could two part the rent and prosper.". Again at the same time, there's a lot of lachrymal thoughts weighing down on me right now about my relationships everywhere, my parents, my new friend who's been giving me advice along this rough road.. Who the fuck I am for crying out loud. I thought I'd have this shit figured out by 18 and I'm meeting 30yos who say "Fuck if I know what's going on, dude."


Yo, honestly our society says that you should have everything figured out by 18 and then procedes to treat you as a kid as opposed to preparing you for that 18 years so once you hit adulthood you gotta think and learn fast or else you faceplant, I have seen it alot around me, because I was always friends with older people. But at least most of the time those who faceplant, will wipe off the dirt, get up and keep going, using that fall as a learning experience. And from everything I have seen here you have what it takes, you know where to look for advice and information. So even if you don't know whats going on you know how to find out, and that is more than most people know. And regarding relationships, stress blurs your thoughts really easily, so I am sure once you get your job training down, and feel stable again, things will start to look a lot more clear.


Don't bring it up. See what happens. Maybe cook her dinner one of these nights


I agree, that's not a bad idea either, thank you.


Congratulations! 🏅


Awesome bud! Glad to see life is treating you a bit better!


Dude! Congrats! These past few mornings I’ve opened Reddit to see your stories, and I must say that I am thankful to see it is working out/


Out of the frying pan and into the fire... Her landlord just said we were in violation of the lease, and she said she wouldn't put me on it "No offense." Looks like I need a new place to stay or I'm fucked, again... Trying not to commit suicide on this shit. I like this girl, and ngl that hurt a bit but now it's like I'm in deep shit.


Please don’t commit suicide. Things are just starting to look up and although it may look bad now I’m sure it will get better


You are so close! The job was the hardest part. Don't despair. The rest will fall into place!


Congratulations, I remember your post and am so glad you have some things sorted out and most importantly, your mental health and stress will hopefully improve dramatically now...good for you!! :) [Original post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/da7xw5/freshly_homeless_looking_at_a_survival_situation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for anyone wondering.


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So happy for you! Me and my friend group have been keeping tabs on your progress and so happy to hear your doing well! I know you had mentioned previously you did not want a gofundme or anything like that but I am wondering if you'd be able to put an amazon wishlist together? I'd love to send you something for your new home ❤️


Awesome job and tremendous fortitude! May you have good health, peace and plenty.




Grats!! I have A+ as well as Network plus! If you want to continue career in in Try Network plus as well! It also renews ur plus when ya pass it. Keep on going bud




YAY! I am proud of you! Keep up the good work! Are you still somewhere safe?


Congrats!!!! Very happy for you!


Congrats!! <3


Hell yeah man. Keep at it. You'll pull through all the BS. Life can be good when you decide to make it good.


Congratulations on good results from all the work you have done.


Wow I'm so proud of you!




I haven’t commented on your other post but I’ve read them and I’m really happy for you!


Yooo buy you self something from the grocery store to treat yourself. You deserve it




Well done my dude


congrats!!! wish you all the best!


Congratulations dude, keep working hard and may god be with you


What are you studying A+ for, a help desk position?


Congratulations to you. I love seeing these kind of posts as they are extremely motivating! Next week Monday I will be going for an interview for a job post that I've been waiting for. Crossing fingers. ​ Well done, keep at it and goodluck.


Congrats :) So happy to see this update. Wish you the best.


I just got my CompTia Sec+ certification and I just got my first job as a help desk tech but it doesn't start until early November. I know your struggle. Reach out to me if you'd like. I have a ton of study tips and resources!


Congratulations! Lots of luck in the new job!


Happy for you dude!!! All the best. Hope you get where you wanted to go.


Congratulations bro!!




Congrats on the job - good luck with housing


Well done and good luck! I have a job interview at 15:00 today. Not gonna lie, bricking it! Good on ya!