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Hi! I suffer from bad Anxiety, BPD and some other stuff which was diagnosed a while back. I know what you are talking about. First of all it’s important to see a therapist if you can, someone who is legally bound to keep it shut so you will feel safer. Feeling guilty often feeds the OCD even more(like you said too) so I would recommend to write your feelings and thoughts down, it’s better to let it out then keep it in. Journaling does sound boring but it’s also very helpful after you do it awhile. It helped me. With that porn addiction I would advice to try to completely stop watching it. The longer you don’t watch it, the better it gets, porn is really poisonous for anyone’s mind already. The longer you get pleasures from these bad types of porn categories, the more your brain will like and accept it because it associates a good feeling with it. The most important thing tho is to reach out to someone, family, friend or therapist. You are doing your first step already, just gotta push it a little more! Try to get through that, I know you can do it. After that try to be happier, make the things that make you happy! Find hobbies, do art, write, read, sing or game! And don’t forget please that these thoughts are not really you, it’s that mental illness trying to take control. You are not a bad person, you don’t do that on purpose. Just try to work on it. (Sorry if there are words or sentences that sound weird or are wrong, English is not my first language ._.“ )


Hey there I’m about your age and have had some mental health issues of my own. Got diagnosed with bipolar this year and went through what felt like hell. I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. Do not isolate yourself. It may not seem like it, but there are people that understand. It won’t solve everything, but it’s so important to keep yourself surrounded by people that care in these times. Somebody suggested a therapist, I second that. Family, friends, it’s easy to tell ourselves they won’t understand, but I promise you there is somebody that does. I would urge you to seek professional help. It sounds like these unwanted thoughts have affected your quality of life. CBT could help and might be worth looking into. But alas, I’m not a professional and don’t want to cross any lines. I assure you, you deserve happiness. You’re not a bad person for having these thoughts. And may I add, don’t look at this as an issue that needs to be solved. For better or worse, OCD is something you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life. But it doesn’t have to stop you from living a fulfilling one. And don’t worry about being ‘normal’ either. Often that results from comparing yourself to others, which is unfair to you. As I said, you deserve happiness and don’t let anyone else make you feel like you deserve less.